GUI And Multiple Run Management

Nov 19, 2014

I am trying to launch a GUI to my agent-based model (Repast and Eclipse) so that being able to run the model for many times. I am going to produce input parameters based on different distributions for different runs from GUI. Usually we should use batch file for different runs. However, I want to use GUI for this reason because I have GUI that can take care for one run but not for many runs.

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Time Management System

Oct 27, 2014

I'm in the middle of building A time management system for myself.I'm currently using JodaTime for timing in java. I just can't figure out who to save my data like, the starttime, stoptime and day time.

public void save() throws SQLException {
String checkSql = "select count(*) as count from Time where id=?";
PreparedStatement checkStmt = con.prepareStatement(checkSql);
String insertSql = "insert into Time (id, day, starttime, stoptime, overtime, exception, hours) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
PreparedStatement insertStatement = con.prepareStatement(insertSql);

String updateSql = "update Time set day=?, starttime=?, stoptime=?, overtime=?, exception=?, hours=? where id=?";
PreparedStatement updateStatement = con.prepareStatement(updateSql);


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Thread And Clock Management

Dec 19, 2014

I have objects (baddies in a game) that have individual clocks/counters assigned to them (when I make an object, I fill an integer based array list with a new digit entry at a value of one) that all happens in threads. then in another thread, I am checking the whole list of clocks, to see if any are equal to a wanted value , then I am taking an action and reseting the clock at that point on the array list.

now, the problem is:even though my code says " yes, I've taken that action because the value of array position x was >= specified value and I will now reset the clock" it doesn't reset the clock. Here is what it looks like

*these are excerpts taken from a really big program, however they should stand on their own as they are individual classes

Java Code:

public class levelclock extends Thread {
public void run() {
while (Run2 == true) {
if (Run == false) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block


(Attached, just open up the zip and read the .txt)

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Program For Shopping Mall Management

Nov 4, 2014

My program is basically on mall management ,here have to give details to customer of mall on a screen so, they can easily get that particular shop exact location . Infact they can get offer details that is given by that shop . Customer can even get alternate options of shop for their demand for eg: if someone want sports wear then he/she may get many options of shop like PUMA,NIKE,REEBOK etc.

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Custom Input Management Class - No Output

Aug 25, 2014

My input class

package core;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard;
public class Input{
public static final int num_key = 78;
private static ArrayList<Integer> currrentkeys = new ArrayList<Integer>();
private static ArrayList<Integer> downkeys= new ArrayList<Integer>();
private static ArrayList<Integer> upkeys = new ArrayList<Integer>();

[Code] ....

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Modern Gems - Two Dimensional Tile-management Game

Feb 20, 2014

package modern.gems;
public class Board {
// will need to add params where required ...
private Gem[][] gems;
private int[][] array;
private int rows;
private int cols;

[Code] ....

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Hospital Management System - Generating Report On Daily Basis

Sep 30, 2014

Hospital management system in java. I have designed Hospital, Doctor, Patient, Appointment classes. I am able to add doctor list and patient list and show the doctor list and patient list. How to take new appointment from a patient and assign it to a particular doctor and how to generate a report for inpatient and outpatient on a daily basis.

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Servlets :: Large File Upload From Client To Content Management System

Sep 3, 2009

I have a requirement where a large file (100 -200MB) is uploaded from the client to a content management system. I am using a servlet with Apache Commons File Upload API. Apache FileUpload has 2 ways of handling files,

1) Non-Streaming
2) Streaming

Currently I use the Non-Streaming approach where the servlet stores the file in a temp location and upload the same into the content management system - This is taking lot of time so I am trying to implement Streaming API.

Content Management API supports streaming in 2 methods,

a) SetContent - Takes the file's ByteArrayOutputStream as input -> This gives OutOfMemoryException because the file being large
b) AppendContent - Takes the file's ByteArrayOutputStream as input -> This method can be called multiple times to upload the large file but I dont know how to do this. The Apache File Upload gives InputStream of the file and I need to split that into chuncks and append into the content management system.

