Determining Letter Grade Of Students

Apr 14, 2014

The purpose of this project is to determine the letter grade of students. The program needs to accept two command line arguments:

The first being the name of a disk file that contains the names of students, and their test scores, separated by commas followed by one or more spaces. Each line in the file will contain scores for one student.

The second argument is the name of an output disk file. The program is supposed to create a new output disk file using that name.

The number of students in the input file is unknown during compile time. The name of input and output files could be anything and only known during run time. Additionally, the average scores, along with the minimum and maximum scores for each test are to be displayed in the console.

Calculation: Final Score = quiz1 * .10 + quiz2 * .10 + quiz3 * .10 + quiz4 * .10 + midi * .20 + midii * .15 + final * .25
Final Score >= 90% then letter grade is A, 80%-89% B, 70%-79% C, 60-69% D, <= 59% F


firstName lastName, 100, 90, 80, 100, 89, 99, 88
firstName lastName, 90, 90, 100, 100, 99, 100, 95
firstName lastName, 100, 90, 100, 70, 78, 78, 80
firstName lastName, 80, 90, 90, 100, 89, 99, 85


firstName lastName: B
firstName lastName: A
firstName lastName: F
firstName lastName: B
firstName lastName: C

averages (to appear in console)
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 MidI MidII Final
Average: 82.25 80.38 82.85 83.88 81.38 84.13 78.63
Minimum: 60 54 38 62 62 60 50
Maximum: 100 90 100 100 99 100 95

Press ENTER to continue...

Here's what I have so far :

import static java.lang.System.out;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class LetterGrader {

[Code] .....

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Java Converting Percentage To Letter Grade - Not Running

Sep 14, 2014

I am trying to create a program that allows me to enter 5 students numeric grade (0-100) to a letter grade (A, B, C, D, F) and I CANNOT use an array. When I try to run my program it says main class not found, and when I change the it from a string to a void in the main method it does not work.

Java Code:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Week3ControlStatements2
public static String main(String[] args){
int numberGrade = 0;
int quotient = numberGrade / 10;
int remainder = numberGrade % 10;

[Code] ....

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Letter To Numeric Grade Convertor - Return Not Returning

Nov 1, 2014

I have been working on this letter to numeric grade convertor and my return function is not returning anything. Here is my code:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class GradeTest
private double numericValue = 0;
private static String grade = "";
public static void main(String[] args)


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Write A Program That Translates A Number Between 0 And 4 Into Closest Letter Grade

Oct 8, 2014

Write a program that translates a number between 0 and 4 into the closest letter grade. For example, the number 2.8 (which might have been the average of several grades) would be converted to B. Break ties in favor of the better grade; for example 2.85 should be a B. Use a class Grade with a method getNumericGrade. why when I type .3 it tells me "Exception in thread "main" java.util.InputMismatchException" Or if there is an easier way to do this.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Grades {
public static void main(String [] args) {
System.out.println("Enter a number between 0 and 4");
Scanner input = new Scanner(;


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Switch Statement That Decides What Range To Print Based On Letter Grade Input

Nov 1, 2014

Alright so I wrote a switch statement that decides what range to print based on the letter grade input.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class SwitchPractice
public static void main(String [] args)
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;


It works fine, but once it the user enters a letter grade and then displays the value, it does not prompt the user for another letter grade so that it can perform the output again. Also if I wanted to display an error message to the user if they enter an invalid letter grade how would I do that. I tried using a while loop and if statement in the switch statement but that didn't work.

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Strings - Change Every Capital Letter Into Small Letter And Vise Versa

Oct 22, 2014

I have a problem with functions connected to strings.

I have a random String, e.g. "Hello World!" and I have to change every capital Letter into a small letter and vise versa. This alone would be fairly simple, but I have to do it with two other strings.

lowercase= "abcde...z" and

uppercase="ABCDE...Z". Every small letter stands at the very same position as the capital letter, but in the other string.

There should be a letter for letter search in lowercase and uppercase for the letters of "Hello World".

How I could solve the task, however I need a way to search the first string, here "Hello World", according to position. A statement which does: "Give me the letter of position x". This found letter should be able to be stored in a variable or else be able to be used by another statement. And it should be compatible with a for lope.

