Deck Card Game - Creating Classes For Code

May 17, 2014

I created the below code and it works fine. It is a deck card game. I just want to divide my code into classes so that it seems more organized.

Java Code:

package getimage;

import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.GridBagConstraints;
import java.awt.GridBagLayout;
import java.awt.GridLayout;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import javax.swing.*;


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Design Class - How To Organize Classes For UNO Card Game

Mar 20, 2014

I'm currently taking a computer program design class which has done a lot for my understanding of how to organize classes, but isn't giving me challenging enough assignments and I don't believe it's going to be covering interfaces and abstract classes, which is a shame. So I've been digging into these topics myself and decided to work on my own program (an Uno game program) that would utilize everything we've been learning and give me some practice with GUIs.

My current plan:

Have an abstract UnoCard class that determines the basic properties/methods common to all cards. Create a class for each card type extending from UnoCard, which would be - the generic card (number and color), action cards (skip, reverse, draw two), and special cards (wild, wild draw four, and blank).

Two enums, one for color, one for rank (which includes the numbers, as well as the action and special card ranks (reverse, wild, exc.) ).

A deck class would have an ArrayList <UnoCard> property and it's constructor would initialize a fresh deck.

A hand class that also has an ArrayList <UnoCards> where it gets said cards from the deck class.

A discard pile class, which contains the cards discarded and the current card in play.

A "board" class (haven't figured out a better name for it yet) which would determine/keep track of the number of players/hands, the turn order, the locations of the cards, and the winning condition.

Area of confusion and concern I'm having:

From what I've read, I want to avoid circular dependency. So if that's the case, when a card type effects the state of a "hand" or the turn order or really anything else, then in what class do I place the method(s) that effect that? If I place it in the specific card class, wouldn't that create a circular dependency? So would it be better then to have the hand class figure out what can be done with a specific card and what that specific card effects (which wouldn't that hinder the cohesion of the class?)?

I was also thinking a possible solution might be to have the non-generic card types contain methods that return values as apposed to manipulating higher level classes, such as a boolean drawCards which returns true if cards need to be drawn, false otherwise (same for skip, reverse, exc.).Then maybe the board class can determine what to do if those values are true or false (which actually seems more convoluted since only one value would be allowed to be true at any given time).

The other solution I was considering is to have a single UnoCardRules class, which serves the sole function of providing methods to determine the effects of each card, that way each card class can only worry about defining the card's state.

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Trading Card Game - Each Card Can Be Moved Around Like Chess Pieces

May 10, 2014

So I'm making a trading card game and each card can be moved around like chess pieces. So far, I've made the cards simple rectangles and detect if clicks are made within that rectangle and then move them appropriately, but I'm not sure if that's the best solution.

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Random Shuffle Array Of Card Objects Which Does Function Of Deck

Oct 26, 2014

I have to random shuffle an array of Card Objects which does the funcion of a deck. Heres the code:

Java Code:

public void barajear(){
int j;
for (int i=0;i<52;i++){
if (this.mazo[j]==null){
} mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

so bassically theres an array called "arreglo" which has the cards in order and the function "random" its an rng of numbers from 0 to 51.what i'm trying to do it's to take the cards from the ordenated array and put them randomly in the other but only if it's empty.(the array "mazo" has alredy been initialized with null).it worked at first, but now, after compiling succesfully i tried to run it and the cmd just...

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Creating Instances To Represent Deck Of Cards

Feb 12, 2014

I am creating a deck of 52 cards each with their rank(1 2 3...King, Ace) and suit(Clubs... Spades).

I want to be able to print out value of each card after creating them such as - 2 of CLUBS and so on. I am able to do that now. Only problem is, when it comes to the picture cards, I am representing them with numbers 11(Jack), 12(Queen) 13(King) and 14(Ace). I can't quite get around to changing the numbers to be represented as the actual words (King and so on).

I imagine that I should store the jack,queen,king,ace values in an enum too and call it in my loop but can't quite get it. Should I have like a 3rd for loop in my following codes to make it work?

Java Code:

//My main method. The Card class follows below

public static void main(String[] args) {
Card[] cards = new Card[52];
int i = 0;
for (Card.Suits suit : Card.Suits.values()) {
for (int y = 2; y < 15; y++) {
cards[i] = new Card(y,;

[Code] .....

