Extract Domain From Email Address And Store Domain In HashSet

Sep 13, 2014

I have two Strings

String TO = "raj@gmail.com;ra@gmail.com;RS@yahoo.com";
String CC= "rajt@in.com;rht@basss.com";

My query is i want to extract domains from above two Strings and Store these domains in HashSet. How could i do this with minimum code and performance wise.

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JSP :: How To Access Data In Different Domain

Aug 26, 2014

We have implemented SSO based on cookies.

1. user clicks the link in our app (www.app1.com) , cookie set up done (respose.addCookie)
2. request will redirect to (third party software, cant change anything)
3..Here if the SSO enabled, it will redirect to the another URL (www.issues.app1.com) .
4,Have to get the cookie(User details) set in #1 here and validate.

Its working fine .But if we change the www.app1.com to www.abc.com , SSO is not working. We cant change www.issues.app1.com.

How to share the cookie in cross domain across 3 apps ? because middle app , we dont have control over it.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Should Domain Models Contain Properties?

May 2, 2014

I would like to know whether I should use properties and observable collections when creating a domain model for a new application using FX? I have read up quite a bit on the topic, but I can't find any clear answers. Most forums tend to suggest that the domain model should NOT contain properties, since this does not encourage a loose coupling of the model and the view. The alternative however is to write wrapper classes for each POJO in my domain model. This is however a lot of duplication, and it requires a complete listener system to ensure that the wrapper classes are in sync with the model classes.

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EJB / EE :: How Many Application Servers Are There If Multiple Applications Hosted On Domain

Mar 6, 2015

Because there's little information that actually explains application servers in the real world, For one domain at www.url.com:

- How many application servers are there if there are multiple applications hosted on this domain? Ie. url.com/app1, url.com/app2, etc.?

- How many web servers will there be?

- How would I make one physical server handle all requests for one of the above applications?

- How would one make static content a standalone application built with angularJS? Not static content served by servlets.

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Design - How Map Request Parameters Data To Domain Model

May 24, 2014

This is a design question is the same problem in any language.as you do to map the controller to the domain model?We have situations in general larger than ... consider the example objects .

situation.1 - We have a request that has all the parameters of the account ;{ " id" : " 1 " , "name " : "test " , "some " : " xxx " } ............. and other fields .

situation.2 - can request that has to have a certain account parameters , for example in the case of an update;{" id" , " 1" , "name " , " testUpdated "}

situation.3 - We have a request that has some parameters of the account , others have more like id as user together;{ " id" : " 1 " , "user " : " xxx " , "service " : " yyy " } in which case each piece of the request will turn an object .

Java Code:

public class Account {

private Long id;
private String name ;
private String some ;

} mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

I see a few options ;

1 - Can I get AccountForm in the controller and set the properties for the Account object and others in CONTROLLER ;

+ ok for situation.1 situations 2, and situation.3

+ Separates the requisition of the object domain

- Pollutes the controller with code conversion

- Controller is full of setters .. if a higher class as a large object as a request is very confusing .

Java Code:

controller ( AccountForm from ) {
Account account = new Account ( )
account.setNome form.getNome = ();
account.setSome form.getSome = ();
Other outher = new Other ( ) ;
other.setSome ( form.getSome ( ) ) ;
} mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

2 - Can I get AccountRequest in the controller and have a method in itself as AccountRequest.getAccount ( ) to return a mapped model , in this case the mapping is at own Request object .

+ Separates the requisition of the object domain

+ Encapsulates the conversion in a place with easy access .

+ Meets situation.1 situation.2 and situation3 ;

- Request object has two responsibilities represent the request and map to a valid model .

Java Code:

controller ( AccountForm accountRequest ) {
Account account = accountRequest.getAccount ( ) ;
Outher outher accountRequest.getOther = ( )
} mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

3 - Can I get the controller Direct Account which had been filled with nulls .

+ Eliminate object request

- Serves only situation.1 situation.2 .

Java Code:

controller (Account account ) {
account.someMethod ();
} mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

4 - Outsource this mapping request parameters to another object mapper for request ..

+ Isolates logic mapping

- Until complexity for simpler cases are used as standard for all such a find by id .

- One more class for each request ;

In the case of API gets worse response has two further classes. speaking in terms of request for response .... AccountRequest, AccountRequestMapper, Account, AccountResponseMapper, AccountResponse .....I'm doing more testing the Hybrid option 3 for simple cases (find ID or updates) .... with option 2 for example for more complex cases ..

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How To Extract And Parse Email Header In OBPM Using Java

Apr 24, 2014

I will be developing a change and would like to know how can i parse a mail header in OBPM using java.

I want to get the message id, date and time the email recieved and email size.