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How To Get 1st Letter Of Input (String) And Compare It To Single Letter Before Insert To DB

Apr 15, 2014

Example : I have code and name but my code must start with the first letter of the inputed name if the 2 input is match it will be inserted into database

code = "A"001
name ="Angela"
= success this will inserted into database


code ="B"002
=failed this will not inserted into database


=success still accepts the input cause they have diff code number

What I am thinking on this was compare the code the name? if == it will be inserted but how do i get the 1st letter of the input name?

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Determining Big O Notation

Apr 12, 2014

Compute the total number of operations for each of the following algorithm and define the value of Big Oh in its worst-case. jum = 0;
for (int x = 1; x<= n; x++) {
for (int y = 1 ; y <= 10; y++) {
for (int k = 0; k<= n*n; k++) {
jum = jum * x + y;

[Code] .....

What it actually means by compute the total number of operation ? My answer is

(i) 2 assignment , 1 addition and 1 multiplication
(ii) 4 assignment , 1 multiplication , 2 addition

The value of Big O is

(i) 10n^3 , so the answer is n^3
(ii) n^4+1 , so the answer is n^4

May i know is my answer is correct ??

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Determining When JAVA Thread Is Finished

Jul 27, 2014

I have been new to JAVA programming language and have been using it for generation of a GUI (with NET BEANS).

My problem is, when i start a thread within GUI, that takes some amount of time to get finished (around 5min to 20min cpu time),

I need an a way to detect when the thread is done and accordingly some action to be taken afterwards.

I tried with isAlive, but to no avail.

Example is, I press an JButton, thread starts, when finished Jbutton get colour changed.

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Determining Average Number Of Comparisons For Quicksort?

Feb 24, 2014

My objective is to execute quick sort ( i was told to convert the pseudocode from the Cormen book) using arrays of increasing sizes and find the average number of comparisons for each of those sizes over 100 iterations. This is a school project and the numbers I am getting are far larger than those of my friends, so I am clearly doing something wrong. I believe it must be in the way that I am collecting and averaging my number of comparisons. I will first give the method in which most of that calculating is done, then I will include the whole program.

public static void tests(int arraySize) {
long numComparisons = 0;
long averageComparisons = 0;
long[] numComparisonsArray = new long[100];
  for(int i = 0; i<100; i++) {
int[] array= genRandomArray(arraySize);


I was simply not zeroing out one of my variables

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Determining User Input To Be Prime Number

Feb 12, 2015

Any better way to write a program that takes a user number input and the program determines whether or not the number is prime or not. It was suppose to be a number between 0 and 8,000,000.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class prime1
public static void main(String args [])


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Program That Continuously Asks For Alphabet Letter And Stops When Non-Alphabet Letter Entered

Oct 8, 2014

Write a program that continuously asks for an alphabet letter, and stops when a non-alphabet letter is entered. Then output the number of upper case letters, lower case letters, and vowels entered ....

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100 Lockers For Students

Apr 4, 2015

A school has 100lockers and100 students. All lockers are closed on the first day of school. As the students enter, the first student, denoted S1, opens every locker. Then the second student, S2, begins with the second locker, denotedL2, and closes every other locker. Student S3beginswiththethirdlocker and changes every third locker (closes it if it was open, and opens it if it was closed). Student S4begins with locker L4 and changes every fourth locker. StudentS5 starts with L5andchanges every fifth locker, and soon,until student S100 changesL100.

After all the students have passed through the building and changed the lockers, which lockers are open?Write a program to find your answer. The program should display the answer like this:

Locker x is open Locker y is open...
Locker z is open
Design requirement:
Use a method and an array of100 boolean elements,each of which indicates
whether a locker is open (true) or closed (false). Initially,all lockers are closed.

I'm not sure why it's giving me errors in my code. I'll post it below.

2 public class Assignment5 {
4 public static void main(String[] args) {
5 //create array
6boolean locker[] = new boolean[100];
7 //make them all closed
8for( int i = 0; i <= 99; i++){
9locker[i]= false;

[Code] ....

I have errors in line 12 and 14 but not sure why or how to fix them.