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Card Game War Comparing Rank

Oct 30, 2014

I am making the card game War, I have gotten fairly far without a huge snag but I have been working on this. I need to compare 2 cards to find the larger of the 2. I have a function that will do that, but it is comparing the wrong numbers. The function is comparing their index values but I need it to compare the card value. The card value is found at rank(card).

import java.util.Random;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Collections;
[Code] ....

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Implementing A Card Game In JAVA

Apr 19, 2015

I am facing with a JAVA code needed for my assignment.We are implementing a Card Game.. There is a Card Class which i have not included in the code below .We have a Dec class that has various arrays..

privateCard[] masterPack >> Is a master Pack that is initialized once and has all the 52 cards.

private Card[] cards >> Is the array that has the card values from masterPack array.

My problem is :

After I called the Deck object D1, it goes to the Deck COnstrucutor OK.It then populates the values of masterPack as per the allowmasterPack method.Then it stores the values of masterPack into cards array in the init method..I get an exception when line below is executed..

cards[pack * 52 + k]= masterPack[k];

I get a java.lang.NullPointerException error..

public class debug
public static void main(String[] args)
int pack = 1;
Dec D1;
D1 = new Dec(pack);


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5 Card Stud Game - Constantly Repainting Screen

Apr 11, 2014

I am currently making a 5 card stud game for my Java Programming class at my highschool. I am deciding to go a little above expectations and make my poker game a little more fun than just comparing a few cards. However I want there to be text that is changing on my screen, but the repaint() is not the most reliable way to make the screen update, I am wanting a way for have the program constantly update the screen so that if I do something like someLabel.setText("Text"); then the text will update automatically whenever it is changed.

Here is my declarations and main/constructor method

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.Random;
public class FiveCard extends JFrame implements ActionListener {

[Code] .....

Here is the method addMainPage, which is called in the constructor. Whenever the enterButton is pressed, the actionListener directs it to loadBoard();

I use GridBag Layout, so to skip through all of the constraints

public void addMainPage() {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
players[i] = new Player();
Icon cardBackImage = new ImageIcon("back.gif");

[Code] .....

Game intro is a method that changes the text of a label every second using .setText(), however it does not work because the enterButton is pressed, then after loadBoard() and gameIntro() is ran, it repaints the frame with the board objects and the gameIntro's final .setText() command.The action listener is simple...

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
if (e.getSource() == enterButton) {

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Creating Multiple Classes

Apr 25, 2014

I was trying to play around a little bit after learning creating multiple classes and stuff.However,i encountered a strange problem with reading a value from the user and then storing it in a variable.The usual way i do it is

Scanner variableName=new Scanner(;

But when i trying to print the contents of the variable "variableName" the compiler throws a lot of errors .I am attaching how i have tried that out in my code

import java.util.Scanner;
class laptop{
private String modelNumber;
private boolean hasFan;
private float ramSpeed;
protected int numCores;
//private String input;


Without the setInfo() in the laptop class the program functions as desired but i intend to ask the user if he wants to modify something and then reflect the same.

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Creating Three Exception Classes

Sep 28, 2014

Why I have to place two parameters in the Verify constructor. If the numbers are being typed in by the user and passed through the validate method, what is the point of having them in Verify() ?

First, create three exception classes named NumberHighException, NumberLowException, and NumberNegativeException. Both NumberHighException and NumberLowException should be directly subclassed from the Exception class, but NumberNegativeException should be subclassed from NumberLowException. You can use the BadDataException class that was defined in this module as the model for your exception classes.

Next create a class called Verify that will be used to validate that a number is within a specified range. It should have one constructor that has two int parameters. The first parameter is the minimum number in the range, and the second parameter is the maximum number in the range.

In addition to the constructor, the Verify class should have one method that is named validate. The validate method should have a single parameter of data type int. The parameter contains the number that is being validated. If the value of the parameter is less than zero, the method should throw a NumberNegativeException. If the value is less than the minimum value of the range, it should throw a NumberLowException. If the value is greater than the maximum value of the range, it should throw a NumberHighException. If the value is within the specified range, no exception should be thrown.

