Copy Array Content To Arraylist

Apr 27, 2015

I have a text file which contains to integer values I need to retrieve for each item (total of 56 items in the file). One is an item number, the other the weight ("Item: " + number + "Weight: " + weight). I am trying to build an array list that will add each set of data to it. I know that when I add the item array to the arraylist it is storing the array variable and not its contents, so is there a way to easily copy that data array to the array list?

ArrayList newInventory = new ArrayList();
int[] item = new int[2];
while(sc.hasNext()) {
String itemVal = br.readLine();
if(sc.hasNextInt()) {

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Copy ArrayList Object Into Array

May 29, 2014

package com.practice;
public class Car {
private String name; //name of the car
private String modelName; //Name of the model
private int year; //The year car was made in
private int speed=0;

[Code] ...

It wont let me copy it into a array is there any solution to this.

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How To Print Stored Content When Using ArrayList

Oct 5, 2014

I have a main class AddressBook where I use ArrayList<Contact> addressBook = new ArrayList<>(); to add information such as name and phone numbers in my Contact class. How do I go about accessing all the information (names, and phone numbers) that is stored in my Contact class? What happens when I print it out is it only prints out the last input of name and phone number and not the entire collection of names and phone numbers. How do I print out the contents of ArrayList?

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How To Copy Elements Of One Array Into Another

Mar 29, 2015

I have two arrays

private ReservedBook[] reservedBooks;
private LibrarySystem[] libraryBooks;

The library array has two books and I want to copy one of them to the reserved books when you type in the ISBN

public void borrowBook(String ISBN)
int i = 0;
if(numberOfBooks < MAX_BOOKS-1)
reservedBooks[i] = libraryBooks[i];
else System.out.println("There is no such book");
else System.out.println("You have reached the maximum number of allowed books");

It shows me error: incompatible types - LibrarySystem cannot be converted into ReservedBook. How can I fix it?

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Error In Array Value Copy

Aug 6, 2014

I am trying to copy all odd value of an array in one array and all even value in another array

this what i have try to so far

private static void arrayOperation(int[] a) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
int n=a.length;
int odd_value[] = {};


But i am getting error

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Copy Specific Array Data?

Dec 4, 2014

if there was a way to copy specific array info into a temp array with more concise code?

This is the code I have for instance:

tempList[0] =[2];
tempList[1] =[5];
tempList[2] =[8];
tempList[3] =[6];
tempList[4] =[7];
tempList[5] =[8];

But isn't there any way I could just condense it to be like:

tempList[0,1,2] =[2,5,8];

It would save me from 72 lines of code down to 24 if I could rock it all on one line.

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How To Copy 5x5 Array Into 6x6 And Store New Value To Take Up Sixth Position

May 5, 2015

I want to take my 5x5 array that reads data from a file, add the rows and columns, then print out a new 6x6 array with those values. Here is my code that shows I understand everything except this.

import java.util.*;
public class prog470cAddingRandC
public static void main (String [] args)
//read the file
Scanner inFile=null;
[Code] ....

I was told in a previous question to make the starting array 6x6 but that is not working. How do I take sum1 and sum2 and store that along with the values of the old array and print it?

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How To Use ArrayList With Array

Jun 2, 2014

Something like ArrayList<Object>[] = new ArrayList<Object>[]();

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How To Use Array Instead Of ArrayList

Apr 3, 2014

I'm making a program for my class's chapter on classes. I need to make a program that makes a grocery list using an array. Here's the assignment from the book.

Write a class named GroceryList that represents a list of items to buy from the market, and another class named
GroceryItemOrder that represents a request to purchase a particular item in a given quantity (example: four boxes
of cookies). The GroceryList class should use an array field to store the grocery items and to keep track of its size
(number of items in the list so far). Assume that a grocery list will have no more than 10 items. A GroceryList
object should have the following methods:

public GroceryList()
Constructs a new empty grocery list.
public void add(GroceryItemOrder item)
Adds the given item order to this list if the list has fewer than 10 items.
public double getTotalCost()
Returns the total sum cost of all grocery item orders in this list.

The GroceryItemOrder class should store an item quantity and a price per unit. A GroceryItemOrder object
should have the following methods:

public GroceryItemOrder(String name, int quantity, double pricePerUnit)
Constructs an item order to purchase the item with the given name, in the given quantity, which costs the given price
per unit.
public double getCost()
Returns the total cost of this item in its given quantity. For example, four boxes of cookies that cost 2.30 per unit
have a total cost of 9.20.
public void setQuantity(int quantity)
Sets this grocery item’s quantity to be the given value.

