Creating WordCounter Class With A Constructor That Takes File Name As Parameter

Mar 4, 2014


Create a WordCounter class with a constructor that takes a file name as a parameter

The class should have two fields: one for the file name and one for a HashMap to store word count information

The constructor should call a private method, countWords, that reads in the file and counts the word frequencies

The class should contain a get method for each field, as well as a print method that prints out the map in the following format:word:frequency

When printing, the map should be sorted by either the word order or frequency (Hint: see Collections.sort)

You should include the sample text file on Blackboard. This is what i got so far

Java Code:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class WordCounter

[Code] ....

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How To Create Object To Be Null If Class Constructor Parameter Is Int

Mar 8, 2015

I have a class of Date with a constructor with 3 parameters in it. Those 3 parameters are int data type just to enter month, year, day.

I have another class called Author which has a constructor of Date diedDate; as a parameter passing to the Author constructor.

I was asked to call the Date parameter is null, call the default constructor but I thought for the Date parameter I could only enter something like 0,0,0 instead of typing in null, null, null because null is for String data type isn't it?

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Creating New Constructor In Child Class Which Is Not In Parent Class

Feb 7, 2014

I've a parent class with a argument constructor like below(a sample code)

public class Parent {
Parent(String name) {
public static void main(String[] args) {

Also I've child.class which extends Parent.class as shown below,

public class child extends Parent {
child(String name) {

Now, I want create/modify the constructor which is in child, by taking "int i" as an input instead of "String name". How can I do that? Run time I want to execute child constructor not a parent constructor.

Condition is: Without making any changes to the Parent class

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Non-Parameter Constructor Calls Two Parameter Constructor

Apr 19, 2014

I was practicing my java skills and came across an exercise in which a non parameter constructor calls a two parameter constructor. I tried a few searches online but they all came back unsuccessful. This is the part I am working on:

public PairOfDice(int val1, int val2) {
// Constructor. Creates a pair of dice that
// are initially showing the values val1 and val2.
die1 = val1; // Assign specified values
die2 = val2; // to the instance variables.
public PairOfDice() {
// Constructor that calls two parameter constructor

I tried calling the two constructor using the line "this(val1, val2)" but I get an error because val1 and val2 are local variables.

Then I tried to use the same signature: "this(int val1, int val2)" but that didn't work either.

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LightController And Circle Class - Creating A Constructor

Jan 6, 2015

I have two classes LightController & Circle. I need to use the LightController class to do the following:

Creates an instance of Circle with a diameter of 50 and a colour of OUColour.GREEN and assigns this new circle to the instance variable light.

Sets the xPos of light to 122.
Sets the yPos of light to 162.

I am struggling to write the correct line of code to set the colour to green and set diameter to 50.

Code for the two classes below.

import ou.*;
import java.util.*;
* Class LightController
* This class uses the Circle class, and the Shapes window

[Code] ......

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Create A Recursion Method That Takes ONLY ARRAY As A Parameter

Mar 9, 2015

so i have this question where it wants me to create a recursion method that takes ONLY THE ARRAY as a parameter, and without using loops or static variables inside the method, and then the method returns the smallest value in that array. However, i tried making the simple if statements where i compare the first element of the array with the second element using the length of the array and decreasing it to get the next elements and compare it again by calling the recursion method, but the problem is when i call the method again, the length does not decrease, even if i store it in a variable, the variable will initialize itself again, and the length wont change.

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Write A Method Called AddToOverThirty Which Takes Array Nums3 As A Parameter

Apr 22, 2014

i have to "Write a method called addToOverThirty which takes the array nums3 as a parameter. It adds 1 to all numbers that have a value greater than 30 in the array.

Add a call to the addToOverThirty method, then display a message telling what the output is followed by the results For example:The nums3 array after adding 1 to all numbers greater than 30 is10 6 15 and so on (check with the values you assigned to nums3)"its pointless because we were told not to make the array have a number over 30.

import java.lang.*;
import java.util.*;
public class LastProject
public static void main(String[] args) {
int nums1[] = new int[15];
int nums2[] = new int[15];
int nums3[] = {5,2,15,8,26,22,1,29,4,23,30,11,19,6,24};


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Initializing Constructor As Parameter For A Method?

Jan 2, 2014

So, I am learning Swing, and Swing Layouts. I just came across a really confusing (for me) line of code.

