Enable / Disable JPanel And Its ComboBoxes

Sep 11, 2014

I have a class that extends JFrame, within that, i have set up JPanel where within that i have four JComboBoxes, I am to enable this JPanel and its JComboBoxes at the end of a method

The code for that method is:

private void tableNumberJComboBoxItemStateChanged() {
// load data for table
try {
// get data for table
myResultSet = myStatement.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM"
+ "restauranttables WHERE tableNumber = " + Integer.parseInt(
[Code] ....

I am not sure how to enable this JPanel? I have another Jpanel to Disable but one question at a time i suppose.

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JSF :: Enable / Disable One Inputmask Out Of Two In PrimeFaces

Jul 28, 2014

I am developing one form in jsf/primefaces. I have two inputText(inputMask) for e.g moble number and telephone number. I want to restrict the user to put only one of these two fields . That means if user starts putting value in mobile no. then telephone no. field should be disabled and if user starts putting value in telephone no. then mobile no. field should be disabled.

how should I do this.

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Enable / Disable All Textboxes In Panel

May 31, 2014

I am learning Java but have a strong C# background. I am trying to figure out the syntax to do this in Java. In C# I would do the following to enable all text boxes in a panel

private void EnableAll() {
foreach (Control ctrl in Panel1.Controls) {
if (ctrl is Textbox)
((Textbox)ctrl.Enabled = true;

Is there something similar I can do in Java to do the same thing.

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JSF :: Enable / Disable Columns In DataTable PrimeFaces

Jul 21, 2014

I have created one dataTable in page and shown some columns but I want to show only those columns which have entries ( if any column doesn't have record then it should not be displayed on the page.) . How should I put validation on this and display table.

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JSF :: Enable / Disable SelectManyCheckbox Based On Radio Button Using Ajax

Feb 23, 2015

I'd like to disable/enable SelectManyCheckbox and the SelectOneMenu based on my selection. I have two radio buttons to be selected whether A or B. The SelectManyCheckbox and the SelectOneMenu should be disabled at the first run. When the user selects “A” the SelectManyCheckbox and the SelectOneMenu should be enabled and if the users selects “B”, the SelectManyCheckbox and the SelectOneMenu should be disabled and the items should be empty. I tried to use <f:ajax render="certificates"/>, but it doesn't work properly.

<h:selectOneRadio id="request" layout="pageDirection" value="#{user.hrRequest}" required="true" requiredMessage="Error: Select a Request Type">
<f:selectItem itemLabel=" Request A" itemValue="A"/>
<f:selectItem itemLabel="Request B” itemValue="B"/>
<f:ajax render="certificates"/>

[Code] ....

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: How To Disable Entire Jpanel And All Its Contents

Oct 23, 2014

I'd like to enable/disable a jpanel and it's entire contents in one fell swoop. I could of course call each component's .setEnabled() method, but I figured there must be a better way!

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Comboboxes Lock On To Each Other

Feb 22, 2014

My code is long so I will try to explain this. I have a GUI application which gets two dates from a user via multiple combo boxes (month/day/year for each, so 6 total). The assembly and processing of these dates (including the days changing based on the month) is correct.

That said, however, when interacting with the program and changing the dates back-and-fourth on the frame, the 'days' combo boxes occasionally lock to one another. For instance, if you select 5 in one, 5 mimics in the other and this cannot be undone.

These are the last relevant bits I believe before the 'SUBMIT' button is clicked and it is all processed.

Controller ... (same set-up for the departure date)

Java Code:

class ArriveCBListener implements ActionListener {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
// Arrive Dates

[Code] .....

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Enable MD2 Algorithm Only For A Particular Place And Not For Whole JVM

Jun 6, 2014

Is it possible to enable & disable "jdk.certpath.disabledAlgorithms" property programmatically. I want to remove all disabled Algorithms for some time and later I will enable it.

Or is it possible to enable only for a particular place & not in a JVM level. I want that Algorithm need to be enabled for a piece of code, but I don't want it to the remaining part of the application.

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Loading JPanel From Another JPanel When Button Is Pressed

Jun 9, 2014

I am making a game in java and i want to make a title screen. What I am trying to do is make a jpanel and load another jpanel when a button is pressed in one of the japenls. Here is the code for the runner

import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
public class Runner extends JFrame {
// Have these set up so they can be seen everywhere
public static final int GAMEWIDTH = 540;
public static final int GAMEHEIGHT = 710;
static boolean loading = false;

[Code] ....

here is the code for the jpanel that loads the other jpanel

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.FlowLayout;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.Rectangle;

[Code] ...

How do load a jpanel when a button is pressed in another jpanel

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Web Services :: How To Enable WS-A Addressing On JAX-WS Generated Client Code

Feb 22, 2015

I would like to access a third party websevice using a Java client that I generated with JAX-WS wsimport, based on the WSDL provided (I am using a Maven plugin).

For quite a while I was unable to retrieve a useful response, not in the Java client and also not in SoapUI, until I found out that I had to enable WS-A on the request. In SoapUI this now results in the expected response, but what must I do to also 'enable' WS-A in the Java client? Do I maybe have to alter the WSDL, or add a parameter to wsimport?

I found some documentation on WS-A online, but so far could not find an answer.

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Enable Radio Button Based On Value Selected From Database

Dec 2, 2014

Enable Radio Button Based On The Value Selected From Database ????

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JavaFX 2.0 :: How To Enable Multiselection In TableView Via Mouse Drag

Jun 11, 2014

I have multiselection working in my TableView but only via shift-click or using the keyboard but how do I enable the selection of several table rows via a mouse drag? It does not seem to work out of the box.

