Export To Runnable Jar

Oct 29, 2014

My app uses docx4J, XStream, and also uses an image on the start page. I placed all of this external libraries in Java Buid Path and in Eclipse it all works well but when I export all data to runnable jar file it doesn't work.

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Export Runnable Jar File That Requires LWJGL

Aug 13, 2014

I'm trying to export a runnable jar file that requires lwjgl. Everything works in eclipse as I'm using


as a VM Argument for the jinput .dll files.

After exporting & launching the jar it doesn't work of course! I get this error:

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no junput-dx8 in java.library.path

I'm not sure how to make it work outside of eclipse....

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JSF :: How To Export Page To PDF

Apr 1, 2015

how to export a full jsf page to PDF. In my jsf page, I have a button to export to PDF and some fields where I am retrieving the values from a database. The form is ready but I don't know how to program code or program a button to export the page to PDF. I tried to search for an easy and a standard way but unfortunately I didn't find any useful example or code.

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How To Export The Page To PDF

Apr 1, 2015

How to export a full jsf page to PDF. In my jsf page, I have a button to export to PDF and some fields where I am retrieving the values from a database. The form is ready but I don't know how to program code or program a button to export the page to PDF.

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Export To Jar With More Than 1 Class

Feb 8, 2014

I create a snake game. Ant this game have more than 1 class. So i need this thing export to jar.. So i have question:

1.Do i have insert to public static void main(String[]args) method to somewhere class?
2.How to export to jar with more than 1 class..

And again, if I must insert main method in somewhere class, so which class?

snakeCanvas.java :

import java.awt.Event;
import java.awt.Point;
import javax.swing.event.*;
 import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.awt.event.KeyListener;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;

[Code] .....

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JSP :: Export To PDF Format

May 24, 2006

I'm doing a project in JSP and Oracle..Here in my project there are two types of department.. Accounts and Sales.. Accounts department is able to download some pages to Excel format and it is working properly.. now in the sales they have to download in pdf format.. then only it is possible to send to the HO..now what they are doing is downloading the JSP page in excel format and converting to pdf manually using the Acrobat Printer.. is that possible to change to pdf format.. for converting to excel format.. i'm just using 2 linesand it is here

<%@ page language="java" session="true" import="java.sql.*" import="java.lang.*" contentType="application/vnd.ms-excel" %><%response.setHeader("Content Disposition","attachment; filename=test.xls");%>

in the filename side i chaged to test.pdf.. and in the contentType i changed to Acrobat readerand it is downloading but cannot view the content

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Paint In Thread Or Runnable

Jun 25, 2014

import java.awt.Graphics;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
class node{
node(int a,node next){

[Code] ....

The code was ran not right, I want it's result is: 1 2 3 4 5 and delay(1000) every time that it prints a number

Example: 1 (delay(1000)) 2 (delay(1000)) ....

And the paint must do that

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Making Import / Export Of XML

Sep 17, 2014

I'm making an import/export of xml - I have the import of xml sorted I'm just trying to finish off the export. My export class is called XmlWriter.java. Inside the class I have an updateFile method to update an xml file as such:

public void updateFile(Environment environment,Document doc)
// code

I then in my main method have

public static void main(String argv[]){
 //declare new object of class
XmlWriter xmlWriter = new XmlWriter();
//test testUpdate method
// xmlWriter.testUpdate();
 Environment environment = ;


I don't know what to make my variables equal to - eclipse keeps trying to use null but obviously that won't work. The Environment is another class that just contains getters and setters for the 3 different databases (that are in the xml file) and the getter/setter for the environment ID (also in xml file).

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MySQL DB Export To Excel Using JXL?

May 2, 2015

I am trying to export a DB record to an excel sheet. Below is the code which I tried. I am not getting any error but still only the first record of the table is getting inserted into the excel sheet. But when I try printing, I prints all the records. Below is the code I did to insert records.

for (int i=0;i<ColumnCount;i++) {
System.out.println("Inside for");
Label label=new Label(i,0,rsmd.getColumnName(i+1),cellFormat);
WritableCell cell = sheet.getWritableCell(i+1, 0);
System.out.println("Column " + rsmd.getColumnName(i+1)+ " inserted");


I hope i am making a logical mi stake in the for loop. But still i am unable to locate that.