Once all of these classes are created, create the driver class called Program5. The driver class should instantiate a Verify object with a range of 10 to 100. It should then do the following:

-Prompt the user to input a number within the specified range.
-Use a Scanner to read the user input as an int. You can ensure that an int was entered because the nextInt method throws an --InputMismatchException if any non-digits are entered.
-Call the validate method to validate that the number is within the range.
-Print an appropriate error message if the value is not within the range, or print the value if it is within the range.

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Creating A Program To Call Classes

Aug 15, 2014

The requirements are as follows:Design and implement the class Day that implements the day of the week in a program. The class Day should store the day, such as Sun for Sunday. The program should be able to perform the following operations on an object of type Day:

A. Set the day.

B. Print the day.

C. Return the day.

D. Return the next day.

E. Return the previous day.

F. Calculate and return the day by adding certain days to the current day. For example, if the current day is Monday and we add four days, the day to be returned is Friday. Similarly, if today is Tuesday and we add 13 days, the day to be returned is Monday.

G. Add the appropriate constructors.

H. Write the definitions of the methods to implement the operations for the class Day, as defined in A through G.

I. Write a program to test various operations on the class Day.Should I break down my into several separate classes, one for each of the sections (previous, next, etc)?

import java.util.*;
public class MyDay
static Scanner readinput = new Scanner(;
String day;
public MyDay(String day)
day = "Sunday";


Ideally I would like to create a Gui that would have someone type in the day, and then press a button to return the next day, prior day, or have a text input to test for adding X number of days.

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Creating New Data Type VeryLargeInteger With / Without Premade Java Classes

Jan 22, 2014

What I'm doing about it: googling the shit out of my problems, consulting you fine readers, consulting my friends, and yesterday I signed up for I'm hoping 30hrs+ or so of watching, rewatching, and analyzing the example code will catch me up before I get too behind in CS302

** Assignment Prompt **

Integer types are very convenient, but their limited width and precision makes them unsuitable for some applications where precision is more important than speed. Develop a class VeryLargeInteger that can handle arbitrary long integer numbers (both negative and positive) and the basic arith- metic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and remainder).

Hint: The number could be represented as string, the sign could be represented either as boolean or as part of the string.

Note: Implementations of addition/subtraction through repeated use of a constant incremen- t/decrement will not be accepted. Implementations of multiplication and division that rely only on addition and subtraction will not be accepted.

I know I'm going to have to create a separate tester to call on the VeryLargeInteger class and it's math methods. For the new data type, should I convert the integer/string into an array in order to handle the large length of the number? I know he wants us to use recursion for the math methods. My gut tells me addition and subtraction will be slightly easier than multiplication and division. I know I'll have to reference the other methods for division. We aren't allowed to use the BigInteger class.

How I should construct any of the methods.

Java Code:

import java.util.ArrayList;
∗ VeryLargeInteger (VLI) is a class for arbitrary precision integer computation
public class VeryLargeInteger {
private int[] num1;
private int[] num2;
private int[] num3;


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Create Word Game Using Classes And Objects

Feb 14, 2015

For class, we need to create a word game using classes and objects.

The game is played in rounds. The player is presented with a word that is missing letters. The player has to fill in the missing spaces with their letter guesses. The words presented are chosen with a random number generator which has been provided for us. At the end of the game, the player is shown their score.

In steps, I have to:

-Welcome the player.
-Present the puzzle.
-Allow the player to fill in the blanks.
-Have the program check responses for correct/incorrect input.
-End the game if they have three misses, or continue if they complete the puzzle.

Now, to start, I have a class for the number generator, a class to store the array of 25 words, and a class for the game itself.

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How To Open Files When In Classes Instead Of Main Code

Mar 18, 2014

I have looked over other people code relating to files that are related to my actual studies in class. My teacher hasn't worked on a lot of file problems so I want to gain some understanding on it.

1.) I have this class with variables declared

public class FileDisplay {
private String filename;
FileWriter outputfile;
File Inputfile;

I'm aware that having a private variable would not allow that variable to be accessed outside the code. Vice versa, public variable would do that. The FileWriter and the File Inputfile is something I don't understand, especially have them in classes. What is the purpose of them?


public class FileDisplay {
private String filename;
FileWriter outputfile;
File Inputfile;
[Code] ....

