Eclipse Java Program Console GUI?

Aug 15, 2014

im wanting to create a console gui that opens with my program game and people can type stuff in it to run commands as well as a debug option to show when errors happen and have a command to list all availble command.

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Exporting A Java Program From Eclipse That Only Runs In Console

Oct 11, 2014

I have recently revisited a program I wrote a few years ago, that runs absolutely fine in the console in Eclipse. However, when I export it as a Runnable Jar File, then open the file on my Desktop, nothing happens.How do I get the program to export so that when I open the file, a window opens that acts as the console (so the program can run in it)?

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Clear Console In Eclipse And Goto

May 26, 2014

Follow the //? FIRST and SECOND notes, then I understood that Java has GOTO as Keyword for future versions and that usually one can avoid GOTO using break inside the cycles, but I need a jump( salto) in the code.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class ArrayOrdinati {
public static void main (String[] args){
int[] Array = {5,3,1};
int e=Array.length;
int b;

[Code] .....

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Client Server Output Console Sharing Eclipse

Jan 22, 2014

I took an example from here on client server sockets: Complete Java Networking Explained with Simple Examples - Go4Expert and placed it in separate classes and had a single main to run it both a server then the client.It seems ok but I cannot have the console outputs sharing the same console.

I start the server first and this takes precedence and the client will not output to console unless I stop the restart the app after commenting out the server startup as its already running, then eclipse gives me 2 consoles I can move between Is it possible to have both client and server share output console?

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Application Runs In Eclipse Console - How To Make It Stand Alone

Jan 12, 2012

I have a single class application which works well in the Eclipse console. But how do I turn it into a Jar file?

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Get Current RAM Usage Of Computer And Display It In Console View Of Eclipse?

Apr 7, 2014

I want to get current RAM usage of my computer and display it in Console View of Eclipse? How can I achieve this?

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Basic Console Java Program - Generate Employee ID

Feb 27, 2014

Basic console java program. I need to generate an employee id. I have an employee class that I will paste here so you can see my fields and constructors.

public class Employee {
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private int id;
public int nextUniqueId = 0;
public Scanner sc = new Scanner(;

[Code] ....

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Java App To Open A Console Base Program And Run A Command

Jan 13, 2015

I am struggling getting my java app to open a console window on either MacOS or windows and run a command. On windows I can get the cmd.exe program to open, but it won't execute the command. On MacOS, I cannot get it to even open the terminal.

String run = "c:
elap5.exe" + in + rst + out; //in, rst, out are parameters for the relpa5.exe file.
try {
Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
rt.exec(new String[]{"cmd.exe","/c",run,"start"});
} catch (IOException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(issrsUI.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

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Simple Program In Java (Eclipse) That Converts Fahrenheit To Celsius

Apr 10, 2014

I've made a simple program in Java (Eclipse) that converts Fahrenheit to Celsius.The class is:

Java Code: package ehu.student;
public class ConversorTemperaturas {
/*Clase que dado una temperatura en Fahrenheit la canvierte en C*/
public float farenheit2celsius (float d){
float celsius, aux;


When I write t.farenheit2celsius(25.6), appears the following error: "The method farenheit2celsisus(float) in the type ConversorTemperaturas is not applicable for the arguments (double)"If i change in the class the type float for double there is not problem. Why can't i use the type float?

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Run Program In Eclipse

Sep 10, 2014

I tried to run the program in eclipse(See Attachments 2 3 4) but I got the following errors(Attach 1), I have attached them as screen shots.


2. Mapper code

3. Reducer code

4. Driver

Since am new to java and hadoop, I want to know the procedure step by step in a brief this program and rest of the two statements successfully.

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How To Put Console On JFrame Or Graphics Program Window

Sep 8, 2014

how to put a console on a JFrame or on graphics window. I thought about simply using a JtextField however I don't have access to the readline command since it appears to me that it is only found in a Console Program. So basically I was wondering how to put up a console on JFrame so I can issue commands on it and watch graphical stuff happen on the same screen(minus where the console box is of course).

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Multi-User Console Chat Program

Nov 22, 2014

My task is to create multiuser console chat program. During whole day of poking around , i finally stand on such concept:

1. When running , Server part must stay into while(true) loop and create threads on each ServerSocket.accept() call, providing socket object inside thread. i.e.

while (true){
System.out.println("Waiting for client to connect");
Thread t = new Thread(new Runner(servSocket.accept(),listOfClientSockets));
System.out.println("Starting thread");

2. Client side always stays within while(true) loop and waiting for user input with ScannerInstance.nextLine() method.
As soon as user prints something and hits enter, data being captured from scanner and thrown to socket output stream to the server.

My question is : if all parties (X clients and server) are actually in waiting mode (server is waiting for connections and each client is waiting for user input), who will refresh the screen for each client to draw the messages other parties sent?

At this time , each party see updates only when he hits enter and while loop does next iteration reading data from buffer and displaying on console.

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Exporting Program From Eclipse

Jan 11, 2014

I'm new to java programming and I've been trying to make my first program in eclipse for a while, and I finally managed to do that. Well my problem is that I want to be able to use my program without having to open eclipse and opening my program from there, is there any way to do that ?

