File Input - Multiple Sets Of Data

May 5, 2014

I am trying to create a Community Theater program that has Actors, Directors, Investors, Staff etc. I should eventually be able to input the information for the people from both a file and the keyboard. I'm working on trying to take in multiple Actors from one file and adding them to an ArrayList of Actors. My code takes in only one actor right now.

I am trying to take in multiple sets of data for the same type of class but creating new instances after each set of data (16 lines). Each actor has 16 lines of data (text file included), so I was thinking that I would need perhaps a for loop but I am unsure of how and where to implement it. I am also unsure about adding these new actors to the Actor ArrayList. I'm a little shaky on the idea of creating multiple objects when it is unknown how many you need to create. Right now, I know how many Actors I need to add but it would be nice if I could learn how to expand that based on the user's needs.

My Questions:
How can I write my program to know when it is done reading 16 lines and then initialize a new Actor (will expand to other people)?(expanded below)Eventually, I plan on using my theaterObj (an instance of CommunityTheater class), what if I wanted to move the readActorFile method to that class? Would that change the way I implement anything majorly? Would it still be a static method? I ask this because I want the Actors array to be a variable in the CommunityTheater class. I would extend this to adding actors to an ArrayList in a Play class which would be in CommunityTheater as well. So, essentially a CommunityTheater has different Play(s), and each Play contains a list of Actors.

I don't exactly know where I should put a loop (should I use a loop?) to read through each line, in readActorFile or in readInFile? How should I write this loop, as in, how do tell my program what line it's reading?

for(countLine=0; countLine < 17; countLine++) or while(countLine<17)
read all the info
and then an if(?)-

if(file has a next line)-I don't really know how to code this-start over with loop of reading information?I don't know about the for loop, as I'm not sure how to "count" lines in a text file.OR I've been thinking that readInFile in the Actor class could return something(true/false?) to let the method readInActor know that it's done reading, then readInActor can check to see if there's anything else in the file, if there is- it would call the readInFile in Actor class again to read in information... and so on. But again I am unsure of how to code this.

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Nodes Contain Array Data Sets In A Linked List?

Mar 9, 2014

TL,DR: observe the nodes just below, that is the data each node in the link list contains. How do I iterate through the entire list to reach the last element (H), so I can add an element right after it?

So I have 4 nodes doubly linked with two dummy nodes for head and tail:

node1 = {A}
node2 = {null, B}
node3 = {C, null, D, E}
node4 = {null, F, null, G, null, null, H, null}

Ok, so since the list only contains 8 elements that are not null, its size is actually 8 correct? So now lets say I have an add method that has

add(E item) and inserts the item at the end of the list. So I can get to the last node with tail.previous(), but then how do I iterate to the end so I can add the item after the last item in the list (H). I guess I don't know how you only access one nodes data when that data is an array with empty spaces.

Here is the entire Node code:

Also, I can't just iterate through the whole thing because I am not supposed to. I am supposed to just find the right node and iterate through that to maneuver around a linked list containing nodes where each node contains an array.

* Node class that makes up a DoublingList. Feel free to add methods /
* constructors / variables you might find useful in here.
public class Node<E> {
* The node that comes after this one in the list


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User Input All Of Data On A Single Line And Implement StringTokenizer To Assign That Data To File

Mar 21, 2015

By using FileReader, FileWriter and their constituents, I am creating a file to contain employee information ( name, age, hours, etc. ). The user is to input all of the data on a single line and we were asked to implement StringTokenizer to assign that data to the file. I have never used the StringTokenizer before, but I have a rough idea how it is to function. I used pw.println to test what I have so far, now I would like to let the user build the initial file with the "first employees" of the company, and then view the file, and then go back and append new employee data to that same file. My question is, how can I take the user input as a StringTokenizer and add that to the file?

In the for loop below, I thought I would see if it would work, but it does not. The loop only executes once and does not allow me to enter data.

public class Records {
public static void main(String [] args) throws IOException {
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
FileWriter fw = new FileWriter("");
BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(fw);
PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(bw);
System.out.println("NEW EMPLOYEE DATA SHEET");
System.out.print("Number of new employees: ");
int number = input.nextInt();

[Code] ....

