EJB / EE :: Unable To Access Session Deployed In Weblogic Server From JBOSS

Jan 13, 2009

I am currently trying to access an EJB Session deployed in a Weblogic server from JBOSS.

The client code looks like this :

Hashtable environment = new Hashtable();
environment.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory");
environment.put(Context.URL_PKG_PREFIXES, "weblogic.jndi.factories");
environment.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "t3://<ip>:<port>");
InitialContext context = new InitialContext(environment);
ServiceHome home = (ServiceHome)context.lookup("ejb/Service");

When I run this code from a standalone java program it executes ok, but when I try to run it from an application deployed in JBOSS, the line (5) which creates the InitialContext object throws this Exception :



In order to be able to use weblogic naming factory I put the archive weblogic- in jboss's /server/default/lib directory. But I think it has to do with JNDI conflicts between JBOSS and weblogic.

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EJB / EE :: Port Asynchronous Bean Support In App Servers Like Weblogic And Jboss

Dec 26, 2013

I need to port asynchronous bean (provided by websphere) support in App servers like weblogic and jboss. Is this feature already part of J2EE specification? Or should I use some other external package to get this feature?If so what are those async bean like features for weblogic and jboss?

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EJB / EE :: Cannot Access Simple Bean Using JBOSS-JNDI

Nov 26, 2014

I'm not able to access my bean class (not an EJB) using a given JNDI name in JBoss 5.0.1, where the same is working in Tommcat 7.0.

<Resource name="test/TestDAO" auth="Container"


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Lost Session In Weblogic

Aug 20, 2014

I have two different web apps (let's name them A and B) running on Tomcat (v5). At some point, one of A's JSPs invokes one of B's through an iFrame that contains a form. Then, B does its bussiness and sends an answer to another one of A's JSPs, which now can continue doing its stuff.

As I said, this runs on Tomcat with zero problems.

But recently I tried to deploy both apps on Weblogic (v9.2) and found one big problem: just when B has sent the answer, A loses the session and has to stop.

What could be the cause to this?

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Why Server Cannot Produce Same Warning Message Compared To Local Deployed Project

Feb 26, 2014

I have a question: I have a Java/JSP/JavaScript project that access back end Oracle database, and provide interaction through tomcat. After we deployed our project, I found one button does not generate necessary warning message from server, but when I deployed and tested our project on local PC, it does generate correct warning message. I am using the same IE, same tomcat version, and I am sure my container is pointing to the same database, and I am sure I using same version of project code by checking with GIT.
Here is the button that I click:

<a target="frmMain" href="RealignServlet?button=REALIGNMENT" title="Procedure Alignment">Align</a><br> 

And here is part of the code of RealignServlet:
    public class RealignServlet extends SiapBaseServlet { 
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    private static final Logger logger = AppLogger.getLogger(RealignServlet.class.getName());
    private static final String PROC_QUERY_JSP = "ProcQuery.jsp";
    private static final String REALIGN = "REALIGNMENT";
[Code] .....
Our problem is server could not generate alignMsg. But we can get it on local deployed project.

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Servlets :: Can Access Session Object Even Session Is Time Out

Jun 4, 2014

Can I access the session object even session has been expired? I need to check whether session is expired or not for each request.The session invalidation is set null the session object. What I concluded, session time out I can access session object but session invalidation I can not access session object. How can I find the session time out by using session object?

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Enterprise JavaBeans :: Deploy Sample Application To WebLogic Server

Jul 5, 2014

Deploy sample J2EE app to WebLogic server

A getting started app is fine, need to understand of deploying a sample application to WebLogic server. Any particular configuration during WLS install?

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JSP :: How To Access Session From Different Context

Apr 4, 2015

How to access session from different context? I have created a session in one jsp, in one context and trying to access it from different context. But, I was unable to access the same. How to achieve it?

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JSF :: How To Access A Method With Session Scope Via Hyperlink

Jun 3, 2014

I have a hyperlink say,


now, i want to access a managed bean's method to execute a service call related to the code embedded in the hyperlink.

