Highest Of Three Grades

Sep 14, 2014

So I have created this program but I am having a couple of small problems with it. The first problem is that the user inputted numbers should all be on the same line. I have spent hours trying to figure this out and I have looked online but I've had no luck. The second problem is that the "lowest score" should be 42 and not 42.0. I don't understand how to make it so the number is an integer. I have posted the output that i'm getting and the way the output should look like at the bottom.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Random
public static void main(String [ ] args) {
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
double a, b, c;

[Code] .....

This is the output that i'm getting.

Enter three scores: 87

The average is: 74.33333333333333
The lowest score was: 42.0
The average without the lowest score is: 90.5
The grade is: A

This is the way the output should look like.

Enter three scores: 87 42 94

The average is: 74.33333333333333
The lowest score was: 42
The average without the lowest score is: 90.5
The grade is: A

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Reading Lowest / Highest / Average Grades And Reporting Them From For Loops?

May 3, 2014

import java.util.*;
import java.text.*;
public class Quiz {
public static void main(String[] args){
Scanner s= new Scanner(System.in);
int quests = 0;
String input ="";


I'm not getting any errors anymore.

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Calling Methods For Java GradeBook - Calculate Highest And Lowest Grades In Array

Apr 15, 2015

In this project each individual will create a data analysis program that will at a minimum,

1) read data in from a text file,
2) sort data in some way,
3) search the data in some way,
4) perform at least three mathematical manipulations of the data,
5) display results of the data analysis in numeric/textual form, and
6) display graphs of the data. In addition,
7) your program should handle invalid input appropriately and
8) your program should use some "new" feature that you have not been taught explicitly in class.

(Note: this is to give you practice learning new material on your own - a critical skill of today's programmer.) If you do not have a specific plan in mind for your project, below is a specific project that meets all of the qualifications as long as 7) and 8) are addressed in the implementation.

Everything is done except I need to call my methods in my GradeTester.


*This class creates an array called scores.
*This class determines the length of the array scores and determines the last grade in the array scores.
*This class sorts the array using a bubble sort, and searches the array.
*This class calculates the mean, standard deviation, and the median of the grades in the array scores.
*Once the grades in the array is sorted, the class then calculates the highest and lowest grades in the array.

public class GradeBook {
public final int MAXARRAY_SZ = 20;
double [] scores = new double [MAXARRAY_SZ];
int lastGrade = 0;
double mean = 0;

[Code] ....

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Averaging Grades Program Not Adding Grades

Aug 18, 2014

Write a Swing program that declares an empty array of grades with a maximum length of 50. Implement a JOptionPane input box within a while loop to allow the user to enter grades. When the user enters the sentinel value of -1, that will signal the end of the data input loop.

After the grades are entered, a content pane should display the grades sorted from lowest to highest. Write a loop that goes through the array looking for elements that are greater than zero (0). Keep a running count of those items, and also accumulate them into a grand total. Divide the grand total by the number of grades entered to find an average, and display the average at the end of the sorted list of grades. Use the DecimalFormat method to display the average to 2 decimal places.

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How To Get Highest Value Of Array Of Integers

Jul 1, 2014

I am trying to write a method that returns the busiest hour in a logAnalyzer class that read web server data and analyze hourly access patterns and stores them in an array. My problem is, in order to get the busiest hour, I need to go through the hourCounts array to find the element with the biggest count.

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Sorting From Lowest To Highest

Feb 23, 2014

I'm very new to Java and ran into a problem. My results are not in order and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.

My results come out like this instead of being in order from lowest to highest: "77 99 44 55 22 88 11 0 66 33"

Here's what I have:

class ArrayIns {
private long[] a; // ref to array a
private int nElems; // number of data items
public ArrayIns(int max) // constructor
a = new long[max]; // create the array
nElems = 0; // no items yet

[Code] .....

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Highest Value In Array List?

Feb 2, 2015

I have 3 classes Pet, Cat and Dog classes. Cat and Dog classes are childs of Pet class.

Each pet has the properties of

private String myName;
private int myX;
private int myY;
private int mySpeed;
private int myAge;

I have an array list which creates 100 dogs. How can I print out the dogs with the two highest age values?

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Read Information From File - How To Get Highest Value

Nov 12, 2014

The requirement asked me to write a Java program to read information from the file, display the original information along with the player's average score of the season (one line for each player), and announce who is the highest average-scoring player of the team. But I always only get the highest which show the last player.

Such like the output showed:

Smith 13.0 19.0 8.0 12.0 Player's average: 13.00
Badgley 5.0 Player's average: 5.00
Burch 15.0 18.0 16.0 Player's average: 16.33
Watson Player's average: 16.33
Knox 10.0 12.0 8.0 6.0 Player's average: 9.00
Casler 15.0 7.0 Player's average: 11.00
Winorburg 13.0 14.0 14.0 23.0 20.0 Player's average: 16.80
Morton 4.0 11.0 13.0 Player's average: 9.33
Seeling 16.0 8.0 9.0 11.0 Player's average: 11.00
Tanshi 5.0 13.0 10.0 Player's average: 9.33

The highest average-scoring player is: Tanshi

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.io.*;
public class PA7{
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{
String name = null;

[Code] .......

