Distance Between 2 Points

Mar 14, 2009

hey just having some trouble with a homework question:

For this question you will use the Point class from the Java API, which represents points in 2-dimensional space, each of which has an x and y coordinate. You must write a program called Distance, which does the following:

1. Reads in the coordinates (separated by spaces) of two points
2. Creates two Point objects with the values entered by the user
3. Uses the distance method of the Point class to calculate the distance between the two points
4. Prints out the distance

Details on how to create Point classes can be found in the Java API documentation. However, for this question the only two methods you need to know about it are the following:

- Point(int x, int y) - Constructor; creates a new point
- double distance(Point other) - Calculates the distance between this point and another point

I think what i have so far will work, im jsut having problems creating 2 new objects . it points at new and says incompatible types. And also points at +distance and says cannot be de reference from a static context.

import java.awt.Point;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Distance{
private int pointX;
private int pointY;
private double distance;
public Distance(int x,int y)

[Code] .....

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Two Circles Overlap If Distance Between Their Center Points Is Less Than Sum Of Their Radius

May 1, 2015

Write a program that draws 20 circles, with the radius and location of each circle determined at random...... Two circles overlap if the distance between their center points is less than the sum of their radii...

There may be many problems with the code in general but what I'm struggling with is the distance and the totalradius portion. Visually, its inaccurate.

import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class CircleTest extends JPanel {
Circle []circles;
Circle []circleCenter;
Circle []all;
private int distance, totalradius, dx, dy;
private int radius,x,y;

[Code] ....

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Calculate Distance Between Two Points - All Numbers And Return Values Should Be Of Type Double

Jul 8, 2014

Write method distance to calculate the distance between two points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2). All numbers and return values should be of type double. Incorporate this method into an application that enables the user to enter the coordinates of the points.


- The distance between two points can be calculated by taking the square root of

( x2 - x1 )2 + ( y2 - y1 )2

- Use Math class methods to compute the distance.

- Your output should appear as follows:

Type the end-of-file indicator to terminate

On UNIX/Linux/Mac OS X type <ctrl> d then press Enter

On Windows type <ctrl> z then press Enter

Or Enter X1: 1

Enter Y1: 1

Enter X2: 4

Enter Y2: 5

Distance is 5.000000

Type the end-of-file indicator to terminate

On UNIX/Linux/Mac OS X type <ctrl> d then press Enter

On Windows type <ctrl> z then press Enter

Or Enter X1: ^Z

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Applets :: JApplet That Ask User For Points And Draw A Line From Said Points

Nov 6, 2013

This is what he wants: He wants us to prompt the user to input x values and y values (that will be entered into an array when clicking one of the two buttons (this one will say: Add point)). When they click the second button (draw lines), it should take all the points and draw a line that connects all the points together using a method that we write. In the method we have to call the paint method up which the lines will be drawn. The lines drawn should be touching every point added. It shouldn't have parameters. It will also use Graphics painter = getGraphics(); We can't use frames either.

I have everything up until the method understood.

How to write a method that will draw a line from points inputted that is called up in the action listener when the second button (draw lines) is pressed.

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Distance Formula - Return Value NaN

Mar 17, 2015

I am working on this new project where we are using the great distance formula but every time I run my ending result is NaN. I was researching, and people say its because you divide by 0. I think I have my formula correct.

Java Code:

public class testingFormula {
public static void main(String[] args) {
double lat = 34.01858902;
double lon = -118.2817688;
double lat2 =33.94530869;
double lon2 = -118.3994904;

[Code] ....

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Euclidean Distance In 2D Array

Nov 25, 2014

I'm trying to write a program that will takes as input a sub-sequence/set/query eg; P = <1,3,0>)

int [][] S = {{1, 3, 0}};
and a list of series. eg;
int [][] T = {{1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 5},{9,9,9,9,9,9}};

The idea is to iterate through the series and find the lowest distance, using euclidean distance, between a subseries and the query.Example: d=distance d(P,T[1..3]=√(1-1)^2 + (3 - 2)^2 + (0 - 3)^2 = sqrt10 => 3.16...Then go through the first subseries again but starting at [1] in the array instead of [0], so d(P,T[2..4]=√(1-2)^2 + (3-3)^2 + (3-0)^2. keep repeating this process, then start searching the next subseries for the lowest distance, save the position of index(row#) and the start of the subseries(column#) that has the lowest distance.Here is the code i have written to do this without using nested for-loops to do it:

//Works out euclidean difference, long way need for loops
int [][] T = new int [][] {{1,2,3,0,1,5}};
int [][] S = new int [][] {{1, 3, 0}};
int s1 = S[0][0]; int s2 = S[0][1]; int s3 = S[0][2];
int t1 = T[0][0]; int t2 = T[0][1]; int t3 = T[0][2];
double sum;
sum = Math.pow((s1 - t1), 2);
sum += Math.pow((s2 - t2), 2);
sum += Math.pow ((s3 - t3), 2);
Double diff = Math.sqrt(sum);

However i want to use for-loops to iterate through as subseries could be of any length. The way i did it above isn't applicable.This is what i have so far...