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Grouping Students From ArrayList

Jan 12, 2015

I have an ArrayList filled with Student objects and all these students have a name. What I have to do is group these students in teams of 2 and make sure that 1. a student is not grouped with itself and 2. a student is not grouped twice.

The problem shows up when I iterate through the ArrayList and crosscheck a randomly generated number (for picking random students) with an ArrayList that contains already selected students, to make sure that we have no duplicates.

Here is my code:

public void generateTeams() {
Iterator<Student> iteration = studentsArray.iterator();
 while(iteration.hasNext()) {
student1 =;
// getRandomStudent returns a random Student object from the arraylist
student2 = getRandomStudent();
[Code] .....

If I run it like this the program will freeze an take up a lot of CPU. This is probably because the final student has no other students left to pair with and will therefore keep randomly generating a number (the while loop in the middle). The list of students is 27 long so it has to work with an odd amount of students.

Any good way to crosscheck if the student has been picked before? I have tried emptying the original ArrayList before but that ends up with the same problem of there being no students to match with.

In the while loop I have edited out the part that causes it to generate random numbers infinitely. I do need to make sure the student hasn't been picked before though.

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Students Grading - Two Dimensional Arrays

Jun 18, 2014

I have the program bellow that grades students(based on a two dimensional array with the answers) and i need to make it display the students based on the grades/scores in ascending order . I did that in two ways (using a array and a two dimensional array) but i have a hunch it can be done much more simple then i did it (but still using array object and nothing else ) .

public class GradeExam {
/** Main method */
public static void main(String args[]) {
// Students' answers to the questions
char[][] answers = {


My first solution creating an array with the grades for sorting :

public class C8_3 {
public static void main(String args[]) {
// Students' answers to the questions
char[][] answers = {
{'A', 'B', 'A', 'C', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'E', 'A', 'D'},
{'D', 'B', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'A', 'E', 'E', 'A', 'D'},


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Students GPA Database - Return String With All Information

Dec 13, 2014

Here is the question with my Pseudocode:

Create an application that keeps track of students. The application should have 3 new classes.

1. Create a class which will represent an instance of 1 student:

I want to be able to display the user's name (Last, First), Age (in years as an integer) and GPA (to 2 decimal points). This class only needs a constructor and a toString method.

2. Create a Team class that will represent a group of students.

This class should allow the driver class to manage students for a given course. The class will keep track of the course name and section, the students in the class, and allow the driver to specify the max number of students to keep track of.

2.It should have a method to insert a single student into the array and return a Boolean indicating success or failure.
3.It should also have a method which returns a string with all of the course and student information formatted for display. You should make the name 12 characters long.

3. Create a driver class that will manage the whole process.


BEGIN Driver main method
Initialize student count to 0
Input size of the array
Instantiate a copy of the Team class
Input a student name (or quit)
WHILE (the student name is not quit)
Input student age
Input student GPA

[Code] ....

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Gradebook Program - Calculate Averages Of 25 Students Using 2D Arrays

Apr 16, 2014

I am making a gradebook program that calculates the averages of 25 students using 2D arrays in which the students have four test grades. I have figured out how to display the averages of each student in one column but I cant seem to figure out how to display the letter grade of the average into another column.

Right now my program reads from a .txt doc

Heres what I've got.

import java.util.*;
public class TestGradeBook {
public static void main (String [] args ) throws IOException{
final int ROWS = 100;
final int TESTS = 4;

[Code] .....

// basic name and grades

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Scheduling Software - Display Chart Showing Lesson Times For Particular Teacher And Students

Aug 27, 2014

I want to develop a dynamic scheduling application that I hope to use at work, but I have some questions about the design approach since this is my first undertaking of this kind of project.

The purpose of the application is to display a chart showing the lesson times for a particular teacher and her students.

Here's are more important details:

-The chart displays the current day's schedule.
-The top row displays the teacher's name. There are at least 4 teachers each day.
-The leftmost column shows the times (from 3:00 to 8:00).
-The table is filled with the names of the students.

My current problem is deciding on the best approach to storing this data containing the teacher and her students and times. I should also note that there are about 500 students and around 20 teachers (i.e. the dataset is small). Is this a problem solved using a database and JDBC or could I just write the data to file? Are there other approaches that would solve this problem?