How to convert InputStream to 4KB ByteArrayOutputStream so that I can use the AppendContent method in content management API?

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JSF :: Multiple Tool Tips To Be Displayed On Same Page When Click Multiple Image Links

Dec 8, 2014

I have i am trying to implement tooltip through javascript, like when we click on an image link tooltip should be displayed and it should have close button/ close image to close that the same way i will have multiple images on page, when ever i click on the images all tooltips should be displayed on the page when ever i want to close that then only it should close through close button on tooltip.can we do it through java script or will go for jquery.

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How To Draw Multiple Graphics Inside One JPanel Using Multiple Classes

May 5, 2015

I'm very new to Java, and I am creating a program that takes multiple user input to create one face. I have a class for the eyes, nose, lips, and headshape. For some reason, my program is not drawing the graphics. ***for question purposes, I have only included my head shape class and my test class****

my "test" class:

import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
public class FaceTest
public static void main(String[] args)
String head = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Would you like a circle, square, rectangle shaped head?: ");

[Code] ....

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EJB / EE :: Entity For Multiple PU And Different DB?

Dec 18, 2013

I have a package (JAR_A) for entity and controller definition, for example:

entity: Entity
controller: EntityController

Then I use this jar in other projects/applications that use the entity.

I want to use the same JAR_A with different persistence unit and different database (in particular, mysql and postgresql) but when I define two persistence unit that include the same class, I have an exception.

So, I comment the other PU and compile the project.

there is a smarter way for use same package with different PU ?

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Multiple Key Events?

Feb 5, 2014

Can you have multiple key events? by that I mean say you press the right arrow key, or a number on the numeric pad, then you press the letter c. does the second key event get fired? and i can catch both events?

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How To Add Multiple Parameters To ArrayList

Feb 10, 2014

For example, if I have a class called Teacher with the constructor:

public Teacher(double yearsTeaching, boolean isMale, double age)
this.yearsTeaching = yearsTeaching;
this.isMale = isMale;
this.age = age;

How would I add it to these parameters to my ArrayList in my Tester class?

List<Teacher> teachers = new ArrayList<Teacher>();

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JOptionPane With Multiple JTextFields?

May 27, 2014

Here's My code to create multiple JTextfields in a Single Option Pane.

My goal is simple.

Take some input from the user and then store it a TEXT File.

package printer;
import java.awt.Toolkit;
import javax.swing.*;
 public class Database {
 JTextField name = new JTextField();
JTextField roll = new JTextField();


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Multiple Methods In One Class

Sep 13, 2014

Is it possible to have multiple methods in one class?And can I use the Scanner in methods other than the main method?

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How To Add Multiple OR Choices In If Statement

Jan 21, 2015

I have this very code:

if (minute > 35 && hosts < 1 && guests < 1)

In this if statement I would also like to add another two possibilities:

first would be: hosts < 1 && guests < 2
second would be: hosts < 2 && guests < 1

Is it possible to somehow add it so it can all be in included in one if statement, and it would look something like that:

if (minute > 35 && hosts < 1 && guests < 1 OR
minute > 35 && hosts < 2 && guests < 1 OR
minute > 35 && hosts < 1 && guests < 2) {}
.. ?

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EJB / EE :: Returning Multiple Values In QL

Mar 27, 2014

I want to return multiple values in my EJB query. The query goes something like this:

SELECT SUM(s.sales) SUM(s.cancels) FROM accounts.

To implement this if I write as below:

Query query = _em.createNamedQuery("Accounts.findAccountData");

Now if I do query.getSingleResult(); how do i retrieve both the values since the ejb finder returns either a single object or a collection?.

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ArrayList Through Multiple Classes?

