Create And Report Ticket In Parking Meter Class

Sep 12, 2014

I am having trouble creating the for loop in the Parking Simulator. I dont even know where to start. I have searched google and I havent found any Parking simulators that used array lists. Here are the requirements:

The ParkingSimulator Class: This class should simulate checking the parking tickets. You should loop through the cars, choose a random officer, and have that officer check to see if there is a parking violation. If there is a violation, add it to the ParkingTicket ArrayList. After all have been checked, print out a summary of the tickets (using the toString() from the ParkingTicket class).

I think I have all the classes right except for the ParkingTicket Class which I know is screwed up in the for loop because I cannot get the random officer and create and report ticket if mins were over maxlimit and it is printing the whole string of officers when it should be picking one officer at random to assign to the ticket. Also it is not printing out the whole output.

output should look like:

VW with license # N34234 parked for 60 minutes at PM1 and a maximum time limit of 90 minutes - no violation.
Reported by officer Joe badge: PO123

Mazda with license # 234-567 parked for 70 minutes at PM2 and a maximum time limit of 60 minutes
was parked illegally for 10 minutes for a fine of 25.0. Reported by officer Sam badge: PO812


Summary of tickets:
License:234-567 at meter #:PM2: Fine: $25.00
License:W879HY4 at meter #:PM4: Fine: $25.00
License:BG65RF7 at meter #:PM5: Fine: $25.00


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Create Parking Program

Nov 8, 2014

i need to crate a Parking program

Java Code:

import java.util.*;
class xxx
public static void Parking (String args[])

Scanner snip = new Scanner (;
System.out.println("Enter time:");
int Enter_time1;
int Enter_time2;
Enter_time1= snip.nextInt();
Enter_time2= snip.nextInt();


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How To Create A Master Report Using Jasper API

May 8, 2014

I am able to create a Master report using Jasper API. However stuck in designing a sub report using Jasper API and add it into Master report design.

Master Report JRXML
<band height="250" splitType="Stretch">
<reportElement isPrintRepeatedValues="false" x="0" y="0" width="550" height="233" isRemoveLineWhenBlank="true" backcolor="#000000">


These Stand alone XML's getting compiled and will generate report.

However i want to create these using Jasper Report API. I have Just started. But stuck without any example available.

JRDesignSubreport jSubreport = new JRDesignSubreport(jasperDesign);
JRDesignExpression subReportDataSourceExpr = new JRDesignExpression();
//How to set List Data Source?


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How To Calculate Parking Rates

Mar 31, 2015

there are the normal parking rates with two condition using two difference code and two difference calculator method. the fees for the two code also different.i need to display the code, enter time. enter out, and parking charge. i have a problem with the processor method.

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Program That Calculates Parking Fee

Oct 23, 2014

I succeed but with limit. the code is below. I cant use advanced material (really just the basics even without loops)

if statements are allowed, and i must use Final variables for key value.

I must use one class and one method (the main}|). I need to prompt the user for a entrance time and exit time, it must be with a space , like 18 00 and not 18:00

Also, if the entrance time is greater or equal to 18 00 the charge is always 20 dollars. If the user enters wrong data or out of range data an output of "ERROR WRONG DATA" and then the programs terminates. Same for wrong time . like if the enter hour is bigger than the exit hour an output of "ERROR entrance time must preccede exit"

for the first hour the output is "no charge",
for the second hour the charge is 10 dollars.
from the 3 hour for every 15 minutes an additional fee of 3 dollars.

for example if the user entered 10 00 and 13 20 , it should be 52 dollars

** it works for me but if the difference between the entered and exit hours is more then 3 it doesnt work. I could've added another if statements for the bigger hours but it will be very long.

I managed everything. except the last part. That calculates additional 3 dollar for each 15 minutes. what is did is.

converted everything to minutes.

subtract enter time from exit time.

and divide by 15.

thats give me the number of 15 minute periods.

if it last or equal to 4. no charge

else last or equal to 8 . 10 dollars

else...... here is the hard part.

if the total minutes wont divide even by 15 it wont work.