I have made this code here that opens the output and input file. If I make another method, how would I display the text onto that same file. Hard to clarify for me, but in each method do I just keep creating :

FileWriter outputfile=new Filewriter(filename)

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Creating GUI For Game Of Life?

Dec 31, 2014

Here is my Code for the Game Of Life that I am programming to teach my self java. I am trying to create a GUI and I have done so and a window displays however i don't understand how i can get the Game of Life to display within that GUI?

import javax.swing.JFrame;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.FlowLayout; //Provides default layout managing
import javax.swing.JLabel;
public class LifeMain extends JFrame

[Code] ......

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Creating Memory Game

Jul 9, 2014

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.util.Random;
public class memgame extends JFrame
Timer myTimer;

[Code] ....

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CheckerBoard Won't Appear - Creating A Game In Java

Mar 8, 2015

Anyway I am creating a game for my A2 coursework, most commonly known as Checkers. I have completed my code and everything works as I had planned except that the CheckerBoard itself as well as the checkerpieces do not appear to be showing.

The section of were my board should be present is just a black space. Although my board does not appear to be displaying, all of the actions I perform on it such as clicking certain section produces the planned response, and although I've checked through my code I cannot work out what I've done wrong.

CheckerBoard content = new CheckerBoard(); // Sets the CheckerBoard values into the content to be used in the next line
application.setContentPane(content); // Container holds the values together, Content pane of the CheckerBoard
application.pack(); // Use preferred size of content to set size of application.
Dimension screensize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
application.setLocation( (screensize.width - application.getWidth())/2,
(screensize.height - application.getHeight())/2 );

[Code] ....

I have noticed is that within the BoardComplete(), if you change the setBackground(Color.BLACK) to WHITE, it will change the colour of the section to white, but the checkboard is still unshown.

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Creating A Guessing Game In Java

Nov 30, 2014

I am creating a Guessing game program in java code. I am having an issue with the guess class and main/tester class running. The instructions for the game are The computer generates a random # and the user must guess that number in 7 or fewer guesses. If the guesses exceed 7, then the game is over and the user is asked if they want to 'play again?'These are things I need to incorporate into my code:

If Statement

A Loop of some kind
At least three imported methods
At least two methods you create
Obtains input from the user
At least two instance variables
At least two local variables
Some form of concatenation
At least two calculations

import java.util.Random;
public class Guess
int computersNumber; // A random number picked by the computer.
int usersGuess = 0; // A number entered by user as a guess.
int guessCount = 0; // Number of guesses the user has made.


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Creating Tiled Based Map Game In Java?

May 10, 2014

I'm trying to create a tile based map JPanel but all I get is a white screen. I'm fairly new to the Java Swing and AWT package so I've been watching tutorials on YouTube so learn as much as I can. I don't know where I'm going wrong.

I've got three classes: which includes the Main method, which is the JPanel and to draw all the images into an array.

import javax.swing.JFrame;
public class Window extends JFrame {
public Window() {
setSize(500, 400);

[Code] ....

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Image;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
public class Panel extends JPanel implements Runnable {
private Image dbImage;


I've checked through everything and still cannot find what I'm doing wrong. I did try different codes but I just got errors instead.

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Creating Leaderboard For Game - Display Top 5 Players

Feb 26, 2014

I'm in the process of building an algorithm for a leaderboard for my game, but now I'm stuck.

- It is a two-player game.
- The leaderboard is supposed to display the top 5 players.
- Scores will be saved to an external .txt file as a reference.

Also, may I add that I still cannot decide if I should only consider the winner's score for the leaderboard, or also the loser's.

For example:

Player 1 is Juliet.
Player 2 is Romeo.

At the end of the match, Juliet's score is greater than Romeo's.

Should I only evaluate Juliet's score for the leaderboard, or both of their scores? As of now my algorithm considers only the winner's score.

As of the moment I'm also only thinking of using JLabel to display the scores, but I'm not sure if this is the most efficient way to do it. I'm considering JTable.

So here's my current algorithm:

1) When the user starts a new match/returns to menu/exits game: (I provided 4 options: new game (scores remain but the board is reset), new match (everything is reset), menu, and exit.)

public class Game
//This class also holds the code for the operation of the game
if (event.getSource() == newmatch)//or menu or exit {
if (p1score != 0 || p2score != 0) {
Leaderboard x;

[Code] .....

