Enum Class Throwing Illegal Argument Exception?

Mar 4, 2015

I have a enum class which contains some string which i am comparing to a string i get from a user

Java Code:

public enum Compare {
a, b, c, d, e, f
} class SomeClass {
String method(String letter){
Compare word= Compare.valueOf(letter);
} mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

Everything works fine but when I added a new word to it like "g" it throws the IllegalArgumentException ?

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Custom Jtable Cell Editor Throwing Illegal Component State Exception

Jul 10, 2014

I've come across an interesting problem when using a Jcombobox as a custom cell editor(and renderer) in a jtable. I was hoping to add a keybinding in order to display the dropdown of the combobox instead of having to click on it however, when I make a call to showPopup() I get:

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.awt.IllegalComponentStateException: component must be showing on the screen to determine its location Which is strange as my jtable is visible and the editor/renderer seems to be working fine.

Here's the cell editor + renderer I'm using:

class MyComboBoxRenderer extends JComboBox implements TableCellRenderer {
public MyComboBoxRenderer(String[] items) {
} public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected,
boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) {
if (isSelected) {


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Throwing Exception With Exception Class?

Sep 29, 2014

Right, so I got this program. It takes input from the user and assigns it to fields on an object. But, it's meant to check the users input. If the user enters bad input, it's supposed to throw this exception. For each of these exceptions, theres a class specifically for it.

public class PayrollDemo
public static void main(String[] args)
Payroll pr = new Payroll ("Test Name", 234);
System.out.println("Current Employee Information.
System.out.println("Name: " + pr.getName());
System.out.println("ID: " + pr.getID());
System.out.println("Hourly Pay Rate: " + pr.getHourlyPayRate());

[Code] ....

And this is the exception class.

public class InvalidNameException extends Exception
No-arg constructor
public InvalidNameException()
super("Invalid name");

PayrollDemo.java:43: error: cannot find symbol
symbol: method InvalidNameException()
location: class InvalidNameException
1 error

It's just meant to tell the user that they entered an invalid value, which would mean if they entered an empty string instead of a name.

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Overloaded Methods Throwing Exception

Apr 2, 2014

Overloaded methods CAN declare new or broader checked exceptions. We know that FileNotFoundException is a subclass of IOException and according to the above statement an overloaded method cannot throw a narrower exception. But the below code does not throw a compiler error. How?


Java Code:

package pack1;

import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
public class Animal{
public void drink(int s) throws IOException

} mh_sh_highlight_all('java');


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Throwing Exception From Catch And Finally Block

Jul 16, 2014

I came across a code where the exceptions can be thrown from catch and finally block too. I never gave a thought on what scenarios that can be required. Some practical examples when/where it can be required to throw the exception from catch and finally blocks.

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Highlighted Text In Try / Catch Block Is Throwing NullPointer Exception

Sep 15, 2014

If I put the highlighted text in try/catch block it is throwing NullPointerException , if I am using command line arguments then also it is showing the same exception.

public static void main(String []args)
args = null;
args[0] = "test";

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Averaging Grades Program Throwing Exception With Negative Numbers

Nov 17, 2014

So I have re-written the code but it is still not running correctly. Any number i type in it throws an exception, also i need the program to add the totals that i type in and then once i type -1 into the prompt button list all the number i typed in and give me the average.

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing .*;
import javax.swing.text.*;
public class Averages extends JFrame
//construct components
JLabel sortPrompt = new JLabel("Sort By:");

[Code] .....

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Illegal State Exception Thrown From RequestFocus In JavaFX

May 2, 2015

I am attempting to create a very simple game where two squares move around and each can see the other square moving. This is a multi-player game over a TCP network using JavaFX. I am getting an illegal state exception when I call requestFocus(). This is my server:

public class GameServer extends Application {
ObjectOutputStream p1out;
ObjectOutputStream p2out;
int PLAYER1 = 1;
int PLAYER2 = 2;

[Code] .....

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Thread Java - Illegal State Monitor Exception

May 30, 2014

Class A{
Public static synchronized void main(String args[]){
Thread t= new thread();

Illegal state monitor exception. Why?

