EJB / EE :: How Many Application Servers Are There If Multiple Applications Hosted On Domain

Mar 6, 2015

Because there's little information that actually explains application servers in the real world, For one domain at www.url.com:

- How many application servers are there if there are multiple applications hosted on this domain? Ie. url.com/app1, url.com/app2, etc.?

- How many web servers will there be?

- How would I make one physical server handle all requests for one of the above applications?

- How would one make static content a standalone application built with angularJS? Not static content served by servlets.

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Extract Domain From Email Address And Store Domain In HashSet

Sep 13, 2014

I have two Strings

String TO = "raj@gmail.com;ra@gmail.com;RS@yahoo.com";
String CC= "rajt@in.com;rht@basss.com";

My query is i want to extract domains from above two Strings and Store these domains in HashSet. How could i do this with minimum code and performance wise.

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Servlets :: Two Application Servers - Session Replication

Jun 20, 2014

My application has two Application servers, App1 and App2..

We are using weblogic 8.1 Application server

There is session replication done in weblogic.xml file .


[Code] ....

The application works fine but currently there is data getting replicated among different users. Is it the problem of session data getting merged with other session data or is it server cache not getting cleared or is there any setting to be changed in weblogic application server??

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EJB / EE :: Preventing Multiple Logins Into Web Application Simultaneously

Mar 31, 2014

It sounds simple enough, but I'm trying to implement a mechanism to prevent the same user logging into our distributed web application simultaneously.

So, given the scenario...
- user A logs in with username A
- user B logs in with username A

I want the logging in of username A by user B to invalidate the session for username A held by user A. So if people are sharing login credentials, the last person to log in kicks everyone else out who's logged in as that user.

The big problem I have is the application is deployed in a cluster across JVMs, so sessions are shared across nodes. My thought it to introduce a session listener to then inspect a table in the database which determines whether that user logged on - the part of identifying that is pretty simple as far as I can tell. The difficult part is kicking out the first user who logged in.

So, I guess my question is - can I invalidate an http session from with an MDB? If so my logic is to implement an MDB which listens on a topic and whenever a session is created that MDB checks for sessions belonging to the same user within that JVM to invalidate them (obviously skipping the JVM the login request came in on!).

Is that even possible? Is there a simpler way to do this?

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Servlets :: How To Deploy One Web Application On Multiple Server

Mar 14, 2014

I would like to know how we can deploy one Web application on multiple server to share the work between them? My first thought is that we just deploy the same war file on different servers that connect to the same database. However, what will happen when a user enter something like [URL]? How can multiple servers share the same domain name and how the requests from different users are redirected to these different server?

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Create Multiple PDF Files And Open Them At Once From Java Application

Aug 30, 2014

I am using itext to create pdf files , i have filtered some records (preferably i can say around 90) which has the option to open pdf for individual record. Now I need to open all the pdf's of filtered records on a single click , without asking for a open dialogue box. How to go about this ??

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JSP :: How To Access Data In Different Domain

Aug 26, 2014

We have implemented SSO based on cookies.

1. user clicks the link in our app (www.app1.com) , cookie set up done (respose.addCookie)
2. request will redirect to (third party software, cant change anything)
3..Here if the SSO enabled, it will redirect to the another URL (www.issues.app1.com) .
4,Have to get the cookie(User details) set in #1 here and validate.

Its working fine .But if we change the www.app1.com to www.abc.com , SSO is not working. We cant change www.issues.app1.com.

How to share the cookie in cross domain across 3 apps ? because middle app , we dont have control over it.

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Create Java Application That Contains Array Of 10 Multiple-choice Questions

Dec 15, 2014

Create a java application that contains an array of 10 multiple-choice questions related to you favorite hobby. each question contains three answer choices. also create a parallel array that holds the correct answer to each question - A,B, or C. display each question and verify that the users enters only A,B, or C as the answere - if not, keep prompting the user until a valid response in entered. If the user responds to a question correctly, display "Correct!"; otherwise, display the correct answer is and the letter to the correct answer. After the user answer all the question, display the number of correct and incorrect answers.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Should Domain Models Contain Properties?

