Create Multiple PDF Files And Open Them At Once From Java Application

Aug 30, 2014

I am using itext to create pdf files , i have filtered some records (preferably i can say around 90) which has the option to open pdf for individual record. Now I need to open all the pdf's of filtered records on a single click , without asking for a open dialogue box. How to go about this ??

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Create A Jar File That Would Open 3 Other Jar Files

Jan 13, 2015

I was just wondering how would I create a jar file that would open 3 other jar files when I open the jar file with my batch file it and when I type stop in the batch file it will out put the stop command into all 3 of the other jar files.

This is for my Minecraft server so I can launch them all at the same time and inStead of having to enter the commands in all the server batch files I just have to do the command in 1 I know their is things like multi craft to do this but I want the code so I don't have to use multicraft.

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Create Java Application That Contains Array Of 10 Multiple-choice Questions

Dec 15, 2014

Create a java application that contains an array of 10 multiple-choice questions related to you favorite hobby. each question contains three answer choices. also create a parallel array that holds the correct answer to each question - A,B, or C. display each question and verify that the users enters only A,B, or C as the answere - if not, keep prompting the user until a valid response in entered. If the user responds to a question correctly, display "Correct!"; otherwise, display the correct answer is and the letter to the correct answer. After the user answer all the question, display the number of correct and incorrect answers.

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How To Open And Edit Text Files In Java

May 13, 2014

I just went over how to open and edit text files in java. Was wondering how to open mp3, mp4 and other media files, is there a special package i need to import or plugin that I need to install in eclipse?

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How To Create Java Files Into Windows Applications (Exe Files)

Oct 26, 2014

What step to know to develop software..

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Downloading Multiple Files Using Java Program

Nov 24, 2014

I am downloading around 50 PDF files programmatically using Java program(like a servlet service) one after another in for loop. I am observing that , i'm getting timeout error after few files are downloaded itself. How to solve this problem and download more files programmatically using java? The files are in my server at different location.

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How To Package Java Application With JAR Files

Apr 16, 2014

I have created an application that I wish for people to be able to run from command line, like so:

java myApp [filename]

Problem is my application uses functions from 3 .Jar files.

Here is how my folder(Assume it is called MyApplication) currently looks:

Application(folder)(contains .class files + source code)


I understand I need add some information to the Manifest.txt file but I am struggling in adding stuff to it in the correct format.

Assuming the above folder is called my MyApplication, what I need to put in the Manifest and how to build it all as a Jar File.

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Compile Multiple Jar Files Into One From Inside Java Program?

May 17, 2014

I am trying to compile multiple jar files into one jar file from inside a java program. I know how to do this with shell scripts but I would rather have a universal application than one that will only run on Mac, Windows, or Linux. This is my current compiler code:

if(System.getProperty() == "Mac OS X"){
Runtime.getRuntime().exec("javac -classpath jar1.jar; jar2.jar");

I would then continue this on for Linux and Windows, but this limits my application.

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Application Web Java To Insert Data Into Database Oracle From XML Files

Oct 27, 2014

I want to create an application wich can handle xml files ( display xml files's data on a html page) + insert those data into an oracle database.

I'm new to that, it a project for my internship. wich API is the most appropriate for that ( Jdom or Xstream or other), wich framework i can use ( there is only 3 IHM : connexion, upload file, display data, confirmation insertion data)?

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Java Web Start - Deploy Application Including Required Folders And Files

May 30, 2014

I developed an application that is accessing some property files. The condition was that the user should be able to modify the content or parameters of those property file.How can I distribute the application using Java web start that also includes those property file in the client side?

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How To Create And Write Files With Java

Jun 19, 2014

How come that nobody has a normal name? ... like:


or almost nobody.

Second question, this is the exercise I have to make:

write a program that reads a sentence and write it on a file separating each word on a diffrent line of the file

Java Code:

package vacanze_estive_8;

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

[Code] ....

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How To Open Files When In Classes Instead Of Main Code

Mar 18, 2014

I have looked over other people code relating to files that are related to my actual studies in class. My teacher hasn't worked on a lot of file problems so I want to gain some understanding on it.

1.) I have this class with variables declared

public class FileDisplay {
private String filename;
FileWriter outputfile;
File Inputfile;

I'm aware that having a private variable would not allow that variable to be accessed outside the code. Vice versa, public variable would do that. The FileWriter and the File Inputfile is something I don't understand, especially have them in classes. What is the purpose of them?


public class FileDisplay {
private String filename;
FileWriter outputfile;
File Inputfile;
[Code] ....