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Overriding In Java - Foo Method Of Class X Is Not Throwing Compile Error

Jul 29, 2013

class SubB{
public void foo(){
System.out.println(" x");
public class X extends SubB {
public void foo() throws RuntimeException{
if(true) throw new RuntimeException();
System.out.println(" B");
public static void main(String [] args){
new X().foo();

Why the foo method of class X is not throwing a compile error because according to the override rule, if the superclass method has not declared exception, the subclass method can't declare a new exception...

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JSF :: Enum Type In Parametrized Class

Dec 4, 2014

I'm developing a JSF application.I have some enums, for example

public enum Gender {
private final String label


I want to put the enum value in <h:selectOneMenu>. I use a bean:

@Named(value = "genderBean")
public class GenderBean {
* Creates a new instance of GenderBean
public GenderBean() {


How can i call the method .values() of enum for a generic enum T, like in the striked code?

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Getting Error - Class Interface Or Enum Expected

Aug 7, 2014

import java.io.*;
class addition {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int num1,num2,sum;
try {
DataInputStream x=new DatainputStream(system.in);

[Code] ,,,,,

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Enum Class - How To Pass In Faction Type In For Daunt

Mar 6, 2015

Suppose I have an enum class named Faction and one of the constants is named DAUNT. I created a class of the enum DAUNT but how can I pass in a DAUNT faction type in for Daunt?

Java Code:

public enum Faction {

//new file
public class Daunt {
public Daunt() {
} mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

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Creating Enums Without Using Enum Class And Private Static Final Keywords?

Jun 11, 2014

I am wondering if there is a way in jave to use enums WITHIN a class (without creating a separate enum class) without using private static final. Something like as folows:

class My Class {

is there something like this available?

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Passing Object Argument To A Method - Unable To Call Methods On Argument

Feb 7, 2015

I am trying to pass an object of type Product p to my editProduct method, however trying to call p.getName(); doesn't work and throws a NullPointerException. The same kind of thing works for my displayRecord method (in a different class) and I can call .getName() on Product p, also passed as an argument to that method. Below is my editProduct class. The NullPointerExcepion is being thrown at line 61 (i.e., nameField.setText(p.getName());).

I don't know if I explained right, so here's a line thing of how the classes relate:

Search >>>(field.getText())>>> displayRecord(Product p) >>>editProduct(p)>>> EditProduct

And as a side note: adding the line p = new Product(); fixes it and successfully runs the class (including the Save and Quit parts) but obviously I want it to specifically refer to the Product I pass to the method.

Java Code:

import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.GridLayout;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.FocusEvent;
import java.awt.event.FocusListener;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import javax.swing.BorderFactory;

[Code] ....

I'm asking a question because I don't understand how Product p could possibly be null, because the argument is passed through my DisplayRecord class, which also takes a Product p argument and works. In that class, I have declared Product prod = p; and prod is what I am passing to editProduct.

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Parent Class - No Argument Constructors

Mar 10, 2014

class Test3 {
} class MySub extends Test3 {
class Test4{
public static void main(String args[]) {
MySub m = new MySub();

I learned that if a class and its parent class both have no constructors, the compiler is supposed to complain. When I compiled Test4, i got no errors. why did it give no errors?

I read this article : [URL] ....

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Name Given To Two Or More Methods In Class With Same Name But Different Parameter / Argument Lists?

May 9, 2014

What is the name given to two (2) or more methods in a class with the same name but different parameter/ argument lists?

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Exception In First GUI Class

Feb 10, 2015

i rewrote this code from head first java book . but every time i try to compile it it gives me this exception

Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Uncompilable source code - simpleFrame is not abstract and does not override abstract method actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent) in java.awt.event.ActionListener
at simpleFrame.<clinit>(simpleFrame.java:6)

how can i instantiate simpleFrame class if i shoild make it abstract?

public class simpleFrame implements ActionListener{
JFrame f;
public static void main(String[] args){
simpleFrame s = new simpleFrame();


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Swing/AWT/SWT :: JFileChooser Is Throwing NullPointerException

Nov 20, 2014

I have a swing application that is using JFileChooser. When I click the Open menu item from File menu it should show the File dialog box where user can select the file.This application is running in my machine but encounters problem in another machine. File dialog box is not showing and stack trace shows that NullPointerException is thrown by JFileChooser..My machine is a 64 bit Windows 7 while the other machine is Windows 7 32 bit. Both machine are using java 1.6..To verify if its because of the 32-bit, I tried in another Windows 7 32-bit and the same application is working.