May 2, 2014

I would like to know whether I should use properties and observable collections when creating a domain model for a new application using FX? I have read up quite a bit on the topic, but I can't find any clear answers. Most forums tend to suggest that the domain model should NOT contain properties, since this does not encourage a loose coupling of the model and the view. The alternative however is to write wrapper classes for each POJO in my domain model. This is however a lot of duplication, and it requires a complete listener system to ensure that the wrapper classes are in sync with the model classes.

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Design - How Map Request Parameters Data To Domain Model

May 24, 2014

This is a design question is the same problem in any language.as you do to map the controller to the domain model?We have situations in general larger than ... consider the example objects .

situation.1 - We have a request that has all the parameters of the account ;{ " id" : " 1 " , "name " : "test " , "some " : " xxx " } ............. and other fields .

situation.2 - can request that has to have a certain account parameters , for example in the case of an update;{" id" , " 1" , "name " , " testUpdated "}

situation.3 - We have a request that has some parameters of the account , others have more like id as user together;{ " id" : " 1 " , "user " : " xxx " , "service " : " yyy " } in which case each piece of the request will turn an object .

Java Code:

public class Account {

private Long id;
private String name ;
private String some ;

} mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

I see a few options ;

1 - Can I get AccountForm in the controller and set the properties for the Account object and others in CONTROLLER ;

+ ok for situation.1 situations 2, and situation.3

+ Separates the requisition of the object domain

- Pollutes the controller with code conversion

- Controller is full of setters .. if a higher class as a large object as a request is very confusing .

Java Code:

controller ( AccountForm from ) {
Account account = new Account ( )
account.setNome form.getNome = ();
account.setSome form.getSome = ();
Other outher = new Other ( ) ;
other.setSome ( form.getSome ( ) ) ;
} mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

2 - Can I get AccountRequest in the controller and have a method in itself as AccountRequest.getAccount ( ) to return a mapped model , in this case the mapping is at own Request object .

+ Separates the requisition of the object domain

+ Encapsulates the conversion in a place with easy access .

+ Meets situation.1 situation.2 and situation3 ;

- Request object has two responsibilities represent the request and map to a valid model .

Java Code:

controller ( AccountForm accountRequest ) {
Account account = accountRequest.getAccount ( ) ;
Outher outher accountRequest.getOther = ( )
} mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

3 - Can I get the controller Direct Account which had been filled with nulls .

+ Eliminate object request

- Serves only situation.1 situation.2 .

Java Code:

controller (Account account ) {
account.someMethod ();
} mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

4 - Outsource this mapping request parameters to another object mapper for request ..

+ Isolates logic mapping

- Until complexity for simpler cases are used as standard for all such a find by id .

- One more class for each request ;

In the case of API gets worse response has two further classes. speaking in terms of request for response .... AccountRequest, AccountRequestMapper, Account, AccountResponseMapper, AccountResponse .....I'm doing more testing the Hybrid option 3 for simple cases (find ID or updates) .... with option 2 for example for more complex cases ..

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Enterprise JavaBeans :: Separating Web And EJB Layer And Deploying On Different Servers

May 12, 2013

Web Layer - JSP/Servlets
Business Layer - EJB 3

I want to develop separate projects for web layer (.war) and for Business layer (.jar). I want to deploy these layers on different Glassfish servers.

Here is my Approach -

1. Create a separate module for remote interfaces (.jar), use @remote annotations
2. Create a Web module using JSP/Servlets (.war) and use this remote interface jar in it.
3. Create a EJB module (.jar) and implement these remote interface in it.
4. Use JNDI in Web layer to access the EJB methods.

I want to know if this is the correct approach?

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EJB / EE :: Port Asynchronous Bean Support In App Servers Like Weblogic And Jboss

Dec 26, 2013

I need to port asynchronous bean (provided by websphere) support in App servers like weblogic and jboss. Is this feature already part of J2EE specification? Or should I use some other external package to get this feature?If so what are those async bean like features for weblogic and jboss?

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Servlets :: HTTP GET Default Method For Web Browsers Contacting Web Servers?

Sep 5, 2014

I am running a test servlet on Tomcat and have implemented different behaviours for the doPost and doGet methods. When I access from the browser, only the doGet method gets called ultimately.