Oct 25, 2014

I have to make a retail item class that has description, price and quantity. I then have to make a CashRegister class that calculates subtotal, tax, total and displays it (toString). I also have to make a driver class to call the methods from main. I have no clue what I am doing and what I have done does not work. I am trying to make it sort of like a cart, in the CashRegister it should ask the user to enter the description, quantity purchased and the price. Then it would send that to the arraylist of retailitem. I am having trouble using those items in my other methods and then do not know how to call those in the driver class.. So here are my classes:

public class RetailItem {
private String description;
private int quantity;
private double price; 
public RetailItem(){
description = "";
quantity = 0;

[Code] ....

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Multiple Key Inputs Not Working

Sep 16, 2014

i am currently making a game in java and currently i am working on the basic mechanics. most of it is working fine but i cannot seem to make it so when the user presses and movment key and space to fire a bullet the bullet fires in the direction they are moving. here is the code i have for movement.

public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
int bulletx = Player.x + 100;
int bullety = Player.y + 20;
int key = e.getKeyCode();
if( key == e.VK_W){
if(key == e.VK_S){


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Creating Multiple Classes

Apr 25, 2014

I was trying to play around a little bit after learning creating multiple classes and stuff.However,i encountered a strange problem with reading a value from the user and then storing it in a variable.The usual way i do it is

Scanner variableName=new Scanner(;

But when i trying to print the contents of the variable "variableName" the compiler throws a lot of errors .I am attaching how i have tried that out in my code

import java.util.Scanner;
class laptop{
private String modelNumber;
private boolean hasFan;
private float ramSpeed;
protected int numCores;
//private String input;


Without the setInfo() in the laptop class the program functions as desired but i intend to ask the user if he wants to modify something and then reflect the same.

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Insert Multiple Rows

Mar 12, 2014

how to insert multiple rows in a database..i want to insert multiple rows but this can happen when i hit the submit button once. i use j2ee and db is postgresql.

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Using Multiple Selection Choices?

May 28, 2014

This program allows the user to select one of each different type of skateboard/accessories items. Then it allows the user to select as many misc items as he or she chooses. The program works fine for the single choices, but I cannot solve the latter part. I have a get method in the misc class that is trying to pull out any selection or selections that were made by the user, but it simply does nothing...

Here's my program, I have four panel classes for each skateboard type, and then I have one class that takes care of adding each panel to the content pane, and calculating the total cost of the item.

Decks Panel Class:

import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
// The DecksPanel class allows the user to selects a specific type of skateboard
public class DecksPanel extends JPanel


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Using Multiple Classes In One File

Mar 1, 2015

I have recently start learning about objects and classes in java. I understand that in order to use multiple classes in one file you need one class to be public and the rest are private. But after that I don't understand how to invoke the private class in the public class. I thought if I tried programming on my own I can have a better understanding of it, but had no success.

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Actions For Multiple Dialogues

Jul 19, 2014

I have two dialogues: one name "dialog" and another named "queryDialog". Each dialog has one button among other things and they are supposed to make their respective dialogues hide when clicked. But the second button doesn't work.Here is my code:

Java Code:

import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.lang.System;


I tried to follow the example of How to add multiple ActionListeners for multiple buttons in Java Swing - Stack Overflow but there seems to be a problem.

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Using Loops To Do Multiple Divisions

Feb 2, 2015

I am trying to write a program that will take two inputted numbers (a and b) and determine how many divisions can be done by dividing by b until the quotient is less than b. For example if a=64 and b=2, then you would be able to do:



so there is 6 divisions.

How would I use a loop to create this type of program?

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Multiple Classes In One Package?

Jan 31, 2015

I'm having problems with this I've code like:

Java Code:

Public Class{
ActionListener Method(){}
Main Function()}


but I cannot declare variables in this method, how can I do this what can be the simplest method?

In addition: I've a marksheet class, a calculator class, & in main class I've 2 buttons one for marksheet & one for calculator, how can I make it so that if user clicks on marksheet button that class should be called & so?

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