EJB / EE :: Enterprise Application Web Module Error

Jul 5, 2014

I have created one new enterprise aplication project called July2014. While creating I have added one new EJB module called July2014EJB for business logic and one new web module Called July2014Web for the UI(I see connector module and application client module what are the uses of them and when should i select them).I have addded one index.jsp with below sample code

<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
<title>Insert gp title here</title>
<h1>test gp senterprise project web module through parent ear</h1>


I did multiple times clean, build, publish, restarting the server.I have not done refreshing EAR, EJB and web project. how Refresh is useful and different from clean and build.

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Enterprise JavaBeans :: How To Use Log4j In Module

Apr 22, 2014

I have included the log4j.jar in libraries; added log4j.xml in the sources folder; but I am getting an error: 
<Apr 22, 2014 11:07:50 AM PKT> <Warning> <EJB> <BEA-010065> <MessageDrivenBean threw an Exception in onMessage().

The exception is:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/log4j/Logger.
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/log4j/Logger
    at test.MyMessageBean.onMessage(MyMessageBean.java:39)
    at weblogic.ejb.container.internal.MDListener.execute(MDListener.java:575)
    at weblogic.ejb.container.internal.MDListener.transactionalOnMessage(MDListener.java:477)
    at weblogic.ejb.container.internal.MDListener.onMessage(MDListener.java:375)
    at weblogic.jms.client.JMSSession.onMessage(JMSSession.java:4855)
    Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
how to resolve this???

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Enterprise JavaBeans :: Unable To Load Module - DeploymentContext Does Not Contain Any EJB

Apr 1, 2013

I'm writing an enterprise application to familiarize myself with Glassfish 3.1.2 and EJB 3.1. I've created several local, stateless beans, and injected one into a JSF managed bean. The ejb and web modules compile fine, but when I launch the application with Glassfish I get the following startup error and the application does not deploy.

SEVERE: Exception while invoking class org.glassfish.ejb.startup.EjbDeployer prepare method
SEVERE: Exception while invoking class org.glassfish.javaee.full.deployment.EarDeployer prepare method
SEVERE: Exception while preparing the app
SEVERE: Unable to load the EJB module. DeploymentContext does not contain any EJB.

org.glassfish.deployment.common.DeploymentException: Unable to load the EJB module. DeploymentContext does not contain any EJB.

Check the archive to ensure correct packaging for D:DocumentsNetBeansProjectsTestdistgfdeployTestTest-war_war.

If you use EJB component annotations to define the EJB, and an ejb or web deployment descriptor is also used, please make sure that the deployment descriptor references a Java EE 5 or higher version schema, and that the metadata-complete attribute is not set to true, so the component annotations can be processed as expected :

     at org.glassfish.javaee.full.deployment.EarDeployer.prepare(EarDeployer.java:166)
     at com.sun.enterprise.v3.server.ApplicationLifecycle.prepareModule(ApplicationLifecycle.java:871)
     at com.sun.enterprise.v3.server.ApplicationLifecycle.deploy(ApplicationLifecycle.java:410)
     at com.sun.enterprise.v3.server.ApplicationLifecycle.deploy(ApplicationLifecycle.java:240)
     at org.glassfish.deployment.admin.DeployCommand.execute(DeployCommand.java:389)

[Code] ......

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Using Enterprise Application Client?

Jan 5, 2015

Say I have a EAR file. Inside, it has a EJB jar, web war and app client jar file. The (enterprise) app client here is a desktop GUI calling the EJBs accordingly. Now if this EAR is deployed to some app server like JBoss or Glassfish, to access the app client, users will basically use java web start/ JNLP to run the client.

Given this is the case, I'm wondering if the effect is the same as separating the app client (not part of the EAR), have that EJB jar in its library path, and deploy the GUI app as a jar. Hence users not use web start. The only disadvantage I can think for separating the app client is if the EJBs get changed, the client's version will be outdated. But other than that, are there any justification for using an enterprise app client?

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EJB / EE :: Mavenize Existing Enterprise Application Containing Web Project

Apr 14, 2014

I am trying to mavenize an existing enterprise application and this application has EJB, MDB and MQs. As far as the folder structure is concerned, it has a project that creates an ear file, and has one for project for web and another project for EJBs. there is one more project that holds some property file.

I am trying to mavenize this this application, so that I am able to create an ear of application containing the war of web project, jars of property project and ejb project and I am badly stuck.

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Enterprise JavaBeans :: How To Use Application Managed Entity Manager In EJB

May 9, 2014

I finish reading The EntityManager Interface in JEE tutorial. I know I can use container manager entity manager in EJB, but I want to explore how to use application managed entity manager in EJB.
Can I use application managed entity manager in EJB (container management JTA transaction is used)? Where do I should close entity manager if can?
The following is an example from JEE tutorial, but didn't find where to calose entity manager. and can I create mutiple EntityManagerFactory objects and Entity Manager objects to use them in a JTA transaction?
EntityManagerFactory emf;
EntityManager em;
UserTransaction utx;

[Code] .....