The Firefox developer tools show me a GET request from the browser to my Tomcat instance. Do browsers ever call the POST http method? How could I make this happen?

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EJB / EE :: When Timer Data In Cache Is Updated On One Server / How To Make It Synchronize To Other Servers

Oct 31, 2014

Our company has a web based project which using the Jboss EAP 6.1 +EJB 3.1 + JSF2 and deployed it in a cluster environment(Server A,Server B and Server C).We have created some schedule tasks by using EJB timer service and the timer data file is stored in a central file system.And users can login and access to a task configuration page to customise his own tasks by create,update,delete actions etc.But we find that the timers don't work correctly in the cluster environment.

For example.When we start the Servers(A,B,C),each server will load the timer file data into his own node cache from the central file system.But when one user go to the task configuration page to update or delete his own tasks from one of the Servers, it only update the change on its own node cache and don't replicate the timer data to other nodes' cache and which cause the problem.

I know there is one way to fix it is that we could shutdown the three Servers and re-boot them and the timer data file will be re-loaded into each server's cache. But we can't do that because the users want their own created/updated tasks take effect immediately once they change them.My question is that when the timer data in cache is updated on one server, how to make it synchronize to the other Servers'.

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EJB / EE :: Update Same Table From Different Applications?

Feb 18, 2014

I have two separate applications who will access the same table in a database and the two application will update the table.

How can I make sure the integrity of accessing this table? Is it in the code or in the database level?

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Servlets :: Same Session On Two Separate Web Applications?

May 18, 2014

We have this website that is run on two web applications. The first web application hosts the home page and clicking certain links in the home page would forward it to pages of the second web application where certain functionalities can be done. Now, there has been an initiative to redesign the site to have a login page and only logged in users could browse it. This would mean a login page being created in the first app, and when links to the second application are clicked, the pages are supposed to forward to it with the same session of the user that logged in.

We have already creating handling to pass the session from the first app to the second. Logging out from the first application would also invalidate the same user session in the second application. My questions is, is this a bad idea? would it be better to combine the two apps even if it would mean a huge impact?

or is there are better way to do this? like set it in web.xml. I have read that you cannot use two context for it.

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Java Applications Communication On Different Systems

Nov 1, 2014

I'm new to java and haven't develop any application before that... I need to develop an application through which i can send data from 1 computer to another computer. These communication in between the computers are those are under one router connection. Means they can connect even without internet access

Main concept is as follow

1. Java application on computer A [server side application]
2. Java application on Computer B [Client side application]
3. Java application on computer C [Client side application]

Now computer B and C communicate with computer A. but they don't know about presence of each other

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Servlets :: Communication Sessions Between Two Applications?

Jul 22, 2014

I'm deployed application A and application B in TOMCAT server applications, the U1 user enters into the application A, he authenticates and generates a call to a page of the app B. As I was able to access the session of user U1 en A from B, it could have a single session.

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Java Solution To Communicate Via Applications On Without Sockets

Oct 6, 2014

I have an application written in Java on the Linux platform. My application will work the following way:

User A will open application. User B will open application.User A will need to send User B a message but without a socket connection.User B will need to send User A a message but without a socket connection.The user should be able to identify the messages sent to each other.If User A reads user B's message the message will no longer be available in the channel of communication.If one user exits their application their message should be removed.User C should not be able to read user A and user B message (This is only via the application design, no real security here).Applications should be able to work on different machines however they will utilize a shared network mount to access files modified by each other.

I do have to note that the messages being sent is rather small and only 1 message is sent from each user, so in that regard I did not want to setup a client/server model to do this using sockets.

Basically I am looking for a similar concept as a message queue but more relevant to my requirements done in Java. What are some good options to use that will address some of my requirements? I have not touched Java in a long time and only have used it for certain usage so I am trying to get an idea of which current technologies are best for what I need.

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JSF :: Rendering A Page Using EJBs Between Separate Applications

Oct 16, 2014

I would like users in an application to be able to access and edit their user profiles (Application A). The problem is that the user objects (entities, dao, beans) are handled in a separate application (Application B) which is specifically for managing user accounts. Importing the java sources for App B into App A could be messy and might need configuration of the persistence unit and connection. I'm thinking it would be better to inject an EJB from App B to App A to query the user DB and return the results so a user profile form is rendered in App A.