int [][] S = {{1, 3, 0}};
int [][] T = {{1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 5},{9,9,9,9,9,9}};


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Find Out Distance Between Two Trains Using Only Two Commands

May 14, 2014

you need to find out the distance between two trains using only two commands

mf - move forward
mc - move backward

the trains are dropped using helicopter by parachutes . both doesn't know where they are; no gps in the train they are in the same track

write a code to find the trains using the given commands

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Make Distance In Positive Number

Aug 22, 2014

I've been programming for years in a basic programming language, so doing something a bit more advance like this is quite challenging but I love it. where I've gone wrong here? I've been following a tutorial but I've decided to take what I've learned and make my own program but something seems to be wrong.

class Function{
public double abs(int num)
if (num > -1)
return num;
return -num;


Basically trying to get the distance between to numbers but in a positive not negative number.

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Java Program Method To Calculate Distance

Feb 20, 2015

Write method distance, which calculates the distance between two points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2). All numbers and returned values should be of type double. Incorporate this method into an program that enable the user to enter the coordinates of the points, then calculate and display the distance by calling the method –distance.

I've tried numerous times to make it work and I'm on the right path, however I'm missing some things in the code to make my results look like this later on, which I've attached onto this post.

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Find Distance Between One Point To Another Using Miles And Feet?

Sep 19, 2014

Pretty much what im trying to accomplish, i need to write a program that figures out the distance between one point to another, using miles and feet..

Heres how it has to look: "The distance from my uncles house is ___ miles, or ____ feet."

I can get it to run if i add only whole miles..but when i try to add 8.5 miles, and compile, the program flips out..I know i need to use a double somewhere, but cant figure it out, here is my code..

import java.util.Scanner; //required for input
public class feetToMiles {
public static void main (String[] args){
//Create new scanner object called input
Scanner input = new Scanner (System.in); //allows for input

[Code] ....

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Calculate Distance From Starting Point Of Any Shape

Mar 13, 2015

I need to modify the drawShape method to calculate the distance from the starting point (the diameter) of any shape regardless of how many sides I give it, but I have absolutely no clue where to begin with this. The ultimate goal of the program is to calculate the value of pi using the shape that is drawn.

Here is the code:

public class PiTurtle extends Turtle
private double mySize;
private int mySides;
private double diameter = 0; 
final static double startX = 590.0;
final double startY;
public PiTurtle(int nSides)

[Code] .....

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How To Get All Points In X And Y Coordinates Of Arc

Jul 4, 2014

I am planning a race simulator car and I have a problem to get the x and y coordinates from the graph (or circuit). I explain the problem better. If I for example, drawing an arc using the library DRAW2D how do I get all the points in x and y coordinates of that arc?

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Array Of Points

Dec 3, 2014

In one part of my small code, I want to make a sky which will have area of 200 * 200 pixels, and inside I want to have 100 randomly placed stars (I tried to make an array of 100 elements - of class "Point").Each star should have its x and y coordinate, and I don't know how to do it. I tried many things.

import java.util.Random;
import java.awt.Point;
public class Sky {
private Point[] stars = new Point[100];
public Sky() {
for(int i = 0; i< stars.length; i++){
Random r = new Random();
int u = r.nextInt(199);
int v = r.nextInt(199);
21stars[0].x = 5;


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Determine Distance The Object Falls In Specified Time Period

Apr 3, 2014

When an object is falling because of gravity, the following formula can be used to determine the distance the object falls in a specified time period:

d = 1/2 gt^2

The variables in the formula are as follows: d is the distance in meters, g is 9.8, and t is the amount of time, in seconds, that the object has been falling.

Write a method named FallingDistance that accepts an object's falling time (in seconds) as an argument. The method should return the distance, in meters, that the object has fallen during the time interval. Demonstrate the method by calling it in a loop that passes the values 1 through 10 as arguments, and displays the return value.

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
 public class FallingDistance
public static void main(String[] args) {
DecimalFormat num = new DecimalFormat("#,###.00");
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
double fallingTime;

[Code] ....

My program runs, but no matter what falling time I enter, I get the same numbers. What am I doing wrong?

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How To Fill Array Of Points

Oct 10, 2014

I need to write a program but I am having hard time filling an array of triangles...we are suppose to have 3 different classes..1 class of points..1 class of triangles and 1 main method which apply all those..here what I have been come up so far for the point class which I believe is good..

public class Point {
private float x;
private float y;
//Making x equal to the x coordinate and y equal to the y coordinate like on a graph
public Point(float xCoordinate, float yCoordinate) {
x = xCoordinate;
y = yCoordinate;

[Code] ....

Now here is my question how I am suppose in the main method fill an array of triangles for 100 triangles or less?

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Displaying Sets Of Points

Jan 20, 2014

Here is my code

Java Code: //Points Display
import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.util.Random;


1. Why, when I press "New" rapidly, will it skip painting shapes sometimes/adding to totcount.

2. How can I make it so that The box in the background(which is currently connected in the wrong way as I was getting an error when I connected it correctly) can be modifiably large. AKA, I want to draw a grid in the background that can be different sizes, depending on the values of a variable xsize and ysize.

