Face Detection On Camera?

Sep 3, 2014

I want to do face detection on the camera.

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Face Changer Application

Jul 5, 2014

-The assignment asked us to make a program that looks like this.Want it to look like.jpg

-My application currently looks like this.Currently Looks Like.jpg

The update button and check boxes all work, I'm just having issues getting it to look like its suppose to. I also can't figure out how to draw a JLabel on top of another JLabel, essentially stacking them on top of each other, that's why the back of the head isn't being drawn. This is the source code of my program, I use Eclipse in case your wondering.faceAppSource.rar

So what I need is the repositioning of the left menu bar so it looks similar to the example picture, and I need to create a filled circle for the shape of the head in the right panel either with a ImageIcon or a fillOval().

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Overriding ToString - Indicate Whether Coin Is Face Up Or Down

Jan 2, 2015

what im trying to do is modify the Coin class to override the toString() method so that it indicates whether the coin is face up or face down. For example, "The coin is face up." This is what i have so far:

public class Coin {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Coin coin = new Coin();
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {

[Code] .....

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Program That Displays A Smiley Face Bouncing Around The Screen

May 30, 2014

I am writing a program that displays a smiley face bouncing around the screen. When I load the program it just shows a blank black JFrame. Here is the panel JPanel

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class ReboundPanel extends JPanel {
private final int WIDTH = 300, HEIGHT = 100;
private final int DELAY = 20, IMAGE_SIZE= 35;
private ImageIcon image;


I have a suspicion that it might have to do with image = new ImageIcon("happyFace.gif");

I have tried other programs using .gif and they haven't worked on my computer and I haven't been able to figure out why.

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Implementing A Face That Smiles And Frowns - JButtons Not Working In Applet

May 9, 2015

I have to implement a face that smiles and frowns. I figured the easiest way to do this was to use JButtons. I also can't close the applet without hitting "end program". I was given a bit of code and had to add onto it. Here's what I have so far.

import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Color;
import javax.swing.*;
public class AnimationFace extends JFrame {
public static final int WINDOW_WIDTH = 400;
public static final int WINDOW_HEIGHT = 400;
[Code] .....

It's 90% done but once I changed the face from smile to frown, it lost an eyeball.

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Locking The Camera On Character?

Mar 2, 2015

I finally made the app to draw 10x10 map out of 50x50 pixel blocks.Now I can't imagine how to make a camera and lock it on character. I know how to make a character, but I just want to understand how locking the camera on character would look.

package tiled;
 import org.newdawn.slick.*;
import org.newdawn.slick.state.*;
 public class play extends BasicGameState {
  int xSize = 10;
int ySize = 10;


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Create Application Which Detect Image Taken From Camera

Apr 7, 2015

I am new to java and i want to create an application which detect an image which took from camera and to process it so that it can be verified ..for example number plate of the vehicle ..if i need to extract the numbers from the image ..

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How To Have A Camera View On A Bigger Image Than Screen

Apr 8, 2014

Where can I find tutorials about how you like have a big image, bigger than the specified screen, for the map of a game, and then you have camera view, the image is being printed on the screen continously as the character moves in different areas depending on what area of the map the character is in?

NOTE!!! I don't want to move objects around, I just want a camera view on a large image!

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Java Game - 3D Space / Camera Positioning

Jan 4, 2014

1: 3D space. How do i define the space where i will make my world? Is there a certain point that i will define as 0,0,0 or is there some other way.

2: Camera positioning. When i have the 3D space, how to i make it so that the camera will show that what i want it to show. Lets say il define its lokatios 30,50,100 and direction is NW, then how to i make it so that is see the SW direction from the point 30,50,100?

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How To Get Stream Of Data From DVR And Control CCTV Camera

Jul 26, 2014

I am going to to develop an app for my final year project. basically the app is to show live video streaming on android phone from remote CCTV . The project is just in design phase i know the networking part i.e static ip for dvr etc but i dnt know how to get stream of data from dvr and how to control the CCTV camera i.e camera movement....

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Live Video Streaming From CCTV Camera In Application?

Dec 26, 2013

I am developing some application in Java. The need is to continuously do a video streaming in the software. I am new to this and want to know how to do it.

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Object Motion Detection

Mar 25, 2014

Any examples for object detection or motion detection program..

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Directed Graph Cycle Detection

Jan 4, 2015

I have some problem checking if a directed graph has a cycle or not. So I have a given rooted directed graph, and find if there at least one existing cycle.