Our code is already fetching the attachment of the email using the following syntax.

mailAttachments = mail.attachments;

I tried creating a variable like mailHeaders = mail.headers, would you know how can i get the details i want by parsing the variable? so far I wasn't able to check what mail.headers return as i'm currently having issues running our code locally due to DB connections.

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Methods To Get User Info Like Age / Email Address?

Oct 28, 2014

how should i write appropriate methods to get user info like age, email address etc?

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How To Delete Sender Email Address Using Java

Oct 8, 2014

i found a code to get emails from gmail in this forum.It's working very well, now i want to delete a specific sender email address.

So i can have the sender email with this:

Java Code: String senderAddress = aMessage.getFrom()[0].toString();
System.out.println(" From: " + senderAddress); mh_sh_highlight_all('java');
Now i want to do something like
Java Code: If (senderAddress = "test@gmail.com"){
message.setFlag(Flags.Flag.DELETED, true);
} mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

but it's not working.

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How To Find Ip Address And Mac Address From Another Computer

Nov 12, 2014

I want to ask how to track ip address and mac address of a different computer using java?

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Program With Hashset

Dec 10, 2014

A file has the data of the subjects and name of professors. The file contains line for each subject. The line starts with professor Name followed by the Subject name.

Harry Williams Advanced DBMS

James H Computer Networks

Sasha Ben Artificial Intelligence

Harry Williams Software Engineering

Palbo Kastro Formal Languages

Alex W Advanced SE

James H Operating System

Harry Williams Theoretical Foundation

Write a program with setter getter method to read the file, and then write a class to store several professors in a hashset (Single Key and Multiple Values).The program should be able to display all the professors in the set and allow the user to search for a professor.


Professor Name: James H.
Then the Output will be:

Subjects Taken by the professor: Computer Networks, Operating System.Display No Classes available if the professor name does not exists .

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Write Hashset To Txt Using Filewriter

Mar 23, 2015

I am trying to write a hashset to a text file. Normally, I have no issues with writing to txt as it is simple for me. However, in this case I am absolutely clueless.

A bit of background about the class: it is a hashset of ComputerScientist objects with 2 fields; name, and field of research (and yes, I know what I put to fill up the HashSet does not count, I was only trying to test to see if I could get this to work).

I know the basic setup to use filewriter to save strings to a txt, but I am getting confused with the HashSet element of it.

import java.util.HashSet;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
* Write a description of class ComputerScientistSet here.
public class ComputerScientistSet {
private HashSet<ComputerScientist> computerScientistSet;

[Code] .....

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Adding Class Objects To HashSet?

Nov 18, 2014

Having trouble adding Class (Dollar) objects to a HashSet (money), i have done this before with arraylists and i understand that HashSets are different in that they cannot contain duplicates. Currently when this code is compiled i am getting "null" printed when I run the "howFullDatWallet" method.

import java.util.*;
public class Wallet {
private HashSet<Dollar> money;
private int walletSize = 0;
private int walletFiller = 0;
* Constructor for objects of class Pocket
public Pocket(int walletCap)


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String Comparisons / HashSet And Duplicates

Apr 20, 2014

I have a HashSet, which I created to prevent duplicates upon output, but of course it's printing duplicates(or else I wouldn't be posting this). The order of my output does not matter, nor the input. The data type is String in the format (x + "," + z), where x and z are integers, creating a collection of coordinate sets. So to prevent the output of duplicates, I'm trying to get rid of the duplicates before they are added to the collection.

I've tried doing a '.equals()' string comparison but what happens is, since my string is added via one variable, it compares itself to itself and if itself equals itself it won't be added to the collection. I really need to keep this as a comparison of a single variable, because creating a key for each value would be sooo ridiculous for this volume of inputs.

So, with that being said, I would like to add one copy of the string, discard the duplicates, and do this thousands of times..

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What Is The Difference Between HashSet TreeSet And LinkedHashSet

Mar 12, 2014

What is the difference between HashSet, TreeSet and LinkedHashSet?.One difference between HashSet and TreeSet is that TreeSet is sorted, whereas HashSet is not sorted. I dont know the other differences

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Hashset - Java Date Validator

Apr 3, 2015

I'm fairly new to java, and is just building small programs to get the feel for the language. How I can improve this code.

import java.util.Set;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

enum DateValidator {
DDMMYYYY(0, 2, 4),
MMDDYYYY(2, 0, 4),
YYYYMMDD(6, 4, 0);

[Code] ....

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How To Find How Many Number Of Elements Are Landing In Same Bucket In HashSet

Jan 12, 2015

Is there any way to find how many number of elements are landing in same bucket in HashSet. I know Reflection could be one way but i am not able to design a program for that.