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Console Calculator Program - How To Split Array Of Strings

Apr 22, 2015

I'm writing a command line application of a calculator in Java. I need to be able to (as per program requirements) split the array of strings (6+3) into an array of strings? How would that be done? I know you can use the split method, but I am not really sure how that wold work to perform math with them?

On a side note: for this application, how could you make the program accept a variety of different lengths of strings to perform math with them?

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Holiday Program - Using Jansi Library To Add Color To Console Text

Dec 26, 2014

While making my holiday program and trying to use the Jansi library to add color to the console text,

I got this output:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Uncompilable source code - package org.fusesource.jansi does not exist
at Main.<clinit>

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Program Shows No Output In Eclipse In NetBeans

Oct 1, 2014

It has no errors in it, but when it runs, it just doesn't show any output at all. Here's my code.

Fuel Class:

public class FuelGauge {
// Setting the gallons and the total amount of gallons
private int gallons;
final static int TotalGallons=15;

public FuelGauge(){
// Initiate the number of gallons
public FuelGauge(int gallons){

[Code] .....

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Debugging Client-server Program In Eclipse

Sep 27, 2014

I've been provided a code skeleton for what must be done, but despite my best efforts to make things work, I'm coming up dry (obviously, due to a lack of knowledge.) One thing that might work is if I knew how to debug this type of application, line-by-line, to see exactly what is going on. Obviously, it's easy enough to debug the client part, but moving over to the server part, I haven't been able to figure that out (I'm using Eclipse.)

Anyways, here's the code I've got so far:


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Java Console SQL DB Query App

Nov 4, 2014

I seem to be having a issue with my java console app what it should do is query a SQL DB and list the user details (userid, firstname ,lastname) from the user table, and the users stocks (stockname ,stockdiscription) associated to each user from the userstocks table if I'm thinking correctly!

I'm sure it is just a logical error, but I'm not sure of the way to get the out put I'm looking for. I will add the file and file as well as the current Exception(Run Time Exception) below.

**I have added other users and stocks manually - Not just what the file inserts **

Output and Exception:

Stock holdings by User
User ID User Name
Stock - Description
admin01 Default Admin
Exception in thread "main" java.sql.SQLException: ResultSet is closed
at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcResultSet.checkOpen(
at DatabaseQuery.main(
Press any key to continue . . .

Java Code:
import java.sql.*;
public class MakeDB
public static void main(String[]args) throws Exception

[Code] ....

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How To Clear Java Output Console

May 2, 2014

how to clear my java output console?

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WAV File Using Java Eclipse

Mar 26, 2014

I am trying to .wav file using java eclipse ..

[B]import* ;
 public class AudioDemo{
public static void main(String[] args)
throws Exception

[Code] ....

And I am getting the following errors ...

Exception in thread "main" E:pppp.wma (The system cannot find the file specified)
at Method)
at<init>(Unknown Source)
at<init>(Unknown Source)
at AudioDemo.main(

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Java Eclipse Health Bar

May 31, 2014

I'm programming a game in Eclipse using Java for Android. I was wondering if any good example of a Health bar using Images. All I can find is people using the progress bar, but i feel that's unprofessional looking.

My goal is to layer 2 images. 1 being the frame of the health bar, 1 being the value of the health bar. I figured it would be something like moving the value health bar image few pixels over depending on the variable of health.

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Hangman In Java With Eclipse

Apr 21, 2015

I'm trying to finish this game of hangman for java in the program eclipse. Currently when I run the program I get this in the text field:

in randomword
in string2Array[Ljava.lang.String;@22998b08

New Game
Enter a letter: s

After I try entering a letter it doesn't prompt for the user to enter another, nor does it change the ? mark when the user guesses correctly.

Here's the code :

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Hangman {
int strikes = 0;
String userguess= " ";
private ArrayFunctions func = new ArrayFunctions();
String currentWord;

[Code] ....

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Delimiter - Type In 5 Strings From Java Console And Print Them All Out

Feb 13, 2015

I am testing some stuff here is my code:

public static void main(String[] args) {
String[] a = new String[5];
//String input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "enter input");
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;

[Code] ....

I am trying to type in 5 strings from java console and print them all out. I am using a "/" as a delimiter. My problem is that it does not print any output after I type strings separated by "/" like this: hello/gea/cae/eaf/aer and press enter. It works if I use JOptionPane but from the console its not working. I want to use the console instead of JOptionPane for this one.

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File Location Of Java Console On Windows XP System?

Dec 11, 2013

I've forgotten the file location of the Java Console contents on a Windows XP system.

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Java 1.4.2 And Eclipse Code Will Not Compile Or Run

Jan 22, 2014

I made just a simple hello world class and i can not seam to make eclipse run it in any way not even the console.

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Java Application Not Appearing In Eclipse?

Oct 26, 2014

I am following a tutorial to write a 2d game from scratch in java but when I compile and run my code the application (JFrame) doesn't come up on my screen, it just runs for a second and terminates itself for some reason.

package com.thecherno.rain;
import java.awt.Canvas;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
public class Game extends Canvas implements Runnable{
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;


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