Creating Custom Fail-fast Iterator?

Feb 8, 2015

As part of a homework assignment in my 1st Java Class, I am creating my own Circular Generic LinkedList and Array class. My class uses the Queue Interface Extends Iterable but I am creating my own methods to work with. For the most part, I believe I have been successful in creating the class aside from one method. That method is the Iterator<E> iterator().

* Return a fail-fast iterator, which throw a java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
* if the client modifies the collection (via enqueue(...) or dequeue()) during iteration.
public Iterator<E> iterator() {

I don't understand how an iterator, let alone a "fail-fast" iterator ties into my project. I've spent hours reading up on a way to imploy my own generic fail-fast iterator but to no avail.

I feel like I could come up with some workable code if I knew what the point is to useing a user-defined, non Java Library iterator is to do.

As well, does throwing a ConcurrentModificationException require a try and catch block?

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JSF :: Primefaces / Creating Custom Tabs In TabView?

Nov 5, 2014

how to use a Primefaces TabView for input.

I have found this link that implements the behaviour of the TabView. It basically says to make my own Tab model.

But I want each tab to contain something like this:

I tried adding the inputTexts in my Tab model but it doesn't work, I guess I was way too optimistic :P

The only reason I want this is because I don't know how many tabs I need. It's totally dynamic, the number of Lectures is added on demand.

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Fast Fourier Transform Of Images

Jun 4, 2015

I have a problem that is associated with Fast Fourier Transform of an image. I've made an application with some filters for an images. It's a program with JLabels for displaying images before and after filtration and JButtons for filters. So, my problem is with FFT for an image, i've seen examples for that transformation, but i really don't know how to use that in my program.

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Implementing Fast Fourier Transformation Using Recursion

May 5, 2015

I'm trying to implement fast fourier transformation using recursion, at line 28 I'm getting null pointer exception.The algorithm is suppose to break the array in two parts computes real' and imaginary' at the end to each call stores the value in each call. After which further divide the array in two parts and compute.


[Code] ....

Windowing is left, I'll do it once this error is resolved.

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RSA Encryption Using Fast Exponential Technique - Big Integer

Apr 17, 2012

I'm currently working on a RSA Encryption using Fast Exponential technique. As the numbers I'm working with will be very huge, I am forced to use BigInteger.

As this is the first time I'm using Big Integer, I encountered quite a number of issues. I'll try my best to explain the errors I'm facing:

1. I had done this step: BigInteger d;

So I'm currently trying to get d = 0;

However, I keep getting an error required: BigInteger, found int.

When I changed it to d = new BigInteger(0) , I get this error:

java:19: error: constructor BigInteger in class BigInteger cannot be applied to given types;

d = new BigInteger(0);
required: no arguments
found: int
reason: actual and formal argument lists differ in length

Part of Code:

public class BigFastExponential
BigInteger e; // public exponenet: all has this
BigInteger d; // private key: only key owner has this
BigInteger n; // public modulus: all has this

* Create a LongRSA object for a public key holder, with just e and n.
public BigFastExponential(BigInteger public_e, BigInteger public_n)

[Code] ....

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Fail To Get A Resource In URL Format

Jul 8, 2014

I have inherited some code that is supposed to work just fine. The trouble is that when everything is rebuilt on my desktop, the projects crash. They all seem to crash at one particular part of code.

I pass it a string and the "getResource" or "getContentClassLoader" is failing.

[URL] ....

I guess one way to tackle this is to break it apart into segments.

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Fail To Get Resource In URL Format

Jul 9, 2014

I have inherited some code that is supposed to work just fine.

The trouble is that when everything is rebuilt on my desktop, the projects crash.

They all seem to crash at one particular part of code.

I pass it a string and the "getResource" or "getContentClassLoader" is failing.

[URL] ....

I guess one way to tackle this is to break it apart into segments.

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Fail To Get A Resource In URL Format

Jul 8, 2014

I have inherited some code that is supposed to work just fine. The trouble is that when everything is rebuilt on my desktop, the projects crash. They all seem to crash at one particular part of code. I pass it a string and the "getResource" or "getContentClassLoader" is failing.

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Inheritance Super Variables - Fail To Return Null

Aug 13, 2014

I'm writing a simple program in which I have a super class Person, inherited by the subclasses Customer and Employee (they inherit the variables ID, name and surname).

Java Code:

public class Person {
int id;
String name;
String surname;
public Person () {

[Code] .....

However the problem is here: when I try to get the variables ID, name and surname through my main class, they fail to return (0,null,null). Why is this? I have get-Methods in my subclasses which should return the super variables, but they are not.

Java Code:

public String getUser() {
return username;

public String getName() {
} mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

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Could Program Fail With Race Condition By Concurrent Threads In A Multi Thread Environment

Feb 18, 2014

I have a task of returning US holiday based on the given date and this utility will be used in a multi thread environment. I have written as below, how to know if my code breaks at any given point by multiple threads

Declared Enum

public enum Holiday {
CHRISTMASDAY("Christmas Day"),
GOODFRIDAY("Good Friday"),
INDEPENDENCEDAY("Independence Day"),
LABORDAY("Labor Day"),


I tried to test this with few concurrent threads, and noticed that the DB call is made for the very first time or when the year being requested is not same as the cached year. But I wanted to see, if this is properly synchronizing and would not fail in any case. My intention is to make a singleton HolidayCalendar, and also synchronized well enough so that every thread using this class gets the required data without blocking each other.