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JSP :: Java Program To Export To Excel

May 28, 2014

I have a JSP and Java program which will read data from Excel and add them dynamically to create table.My requirement is i should able to edit the columns what ever the data that was fetched from Excel and export those contents to another excel file.This should happen on clicking a button, i mean to exporting the contents of the table.

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Runnable Jar Does Not Show Data From Database

Mar 13, 2014

I am still working on my java course and now we have to create a jar file from a previous project (this is a project where a connection to the database is made and data is shown in a frame).

When I follow the instruction in my course material I don't get it to work. I've tried the following:

1. Open eclipse on windows xp
2. Right click on the project folder in eclipse
3. Click on "export" in the menu that appears
4. Choose "runnable jar"
5. click next
6. I insert the following parameters:

- Launch configuration --> I select my main class
- export destination --> I select the folder D:
- library handling --> Package required libraries into generated jar

7. click Finish

This is what happens when I dbl click the jarfile (wampserver is running):

1. I get an error: "SQL ERROR: Communications link failure The last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago. The driver has not received any packets from the server."

2. I click ok on the message and the following message appears: "SQL Error: null"

3. I click ok on this message and the frame with the fields appears without data from the database.

This is a crosspost to: [URL] ...

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Java Game Export Error

May 8, 2014

So I am creating a game in Java, the game works fine when I run it in Eclipse but when I export it it does not draw anything on the screen.

I added a try and catch for nullpointerexceptions but the game does not throw any nullpointerexceptions.

What is the problem?

The game seems to be finding all the images & resources since it does not throw any NullPointerExceptions...

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Embed MS Access Database With Runnable Jar?

May 13, 2014

my aim is to make a runnable jar. I've made a program using swings which uses MS Access database to fetch records. So, I've used an absolute path to refer to the database for connection. Now, I intend to distribute this runnable jar to other people as well. So I guess the best option would be to embed the MS Access database as well in the jar file. But I don't know how to do that. Where should I keep the database in my Project Explorer ? Should I use a relative path etc.

This is my code:-

Java Code:

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.Vector;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel;


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Using JarOutputStream To Create A Runnable Jar File

Apr 26, 2014

How does one use java.util.jar.JarOutputStream to create a jar file on button press? This new jar file, I want to make it runnable so it performs a specific action on run..

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Running Threads Without Using Runnable Implementation?

Dec 16, 2014

I've seen examples that don't use a separate Runnable Implementation, but Instead Just make a subclass of Thread and override the Thread's runO method. That way,you call the Thread's no--arg constructor when you make the new thread;

Thread t = new Thread(); 1/no Runnable"

Any simple code that demonstrates the same. I haven't fully understood what is said in the text above. I have a hunch that the last line is wrong and it should be Thread t = new <Whatever class extends Thread class and over rides its run method>()

Am I correct or wrong....

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Multiple Runnable In A Single Class

Aug 1, 2014

I want to have two threads running in my class, one will be downloading info from a website then putting the thread to sleep for a little bit, then repeating. The other will be sending information to a website then putting the thread to sleep for a little bit, then repeating. Is it possible to do this in my main class? I already have one thread using run() for downloading the info and sleeping can i make another?

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Export And Import Of Configuration Files

Apr 24, 2015

I have a library that I'm writing, the library contains a spring xml configuration file (lets say it's called libraryContext.xml) that sets the library up correctly for runtime, it also includes a test spring xml file that sets the library up for test by importing libraryContext.xml and overriding certain dependency injection beans (the library basically connects to a real database under normal conditions and uses dummy DAO's under test conditions). That bit is all fine.

The thing is, when I build the jar for the library (lets say it's called library-0.1.jar), the jar does not seem to contain the libraryContext.xml and that means that I can't import library.xml into my applications context.xml.