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Execute Data From Multiple CSV File

Jan 19, 2015

There are multiple .CSV files (each file has multiple rows and columns). I need to fetch data from all the files and find MEDIAN of the values for each column and do further calculations. Suppose there are 3 files, i need to find the MEDIAN of column 1 in file1, MEDIAN of column 1 in file2, MEDIAN of column 1 in file3. Below code just fetch data from one file.

package testdatapkg;

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Multiple Of 3 Between Range Of User Input?

Sep 22, 2014

The program should output all numbers between the starting and ending number that are a multiple of the number N. Your solution must use a for-loop. Here is example output from running the program:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class MultiplyNThree {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner userInputScanner = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Enter 1st number: ");
int start = userInputScanner.nextInt();

[Code] ....

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Using Same Input Parameters With Multiple Methods

Jul 6, 2014

I'm working on an assignment where I need to take radius and height from the user to use with the methods in class Cylinder. I have to use radius and height as input parameters in the methods that calculate: Base area, lateral area, total area, and volume. But when I use height and radius as input parameters then it just prints zeros for all calculated values. When I remove (double radius) from the method it works just fine. So my question is how can I get this to work with radius/height as input parameters? Or am I just misunderstanding will they still be input parameters even if I don't have it written as (double radius) in the method?

import java.util.Scanner;
class Cylinder{
double radius = 0.0;
double height = 0.0;
double baseArea;
double lateralArea;
double totalArea;
double volume;


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Displaying Sets Of Points

Jan 20, 2014

Here is my code

Java Code: //Points Display
import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.util.Random;


1. Why, when I press "New" rapidly, will it skip painting shapes sometimes/adding to totcount.

2. How can I make it so that The box in the background(which is currently connected in the wrong way as I was getting an error when I connected it correctly) can be modifiably large. AKA, I want to draw a grid in the background that can be different sizes, depending on the values of a variable xsize and ysize.

3. What can I do to clean this up? All I want it to do is display the convex hull of the four points given in the int[][] displaypoints.

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Intersection And Union Of Two Sets

Apr 6, 2014

class ArrayDemo3
static void union(int x[], int y[])
System.out.println("Union Elements:");
for(int i=0; i<x.length; i++)

[Code] ....

This is what i have tried. I do not want to use collections.

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Creating Array With Multiple Data Type?

Oct 10, 2014

i need to create an array with attributes name, gender, phone, age.and then sort acording to age in ascending order.

i created like this,

public class Array{
private String[] name={"ram", "katy", "priti", "john"};
private String[] gender={"male","female","female","male"};
private int[] phone={989898089,89898989,8982989089,898908989};
private int[] age={45,24,30,28};
  public void printarray(){


This code sorts the age attribute alone and when printing ouput it swaps one person's age to other person, how to make it correct

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Arraylist Storing Multiple Types Of Data

Nov 16, 2014

I have declared an array list that will store data type of 1 Character and 2 integer. The data that will be store in this list is

1. A = {0 3}
2. B = {0 5}
3. C = {0 3}
4. D = {0 3}
5. E = {0 5}
6. F = {0 6}

Now here the alphabets are routers and integers are there con1 and con2 respectively. I have a set of router={ A,B,C,D,E,F}.

Step 1:I have to subtract con1 from con2 i.e. (3-0) of all the routers and
Step 2: then put the router having largest value in new set 1 and
Step 3: then this router will be subtract from the router set.
Step 4:then again I have to repeat the step 1 until the value of routers become <= 1.

Now what I did is I defined 3 arrays first is String array that stores names of routers, 2nd array that stores the first value and 3rd array that stores the second value. I can find the largest value but how to store the name of router against the largest value in the set.

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How To Receive Some Data From Multiple Clients On Network

Apr 16, 2014

I got my first project in which i need to receive some data from multiple client on network regularly(say every second) and then process that data and stored it to the database and then GUI needs to be created which display data accordingly.

While thinking for the design i thought blocking queue to implement the same. Like producer receive data from the port into a string builder and put that into the LinkedBlockingQueue. Consumer will take this data , process some work on it and store it into the database.I am using sybase ase 15 as a database.