Java Code:

setLayout(new BorderLayout()); mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

So, this is weird for me because I don't really understand why the BorderLayout class constructor is being initialized as a parameter for the setLayout..

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Why Isn't Constructor A Requirement For Creating Objects

Jun 13, 2014

Java Code:

class GenericQueue<E> {
private LinkedList<E> list = new LinkedList<E>();
public void push(E element) {
public E pull() {
return list.removeLast();


Is a constructor required to create an object, if one of its instance or class variables haven't been instantiated? Like private String string;

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Creating Array Of Objects In Constructor

Mar 16, 2014

I want to create a simple app that takes a name from the console then compares the name to a small phone book,when the name matches another name it will return the associated phone number.

I have a small contacts class which has name and number fields,Then I have a phone book class which populates an array with 4 contact objects that I can compare the entered number against.

here is my contacts class

public class Contact
String name;
int number;


In the main method I am just trying to print out one of the fields for one contact to see if I can actually access it to compare it to the name entered.Its saying "MaryJones" cannot be resolved to a type.I'm guessing I cant create all that code in the constructor?

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What Does Creating ArrayList Object In A Constructor Mean

Mar 22, 2014

import java.util.ArrayList;
public class LectureRoom{
private String courseName;
private String roomNumber;
private String Lecturer;
private ArrayList <Student> studentList;

[Code] .....


Given the following BlueJ class diagram

Lecturer class (same with previous lab, no changes needed)
Student class (same with previous lab, no changes needed)

LectureRoom (changes occurs here)

1. LectureRoom has roomNumber (e.g. A301), courseName (e.g. Java), lecturer (a reference to a Lecturer object), and studentList (a reference to an ArrayList that stores Student object).
2. LectureRoom has a constructor that receives courseName, roomNumber, and Lecturer. The constructor then sets/assign the courseName, roomNumber and Lecturer. This constructor also creates the studentList arraylist object.

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JSF :: Null Pointer Exception While Creating File From Resources In Managed Bean Class

Feb 7, 2014

i want to list files from resources folder like this:

public class galley implements Serializable {
private List<String> list;
public void init() {
list = new ArrayList<String>();

[Code] ....

but it give me a null pointer exception on fList .... The directory of resources is :

How is this caused and how can I solve it?

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Creating A Constructor Without Private Implementations Only Methods?

Jul 14, 2014

I thought you can only create a new object using private implementations and then using a constructor to set your arguments inside the parameters of the constructor to the instance variables but how come he created an object without any private implementations and just methods inside the constructor.

import javax.swing.JFrame;
public class MyWindow extends JFrame {
public static void main(String[]args){
new MyWindow();
public MyWindow(){

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Super Constructor Call - Creating Object

Sep 18, 2014

Its written that every constructor calls its super class constructor. And we know, constructors are called to create an object. Does it mean that if I am creating an object of a class, I am actually creating objects of all its super class???

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Pass Private Final Class Object To Another Class Constructor

Aug 28, 2014

can we pass private final class object to another class constructor?

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Declaring Class In Main Class - Constructor Cannot Applied To Given Types

Aug 1, 2014

So i declared a class in main class but it seems there's error when i compile:

constructor xx in class xx cannot applied to given types

This is my java class:

public class trainer extends person{
String classType;
public trainer(String name, String gender, String address, int id, String classType) {

[Code] ....

And this is the way i declared in main class:

trainer tr = new trainer();

And what i want to do is:


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How Is Class Cast In Method Parameter

Jan 15, 2014

how is cast a class at a methods parameters? i have a problems in a methods paramter. i draw red line my exception and mymethods is orage color ....

Caffe drink = new Caffe();
CoffeCup cup = new CoffeCup();


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Name Given To Two Or More Methods In Class With Same Name But Different Parameter / Argument Lists?

May 9, 2014

What is the name given to two (2) or more methods in a class with the same name but different parameter/ argument lists?

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How To Get Access To The Method With A Parameter Of Class Type Variable

Feb 19, 2014

how to get an access to the method with a parameter of class type variable, lets say: public void insert(Record newRecord, int pos)?

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Creating / Using Object Class To Create Another Field In Another Class?