I have made this code here that opens the output and input file. If I make another method, how would I display the text onto that same file. Hard to clarify for me, but in each method do I just keep creating :

FileWriter outputfile=new Filewriter(filename)

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JavaFX - How To Open Multiple FXML Windows

Jun 2, 2014

I'm making a tic tac toe program. Currently I have a welcome screen for my tic tac toe game, once the button is clicked I want the main game to open. I have created two FXML VBox windows created from JavaFX Scene Builder. I want to know how to close the welcome menu and launch the 2nd FXML window.

This 2nd FXML window will have it's own controller where the tic tac toe calculations will be held.

Here is the event listener on when the mouse action is performed on the button

private void startGame(ActionEvent event) {

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Create A Java Application In NetBeans

Mar 9, 2015

Create a Java Application in NetBeans with the following two classes.

1. A Java class College
o Use the following data fields:
College Name
College City
Number of Tracks
Number of Students
Number of Faculty
Number of Staff
o Implement an empty constructor
o Implement a full constructor
o Implement Setters and Getters (Mutators and Accessors)
o Implement SetAll() method with all data members as parameters

2. Another Java class called CollegeDemo with the main() method:
o In the main():
o Read the values of the fields of 3 colleges from a text file and for
each create a College object.
Filename: colleges.txt
IT Dubai 7 200 50 20
ENG Abudhabi 4 400 60 20
SCIENCE Sharjah 3 300 40 20
 First with empty constructor then uses setters.
 Second with full constructor (no need to use setters).
 Last one with empty constructor and SetAll() setter.
o Display the average number of students for all the 3 colleges.
o Change the value of ‘Number of Students’ in the SCIENCE College to
500, and display the average number of students again.

here my code :

public class Demo {
private String name ;
private String city;
private String cname ;

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Create Java Application That Contains Array

Dec 15, 2014

Create a java application that contains an array of 10 multiple-choice questions related to you favorite hobby. each question contains three answer choices. also create a parallel array that holds the correct answer to each question - A,B, or C. display each question and verify that the users enters only A,B, or C as the answere - if not, keep prompting the user until a valid response in entered. If the user responds to a question correctly, display "Correct!"; otherwise, display the correct answer is and the letter to the correct answer. After the user answer all the question, display the number of correct and incorrect answers.

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Java Servlet :: How To Create Files On Server (online)

Jun 5, 2013

I'm making a website with articles (like a blog). I have a webpage called admin.html where you insert the data of the article (title, post etc).

Admin.html calls to a servlet and this sends the information to a SQL Database and it stores and my index.jsp calls to database and show the articles.

This works perfect, and a non-programmer can insert new articles. The problem is that I need to create an .html file for every article/post and save it into my server online.

For example if I create "CoolArticle", I need the file "CoolArticle.html" and save it in my hosting.

How I can do it? I never have seen examples online, all were local, so I can't continue.

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Open / Send Multiple Messages Over TCP And Close Connection On Events

Oct 7, 2014

I have a simple method in Java through which I send commands to a machine over TCP. The problem is:

Machine can't accept more than two connections in 20 seconds.

I need to send 15-20 commands to the machine in 3 minutes.

This is my current method which is not working as it should, 2 commands get transmited but third command hangs because of the machine.

void sendCommand(String command) throws IOException {
String ipaddress = "";
Socket commandSocket = null;
BufferedWriter out = null;
BufferedReader in = null;
BufferedWriter outToDetailFile = null;

[Code] .....

Basically what i need is:

1st: I need to open the connection by calling method

public void openConnection(String ipaddress, String port){
//Code to start the connection

2nd: I need to be able to send commands to the connection I have already opened (i will send multiple messages in time period of 5-10 minutes):

public void sendCommand(String message){

3rd: Close that connection

public void closeConnection(){

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Monitoring Performance Of J2ee Application Using Open Source Infrared Tool?

Jun 13, 2013

I am using infrared for monitoring performance of j2ee web application(using hibernate and spring),deploying on tomcat 7.0.23 and jdk infrared shows only http layer not sql and jsp layer.

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Could Not Open / Create Prefs Warning

Jan 3, 2015

What does this error mean, and also, when I get it, the command line hangs so that I can't do anything else (Is there a way to recover from that?). I'm running Windows 7.

Jan 03, 2015 5:00:59 AM java.util.prefs.WindowsPreferences <init>
WARNING: Could not open/create prefs root node SoftwareJavaSoftPrefs at root 0
x80000002. Windows RegCreateKeyEx(...) returned error code 5.

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JSP :: How To Download Multiple Files Without Zipping Them

Apr 4, 2014

I need to download multiple files from my jsp,My jsp will receive a string array,and in that each array will have a filePath.I ggot the solution to download multiple files by Using ZipOutPutStream,But i don't want to Zip Them,I need to download them in a folder.In that folder i should have all the files.