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Enterprise JavaBeans :: Deploy Sample Application To WebLogic Server

Jul 5, 2014

Deploy sample J2EE app to WebLogic server

A getting started app is fine, need to understand of deploying a sample application to WebLogic server. Any particular configuration during WLS install?

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Enterprise JavaBeans :: J2EE Application Architecture With Respect To HTML5 And Adobe Flex

Mar 18, 2013

I would like to know the J2EE architectural explanation with respect to HTML5 and Adobe Flex technologies. It is just like knowing over all J2EE architectural aspects and how HTML5 and Adobe Flex technologies are used to satisfy those aspects in order act as client side components.

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Enterprise JavaBeans :: Error In InitialContext Looking Up

Jun 15, 2014

IDE: Netbeans 8.0.
Server ejb:
public class ejb implements ejbRemote{
    public String say(){
    return "hello";

[Code] ....
When I run the Web project on the Server host, it's OK. But when I run it on another host it returns error. I can access in browser(returns some context string), so it may not be caused by firewall.

I think the problem is the initalContext is not generated from but from local JVM, because when when running it in the Server I change the ip address to random number it also is OK.

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Enterprise JavaBeans :: Error When Deploying - Unable To Link Class

Mar 25, 2013

Trying to deploy the application with webService project fails with below error

weblogic.j2ee.dd.xml.AnnotationProcessException: [EJB:015001]Unable to link class oracle.apps.scm.productCollaboration.common.businessClasses.businessClassesService.applicationModule.
server.BusinessClassServiceImpl in Jar /scratch/software/mw_local/FMWTOOLS_11.

[Code] ....

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Enterprise JavaBeans :: Virtual Machine Has Aborted Error During Java EE SDK Install

Aug 5, 2014

I'm trying to install java_ee_sdk-6u3-jdk7-windows-x64.exe on our new Windows Server 2012 machine but the installer starts and I then get a Setup box appear that says Error: The Java(TM) Virtual Machine has aborted.  I've looked in the Event Viewer and there are no messages and I've tried to get the installer to create a log file (by passing the parameter -l <loglocation>) but it doesn't seem to get that far as no log is created.
The very first time I tried to run the JavaEE install on this machine, it installed everything ok but didn't create the windows service as .NET Framework 3.5 was missing.  So I uninstalled JavaEE and added in the .NET Framework 3.5 and then my problems began.  I have already installed these versions of Java and JavaEE successfully on a previous Windows Server 2012 machine which had the .NET Framework 3.5 on it. 
The JRE installed already on the computer is jre-6u45-windows-x64.exe and I am logged in as an administrator.  I've tried uninstalling the JRE and reinstalling and also doing a registry clean using CCleaner incase there are any old references to the JRE/JavaEE but it didn't work.

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Add Module To Keel Software

Dec 27, 2014

Who has worked with keel software (open source)? KEEL is an open source (GPLv3) Java software tool to assess evolutionary algorithms for Data Mining problems including regression, classification, clustering, pattern mining and so on.

source code of keel software: [URL] ....

I want that add a algorithm to it. The algorithm is attachment. who sent it, said " In order to run this algorithm, you need to download KEEL software and copy the .jar files for the preprocessing approaches, i.e. SMOTE.jar, into an "exe" folder." but I don't know.

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Servlets :: Module For Multiple Users

Nov 3, 2014

I have to design/develop a module in java eg. Login. This module can be accessed by multiple concurrent users say 200, 500, 800 etc.

How such type of modules can be designed in such a way that it can perform successfully.

What are the main concepts at code level / Infrastructure level which we should take care while designing such modules.

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Java EE SDK :: Detect Presence / Absence Of A Module With CDI

Feb 28, 2013

My project builds a war. In the war there is a jar A which provides the implementation I1 of interface I. I1 is injected in a JSF controller. There is an optional jar B which provides another implementation I2 of interface I. I2 has an higher priority than I1. Is there a possibilty to achieve when jar B is present in the war I2 is injected. I tried it with @Alternative on I2 with an entry in beans.xml as alternative in jar B without success. I1 is injected. Something like a priority would be necessary. Or probably I am on a wrong way and there's another one that fits for my use case?

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JSF Web Application Error On Glassfish

May 1, 2013

I have my web JSF application on glassfish v2 using java-7-oracle JDK. So glassfish is running correctly on my server ubuntu 12, but when i get my firt page with login, i have this message error from log file :

2 mai 2013 03:13:01.528
Niveau du journal
Paires Nom-Valeur

[Code] .....

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Using Eclipse To Maintain Java Application - Could Not Find Main Class Error

Sep 3, 2014

I currently use Eclipse to maintain our Java application. I recently upgraded from Java 6 to Java 7. I updated my Eclipse projects to use the Java 7 .jar files. I can run the application from Eclipse via the Run Configuration.