Basically, I have this line in my applications context.xml

Java Code: <import resource = "classpath:libraryContext.xml"/> mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

Unsurprisingly, since the xml file is not contained in the library-0.1.jar, the error I get is,

Java Code:

Offending resource: class path resource [applicationContext.xml];
nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanDefinitionStoreException:
IOException parsing XML document from class path resource [libraryContext.xml];
nested exception is java.io.FileNotFoundException: class path resource [libraryContext.xml] cannot be opened because it does not exist mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

With respect to potential solutions to the above problem, I could:

1) physically copy the libraryContext.xml file (and its other *.xml and *.properties dependencies) into the application, but then I'd have to maintain duplicate files - I don't like this option.

2) find out if there is a better way to handle this problem from people who know better. E.g. is there a way to embed the libraryContext.xml file (and it's dependencies) into the jar file so that it can then be imported into the application. I've spent a while on google trying to figure this out and haven't come up with anything overly useful (perhaps I've been using the wrong search parameters).

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Java-8 :: Deploying Runnable JAR Files

Jan 21, 2015

I recently started working with Java 8.  I have been doing Java development on and off since the early 1990's.  Most recently I have been doing all my current work in Java 6.  I decided to "take the plunge" and to start getting involved with Java 8.  I have an imaging application for geologic research I started working on in Java 6 and Swing, and I am now continuing that development under Java 8.  It was a pleasant surprise that to find that all of my code built without any changes (I'm using Eclipse Luna and just deleted the Java 6 runtime and added the Java 8 runtime after downloading it).  The application launches fine from inside Eclipse.
However I ran into a problem when exporting the application from Eclipse to a runnable JAR file and then trying to launch it.  After creating the runnable JAR I was not able to launch it by simply double clicking.  A command line box would open for a second, then close and the application window would never open.  To upgrade from Java 6 to Java 8 I only downloaded the Java 8 runtime environment, not the Java 8 JDK.  I am working in Windows 7 and tried updating the JAR file associations and experimented with various path entries in my environment variables.  No mater what I did I could not simply double click the runnable JAR to launch it.
Then I deleted all my Java downloads and started over.  This time all I did was downloaded the Java 8 JDK and installed it.  I then pointed Eclipse to the Java 8 runtime environment that was installed with the Java 8 JDK.  My code built and executed perfectly in the Eclipse environment.  Then I exported the the Eclipse project as a runnable JAR again and tried to launch it.  This time it worked as expected.  Double clicking the runnable JAR launched the application!
So my question is if I want to give this application to someone to run (i.e. deploy it) that is not a developer, do I have to have them install the Java 8 JDK?  I assumed that all someone would need to run the application as a runnable JAR is the Java 8 runtime environment, not the JDK.  However, when I had only the Java 8 runtime environment installed I could not launch the runnable JAR.  With the Java 8 JDK I was able to run the runnable JAR as expected, with no problem.

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Running A Runnable Jar From Command Prompt

Dec 16, 2013

swarnajar>java -cp C:PROJECTSDCDEDashboard(WorkingCopy)warWEB-INF
lib*.jar -Ddcde.bootstrap.location=C:PROJECTSDCDEDashboard(WorkingCopy)prop
erties -jar qaqc.jar


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JSF :: Export To Excel With Indexing Feature With Icefaces 1.8.2

Feb 24, 2014

As of now am using icefaces 1.8.2 provided tags for downloading data into excel sheet where i can download all the data from a data table. But now the requirement is like need to download the data into excel sheet based on values passed from UI as parameters to the action class method.

Attaching the code snippet along with this post.

CustomerList.xhtml :-
<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<ice:outputLabel value="Export:" />

[Code] ....

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Creating Instance Of A Class That Implements Runnable

Jul 31, 2014

I'm reading about threads In Head First Java and the way an Instance of a class that Implements Runnable Is created confuses me a little.

public class MyRunnable implements Runnable ......
Runnable ThreadJob = new MyRunnable();

I thought I had to use this syntax :

MyRunnable ThreadJob =new MyRunnable();

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Extracting Eclipse Project As Runnable Java Not Working

Feb 5, 2014

I've been working quite a bit with a login system the past couple of months and I now have a version that I would like to try "for real" by extracting it as a runnable .jar or .exe file. I've looked at a couple of guides that told me how to do this properly, but even after following every step precisely it didn't work.