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Find Highest Rated Movie

Apr 17, 2014

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
class read {
public static void main(String[]args) {

[Code] .....

There are my two java files I want to search through film items and find the one with highest rating ...

Film title ain & Gain
Lead role wayne Jhonson
Run time :123
Rating :4.5
id :23415

[Code] .....

That is my output. I want this to be output along with which ever one has the highest rating....

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How To Make A Method That Find Highest Value In Array

Dec 5, 2014

I made a method which takes values from a data set and finds out which one is the highest value. When it finds the highest value, it returns the country which is associated with the value. Here's the data set.

"Country""Total CO2 2005 (million tonnes)""Road CO2 (million tonnes)""Road CO2 per person (tonnes)""Cars per 1000 people"

So if the number was 5951.13 then the program would return USA. How do I do that? I've already started on trying to get this code to work but it doesn't seem to compiler so what's wrong with it?

public static CO2Data highest (CO2Data [] arr2){
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
CO2Data highestindex = arr2[0];
CO2Data currentcountry = arr2[0].getCountry(sc.nextLine());

[Code] ....

Also the array is a CO2Data array which is part of the following class:

public class CO2Data { //The CO2Data class will be called in other methods
private String country; //A private variable will prevent other users from accessing and changing these variables.

private double totalCO2;
private double roadCO2;
private double CO2PerPerson;
private int carsPerPerson; 
public CO2Data() {
country = "";//this sets the initial values for the different variables


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Printing Highest And Lowest Of Three Numbers Using Java?

Feb 23, 2014

I am working on an assignment but I am not getting any out put and I couldn't fix it?The class HighLow below asks for three integers and prints the highest and lowest of them on screen. Your task is to write the missing methods high and low, which receives the integers user inputs as parameters and return the highest and lowest integers respectively.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class HighLow {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int number1, number 2, number 3, high, low;
Scanner reader = new Scanner(System.in);


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Comparing Elements In Array To Find Highest Int

Sep 3, 2014

So in this program, which is a grading program, I am trying to compare all the students averages to find who has the highest one and list the grades and the student's names from least to greatest. Yes, I see there are other problems in the program but it is nowhere near finished.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String[] studentName = new String[20];
int[] studentAverage = new int[20];
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);


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Printing Highest And Lowest Of Three Numbers Using Java

Feb 23, 2014

The class HighLow below asks for three integers and prints the highest and lowest of them on screen. Your task is to write the missing methods high and low, which receives the integers user inputs as parameters and return the highest and lowest integers respectively.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class HighLow {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int number1, number 2, number 3, high, low;
Scanner reader = new Scanner(System.in);


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Print Only Top 15 Highest Numbers Of Occurrence From RNG Output

Oct 15, 2014

I created a random number generator for my course and it works perfectly. I now need to print only the top 15 highest numbers of occurrence from the RNG output. How i can do this?

Here is my block of code.

package section4;
import java.util.Random;
public class Lottery {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Random rand = new Random();
int freq[] = new int[51];

[Code] ....

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Find The Column With Highest Average Number

Feb 14, 2015

code a 10 * 10 matrix, with random numbers from 1 to 100,

i) Find the most repeated number.
ii) Use the Binary Sort, to sort the matrix in ascending order.
iii) Find the Column, with the highest average number.

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Array Of Grades - Tally How Many As And Bs

Apr 23, 2015

I've been asked to write a program that uses an array of grades, and to tally how many A's, B's etc ... The tallies are coming up incorrectly ... I'm putting the instructions at the end of this post to show what I should be getting.

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

public class GradeCalculation {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//define array, grade values, and tally the amount of each grade
int grade[] = { 90, 100, 80, 85, 63, 73, 80, 92, 90};
int sum = 0;
int gradeA = 0;
int gradeB = 0;

[Code] ....

The assignment: Add logic inside the for loop to test if the number is between 90 and 100. If it is in this range, then add 1 to the tally of a gradeA. You should have another test to see if the number is between 80 and 89 and if it is it should add 1 to the tally of gradeB. You should continue to have tests for 70 to79 being gradeC; 60-69 being graded; and below 60 as being gradeF. After the for loop is done, you should display a list of how many students had A's, B's, etc. in the output message box.

Then the message box should display something like this:

The sum is 753
The average is 83
The largest test score is 100
The lowest test score is 63
The number of students with scores of 90-100 (A) is 4
The number of students with scores of 80-89 (B ) is 3
The number of students with scores of 70-79 (C ) is 1
The number of students with scores of 60-69 (D) is 1
The number of students with scores below 60 (F) is 0

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Creating A Menu For Grades

Sep 29, 2014

I have an assignment that I need to create a menu like this using only arrays.

Main Menu:

1. Input how many students.
2. Input names and grades
3. Print name and grades.
4. Exit

I dont know how to do them in array.