I came across this article [URL] .... which identified it as bug but already fix in 1.4.2_04. Though I am using 1.6, just to make sure I also tried the suggested work around.I put System.setProperty("swing.disableFileChooserSpeedFix", "true"); in my code but still not working...I also tried to add java -Dswing.disableFileChooserSpeedFix=true to the batch file that is launching the application and still not working

Code Sample:

import javax.swing.JFileChooser;
import javax.swing.filechooser.FileNameExtensionFilter;
public class FileChooserTester{
public Boolean loadMDBFile() {
System.setProperty("swing.disableFileChooserSpeedFix", "true");
JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser();


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Grasping Concept Of Throwing Own Exceptions

Dec 3, 2014

I am having some difficulties grasping the concept of throwing your own exceptions. How do I get this to repeatedly ask the user to enter a valid value for hours. Also i am having difficulties in the method with using the throw new InvalidHrExcep("That value is invalid"); i cannot get this to work.

public class exceptionProgram {
static Scanner console = new Scanner(System.in);
public static void main(String[] args) throws InvalidHrExcep
int day=0;
int month = 0;
int year=0;
int hours=0;
int minutes=0;
int seconds=0;


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How To Use Exception Handling As Base Class

Jun 17, 2014

I want to use my given code as base class

Java Code:

public static void file(String[] arg) throws IOException{
BufferedReader in;
String line;
System.out.println("Reading word");
in =new BufferedReader(new FileReader("inp.txt"));

[Code] .....

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Exception In Main Thread - Class Introductions

Dec 26, 2014

import java.io.Console;
public class Introductions{
public static void main(String[] args){
Console console = System.console();
console.printf("Hello!My name is ---");

Output :-

Compiling Introductions.java.......
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at Introductions.main(Introductions.java:5)
[Finished in 2.2s with exit code 1]

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Rectangle Class Include Try-catch And Exception Handling

Oct 18, 2014

The requirement is to write a rectangle class and a test class, which include try-catch blocks and exception handling. Exceptions, involving try, catch, throw, throws, and finally commands,how to write a code about basic things, but in the test class, it gives me specific width and height so that i dont konw how to write a try-catch blocks an exception handling in this test class.There is my two classes, they are separated.

public class Rectangle {
double width ;
double height ;
width = 1;
height = 1;


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Class Not Found Exception While Executing XQuery Using Java

Aug 8, 2014

I am validating an xml file using XQuery in Java using XQJ API. When the query is triggered it is giving the ClassNotFoundException for orai18n.text.OraCollator. I have placed the orai18n-collation.jar file in MANIFEST.MF file and it is loaded in to the class path.

Not sure on why it is giving the exception.

The JDK i am using JDK1.7 and application server is weblogic.

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Getting Class Cast Exception While Using Object Input Stream

Jun 5, 2014

I'm developing an application to track the status of a production flow-line and have hit a bit of a snag. When attempting to read saved data I run into this:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: flowline.End_Of_File cannot be cast to flowline.Operation
at flowline.Station.checkLoadPreviousStationStatus(Station.java:91)
at flowline.Station.main(Station.java:212)
Java Result: 1

I've been reading up on different methods to saving and retrieving data and have decided ObjectInputStream would be the best option.

The save method works fine, I opted to use a EndOfFile class to determine when I've reached the end of the input stream. The problem is, when my loop encounters this object, it doesn't terminate the loop.

public void checkLoadPreviousStationStatus() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException,
ClassNotFoundException, EOFException, TempArrayOutOfBoundsException{
Object loadOpn = null;
End_Of_File eof = new End_Of_File();
File f = new File(fileName);

[Code] .....

The Operation cast is a cast to the objects my LinkedList contains. The highlighted line is where the exception occurs.

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Hangman Game Using Class - It Keeps On Bringing Up Exception Error

Apr 23, 2015

I wrote a program that would play a game of Hangman. It plays the game but it keeps on bringing up a exception error. This is my class code

import java.util.ArrayList;
class Assignment2Q4
private final ArrayList<Character> guessList = new ArrayList<>();
private final char[] charArray;
private final String secretWord;
private int guesses;

[Code] ....

This is the output that is given:

Enter the secret word:
Guess a letter:
Guess a letter:

[Code] .....

Also when I guess the first letter of the word correctly it stops the program without going further on with the guessing.

Like for ex. P????

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