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Storing Custom Object In SQLite DB / Serializing Custom Object?

Jul 13, 2014

I have this arraylist off a custom object that looks like this witch also contains a list off custom objects

package holders;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class ManufacturingJobHolder {
private String name;


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Iterator Next Not Working In If

Apr 4, 2014

I need to find out if one array list is a sub-sequence of another. The elements in the first list all need to be in the second list and must be in the same order. So s1<n, t, a> is a sub-sequence of s2<q, n, f, r, t, d, a>, but s1<a, a, t> is not a sub-sequence of s2<a, t, a>. I need to use iterators to go through each list, and I should only go through each list once (since it has to be in the same order) so nested loops don't seem like they would work because it would start at the beginning of one list every time it moved to another element in the outer loop's list.I seem to have an issue where the itr1. next()
is ignored when in an if statement.

My current code just stalls and will never stop running. I've also switched things around and put the not equal check after the if it is equal and it throws a NoSuchElementException.

import dataStructures.*;
public class Subsequence3
public static void main(String[] args)
ArrayList<Character> s1 = new ArrayList<Character>();


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Using Iterator To Add To Arraylist

Nov 12, 2014

I am trying to add the contents of the iterator to an arraylist so I can do other stuff to it, however I am getting an error when I actually try adding it to the list, stating that

"The method add(Map.Entry<String,myObject>) in the type ArrayList<Map.Entry<String,myObject>> is not applicable for the arguments (myObject)"

Here is what I have tried doing:

Iterator<Map.Entry<String, myObject>> iterator = hash.entrySet().iterator();//hash is my HashMap object
ArrayList<Map.Entry<String, myObject>> list = new ArrayList<Map.Entry<String, myObject>>();
Map.Entry<String, myObject> entry =;
list.add(entry.getValue());//error here

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How To Use Iterator Instead Of Foreach Loop

Mar 25, 2015

I am trying to use an iterator instead of a foreach loop to go through a list of inventories to see if a car is rearDrive and count how many are rearDrive but somehow I seem to be missing something that the counter isn't working as expected.

public int howManyAreRearWheelDrive(){
int i = 0;
int counter = 0;
int inventSize = inventory.size()-1;
while(i < inventSize){
boolean wheelDrive = inventory.get(i).getIsRearWheelDrive();
if( wheelDrive == true){
return counter; // returning here doesn't give me anything

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Why Iterator Should Be Inner Class In Collections

Feb 24, 2014

The Iteratior provides the functionality of traversing and removal which we can achieve through normal for loop and remove() of the data structure.Then, why do we need Iterator explicitly and as an inner class?

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Cannot Return Object Of Iterator As Its An Interface

Mar 3, 2014

What does the iterator() method return???it can't return an object of Iterator as it's an interface...

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Linked List Iterator Remove Implementation

May 3, 2014

I have a problem with a linked list iterator, my problem is implementing the iterator.remove method given the following code:

package mapsql.util;
import java.util.Iterator;
public class LinkedList<T> implements List<T> {
private class Node implements Position<T> {
T element;
Node next, prev;
public Node(T element) {
this.element = element;

[Code] ....

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Which Iterator To Be Use To Create Instances From Feature Value Pairs (Mallet API)

Mar 12, 2015

I am tring to run LDA to generate some topics from txt files as the following one:

Document1 label1 forest=3.4 tree=5 wood=2.85 hammer=1 colour=1 leaf=1.5
Document2 label2 forest=10 tree=5 wood=2.75 hammer=1 colour=4 leaf=1
Document3 label3 forest=19 tree=0.90 wood=2 hammer=2 colour=9 leaf=4.3
Document4 label4 forest=4 tree=5 wood=10 hammer=1 colour=6 leaf=3

Each numeric value in the file is an indication of the number of occurrences of each feature (e.g., forest, tree) multiplied by a given penalty. To generate instances from such a file, I use the following Java code:

String lineRegex = "^(S*)[s,]*(S*)[s,]*(.*)$";
String dataRegex = "[p{L}([0-9]*.[0-9]+|[0-9]+)_=]+";
InstanceList generateInstances(String dataPath) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, FileNotFoundException {
ArrayList<Pipe> pipeList = new ArrayList<Pipe>();
pipeList.add(new Target2Label());

[Code] .....

I then add the so-generated instances to my model using the instruction model.addInstances(generatedInstances). The resulting output is described below.