3) The next step which is I'm highly unsure of is to create an ArrayList for the scores (I'm missing the part about the player's name because well I'm not sure as well how I will approach it) and then sort it, but the problem after that would be how to make the score agree with the player's name, if you get what I mean.

Like for example the scores are:

Anna = 1
Pamela = 5
Gabby = 3
Sorted: 5, 3, 1

Pamela has the highest score, but how will I be able to display her name together with her score?

4) I have a checker which determines if the ArrayList of scores is empty, and if it is, it will automatically display the player's name and score (this is for the first pair of players).

It's something like this:

if (board.isEmpty()){
} else {

There's a whole lot of buzz going on and now I don't know how I should proceed.

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Creating Conway Game Of Life - Index Out Of Bounds?

Mar 3, 2015

The question pretty much says it all. My problem seems to be when adding the neighbours, I am always getting a Index out of Bounds problem. I know this is because the code is reaching for the edge of the table, for example if the column, i = 0 and the statement says to perform i - 1 and return it, then we are going to have a problem.

Similarly with anything like j = 20, j + 1 (as the grid only has 20 spaces). I understand the problem, but I am unsure of how to solve it. I have tried messing around with the if statements, but I continue to get the 'out of bounds' problem...

import javax.swing.*;
public class GameOfLife {
* @param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {
int cellChoice = 0;
int newCells = 1;
int generation = 1;
int neighbours = 0;

[Code] .....

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Creating Central Repository For Java Code

Jul 13, 2014

I have a java project in Eclipse. I make changes to this project from different computers. I think this is a good opportunity to learn and practice some source control. Is there a source control system which will allow me to do this very easily ? How about Git ? Any outline of the main steps needed to setup this thing with Git, preferably within eclipse itself ? I don't need each and every step to prepare the whole system. I only need the main steps like - download and install git on both machines, rent a server and create a repo on it, grant both computers access to the server etc.

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How To Code MMO Real-time Strategy Social Game In Java

Aug 25, 2014

I want to work on a project related to MMO real-time strategy social game as a college project but i dont have enough knowledge on it starting from 3d object coding to server.

Also i would like to know what are things to be cosidered as its an online game whether the camera angel affect what are problems that might occur and how to outrun it. How to split the server so that in one server depending upon the geo-location some number of users will be connected and will be splitted in different servers depending on the location

I want the actions to be cloud based but the actions of the characters will be coded within the game and in every server maximum of 100 users can connect.

Create several rooms.

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Creating Cursor For A Game That Moves Square By Square - Removing Trailing Images

Aug 31, 2014

I'm trying to create a cursor for a game that moves square by square. While it will move to the next square, though, it leaves the image of the previous cursor on the last square it was on.

As a visual explanation, this is what the program looks like on launch:

This is what it's suppose to look like after you press the right arrow key once (made by forcibly changing launch coordinates):

And this is what it actually looks like after you press the right arrow key once:

Here is the code for the program:

package cursortest;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.imageio.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class CursorTest extends JPanel implements KeyListener{

[Code] ......

I'm fully aware that I could just use g.clearRect on the area and remove it for sure, but I know for a fact I shouldn't have to as I have another program I made a long time ago that tried to do something similar without needing to resort to that.

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Shuffling A Deck Of Cards

May 30, 2014

Assuming we have an array that is int[] cardDeck = new int[52] and each card is given a value with the following method; this deck does not include Jokers. Note: 11, 12, and 13 and used to represent Jacks, Queens, and Kings respectively, and 1 is used to represent Aces.

Java Code:

public static void loadDeck(int[] cardDeck)
for(int i = 0; i < cardDeck.length; i++)
if(i+1 > 39)
cardDeck[i] = i+1-39;
else if(i+1 > 26)

[Code] ....

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Deck Of Cards Program

Mar 12, 2014

I have red underlines under "Card" and "cards" in my Deck class and "deal" in my driver and i don't know how to fix them to get it to properly run.

Card Class:

Java Code:

public class Card
public final static int ACE = 1; // note: or use enumerated types
public final static int TWO = 2;
public final static int THREE = 3;
public final static int FOUR = 4;
public final static int FIVE = 5;
public final static int SIX = 6;
public final static int SEVEN = 7;


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