I know how to inject EJBs within the same application, but I'm not so sure about how it's done across different applications or even if that's the most advisable way to achieve what I want. it's better practice to inject an external EJB into App A or simply import the classes from App B and use those.

public class UsersDaoImpl implements UsersDAO {
private EntityManager em;


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Enabling Java In Applications On Hard Drive

Oct 18, 2014

I just installed java on my computer because i was getting messages that it was no longer there. And I figured out how to solve my problems on my browsers.  but i don't see how to enable java in my applications on the hard drive.  in particular, i want to use the database in open office but don't see how to enable it.

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JRE :: Deploying Working Ruleset For Use With Intranet Based Applications?

Mar 10, 2015

I question this as I have not yet succeeded in deploying a working ruleset for use with intranet based applications. I have verified the ruleset is working with external internet java apps so it is being deployed correctly just doesn't steer Intranet based apps to the correct version.

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Servlets :: Session Timeout In General Web Applications Vs Social Apps

Mar 14, 2014

Generally sessions in web applications expire after a stipulated max inactive interval. To my knowledge primarily the reason is if the session objects are not invalidated they keep exhausting the memory. So my question is

A. Is there any other reason other why web applications timeout the user session after an inactive interval?

B. Social sites never timeout the user session even if you just leave them for the entire day. How do they manage sessions? Don't the active sessions exhaust memory on their servers or JVM to be specific?

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JSP :: Hide Sensitive System Properties Like Passwords Set By Java Applications?

Oct 28, 2014

I am maintaining an existing Java product (which has a HUGE code-base). I discovered that it is setting (and getting) two of its internal passwords as Java system properties, at no less than 4-5 different places (methods). Now, the problem is, the passwords are being stored as plain text in the Java system properties, and so, the same is visible to external entities, as the application is not using any Java Security Manager. For example, if the application (process) is running on port number 1234, we can run the Java command:

jinfo -sysprops 1234

to view both the passwords as values of the corresponding Java system properties. I wish to ask if there is any remedy to this without changing the existing code-base too much? The desired effect would be to "hide" the two Java system properties (denoting the two passwords) from all external entities.

It may be noted that introducing a Java Security Manager into the application may not be a solution, as if we revoke read permissions from the said two Java system properties using the Java Security Manager, the application codes which read those properties would crash. Same is applicable for storing the passwords in encrypted form, as that would crash all codes within the application which are expecting to read the passwords in clear text form.

To give a bit more context, the said two passwords we are storing as Java system properties are actually passwords to access two key-stores, and Tomcat requires that we store the said two passwords in plain-text format. Any workarounds, such that only Tomcat will be able to see the two passwords as-is, while they will be invisible to all other external entities?

Or, is there any way to place the said passwords in other in-memory locations (like static variables) which only Tomcat can (be made to) read instead of placing them as system properties which is exposed to anyone?

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JRE :: Java Applications Certificate Check With Password Protected Proxy

Jul 29, 2014

I have a problem with several java applications. When I start them Java wants to connect to the certificate authority, to check if the certificate is still valid and not on a blacklist.

The problem is: my whole internet is behind a password protected proxy. If I open my browser i get a windows with username and password. I enter it and internet in the browser works. But for Java it isn't working, because I see no point, where I can enter the password and username for the proxy. I can enter the proxy ip and port in the java settings, but not the password and username. So I get a error screen from java, telling me, that java could not connect. I can disable the check in the java settings, but I don't wont that.
Is there a way to tell java, that java uses my proxy with my password and username? I already googled this problem and found nothing except tutorials for connecting with proxy in the java code. But these applications are not from me, I can't change the code ...

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JSF :: Multiple Tool Tips To Be Displayed On Same Page When Click Multiple Image Links

Dec 8, 2014

I have i am trying to implement tooltip through javascript, like when we click on an image link tooltip should be displayed and it should have close button/ close image to close that tooltip.like the same way i will have multiple images on page, when ever i click on the images all tooltips should be displayed on the page when ever i want to close that then only it should close through close button on tooltip.can we do it through java script or will go for jquery.

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