It contains errors caused by the instruction model.addInstances(generatedInstances). Debugging my code showed me that the alphabet associated to the model is null. Am I using the wrong iterator?

name: document1
target: label1
input: TokenSequence [forest=3.4 feature(forest)=3.4 span[0..10], tree=5 feature(tree)=5.0 span[11..17], wood=2.85 feature(wood)=2.85 span[18..27], hammer=1 feature(hammer)=1.0 span[28..36], colour=1 feature(colour)=1.0 span[37..45], leaf=1.5 feature(leaf)=1.5 span[46..54]]
Token#0:forest=3.4 feature(forest)=3.4 span[0..10]

[Code] ....

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Print A Blank Line After Certain Specific Points In Iterator

Feb 17, 2015

I have the following HashMap:

// 2009
nobelPrizeWinners.put("2009 Physics",
new PrizeWinner[] {new PrizeWinner("Charles K.", "Kao"),
new PrizeWinner("Willard S.", "Boyle"), new PrizeWinner("George S.", "Smith")});
nobelPrizeWinners.put("2009 Chemistry",
new PrizeWinner[] {new PrizeWinner("Venkatraman", "Ramakrishnan"),

[Code] .....

At the moment, my output is:

2008: Chemistry: Osamu Shimomura, Martin Chalfie, Roger Y. Tsien
2008: Economics: Paul Krugman
2008: Literature: Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio
2008: Medicine: Harald zur Hausen, Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, Luc Montagnier
2008: Peace: Martti Ahtisaari

[Code] .....

However, I need a blank line between the final entry of 2008 and the first entry of 2009.

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Double Circular Linked List - Implementing Iterator

Oct 14, 2014

My homework is a Double Circular Link list and when i write implements Iterator it gives me a an error when I compile it the same for my subset method...

ERRORS error: DoublyCircularList.iterator is not abstract and does not override abstract method remove() in Iterator public class iterator implements Iterator<T>
Note: uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
1 error

import java.util.Iterator;
public class DoublyCircularList<T extends Comparable<T>> extends LinkedList<T>implements Iterable<T>
Node<T> first;
int size;
public DoublyCircularList(){
first = null;
size = 0;


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List Iterator Execution - Traversing In Forward Direction

Nov 5, 2014

List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
list.add(i * 3);
ListIterator<Integer> listItr = list.listIterator();
System.out.println("Traversing in a forward direction");

[Code] ....


Traversing in a forward direction
0 3 6 9 12
Traversing in a backward direction
12 9 6 3 0 425

Why 425 is not showing when we are traversing in a forward direction.

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HashSet And Iterator - Accessing Element Contained In The Object?

Sep 23, 2014

I'm not new to java but i'm not able to solve the following issue: I have  a class

public class Localizzazioni implements {
private <complexType>  id;
public getId().......
public setId().....

The complexType is a class defined in the code somewhere. Now I want to access it in another class I have
Set localizzazioni = new HashSet(0);
localizzazioni=opere.getOiLocalizzazioneOperas();    -- this object give an object of tyoe HashSet
for(Object object : localizzazioni) {
  object.get.........     // i cannot use any method defined in the class Localizzazioni

Why I cannot write inside the for object.getId() and using it?? In other word how i can access the element contained in the object?? the object is an iterator of type Localizzazioni . The class Localizzazioni  has some method but i cannot use them? why ....

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Method That Return Instance Of A Class That Implement Iterator Interface

Apr 14, 2015

I have been researching the Iterator and making a class implement iterable. I have seen this example shown below and was wondering how I could change this so that iterable() is not called upon in the main. I would like to be able to make a method that returns an instance of a class that implements the Iterator interface hopefully an inner class. This is because my program will not have a main and will be supplied with a main that includes a new Object with will use the iterator method.

import java.util.*;
public class IteratorDemo {
public static void main(String args[]) {
// Create an array list
ArrayList al = new ArrayList();
// add elements to the array list

[Code] ....

This is all I have been able to understand from what I want to do. This does not work and this is what I am trying to achieve

public class MyArrayList implements Iterable {
public static final int DEFAULT_SIZE = 5;
public static final int EXPANSION = 5;
private int capacity;
private int size;
private Object[] items;
[Code] ...

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JSP :: Custom Tag Not Called At All

Jun 30, 2014

I am working on a project that uses a custom tag in a JSP file. Here is the tag descriptor

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE taglib PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JSP Tag Library 1.1//EN"


Everything seems working fine except that the custom tag handler does not get called at call. I set breakpoint and it never stops there. The JSP page is displayed fine, only not showing the custom tag content and there is no logged error/warning from the log. The tld is found fine. Like what classes called/validated the tag handler so I can logging those classes at DEBUG level to see what goes wrong.

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JSP :: How To Create A Custom Tag

Apr 22, 2015

I would like to create a custom tag which works similar to <c:forEach/> tag i.e

<c:forEach var = "movie" items = "${collection}>

I would want to create the similar behaviour(as above) in my own custom Tag.Morever I would like to use the doStartTag() and doEndTag() and doAfterBody() methods while creating custom Tag.

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JSP :: Dropdown Box Using Custom Tags

Mar 19, 2014

My jsp page needs to have a dropdown box. on selecting one/more than one values from this list, the same values get populated in another one.. we have a delete button too , it allows to populate the second box again.

The thing is i am to avoid scripts and use custom tags as much as i can...

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