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HashSet And Iterator - Accessing Element Contained In The Object?

Sep 23, 2014

I'm not new to java but i'm not able to solve the following issue: I have  a class

public class Localizzazioni implements java.io.Serializable {
private <complexType>  id;
public getId().......
public setId().....

The complexType is a class defined in the code somewhere. Now I want to access it in another class I have
Set localizzazioni = new HashSet(0);
localizzazioni=opere.getOiLocalizzazioneOperas();    -- this object give an object of tyoe HashSet
for(Object object : localizzazioni) {
  object.get.........     // i cannot use any method defined in the class Localizzazioni

Why I cannot write inside the for object.getId() and using it?? In other word how i can access the element contained in the object?? the object is an iterator of type Localizzazioni . The class Localizzazioni  has some method but i cannot use them? why ....

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How To Extract Substring Using Regex

Jun 13, 2014

I have one column "category" which contain data like

`"Failed extract of third-party root list from auto update cab at: [URL] with error: The data is invalid."`

I need to select url part in between `" < > "` sign of category column.

how to do this usign regex?

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Extract Files From SWF File

Mar 6, 2014

I have prepared a java tool (got codes from google/internet) which combined images and make a SWF file.

Java Code:
package swf;
import swf9.*;
public class SWF {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SWF9 swf = new SWF9();
//swf.makePNGs("D:/JAVA_PRACTICE8/Image", "Image", "320x240", 25, "D:/JAVA_PRACTICE8/Image/out.swf");
swf.makeJPEG2s("D:/JAVA_PRACTICE8/Image", "Image", "320x240", 25, "D:/JAVA_PRACTICE8/Image/out.swf");


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Extract Data From Two Different Files?

Feb 13, 2015

how can I extract data from two different files but produce one output. For example, the first three columns are from text_file_1 and the last column (the last foruth column of the output) is from text_file_2.

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How To Install / Extract JEE Libraries

Feb 7, 2015

I'm trying to make my first servlet, however since I have only installed the Java SE, the javac compiler is complaining about missing packages (javax.servlet.http...)

I've realized now that I need javax.servlet jar or class files from Java EE, but after downloading java_ee_sdk-7u1.zip from Oracle here I'm not seeing any .sh or java_ee_sdk-7-jdk7-macosx-x64.sh installer (which I saw mentioned elsewhere). The oracle page only instructs to unzip the downloaded file, and searching for javax.servlet only reveals a few files which I'm not sure what to do with:


How do I go about installing the Java EE libraries I need? I am on a mac, and I'd like to do this without IDE, using the command prompt if necessary.

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How To Extract Values From A String

May 10, 2014

I'm looking to get two values from this string. I have tried re formatting and with little success. I read this in from a text file and then tried the below code to extract it. I have also tried

{Deposit=100.00, Fees Paid=5.00}

I am just looking to get the 100.00 and the 5.00. I tried using this code below but it separated it into Comma and put it in an array which is probably what im not looking for.

final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("[=st]");
final String[] result = pattern.split(st2);

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How To Read In A File And Extract Data

Nov 15, 2014

I am supposed to read in a file and extract the data. I am trying to add a Long into an Array that I initialized. So this is how my method looks like :

Java Code:

public void readOSMWay(File osm){
try {
Scanner output = new Scanner(osm);
String line = output.nextLine().replace("^s+","");
if(line.startsWith(" <way")){
Road way = new Road(line,true);


I am having problem with the else if block. I am supposed to add all the Long values into the array.

error: Java Code: The method add(Long) in the type ArrayList<Long> is not applicable for the arguments (String) mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

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Extract Digits From Between Words Deal And Of

Mar 15, 2015

What I am trying to do is extract the digits from between the words 'deal' and 'of'. I was wondering if this was possible to do with a regular expression or if I should just use a scanner.

UNIQUE Passive - Cleave: Basic attacks deal 20% to 60% of total Attack Damage as bonus physical damage to enemies near the target on hit (enemies closest to the target take the most damage).

Is there a regular expression that I could use in order to extract the '20' and the '60' from the above text. Below is what I have tried, but does not work.


just to make a clarification, these numbers will not be the only numbers and the strings themselves will change. Everything can be considered a variable. The only constants between each string would be the words 'deal' and 'of'. The regex pattern "d+" is not a viable expression for my case

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Extract Information From Java Project

Mar 4, 2015

I should do, for my academic project, draw from a java project some information, for example, the class name and the relative method, and for each class even the package name where the class is. The information found must be saved an XML files...

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How To Extract First Digit From Int Array Element (java)

Nov 18, 2014

How do you extract first int digit from an int array element (java)?

if a[3] = 45, how do I extract 4 out of 45?

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