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NullPointerException Adding JPanel To JPanel

Jun 17, 2014

I have a Main() class that extends JPanel and I'm trying to add Card() that also extends JPanel.When I add a Card() or Main() object to the JFrame directly, it works fine. The problem arises when I try to add a Card() object to the Main() object.

I edited the code a little bit to make it easier to read so hopefully it's fine.

Main() code:
public class Main extends JPanel implements Runnable {
public static final int WIN_WIDTH = 1200;
public static final int WIN_HEIGHT = 800;

public static final int GRID_X = 9;
public static final int GRID_Y = 5;

[Code] ...

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How To Disable USB Port In Netbeans (Java)

Dec 3, 2014

If this is the C Programming codes for disabling the USB port:

system("reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetSer vicesUSBSTOR /v Start /t REG_DWORD /d 4 /f");

How can I use the codes below in Java using Netbeans?

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: JMenuItem Disable On Load?

Oct 10, 2014

I want to disable one of the JMenuItem on load itself but when i tried with following code it is disabling after I selected the JMenuitem.

what additional changes are needed to make it work accordingly.

this.onOffItem = new JMenuItem("Filter");
this.onOffItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
private void applyTruthFlag(boolean truthAuswertung) {

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JSP :: Disable Back Button When Logout

Apr 19, 2014

I have a website which requires login. After I enter username and password and click login button, a new page is loaded. In that page I have a username in the right up corner. When the user clicks logout button, Session.Clear() method is called and also Response.Redirect(" to login page "). It works OK, but the problem appears when I then click Back button in the browser. It gets me back to previous page with the username in the right up corner. Insted, I would like to show message asking user to enter password again so he can login properly.

What should i do at client side???

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: How To Disable Resizing Of Jframe

Feb 7, 2014

I want my jrame should not be resized when clicking on maximize button of window.and for this i have put setResizable(false)in the constructor of class which extends Jframe.

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JSF :: How To Disable / Hide Browser Scroll Bar

Mar 8, 2014

I am using jsf with richfaces. Scroll bar inside panel grid is displayed. Need to disable / hide the bowser (IE-9) scroll bar.


Added above style, but not working.

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Disable Administrator Permissions For C Drive

Feb 18, 2015

I want to disable the read write execute permissions for the users on C:/ drive. i.e. to disable their Administrator rights. How can I do it using Java?

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JavaFX 2.0 :: How To Disable Loading Of Images By WebEngine

Jun 2, 2014

I've searched everywhere but found no way to disable loading of images by Java WebEngineHow to do it?
Research done:
I found some ideas, such as using URL.setURLStreamHandlerFactory() to use my own URLStreamHandler, and having that analyze the URL to only return URLConnections for URL's that don't end in .jpg .png etc.

But that has many problems: Sometimes the image url doesn't end in .jpg, if it's a dynamic image, such as a captcha. So how can I disable automatic image loading from WebEngine?

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Disable Sorting By Clicking On JTable Headers

Nov 18, 2014

Is there a way to disable sorting by clicking on the JTable headers?I have tried a few ways but because I am sorting the data when I load it that 'breaks' that also. Here is what I am trying to achieve.

Sort by 3 columns:


but then I want it so the user cannot resort that when the table is displayed..

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How To Disable Ctrl Select Multiple Entries In A Dialog

Feb 18, 2015

I am using the following code to create a dialog , but my need is user can select only 1 entry . Using this code

can select multiple items by pressing Ctrl ... How it can avoid ... My current code is

Java Code:

SecureCloudStorage_Service service = new SecureCloudStorage_Service();
List<String> files = service.getSecureCloudStoragePort().listFiles();
SelectFileDialog dialog = new SelectFileDialog(this.getFrame(),true,files);
Toolkit toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
Dimension screenSize = toolkit.getScreenSize();
int x = (screenSize.width - dialog.getWidth()) / 2;
int y = (screenSize.height - dialog.getHeight()) / 2;
dialog.setLocation(x, y);
dialog.setVisible(true); mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Disable Event While Performing Long Running Task

Apr 28, 2015

I have in my application a button that when it is pressed, runs a long running task (usually takes a couple of seconds....).

My problem is that while the task runs, I want to stop the button from receiving clicks. Unfortunately this is something I have not achieved.

I have tried creating a new thread and calling the long running method, and using the Display.geCurrent().asyncExec...

Examples of what I have tried so far:

myButton.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {
public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
if (myList.size() > 0) {

[Code] .....

In both cases, while the button is disabled and the cursor busy, if the user clicks the button, the long running method is ran several times - and this is what I want to avoid.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Disable Action Area Of SplitMenuButton But Not Drop Down Menu

Jun 27, 2014

Is there a way to achieve this? Using setDisable(true) deactivates the entire control. I want the drop down menu items to still be accessible, but the action area visibly inactive.

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Install Java From Command Prompt With Parameters To Disable These Prompts From Occurring

Dec 23, 2014

We are using Kronos and when our staff trys to run reports -- they get three java prompts.The first one is asking if they would like to update java.The second one is do you want to run this application.The third one is allow access to the following application from this website

We are in a non persistent VDI environment so these prompts come up over and over and over.how to edit the Windows 7 image to disable all three of these prompts.Is there a way to install java from the command prompt with the parameters to disable these prompts from ocurring? if so i will uninstall and re-install with those prompts.

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How To Get JPanel To Refresh

Mar 18, 2015

I have tried to get my JPanel to refresh and show a new combo box, labels and fields but I can't get it working with revalidate or repaint.

package Part4; 
import javax.swing.*;
 import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
 public class AddressGUI extends JFrame implements ActionListener{
 Address address = new Address();


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