My Managed bean

public class XXXX extends Bean implements Serializable{
public XXXX(){...... }
public myMethod(..){
service.getDataRelatedToHyperlinkCode(....passing code here to fetch details from DB)

if i use postConstruct annotation it is getting executed only once since it is a session scope. and point to be noted is i cannot use viewscope and requestscope.

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Servlets :: Unable To Understand JSP Session Concept

Mar 10, 2015

Any brief introduction about session in java....

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Application Disconnects From Session In Production Server

Jun 20, 2014

I have an application developed in Jsf, hibernate eh-cache. i deployed it on jboss server and users are directly accessing jboss url on port 8080 in internal network. Now problem is, number of users for this application has been increased. This application have one page containing 20 records which gets fetched from cache on jsf page. I have used a4j:poller tag which refreshes this page via ajax call and updates it. Earlier this was working fine but nowadays number of users have been increased. Issue is i get nullpointer exception after some time once i logged in to application and user gets redirected to login page. If user re-logins he gets directed to same page number before logout. There is no reason of throwing null pointer exception and this application works fine in qualification environment. We checked everything,

1) session is still there on server. thing is user gets disconnected from it.
2) Network bandwidth seems to be okay.
3) we have used hibernate eh cache and serialized java classes.

how to troubleshoot and find root cause for this. Some people say that it is due to ajax calls from multiple users and ajax response it getting lost in between.

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Java Servlet :: How Is Session Maintained In Application Server

Aug 3, 2012

How is session maintained in the application server, internally what happens when the user has logged in ? We create a session and store the user details which will be stored in the session object in the server with a unique sessionID which will be validated when the same user login the system again? But how exactly the session is maintained in the Server internally?

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Unable To Access A Method Which Is Public From Servlet

May 13, 2014

I am trying to assess a method which is public from servlet. but it gives weird error. image has been attached .....

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Access OBIEE Server Through Java Application

Oct 31, 2014

Is there any option to access OBIEE server home page through java, without sending username and password through URL.

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How To Access / Connect Remote Unix Server

Dec 14, 2014

a direct solution for connecting a remote Unix server through telnet connection from java application.

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EJB / EE :: Access JMS Queue Configured On Websphere Application Server

Nov 13, 2014

I am new to JMS and Websphere server and I am trying to access a JMS queue configured on Websphere Application Server 8 from my Java code. But I am getting the exception mentioned below:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.ibm.ws.naming.util.CommonHelpers
at com.ibm.websphere.naming.WsnInitialContextFactory.getInitialContext(Unknown Source)
at javax.naming.spi.NamingManager.getInitialContext(NamingManager.java:230)
at javax.naming.InitialContext.initializeDefaultInitCtx(InitialContext.java:313)
at javax.naming.InitialContext.getDefaultInitCtx(InitialContext.java:343)
at javax.naming.InitialContext.internalInit(InitialContext.java:281)


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RMI :: Unable To Send Concurrent Requests To A Server

Aug 13, 2014

Using Java 7 update 5 (I know it's old...), we are trying to send concurrent requests to a RMI Server. When we start to tamp up the load (not too much - up to 50 concurrent requests) we start to see many IO Problems like Broken Pipe and Connection Reset By Peer. Could we be hitting some unknown limitation on concurrent access? Is there such limitation?

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Unable To Run WebSocket On Hosting Server But Working Well On Local Host

Feb 16, 2015

I am developing one android chatting application. for that on Server side i am using WebSocket as war file.

It is working well on localhost the same tomcat. but when i try to connect on the hosting server, it showing http error..,

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Unable To Check SFTP Connection To Remote Server Using Enchanter Jar

Apr 10, 2014

I am trying to check SFTP connection to remote server using enchanter jar. Mine is not a multi-threaded application. PFB sample code...

SSH ssh = new DefaultSS();
ssh.sendLine("cd /u");
ssh.sendLine("sftp -B batch.file utodldse@claoesdsdd.com");

note - the batch.file contains only 1 statement. Please find below.

But the above program is getting is stuck at times when the server is not responding. It goes into infinite hung state.

Is there some alternative ways to set timeout ?