3. What can I do to clean this up? All I want it to do is display the convex hull of the four points given in the int[][] displaypoints.

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Reading Number Of Points

Oct 24, 2014

I am trying to receive an input file which has either 6 or 8 points and whether it is 6 or 8 points, I do ask the program to save it into an array and then print it. However my program crash after printing few lines. I do know what is wrong with the program my line.split(",").length print 1 at the first and then start printing the numebrs in teh rest of lines which makes it skip a line which means the lines that has for example 8 points will go to a loop that only 6 points and a line that has 6 points will go to a loop that has 8 points and then obviously crashes.

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.LineNumberReader;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Scanner;


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How To Use Break Points In Netbeans 8

Aug 19, 2014

I want to know that how can i use break points in net beans 8. I'm able to put break point by clicking at the line but don't know how to use it..Actually i'm getting wrong output of my code and i want to know my line by line execution of the code so i can get better idea of where is my code going from one line to other. I have used break point in micro soft visual studio2010 and that was easy after puting break point run the project then f11 to get line by line execution...I want to know any method exist in java net beans (i'm doing GUI swing controls)...

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Java Program - Distance Traveled (Formatting And Decimal Place)

Apr 10, 2014

I'm having trouble formatting my output and issues with the decimal places. Here's my code:

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.text.DecimalFormat; // Imports DecimalFormat class for one way to round
 public class lab3 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String heading1 = "Hour", heading2 = "Distance Traveled";
int timeElapsed, hour, speed;

[Code] ....

And here's my output (Click on the image since it's pretty small):


1) The Hours 2 and 3 aren't aligned to 1.
2) The 80 and 120 in Distance Traveled have 6 decimal places when it should not have decimals.

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Modify DrawShape Method To Calculate Distance From Starting Point

Mar 13, 2015

I need to modify the drawShape method to calculate the distance from the starting point (the diameter) of any shape regardless of how many sides I give it, but I have absolutely no clue where to begin with this. The ultimate goal of the program is to calculate the value of pi using the shape that is drawn.

Java Code:

public class PiTurtle extends Turtle
private double mySize;
private int mySides;
private double diameter = 0;


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Pair Of Two Numbers - Return Average / Distance / Maximum And Minimum Value

Sep 27, 2013

I have been having difficulty with the weeks concepts in my online Java class, the program is to be as followed:

For this exercise you will implement a class called Pair, that represents a pair of two numbers.The Pair class should include the following constructor and methods:

public Pair(double num1, double num2) -- Creates an object that represents a pair of double values


public double getAverage() -- Returns the average value of the two numbers
public double getDistance() -- Returns the absolute vale of the distance between the two numbers
public double getMaximum() -- Returns the maximum value of the two numbers
public double getMinimum() -- Returns the minimum vale of the two numbers

Write a class called PairTest that tests your Pair implementation. The PairTest should prompt the user for the two values, create a Pair object with the values and then print the average, distance, maximum, and minimum of the pair. The input / output should look like the following:

Enter the first number: 5.5
Enter the second number: 3.0

Average: 4.25
Distance: 2.5
Maximum: 5.5
Minimum: 3.0

NOTE: For this exercise, your solution should not use any conditional statements. Instead you should use the methods provided by thejava.util.Math.

So far I have:

import java.lang.Math;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Main
public static void main(String args[]) {
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("Please enter a value for the first number");

[Code] ....

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Calculate Distance Between Two Coordinates And Determine How Much Of Which Axis To Increment / Decrement

Feb 1, 2015

Basically I'm looking for a way to make one object follow another. For example, if I move object A to one area of the screen I want object B to to move to object A's location but I also want object B to move at a fixed speed (movement variable). How do I go about doing this?

Both the x and y coordinates of object B would need to know the coordinates of object A to calculate the distance between the two and to determine how much of which axis to increment/decrement (if that makes sense?) with the inclusion of the speed variable. In other words I'm just trying to create a homing object.

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Calculating Points On A Circle Using Radius

Oct 24, 2014

I have to print points on a circle in increments of -0.1, but when I use a number larger than 1.3, the list stops at 0.1 larger than negRadius, and I don't know why. (Assume the center is (0,0))

public class PointsOnACircleV1
public static void main(String[] args)
double radius = 1;


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How To Calculate Sinus / Angle Between Two Points

Dec 11, 2013

I need to know the sinus or angle between two points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2).

Any formula to calculate this?

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How To Draw Points With Coordinates From Database

Jul 23, 2014

I extracted columns from database and made calculations inside while loop. I know i need to make array to get from it coordinates for points. I want to draw them in interface created in another class but i have black hole and don't know how to get datas from while loop to array which is below.

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Adding Points Objects Into Array

Oct 24, 2014

I am trying to add Point objects into an Array.This is my code to read in data

Java Code:

public void readRoadMap(File road) {
String line;
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(road));
while((line = br.readLine()) !=null){
this.points.add(new Point(line));


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