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Create A Class That Will Accept Dates In Various Formats And Create A Range

Feb 1, 2014

In the class below I'm trying to create a class that will accept dates in various formats and create a range. The first constructor is easy because I send it the begin date and end date as Date objects. Now I want to send a month(and year) in a constructor and derive the begin and end dates from it. In my constructor that accepts the month/year I need to put the this(startDate, endDate) at the top to be allowed, but the parameters are not built yet.

package com.scg.athrowaway;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
public class DateRange {
private Date startDate;
private Date endDate;


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How To Create Object For Multiple Class Inside Single Class

Apr 22, 2015

How to create object for "class B" and call the "function_B" from other different class D where class D has no connection with class A? Here is my program.

public class A(){
void print(){}
class B{
void function_B(){}
class C{
void function_C(){}

Here, A, B, C are in the same package. But class D is in different package.

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Creating / Using Object Class To Create Another Field In Another Class?

Jun 10, 2014

Design a class named Person and its two subclasses named Student and Employee. Make Faculty and Staff subclasses of Employee. There is also a MyDate class as explained below. A person has a name, address, phone number, and email address. A student has a status (freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior). Define the status as an integer which can have the value 0 (for "Freshman"),

1 (for "Sophomore"),
2 (for "Junior"), and
3 (for "Senior"),

but don't allow the status to be set to any other values. An employee has an office, salary, and dateHired. The dateHired is a MyDate field, which contains the fields: year, month, and day. The MyDate class does not explicitly inherit from any class, and it should have a no-arg constructor that sets the year, month, and day to the current year, month, and day. The MyDate class should also have a three-argument constructor that gets three int arguments for the year, month and day to set the year, month and day.

A faculty member has office hours and a rank. Define the rank as a String (for values like "Professor" or "Instructor"). A staff member has a title, which is also a String. Use data types for the fields as specified, or where one is not specified, use a data type that is appropriate for the particular field. Write a test program called that creates a Person, Student, Employee, Faculty, and Staff object, and invoke their toString() method (you don't need to call the objects' toString() method explicitly).

Note: Your class is the object class that your dateHired field is created from in the class.

Do not use the Person, Employee or Faculty classes defined on pages 383 and 384 of the book. Create new ones.Here is the code I have so far concerning the employee and MyDate.

public class Employee extends Person {
private String office;
private double salary;
//private MyDate dateHired;
//7 argument constructor for employee
public Employee(String name, String phoneNumber, String email, String address, String office, double salary /*MyDate dateHired*/) {
super(name, phoneNumber, email, address);


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Create SmartString Class That Implements SmartStringInterface Class

Jun 3, 2014

The assignment is to create a SmartString class that implements a SmartStringInterface class (created by professor) and implements a few methods. We are basically taking a string and then taking various substrings and inserting, deleting them and undoing changes as well. Here are the methods in the interface to use along with the parameters.

public interface SmartStringInterface {
public void insert(int pos, String sstring);
public void delete(int pos, int count);
public void undo();
public String toString();

The Undo is supposed to be able to be called multiple times (to be tested using a driver program that we must create) but the part that's got me is that the changes are only supposed to be stored. Currently, I am storing the "new" string after each change onto a stack, so that undo can just pop off the stack and it will revert to the previous string. Professor said that was wrong, so I don't know how to do it. Here is what I have so far (some of the code we have is using default StackADT stuff from our book, so if you need that I can post as well. You can see in the undo method where I currently save the string. We can use multiple stacks if needed, but the less the better. Must use at least 1. The exception code is already coded for us in another file also. I am only having to code these methods and the driver to test.

import java.util.Arrays;
public class ArrayStack<T> implements StackADT<T>
private final static int DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 100
private int top;
private T[] stack;


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Valid Ticket ID

Apr 13, 2014

String must be 6 characters, first 3 must be letters, last 3 must be digits..Here is my code:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class ValidTicket {
public static void main (String[] args){
Scanner in = new Scanner (;
String id;
int c=' ',i;
int letterCount=0, digitCount=0;
System.out.printf("Enter ticked id


However when I run my program, it does not work:After I enter the string nothing happens.