For example, I have to input the Root Node, followed by a number of nodes, the nodes in the graph, number of edges, and the adjacency list representing the edges. Each entry in the adjacency list contains a pair of nodes. The ordering of the nodes in the pair represents the direction of the edge. An entry A, B means that there is an edge from A to B. Nodes in each pair is separated by a space. One input per line.

And the output should display whether the directed graph has a cycle or not.

Sample input:

A //Root Node
6 //Number of Nodes
A //Nodes in Graph
6 //Number of edges
A B //Adjacency list representing the edges


Graph Representation:

Based on the illustration above, the graph has one cycle. The cycle exists in nodes B, C, F and E.

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Faulty Mouse Point Detection?

May 26, 2014

So I'm making buttons for a game I'm making. The graphics work, at least to the extent that I don't have to fix them yet. However, click detection is a bit iffy. For example pressing where the black line is in the first picture below, triggers a response. Now obviously that point is not on the button. I have tested the buttons bounding box by drawing a rectangle around it, using it's getBounds() method (which is also used for click detection) and it draws a perfect rectangle around it. So then I tested the mouse click points and it turns out that even though the button is placed at y = 100, at the black line, the mouse point is also equal to 100... Now, why that is happening, especially because, if I place the button in the top left corner, the mouse detection correctly detects the top pixels and there is no offset...

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Object Collision Detection - Character Freezes

Dec 2, 2014

I don't understand why when I collide into my objects my character freezes. Such as if I collide into collision() I can go left and right but, not up and if I collide into collision2() I freeze in all places but, if I collide into the bounds I made I can still go in all directions without problems. The xa and ya are still being set to 0.

package com.questkings.game;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;

[Code] .....

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Pong Game - Y Axis Collision Detection

Jan 28, 2014

I have made a "Pong" game and how to check if the ball has hit the top or the bottom of a paddle, however I do know how to check if it has hit the left or right side:

Java Code:

if((BALL.getX() >= LEFT_BAT.getX() && BALL.getX() <= LEFT_BAT.getX() + LEFT_BAT.getWidth()
&& BALL.getY() >= LEFT_BAT.getY() && BALL.getY() <= LEFT_BAT.getY() + LEFT_BAT.getHeight())
&& (BALL.getX() >= RIGHT_BAT.getX() && BALL.getX() <= RIGHT_BAT.getX() + RIGHT_BAT.getWidth()
&& BALL.getY() >= RIGHT_BAT.getY() && BALL.getY() <= RIGHT_BAT.getY() + RIGHT_BAT.getHeight())){
} mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

It seems as though I would use the same code for checking the top or bottom.

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Video Game - Collision Detection Class?

Apr 30, 2014

I use eclipse as my IDE. I have decided to make my own video game and somebody had sent me a class that could be used for collision detection. The problem with the collision detection class was that it made a box around an object and if something else had touched the object, the collision detection would work. My problem with this class is what happens when i want to use circles? I cant have a box drawn around it. Then it wouldn't work as i would want. Is there a pixel perfect collision detection class out there I can use? It'll be useful in my journey to become successful in computer science! By the way this is in the java language.

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Space Invaders Game - Collision Detection

Apr 19, 2014

I'm working on a space invaders game and I'm having problems with collision detection. My main issue is I'm having problems getting what the y value of the "missile" is as it goes up towards the top of the game. I have tried for many hours and tried to look at other people's space invaders game in an attempt to figure out how to figure out my problem. Also I'm not sure if I have the code for my collision detection in the correct spot. Right now I have the code in the keyPressed method. Below is the code for the main and missle classes ...

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.awt.event.KeyListener;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseListener;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;

[Code] ....

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Servlets :: Feature Detection - Determine Browser Type

Apr 22, 2014

I need to be able to detect IE 9, IE 10, IE 11 and the latest from Firefox and Chrome. The old method using the user-agent string is unreliable and not recommended. There is a different approach called, "Feature Detection". But I need to know what features to test to determine the browser. I can write it myself, or if there is a handy dandy API using feature detection already written that would be OK too.

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Collision Detection Using Rectangles - Player Sometimes Passes Through The Tiles

May 19, 2014

I have already tried every possible way for removing this bug but all failed. The problem is that sometimes my player passes through the map tiles, i mean, the algorithm is like -- if not colliding, move in required direction; else if colliding, move in opposite direction. But sometimes the second condition fails i dont understand why.

private void movement(){

[Code] .....

Where bindObject is a class which contains key bindings of following keys:-

left arrow key (when pressed) , left arrow key (when released),
right arrow key (when pressed), right arrow key (when released),
up arrow key (when pressed), up arrow key (when released),
down arrow key (when pressed), down arrow key (when released)

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