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Servlets :: Unable To Get Path Of File When Upload Files In Server After Browsing Folders

Jun 30, 2014

I have a code that uploads files in server after browsing folders and files then get the paths of files but I have a problem in getting the paths

List items = upload.parseRequest(request);
Iterator iterator = items.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
FileItem item = (FileItem) iterator.next();
if (!item.isFormField())
{ fileName = item.getName();
root = getServletContext().getRealPath("/");
path = new File(root + "/uploads");


list1 must has paths that I want but I do not get the paths of upload files

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Unable To Implement Custom Request Method In HTTP Header While Posting Data To Server URL

Jun 26, 2015

I have been trying to implement custom request method in HTTP header while posting my data to the server URL. My application specific URL accepts -X parameter and -d for the data and it is mandatory for that url. Basically I am trying to dump JSON data into my influx DB using CURL command which is working fine from the shell. But the issue is, if I am implementing the same in java with proper approach, it is not supported or working. My CURL command is :

curl -X POST -d '<my_json_data>' '<my_url>'

How can I implement the same in java using HttpUrlConnection or other available approach?

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JSP :: Page Directive Attribute Session False - Yet Session Created

Feb 26, 2014

May be I did not understand the meaning and usage of attribute "session" in page directive. My understanding is if session=false, in page directive, then the JSP page will not participate in the session. However, I have my welcomepage as below:

<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1" session="true"%>
<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" prefix="c" %>
<%= session %>
<c:out value="${pageContext.request.session}"/>

if I choose session=true, then both ways of accessing session works , which means the JSP page participated in the session.

But if I change the session=false, then <%= session %> fails, but <c:out value="${pageContext.request.session}"/> does not fail.

how can c:out still show the session, when session = false

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Web Services :: Rest Session Not Getting Invalidated After Invalidating UI Session?

Dec 17, 2014

I have 2 war in 1 EAR.

War A corresponds to UI

War B corresponds to Rest

1) From War A, I login to the application and then fetch some users that is a rest call. I get the response back from rest in json form that ui consumes and display the data on page.

2) Now I click on the logout link from ui jsp. This logs out the session from Ui. I use <form data-dojo-type="dijit/form/Form" based logout.

3) I then go to the proxy (using burp) and manually request the rest call which I made in step no 1), the rest gives the response back with the same json object returned in step no 1) This shows that the logout action on step 2) is invalidated the session from War A (ui war) but the session or cookie based from WAR B (rest war) is not invalidated.

Expected outcome:After I Logout from War A(ui war), the session must also get invalidated from war B (rest war) and manually request from proxy should not get the same response object as received in step 1)

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Servlets :: Updating Session Value But Same Session In JSP Page Not Updated

Jul 8, 2014

I am developing a e-commerce college project, here i add the items in the cart(a div tag in the jsp page) via servlet by creating sessions,

flow control: shopping jsp (when user wants to add an item in the cart) --> item servlet (which is used to create session and synchronized it) --> cart servlet(which is used to add items in the arraylist and show them in the shopping.jsp's div tag + it also sets the total purchase amount in the session variable "totalpurchase")

now after that user wants to proceed to checkout, here i use the onclick event to check the minimumshopping amount must be less than the totalpurchase (totalpurchase which i had setted in the session),but my jsp page is unable to rechognise the updated value of the totalpurchase, yes, if i reload the page, it rechognises the new updated value of the totalpurchase? but i want it to rechognise the updated total purchase value, without reloading he jsp page..

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Java EE SDK :: Weblogic Not Displaying Apache Logs

Apr 16, 2013

I keep getting an error in my browser:

    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: argument type mismatch
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:324)

[Code] .....

I see the file "myApache.log" got created but there's no info in it when i re-test the error, I have other existing appenders and categories in this same file which do give output so I know it has nothing to do with the file or the path itself.

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Java EE SDK :: WebLogic - How To Get List Of Installed JCA Adapters From App

Aug 1, 2011

I would like to know how I can get the list of installed JCA adapters from my application which deployed onto WebLogic server. Is there any WebLogic api available for that?

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