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Grade Average Project

Dec 7, 2014

I have make a simple grade average project and can't figure out how to ask the user if they want to enter more grades to average and run the app again.Here's what I have so far.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Average {
private static Scanner kb;
public static void main(String[] args) {
kb = new Scanner(;

How many grades do you wish to average?

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Basic Grade Calculator

Jan 24, 2015

im considered quite the "javanoob" as my account name states..The assignment is to basically take a number that is entered by a user, and based off what they type in, display a corresponding grade letter. For example, if they enter a number between 90-100, they should receive a response that they received an "A". Now, this is fairly simple using an if/else statement, but my professor wanted us to implement this, using a switch case to teach us the difference.

import java.util.*;
public class SwitchTest
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;

System.out.println("Please enter a number to find out what letter grade you have recieved");


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Grade Calculator Program

Nov 12, 2014

how to I modify my program so that it asks the user how many studens are in the class then according to the value the user inputs that is how many times the program will ask the user for a grade. Once the graded are entered it will then output the class average, minimum, and maximum. I believe that you'd use a for loop yet I am troubled.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class GetLetterGrade{
public static void main(String [] args){
Scanner reader = new Scanner(;


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Displaying GPA And Lower Grade First?

Mar 24, 2015

I have an assignment which i tried to solve myself but there's one part that says "This information should then be displayed with the lowest grade first" which i dont know how to do

Write a Java program that calculates and displays your grade point average (GPA) for the term. Your program should prompt the user to enter the grade and credit hours for each course. This information should then be displayed with the lowest grade first, and the GPA for the term should be calculated and displayed. A warning message should be printed if the GPA is less 2.0 and a congratulatory message if the GPA is 3.5 or above.)

here's my answer:

import java.util.*;
public class Gpa
{static Scanner stdIn= new Scanner(;
public static void main (String[]args)
char grade=' ';
int gradevalue=0;
double gpa;

[Code] ....

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Grade Input And Final Average

Sep 15, 2014

For this assignment you will be writing a grade book program. The program will work for one student. It will need to take as input the students name. The user will then be asked to input grades into three categories in this order:

1) homework;
2) quizzes;
3) tests.

The grades in a given category will be averaged to one number that is the average of all grades in that category. The final average will be the weighted average of each category, where homework is worth 25% quizzes are worth 25%, and test are worth 50%. Like this:

Homework Grades: 65, 70, 75, 80, 80 Homework Average: 74
Quiz Grades: 75, 80, 85, 80. Quiz Average: 80
Test Grades: 75, 80, 85, 75 Test Average: 78.75
Final Average = 0.25*HomeworkAvg + 0.25*QuizAvg + 0.50*TestAvg = 77.87

But i only have the average and i dont know how to move past that..

Heres my average code :

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Homework3 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner myScanner = new Scanner(;
int gradeCount = 0;
int grades = 0;
int holder = 0;

[Code] .....

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Error On Grade Average Calculator

Jul 15, 2014

I've been learning about Swing and I'm working on a Grade Average Calculator, but the problem is after the user types in the the grades, the average is supposed to appear, but for some reason in my code, nothing appears, I can only type in the grades. Here's my code so far :

package gradecalculator;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.text.JTextComponent;
import java.awt.*;
public class Gradecalculator extends JFrame implements FocusListener {
JTextField grade1, grade2, grade3, grade4, grade5, grade6, grade7, grade8;

[Code] .....

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Student Grade Average Program?

Mar 27, 2015

I just have not got the chance to spend much time on it lately I know a bit but I'm not an expert or even intermediate with Java so I'm trying to make a program where the teacher enters the grade of each student and its stored in a variable the only problem is if I use a for loop the variable in which the result will be stired will be overwrite by the last repetition of the loop,I think the idea would be a nested loop but how I would go about using it in this situation,

here is my java code.

import java.util.Scanner;
class maths{
public static void main(String[] args)


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Program That Will Accept Values And Transform Scores To Grade

Aug 26, 2014

I was trying to write a program that will accept values and transform the scores to grade. Like 70 and above will be given A from 60 to 69 is B, from 50 to 59 is C, from 40 to 49 is D and below 40 is F. I have defined the variables, for the textfield, am confused on how make this hapen on just a click of the comand botton.

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