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Speed Ticket Program

Jan 5, 2015

public class TextLab03st
public static void main(String args[])
System.out.println("Text Lab 03");
System.out.print("What is the posted speed limit? --> ");
int speedLimit = Expo.enterString();
System.out.print("How fast was the car travelling in mph? --> ");
int trueSpeed = Expo.enterString();
int ticketPrice;


I tried everything and there's supposedly one error saying it reached the end of the file while parsing. I'm trying to make a speeding ticket program for my class.

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JGrasp - Writing A Program For Ticket Sales

Sep 13, 2014

The manager of a football stadium wants you to write a program that calculates the total ticket sales after each game. There are four types of tickets: box, sideline, premium, and general admission. After each game, the data is stored in a file in the following format:

ticketPrice numberOfTicketsSold

Sample data might look like:

250 5750

100 28000

50 35750

25 18750

The first line indicates that the box ticket price is $250 and that 5750 tickets were sold at that price.

Your program should input in this data (using Scanner or an input dialog box), then output that data to a message dialog box along with total ticket sales information. Output the total number of tickets sold and the total sale amount. Make your output user-friendly and "pretty". Format your output with two decimal places. Use JOptionPane and the formatting techniques learned in chapter 3 for your output. Example output might be:

5750 Box Tickets sold at $250.00
28000 Sideline Tickets sold at $100.00
35750 Premium Tickets sold at $50.00
18750 General Admission tickets sold at $25.00

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Counts Ticket Objects In ArrayList - Accessing Private Fields

Nov 4, 2014

I am trying to create a method for my "ticketmachine" object that counts ticket objects in an arraylist of "ticket" objects with a specified field "route". The method works if i change the field type of the ticket class to public, however according to the homework task "route" of the ticket class needs to remain a private field.

Here is my code for the method.

public int countTickets(String route) //HAD TO CHANGE Ticket class FIELD "ROUTE" TO PUBLIC!!!!
int index = 0; //returns the number of Ticket objects in the machine with the specified "route".
int ticketCounter = 0;
while (index < tickets.size())

[Code] ....

Is my general approach to the problem wrong? also is there a way to access a private field?

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Calculate Cost Of Ticket Order And Display Receipt For Customer On Screen

Oct 4, 2014

Write a program that will calculate the cost of a ticket order and display the receipt for the customer on the screen. There are 2 ticket prices: adult, and senior citizen. Adult seats are $4.50 and senior citizen seats are $3.50. If more than 5 senior citizen tickets are purchased, the customer gets an extra 20% off the of the ticket order. If more than 10 regular seats are purchased, the customer gets an additional 10% off the cost of the order. A customer can only place an order for one type of ticket. Output the type of ticket purchased, the number of tickets purchased, the gross cost, the amount of the discount, and the final cost of the order.

I am having errors with incaompatible varriables comparing float with doubles.

public class lab3 {
  static Library myLib;
  public static void main (String [] args) {
  Library myLib = new Library(); //Instance the Library class
int ticketNum; //Number of Tickets

[Code] .....

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Null When Saving Or Updating Ticket Request On Flex With Java Hibernate

Nov 26, 2014

users are trying saving or updating incident request on website they are able to see fault string =Java.lang.stackoverflow : null when saving or updating ticket request on flex with Java hibernate.

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Program For Airline Ticket Booking - Fixed Origin City And Five Destination Cities

Oct 26, 2014

I am doing a pretty basic program with a fixed origin city and five destination cities. I am having trouble with entering passenger details. This is what I tried, but then I cannot retain all passenger details to print later on in the final ticket.

System.out.println("Enter flight details of child passengers (below 12 years)");
System.out.println("Enter Name");
for(a = 1; a <= cp; ++a)
//cp is number of child passengers, a is loop variable
String name = br.readLine();
System.out.println("1. " + name);

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How To Write Java Lab Report

Jan 8, 2014

I would like to know how to write Java lab report. If you have links or sample.

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Create A Sphere Class That Will Allow To Create Sphere Objects

May 9, 2015

I'm new to Java and I have an assignment to create a Sphere class that will allow you to create Sphere objects using the code below. Then create a program called SphereTester that prompts the user for the radii of two spheres in meters. The program should display which sphere is larger and by how many cubic meters and display only four digits after the decimal point. I have the sphere class given to us for the assignment which is this:

Java Code: public class Sphere {
// instance variable (i.e., a field)
private double radius;
// constructor for the Sphere class
public Sphere(double r) {
radius = r;


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How To Automatically Increment ID And Then Display Only One ID In Report

Jun 7, 2014

The program shall assign a new employee ID to the employee and display it on the screen.