I can also run the Ant build and it completes successfully. When I install the application on my desktop, I receive the "Java Virtual Machine Launcher: Could not find main class..." error. My CLASSPATH is set to ".".

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Enterprise JavaBeans :: MDB For Getting Message From MQ

Jan 21, 2013

How to get messages from WebSphere MQ using ejb MDBs and I have to deploy this in Weblogic server.

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Enterprise JavaBeans :: How To Keep Only One Character Of Enumeration In JPA

Feb 14, 2013

I have a question about enumerations,

class Test{
   public enum Gender{
     Male, Female
private Gender gender;

My question is this correct? My goal is to keep only one character of the enumeration .

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Enterprise JavaBeans :: First In First Out Job Queue Processing

Mar 3, 2013

I am looking for the ability, on the server side, to run programs or "jobs" in a job queue, where the jobs are processed as first in first out. If you are familiar with the IBM iSeries, they have a built in job queue mechanism which accomplishes what I am looking for. The primary purposes for this would be to process and update large amounts of data in a thread safe environment.

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Enterprise JavaBeans :: Name Not Found Exception

Jun 7, 2013

I tried to develop a sample project with reference to : [URL] .....

When I try to run the client, I get the following error

javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: ejb: not bound
   at org.jnp.server.NamingServer.getBinding(NamingServer.java:771)
   at org.jnp.server.NamingServer.getBinding(NamingServer.java:779)
   at org.jnp.server.NamingServer.getObject(NamingServer.java:785)
   at org.jnp.server.NamingServer.lookup(NamingServer.java:396)
   at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)

[Code] .....

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EJB / EE :: Convert Standalone Java Thread Application Into Web Application In Tomcat

Nov 17, 2014

convert or move standalone java thread application into Tomcat server container for accessing its JNDI services? Also is it possible to schedule this thread application in Tomcat server? is it possible to keep this app in tomcat as web application and schedule in window's scheduler.

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Deploying JNLP Application In WebSphere Application Server

Mar 11, 2014

I am new to work on JNLP program. I have created a SWING program, JNLP file when i deploy the ear file i am getting 404 error. Please find the steps in details.

1.Created a dynamic web project JWStartProject in eclipse

2.Create a HelloWorld.java class under default package.

import javax.swing.*;
public class HelloWorld extends JFrame {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 4968624166243565348L;
private JLabel label = new JLabel("Hello Java Web START!");
public HelloWorld() {
super("Jave Web Start Example");
this.setSize(350, 200);
this.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );

[Code] ....

Now I exported this project as JWStartProject.war contains following code.

Created Server in Websphere Admin console

Deployed this war file under the server and started.

I have added MIME types also.

I am unable to launch the application. I am getting 404 errors. May I know where I went wrong?

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Enterprise JavaBeans :: Integrating Struts In Two Server?

Jul 5, 2013

I am runing ejb3 in weblogic 10.3 and struts in tomcat server. both communication is not happening .
root dir
account class
package ejb3.onlyejb;
import java.io.Serializable;
import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.Id;

[Code] ....
Get error
enter in to if loop
jndi properties nuderprocess
jndi properties nuderprocess22
loading p file={java.naming.provider.url=t3://localhost:7001,

[Code] ....

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Enterprise JavaBeans :: Accessing Another Bean - No Such Entity

Oct 22, 2008

I am using EJB 2.1 when i am tryinh to access another bean from one bean I am getting :

javax.ejb.ObjectNotFoundException:No such entity the full stack trace is given ...

javax.ejb.ObjectNotFoundException: No such entity!
09:06:05,795 ERROR [STDERR] at org.jboss.ejb.plugins.cmp.jdbc.JDBCFindEntityCommand.execute(JDBCFindEntityCommand.java:46)
09:06:05,795 ERROR [STDERR] at org.jboss.ejb.plugins.cmp.jdbc.JDBCStoreManager.findEntity(JDBCStoreManager.java:591)
09:06:05,795 ERROR [STDERR]

[Code] .....

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Enterprise JavaBeans :: Change Default Context Of EAR File

Mar 19, 2013

I'm deploying an EAR file on weblogic 10.3.4. The EAR file contains a war file and a jar file that implements web services using EJBs.

The application deploys and is functioning correctly. The application is available from the following URLs:

web application: [URL] ....
web services: [URL] ....

However, I would like configure the deployment to insert the "app1" string into the URL so the application is available like this:

web application: [URL] ....
web services: [URL] ....

I've been looking at some of the configuration options in deployment plans, but can't seem to get anything working.

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Enterprise JavaBeans :: Connection To Multiple Databases Using Single EJB

Mar 9, 2013

How can I connect to multiple Databases (using @PersistenceContext) using an EJB? Did I need to connect various Entity Managers corresponding to the each database and simply send my Queries?

I am using Glassfish Application Server
Netbeans IDE
Java Derby Database
Oracle Database
Java Persistence API

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