Jun 10, 2014

Design a class named Person and its two subclasses named Student and Employee. Make Faculty and Staff subclasses of Employee. There is also a MyDate class as explained below. A person has a name, address, phone number, and email address. A student has a status (freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior). Define the status as an integer which can have the value 0 (for "Freshman"),

1 (for "Sophomore"),
2 (for "Junior"), and
3 (for "Senior"),

but don't allow the status to be set to any other values. An employee has an office, salary, and dateHired. The dateHired is a MyDate field, which contains the fields: year, month, and day. The MyDate class does not explicitly inherit from any class, and it should have a no-arg constructor that sets the year, month, and day to the current year, month, and day. The MyDate class should also have a three-argument constructor that gets three int arguments for the year, month and day to set the year, month and day.

A faculty member has office hours and a rank. Define the rank as a String (for values like "Professor" or "Instructor"). A staff member has a title, which is also a String. Use data types for the fields as specified, or where one is not specified, use a data type that is appropriate for the particular field. Write a test program called that creates a Person, Student, Employee, Faculty, and Staff object, and invoke their toString() method (you don't need to call the objects' toString() method explicitly).

Note: Your class is the object class that your dateHired field is created from in the class.

Do not use the Person, Employee or Faculty classes defined on pages 383 and 384 of the book. Create new ones.Here is the code I have so far concerning the employee and MyDate.

public class Employee extends Person {
private String office;
private double salary;
//private MyDate dateHired;
//7 argument constructor for employee
public Employee(String name, String phoneNumber, String email, String address, String office, double salary /*MyDate dateHired*/) {
super(name, phoneNumber, email, address);


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Creating Object Of Class And Calling Its Method In Different Class

May 20, 2015

In the process of creating a new class, I need to move my main method from the class SaveDate to the class DynamicTest. Below I have listed the code of both classes.The objective is to be able to run my program from the DynamicTest Class. I need understanding the process of moving my main method to a different class and creating an Object of a class and calling its method.
public class SaveData { 
  private static final Map<String, Object> myCachedTreeMap = new TreeMap<String, Object>();
   public static final List<String> getLines(final String resourceParam, final Charset charset) throws IOException{
  System.out.println("Please get: "+resourceParam);
  if (myCachedTreeMap.containsKey(resourceParam) ) {
  // Use the cached file, to prevent an additional read.

[Code] ......

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Constructor In Abstract Class?

Jun 23, 2014

Do we have constructor in abstract class? If we have then what is the use of it?

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JSP :: Resource File Parameter Value?

Mar 11, 2015

I have a entry in file

caption_bubble_value.title={0} is a caption for the element box

JSP File

<fmt:message key="caption_bubble_value.title" />

in the java file I am setting a parameter to session

request.getSession().setAttribute("replaceVal", "Value headline");

How can I get the text "Value headline is a caption for the element box" on the page?

The replacement should happen on an event.

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Constructor In A Class Cannot Be Applied To Given Types

Feb 13, 2015

This code works

public class RedShapeDecorator extends ShapeDecorator {

public RedShapeDecorator(Shape decoratedShape) {

Below results in an error

public class RedShapeDecorator extends ShapeDecorator {

protected Shape decoratedShape;
public RedShapeDecorator(Shape decoratedShape) {

this. decoratedShape=decoratedShape;


So I am guessing that if you extend class, you should use super to pass objects?

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Constructor Error When Extending A Class?

Oct 21, 2014

I am writing a program that should take a url and scan the page for any links. It is in the beginning stages, but I ran into an error when I tried to extend a class. There's a lot going on in this code, but the error is caused by the constructor.

Error message at compile time:

"constructor Page in class Page cannot be applied to given types;
required: String
found: no arguments
reason: actual and formal argument lists differ in length".

Here's the code(first my class, then the class I extended)

public class SearchEngine extends Page {
public static Color customGreen = new Color(69, 194, 33);
public static Color customYellow = new Color(232, 166, 12);
public static Color customBlue = new Color(25,97,255);
public static Color customYellowComp = new Color(178,125,0);


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Private Variables In Class / Constructor

Jan 7, 2014

When creating a class with a constructor, why does one have to create private variables (attributes) to be used as parameters by the object? The object's parameters will be set to be exactly equal to the private variables (attributes), so what is the point of having the private variables (attributes) Why are both private variables (attributes) and parameters needed when they are set to be equal each other anyway?

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