One of the guides I tried: 3 Ways to Create an Executable File from Eclipse - wikiHow

Double clicking the file or selecting it and pressing enter does nothing, the computer loads for a second and then nothing happens. I don't receive any visible errors when extracting the program, either.

However, when running the file from the command prompt I do receive an odd error:
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.2.9200]
(c) 2012 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:UsersUserName>java -jar Login.jar
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: input == null!
at javax.imageio.ImageIO.read(Unknown Source)
at LoginSystem.Data.updateData(Data.java:347)
at LoginSystem.Data.<init>(Data.java:309)
at LoginSystem.MainFrame.<init>(MainFrame.java:42)
at LoginSystem.MainFrame.main(MainFrame.java:457)


I must say I don't quite understand the error, it seems to be unable to load an image which is odd considering the program works fine without any errors at all in Eclipse.

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Slick2D Runnable Jar Not Running (Unsatisfied Link Error)

May 3, 2014

When I try to run my runnable jar file, it wont do anything. And when I try to run it from the console, it says

"java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no LWJGL in java.library.path..."

How do I fix this?

I've specified the path by properties > Libraries > lwjgl.jar > Native Library Location > .... And I chose the right paths. But I still get that java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError.

It says I'm getting an error on line 34 which is:

appgc = new AppGameContainer(new Game(gamename));

My whole main class is:

package net.battleboy;
import org.newdawn.slick.*;
import org.newdawn.slick.state.*;
 public class Game extends StateBasedGame {
 public static final String gamename = "Battle Boy 1.0 ALPHA";
public static final int menu = 0;
public static final int play = 1;
public static final int settings = 2;
[Code] .....

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Export Solaris Display On Linux And Trying To Launch JNLP

Feb 23, 2015

I am trying to export Solaris Display on Linux and trying to launch JNLP.

I am trying to follow the instruction mention in the following URL.

[URL] .....

I would like use the property mentioned in the above article in JNLP file on client side .

I did following nothing is working.

1. <argument>awt.toolkit=sun.awt.motif.MToolkit </argument>
2. <property name="awt.toolkit" value="sun.awt.motif.MToolkit"/>
3. java-vm-args="-Dawt.toolkit=sun.awt.motif.MToolkit"
4. export AWT_TOOLKIT=MToolkit

How do i check JNLP client is using it?

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Java Servlet :: Not Able To Export File As WAR To Webapps In Tomcat Home

Jun 30, 2013

Below is my first servlet program:

package edu.aspire;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import javax.servlet.Servlet;
import javax.servlet.ServletConfig;

[Code] .....
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee" xmlns:web="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/web-app_2_5.xsd" xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/web-app_2_5.xsd" id="WebApp_ID" version="2.5">

[Code] ....

To deploy my project into %TOMCAT_HOME%webapps folder.
Right click on Project ->Export-> War File
Project Name: Hello
Destination: D:Program FilesApache Software FoundationTomcat 6.0webappsHello.war
Result found in web browser:

HTTP Status 404 - /Hello/first 
And Hello.war file is not found in webapps folder too after exporting as .war.
I am using Apache tomcat 6.0.37, eclipse 3.7.2 release, tomcat plugin :com.sysdeo.eclipse.tomcat_3.3.0

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Servlets :: Fetch Data From Backend (DB2) And Export To Excel - Slow File Download

Jan 31, 2014

Recently we got an issue about file download. We are using below code to fetch the data from backend(DB2) and export to excel.

Before Jan 15 it use to take 2 minutes to download the file (2 MB size). But now its taking half an hour to download.

response.setHeader("content-disposition","attachment; filename=Attendance_Report.xls");

We have restarted server, system but still problem exists. We found that there is no code level or data base level or network level issues.

Now we have to see server level issue. What are the factors which effects the file downloading at server level.
We are using websphere 6.1 ,java1.4

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