The employee ID shall be generated by adding 1 to the largest employee ID already in the employee.txt data file.

You can see I've tried variations of identification++ but have not been successful. I've also tried to get the last or the highest identification in the arrayList but have not done that right.

public static void addEmployee() {
String firstName = Validator.getString(
sc, "Enter First Name: ");
String lastName = Validator.getString(
sc, "Enter Last Name: ");
int identification = 0;

[Code] ....

I also can display all of the employees their identifications and their punches but I cannot narrow it down to searching one employee and displaying information for just the one.

-If the selected value is ‘I’, prompt the user to enter the employee’s ID number.
-If ‘I’ is selected the display shall show the employee’s name and ID, list out each day worked in chronological order, the number of hours worked that day and a total number of hours worked in the two week period.

The report shall prompt the user to re-enter an employee ID of it does not exist in the employee file.

private static void displayReports() {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
String action = " ";
while (!action.equalsIgnoreCase("d"))

[Code] ....

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Combining Multiple Uploaded Documents Into One Report

May 28, 2014

I have developed an application using Java JSP and PostgreSQL database which inputs data from users including multiple file uploads in different formats (MS Word, Excel, PDF etc.). The uploaded files are also stored in the database.

My client wants the software to print a report in PDF format which includes all user data entered (in a defined format) along with all the uploaded documents as appendices.

How the system can include all uploaded files into one PDF report?

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Printing Database Report In Hard Copy

Jun 18, 2014

How to print database report in hard copy. I have try to do this with the code below but it only print empty plain paper. Find the code below:

printbtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
Vector columnNames = new Vector();
Vector data = new Vector();
String host = "jdbc:odbc:staffsalary";

[Code] .....

The code is part of a program that do other task.

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Combining Multiple Uploaded Documents Into One PDF Report

May 28, 2014

I have developed an application using Java JSP and PostgreSQL database which inputs data from users including multiple file uploads in different formats (MS Word, Excel, PDF etc.). The uploaded files are also stored in the database.

My client wants the software to print a report in PDF format which includes all user data entered (in a defined format) along with all the uploaded documents as appendices.

How the system can include all uploaded files into one PDF report?

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Create A Well-encapsulated Class?

Oct 3, 2014

How can one create a well-encapsulated class?What are the principles to be followed?

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Create A Driver Class

May 2, 2014

Why we create a driver class?Instead of creating a driver class, if we want to compile our code so will it show output? Let say, we've created a class GradeBook of the institution for students.So they can easily view their profile information and scores in different when we have created a class for this purpose, should we create a driver class or not?What is the big advantage of creating a driver class?

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How To Create A Class To Have At Most One Instance

Sep 25, 2013

Can I declare a class as

public static final?

Because I can declare a variable as public static final pi=3.14;

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Report Employee Time Clock Cannot Find Corresponding Dates In And Out

Mar 8, 2014

I have this assignment to build an employee time clock. By using a menu you can enter an employee, enter punch in and out, and report.When I created the punch screen I wrote the in and out records to a file. Because there can be several employees punching in or out the file wrote each occurrence on different lines. Now I am attempting to write the report which you enter an employee Id and loop through the file to find the in and out date and then calculate the time (hours worked). I loaded the file into an Arraylist but now I cannot figure out how to loop through find the In and Out date - calculate the hours worked and then move on to the next day. here is the format of the file - employee id, place holder I or O, date, time, day. and sample

111221111i3/2/145:10 PMSunday
111221111o3/2/145:10 PMSunday
111331111i3/2/145:25 PMSunday
111331111o3/3/1412:47 PMMonday
111221111i3/3/1412:48 PMMonday
111221111o3/3/142:23 PMMonday
111441111i3/4/141:30 PMTuesday


here is my code from the main screen.

public static void displayPunches()
throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, ParseException {
boolean isValid = false;
String choice = "y";
String emp = Validator.getLine(sc, "Enter I -Individual or A -All ");
if (emp.equalsIgnoreCase("A"))


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