I have the assignment mostly done, but the JUnit test case our teacher gave us to test it tests add() an array instead of an array list. For this reason, I need to change my program to use an array. My code is below.

import java.util.*;
public class GroceryList {
private ArrayList<GroceryItemOrder> list;
int num;
public GroceryList() {
list = new ArrayList<GroceryItemOrder>(10);

[Code] .....

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Cast 2D Array To ArrayList

Jan 23, 2014

I ve got a 2d array and I want to cast it in an 2d arraylist. I ve create a function that cast an array to arraylist. My problem arises, when I tried to parse the whole 2d matrix to the arraylist. I use the following code:

Java Code: double sums[][] = computeSums(lab, projections);
ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>> lists = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>>();
ArrayList<Double> nu = new ArrayList<Double>();
for (int i = 0; i < sums.length; i++) {

ArrayList<Double> tt = toList(sums[i], nu);
} mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

The problem is that only the first matrix sums[0] is copied to the 2d arraylist sums.length times. How is is possible to store all the different sums matrices to the arraylist??

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Adding Element From Arraylist To Array

Sep 11, 2014

So I'm trying to write a method which returns the number of vowel characters in arraylist. My idea is to convert the arraylist element by element to array each time iterating through the array counting the vowels of that element. When I started I immediately got an error(surprise, surprise). Excuse me if the problem is too simple, but I am very new to programming.

At line 9 I get the following error "Type mismatch: cannot convert from String to int". I want to get the element at this position, not to convert to int..

ublic class One {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ArrayList<String> bla = new ArrayList<String>();
public static ArrayList<String> averageVowels (ArrayList<String> list){
String[] arrListWord = list.toArray(new String[list.get(0)]);
return list;

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Creating ArrayList And Adding Item To Array

Nov 27, 2014

Creating an Arraylist and adding item to that array, refer below code

ArrayList<String> sjarr = new ArrayList<String>();

String arritem1 = new String("First array item");

String num = "text will decide";

Both adds the String item to array list but puzzling what makes the difference....

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Add JPanels To ArrayList To Form Grid Like 2D Array

Sep 10, 2014

i am to add jpanels to an arraylist such that it forms a grid like a 2d array. when i add the first colunm and have to iterate and store the next sequence of jpanels it still stores it in get(0), instead of get(1).

[/ temp.add(jPanel9);


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ArrayList - Scan Array For Largest Number

Mar 24, 2014

I need to create a program that uses ArrayList to store integers the user inputs, then scan the array for the largest number. I would also like the user to be able to exit this loop if the number 0 is entered.

As you can see below, I'm not sure how to correctly exit the do-while loop. I found this on another forum, but it does not work.

Java Code:

import java.util.*;
public class array {
public static void main(String [] args){
ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();

[Code] ....

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How To Randomly Assign Specific Values In Array Or ArrayList

Apr 3, 2015

I'm trying to build a monopoly like game, and atm I'm trying to find way how to build the Community and Chance chest cards. so far, my logic is

1-create an ArrayList of cards with a given order

2-for a given number of times(for loop) generate 2 random numbers ,which will be the parameters for Collection.swap().


here's the code for the shuffler Button

shuffler.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
for(int i=0;i<shuffeledMessages.length;i++){
int randoma=(int)(Math.random()*4);
int randomb=(int)(Math.random()*4);

For now things seem to work pretty ok, but I'm wondering if this is a good and efficient way to shuffle a card chest especially in case of large number of cards. plus, I'm not sure what would be a good loop count for effective shuffling, in my case I used i<arraylist.size

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File Reading Values To Draw Image (java Graphics DrawString / ArrayList / Array)

Sep 13, 2014

//compiler error I'm receiving
J:CS3Student Folder Review Lab error: cannot find symbol


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Copy A Exe File From One Location To Another?

Aug 1, 2014

I'm trying to copy a exe file from one location to another. It seems simple, but I have failed to find anything about it besides coping the contents in txt files, but that does nothing for executable.

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Copy File With Name And Timestamp?

Jun 8, 2014

I read and then copy files into a subfolder, and I need to rename the file names by adding the timestamp to the file name, for example like: "filename1_25.06.14_15:00:00.txt". How can I do that? Here is what I have:

public class Table_data {
static String files = null;
static List<O> l= new ArrayList<O>();


is it right what i tryed, because i get nothing with timestamp in file after running this.

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Complicated Data Copy

Jun 14, 2014

Disaster has struck some of ACME's redundant data centers. The administrators have managed to restore backups, but some data sets are still missing from some data centers. Fortunately, every data set can be found at least once in one or more of the data centers. However, before ACME can resume normal operations, it needs to ensure that each data center has a copy of every data set.Your goal is to ACME resume normal operations by writing a program to synchronize data sets between data centers using as few copies as possible.