<c:set var="streamValue" value="${streamValue}"/>
void addFile( ZipOutputStream outZip, File f, String name ) {
FileInputStream in = null ;
try {
// Add ZIP entry to output stream.
outZip.putNextEntry( new ZipEntry( name ) ) ;


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Can A Class Be Broken Into Multiple Source Files?

Apr 3, 2014

The problem is what to do when the source file for a class gets too big ( a judgment call for sure). Is it possible for one class to be defined in multiple files and if so how do you do it, and is it good practice?

I do see ways to refactor into a base class or move code into a helper class but sometimes the abstraction is cleaner as a single class that does a lot of stuff. My problem is how to organize a BIG class?

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Split Text File In Multiple Files

Jun 17, 2014

I have multiple text files that contain several docs. my files look like this:

<doc id 1> some text </doc>
<doc id 2> some more text</doc>

As output I want to extract the text between the tags and then write the text into several files like 1.txt, 2.txt ......

here is my code so far:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

[Code] ....

I can not seem to get around how to print the text into several files.

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Opening And Closing Multiple Files In While Loop

Feb 7, 2014

I'm going through a file (MySQL dump) and I wish to take the SQL and create individual files for each table (as opposed to what I do now, which is just run through the whole thing).

  BufferedReader myDumpfileReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(tfDumpfile.getText()));  BufferedWriter myDumpfileWriter = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("/users/linehanp/mydb/bin/tgac_dump/Vanilla.sql"));
while((dumpFileLine = myDumpfileReader.readLine()) != null){      DoStuff();

Now, this all works fine - but what I want to do is create a separate .sql file for each table.
However, I can't figure out the best way to do this - how do I create a new FileWriter (or instance of whatever class is required) as I'm going through the while loop? That or pointing the same one to different files as I go through the loop.
It can be assumed that the file may exceed RAM - I want to do it line by line rather than slurping the entire file as a string and "cheating" that way.
There appear to be many (a bewildering amount of) I/O options and I'm just unsure.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Variables With Multiple FXML Files

Mar 31, 2015

I have a multi scene JavaFX FXML application [URL] ....
I have added a TextField to Scene2.fxml and Scene3.fxml files each scene has its own Controller Class with a ScreensController class that loads a HashMap with Id name, Node screen that is defined in the ScreensFramework

class (Main class)
public void addScreen(String name, Node screen) {screens.put(name, screen);}

So each time you click a Button on a screen (scene) you fire an ActionEvent and move to another screen


What I would like to do if it is possible is use the value in the TextField on Sceen2 and transfer it to the TextField on Scene3. I have discovered that unless both FXML files are loaded this is so far not possible. This is a desktop application. So how do you create a variable that is GLOBAL and has a life after one class is unloaded or one FXML file is unloaded?

At this point I do not want a database to accomplish this task.I have developed in Visual Basic 6 where I would just declare a global variable that could be used through out the application.

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Searching For Any Entered Text In A Directory Of Multiple Scanned PDF Files

Mar 31, 2015

Within tomcat "webapps" directory, have lots of scanned PDF files (size in KB and MB).Using Java and JSP, I want to search for any user entered text in these scanned PDF files.The result must display the name of those PDF files which has that entered text.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Multiple Scene And Passing Variables With FXML Files

Mar 21, 2015

Lets say I have a desire to convert and entered value to Centigrade or Fahrenheit and that I have two Radio Buttons to designate the type of conversion with the Answer posted to a TextField on Scene Two from a button click event on Scene One ok Now I would like to convert the value in the TextField on Scene Two to Kelvin and reflect the value on Scene Three in a TextField by clicking a button on Scene Two
lets say  I have 4 FXML files sceneONE sceneTWO and scenMain and I created 4 controllers ControllerONE and MasterController

So far I can navigate to the different scens with just the MasterController code below...

BUT because I have two FXML files I can not capture the value in the first FXML file and pass it to the second scene
This project is my attempt to adapt the FXML style code from this web site

Switching to Different Screens in JavaFX and FXML | JavaFXTutorials

Which uses this code to switch scenes

    //get reference to the button's stage                stage=(Stage) btnS1.getScene().getWindow();
       //load up OTHER FXML document
       root = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("ATTwo.fxml"));

But will not permit variable transfer due to scope of variables which reside in two different FXML files
public class MasterController implements Initializable{@FXML public Button btnS1;
@FXML public Button btnS2;
@FXML public Label lblS1;
@FXML public Label lblS2;
@FXML public TextField txfS1;
@FXML public TextField txfS2;
@FXML public AnchorPane root;

[Code] .....

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