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Search For Highest Number In File / Print Its Title And Value

Dec 9, 2014

In a text file, I have individual titles (starting with ">" character), and under those titles, I have calculated values for a Counter. I want to search the entire text file for the highest counter under every title. After I get the highest counter, I would like to print it's title, name of the counter, and counter value. Example of the code I already have:

int letterCounter;
String line;
if (line.startsWith (">")) {
bw.write ("");
bw.write (line);
} else {
//code that counts how many total letters (letterCounter) under title

I am just trying to use basic concepts.

Sample of my text file:

>gi 91206428 ref NP_001035160.1 seven transmembrane helix receptor precursor [Homo sapiens]
letterCounter is 43
>gi 157412240 ref NP_001094800.1 C1GALT1-specific chaperone 1-like [Homo sapiens]
letterCounter is 7
>gi 117938299 ref NP_001071105.1 RAB6C-like [Homo sapiens]
letterCounter is 109

Sample of desired output:

>gi 117938299 ref NP_001071105.1 RAB6C-like [Homo sapiens]
letterCounter is 109

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How To Make A Program That Determines The Highest Value Out Of Inputted Numbers

Sep 14, 2014

how to make a program that determines the highest value out of the inputted numbers.

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Program Should Copy Person With Highest Percent From File

Mar 23, 2014

The program should copy person with the highest percent from the file 'plik1', and then put it to the file 'plik2'.The problem occurs while compiling.

Java Code: string cannot be resolved to a type
string cannot be resolved to a type
string cannot be resolved to a type
string cannot be resolved to a type
string cannot be resolved to a type
string cannot be resolved to a type
string cannot be resolved to a type
string cannot be resolved to a type mh_sh_highlight_all('java'); Code:


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Display All Student With Their Grade Sorted From Highest To Lowest

Oct 22, 2014

Write a program that promts a professor to input grades for five different courses for 10 students. Prompt the professor to enter only A,B,C,D, or F for grades(A is the highest grade, F fail). use variables for student number(1 through 10) and grade numbers(1 through 5). create a menu for Search. if the user select search it will prompt a letter correspond to grade. display all student with selected grade. if the user just enter nothing, display all student with their grade sorted from highest to lowest.

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Take Grades Program And Make A Class

Jul 17, 2014

where to create the array of chars that hold the letter grade. I am assuming that would be in the main with the other arrays. Passing it into an object creating a method in the record.java. Then displaying it in my main.

Take the Grades program and make a class. An object that hold 5 student names, an array of 5 chars that hold the letter grades, 5 arrays of four doubles each to hold the set of test scores. The class should have methods that return a specific student's name, average test score and a letter grade based on the average. Demonstrate the class in a program that allows the user to enter each student's name and their 4 tests scores. It should then display each student's average and letter grade.This is my main program:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class GradeBook{
public static void main(String[] args){
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
Record[] students = {new Record(), new Record(), new Record(), new Record(), new Record()};
for(int j=0; j < 5; j++){


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Convert Integer To Letter Grades

Jan 31, 2014

/*This program will convert integer grades to letter grades and say how many A's, B's, C's, D's , F's do we have

public class DSlab3 {
private char LetterGrades;
private int IntegerGrades;
//default constructor
public DSlab3() {
LetterGrades =' ';
IntegerGrades = 0;

[Code] .....

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Make GPA Calculator For 5 Courses Of Grades

Nov 7, 2014

I have to make a gpa calculator for 5 courses of grades A B+ C+ D F, and worth 4, 3.5, 3, 2.5, 2,1,0 respectively. using 10 input text boxes, and a button

Create two arrays of length 5: one to hold the numerical values of letter grades, the other to hold the number of credit hours. Initialize both to have 0’s. Write a function that takes a letter grades entered by a user and returns its numerical equivalent.

Use an ‘if…else if… else’ construct.

Write a function that can operate on the two arrays and return the GPA. Use a for loop that runs from 0 to 5, multiplies the corresponding array elements and adds them together, divides that total by the total number of credit hours, and returns that value.

Input elements:

In the first 10 textfields, use the onchange attribute to fill the arrays with user entries.

Hint: For the course grade entries it should look like

onchange= ‘array1[0] =
first_function(this.value)’ etc.

The button should make the value of the last text area equal to the return value of the second function.

i have my whole code completed but when i press the button it returns the points value '0' so i think there is an error in my if else statements (ltonum function)

<DOCTYPE! html>
<title> Assignment 9: Javascript 3
<!-- Assignment 9, Due November 8, 2014, Jamie Zajac, TA Kartik-->
background-color: lemonchiffon;
color: midnightblue;

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Java Program - Find Next Highest Or Lowest Prime Number

May 2, 2014

Java program takes positive int from user and determine if prime. Next the program finds next highest or next lowest prime number.

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
public class pa2take2 {
public static void main (String[]args){
int menus; //menu selection

[Code] ......

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Keeping Track Of Product With Highest Price - Loop Condition

Sep 22, 2014

The Program prompts the user to enter the number of products in the product catalog. The program should then prompt the user for the name and the price of each product in the product catalog. Once all of the products have been entered, the program should output the product information (name and price) of the most expensive product in the catalog. Your solution to keep track of the product with the highest price.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class ProductTester {
private static final String price = null;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner console = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("Enter the number of Products: ");
int count = console.nextInt();

[Code] ....

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