The first line of input will contain an integer between 0 and 999999 inclusive, representing the number of data centers.Following that will be one line of input for each data center. Each line will contain an integer from 0 to 299 representing the number of data sets at that data center, followed by a space and space-separated list of data set ids currently present at that data center. Data set ids are each an integer between 1 and 999999, inclusive. Each line will be at most 999 characters long.Data set ids are not necessarily consecutive. The list of data sets will not be in any particular order.

Output:The program must output an optimal data set copy strategy to ensure that every data center has a copy of every data set. Output one line for every copy instruction.A copy instruction is of the form <data-set-id> <from> <to>, where <data-set-id> is the data set id, <from> is the index of the data center the data set will be copied from (1 = the first data center), and <to> is the index of the data center to copy the data set to.When there are no more copy instructions, the program must output the word "done" on a line by itself. There is often more than one correct output with minimal number of operations for a given input, and any output that satisfies the requirements is valid.

Example 1:
3 1 3 4
3 1 2 3
2 1 3
3 1 4 2
One Possible Correct Output:
2 2 1
4 1 2
2 2 3
4 4 3
3 1 4

Example 2:
2 1 2
2 2 1

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How To Do A Deep Copy Of Objects That Contain References

Mar 21, 2014

how to do a deep copy of objects that contain references. I am specifically wanting to make a deep copy of a tree. Logically, each tree node contain references to its children nodes. Here is the basics of my node class

public class BSTNode implements Comparable, Serializable {
private String token;
private int count;
private BSTNode leftChild;
private BSTNode rightChild;

I know I must only be making a shallow copy because when I make a copy of tree1, called tree2, and edit tree1 the edits also appear on tree2. Here is my copy method within my BSTNode class

public BSTNode copy()
BSTNode obj = null;
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(bos);


When I wish to copy the entire tree, I call that above copy method from my BSTree class using the methods below. (I have 2 methods because this is a homework assignment that requires a copy method that calls a preorder traversal method)

public BSTNode copy()
BSTNode copiedTreeRoot = new BSTNode();
return copyTree(copiedTreeRoot,root);

And further along when I make changes to tree1, tree 2 also changes. I have no clue what I'm doing wrong. I believe it must be somewhere in how I return the new tree or something.I tried this edit to my copy method, but it made no difference.

public BSTNode copy() {
BSTNode obj = null;
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(bos);


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How To Copy And Paste Code Onto Forums

Mar 9, 2014

I'm trying to copy and paste(highlight) my code into the forums thread, but am still not sure on how to do it. I've looked in this link: Announcements - What's Wrong With My Code?But still, I am still not sure on where to put the highlight info. Also, I'm using the latest version of Eclipse.

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Copy Selected Value From JComboBox To JTextField

Apr 16, 2014

If I have a ComboBox and I want to copy the selected value to textfield. How can I do it?

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Copy A Graphics On Jframe?

Apr 28, 2015

I want to know know to copy a rectangle on my jframe and paste it in another location on the same jframe.

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Copy Target Of Link In Windows

Dec 8, 2014

How to copy the target of a link? I am using Apache's FileUtils class. I have tried the following and it only copies the link, not the target:

public class Copier {
public static void main(String[] args) {
File sourceFile = new File("C:/Demo/sourceDir/a_link.lnk");
File destinationDirectory = new File("C:/Demo/destinationDirectory");
FileUtils.copyFileToDirectory(sourceFile, destinationDirectory);

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I/O / Streams :: How To Copy A Flash Drive

Jul 12, 2014

I want to know which Java class and method that can be called in order to copy the content of a flash drive(usb) without opening the flash drive. If possible also to know the prodecure on how to do it. I've tried some overloaded methods of copy() from the java.nio package.

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Copy Matching Numbers From Two Arrays Onto New One

Jun 4, 2014

I want my function to return an array, with the array holding just the values of data that appear in good.

This is what should be returned:

{3, 5, 3, 2, 3, 3}

What is currently being returned:

{0, 3, 5, 3}

I didn't want to miss any numbers, so I decided to iterate through j for the "good" array, and then just i for the one that I was looking for matching numbers. Perhaps part of the problem is that if the condition is met, it goes to the next iteration of the loop. I'm not sure.

public class Arrays2 {
public static void main(String args[]){
int [] data = {8, 3, 5, 3, 7, 2, 8, 3, 3 };
int [] good = {5, 2, 3, 2};
int [] result = f2(data, good);
for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++){

[Code] ....

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