My question is as i am receiving data very frequently which require insertion , updation and search almost every second into the database. What is the best way to improve the performance.

say i have 2 types of data is coming one having keyword 'Alarm' and other having 'ceased' so i need to use something like this

common fields in both is name and number.

if (ceased)
search into the database for particular event for which this ceased receive using name and numbe rand update the another field into it Also make separate entry for it
make a entry

Also as i am using 2-3 thread for consumers and thread = Number of client for the producer. So i thought to use synchronization at the consumer side which writes data into the database such that only 1 thread can write it.

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Switch Statements And Multiple Instances Of User Input

Sep 25, 2014

Ok, so I've seen alot of things online about writing switch code, but I can't find any involving user input, let alone multiple input scanners.

The goal is I let the user put in two different integers and it will decide based on both of the integers which of the 15 possible results it will display.

I am also not allowed to use if/else statements in this program.

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Given Array A With Elements 0 To N-1 - Create N Sets

Jan 27, 2014

You are given an array A with elements 0 to n-1, numbers can be repeated in the array. Create n sets where


Set has all elements unique. Find the size of the largest set.


First line contains n, size of the array. n<1000

Next lines contains n numbers, each element of the array

Output :

Prints one number: Size of the largest set.

Sample Test Case:

Input: {3,1,2,0}

Output: 2


Four possible sets are


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Using RetainAll To Compare Contents Of Sets

Nov 16, 2014

I am trying to re factor the below code, so that the winning lotto numbers can be checked against more than one lotto line e.g. if the user decided to buy two lotto tickets.

public class Lottery {
public static final int NUMBERS = 6;
public static final int MAX_NUMBER = 40;

public static void main(String[] args) {
// get winning number and ticket sets
Set<Integer> winningNumbers = createWinningNumbers();
Set<Integer> ticket = getTicket();


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JSF :: Data Table Displaying Same Item Multiple Times

Nov 25, 2014

I currently have a datatable on the bookingList.xhtml which is supposed to list all bookings made, if first booking petName is spot it displays the booking details perfect but if another booking is made (for example one with petName fluffy) then it displays 2 lines with fluffys details and spots details are not displayed, it carries on that if a third booking is made then the 3rd bookings details are displayed 3 times and neither spot or fluffys booking details are displayed,

bookingList.xhtml code
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns=""


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Create Program That Prompts Input And Creates File With That Input As Name

Jul 14, 2014

So I was going to try to create a program that prompts input and creates a file (That didn't exist before) with that input as name.Then, the program prompts inputs after stating questions such as 1 + 1, then if the user inputs an answer, put "Question # = Correct "or" Wrong.Code SO Far:

Java Code:

public class File_Read {
public File_Read() {//File_Read is the Interactive object


So that it puts the Correct or Wrong into the file.

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Converting Range Statements To Sets In Java

Mar 20, 2014

I am trying to Extract the ranges of Variables from a Text File. I extracted lines of the forms X in 1..10 Y in 12..50 Z in 0..19 / 66/ 95..100 Where X in 1 ..10 states that X takes values from set 1 to 10 Similarly for Y and for Z its a Union of different ranges of the values (0 to 19, union 66,union 95 to 100)

I want to Map these Variables to their respective sets using Hashmap where Key is Variable name and value will be a Set. My Hashmap Signature is HashMap> hm=new HashMap>();

Java Code:

while((line=br.readLine())!=null) {
if(Matt.find()) {
String []s=line.split(" ");

[Code] .....

I am stuck at extracting the variables ranges from these plain strings.

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Servlets :: How Does Multipart / Form-data Send Data Over Network During File Upload

Apr 9, 2015

I would like to understand how does multipart/form-data works during file upload scenario's, Does it chunks the data from client to server while transferring the files ?

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When Deleting Data From File / Temp File Won't Rename Back To Original File

Apr 23, 2015

I am trying to remove a line based on user input. myFile.txt looks like:


However when I enter "Brian" (to remove this line), It is deleted on the temp file (myTempFile.txt), but not renamed back to the original file (myFile).

import java.util.Scanner;

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ArrayList Only Adding 1 Item Even Though There Are Multiple Items (Setting Data To Files)

Oct 25, 2014

I managed to retrieve data, and set data in my own ways in which I like. But my problem is, if the file does not contain anything (fully empty), when I try to use my

set("", "");

method, it only sets the last one that is called.


set("section1", "section1Item");
set("section2", "section2Item");
set("section3", "section3Item");

Only section3 would get set, and not the others.

Otherwise, if the file contained a section already, then each section (section1, section2, section3) would get set.

Here's how I set the data to the file:

public static void set(String section, String data) {
String beforeItem = section + ":" + files.dataList.get(section);


And here is how a retrieve the data and set them to my arraylist/hashmap:

public void getData() {
String line = null;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();


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Reading Data From A File And Putting That Data In Arrays

Feb 8, 2015

I am creating a program where it reads the data inside a file and then places this data into arrays. The file I created has numbers 1-30 in it, file named, testing1.txt .

Java Code:

public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
// Variables Declaration Section
BufferedReader br;
String sCurrentLine;
String str;

[Code] ....

My issue is that the 'str' value is not initialized, but if I initialize it, it ruins the code. I'm not sure what to do in the situation.

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Code Will Not Calculate Or Print Intersection And Difference Of Two Sets Using Arrays

Nov 19, 2014

As part of the instructions we are required to use loops and methods to solve to program this code. We are not allowed to use any set functions that are already built in java.The methods for intersection and difference MUST return int value.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class setPractice {
public static Scanner kbd;
public static final int MAXSIZE = 20;
public static void main(String[] args) {
kbd = new Scanner(;


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Cannot End Input Of Data On Program

Apr 25, 2014

Write a program that allows the user to enter students names followed by their test scores and outputs the following information(assume that the maximum nmber of students in the class is 50; if the number of students is less than 50, to indicate the end of input data, after entering the last students data, on a line by itself, hold the ctrl key/press z and then press the Enter key):

a) Class average

b) Names of all the students whose test scores are below the class average, with an appropriate message( youre below class average)

c) Highest test score and the names of all the students having the highest score.

Use methods.

Now I wrote the program but i cant figure out how to end the input by pressing ctrl key/press z and then press the Enter key...

Here is my code

import java.util.Scanner;
 public class ClassAverage {
public static void main(String args[]) {
String names[] = new String[50];


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How To Input Data From Console

Nov 7, 2014

I want to input character data from the console without using the BufferedReader class. I tried using the Scanner class but the compiler shows an error. This is what I tried:


Is there any way I can input character data without using the BufferedReader class?

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Possible To Declare Two Data Input Stream?

Aug 3, 2014

I mean i need to access to two txt file at the same time so i did this in method:

DataInputStream din= new DataInputStream(FileInputStream("vip.txt"));

DataInputStream din2= new DataInputStream(FileInputStream("corporate.txt"));

But there are errors when i compile and they pointing to these two lines.

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Read Input File And Create Output With Anagram For Words In File

Sep 24, 2014

Well my code is supposed to ask for an input file and then (ex: input.txt), read the input file and create an output.txt file with the anagram for the words in the file. Also it should be displayed on the screen. However my code doesn't display the anagram on screen or the output file!

Heres is the code:

import java.lang.*;
import java.util.*;

/* This program will read a file given by the user, read the words within the file and determine anagrams of the given words. If the file that the user inputs is empty, then the program will output "The input file is empty."
* The program will read the file line by line, counting the total number of words read. If there are more than 50 words, "There are more than 50 words."
* will be printed, and the program will terminate. After each line is read, the words in the line will be separated,punctuation characters will be removed, and upper case characters will be switched to lower case.
* If any word is larger than 12 characters, that word will not be considered in the total amount of words in the file and it will not be sorted.
* After each word is read, the letters will be sorted and stored into an array containing each
* word's 'signature'. After all the words have been read, words will be printed to the output file on the same line based upon their signature.

public class Anagram {
//Creating constants for maximum words in file and maximum chars in word
public static final int MAX_CHARS = 12;
public static final int MAX_WORDS = 50;

[Code] ....

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