How To Add Previous Button

Dec 14, 2014

I have gotten the code up and running, now I am trying to add a previous button. The next button I have now works fine but I can't seem to get the previous button to work.

import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.FlowLayout;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.util.Arrays;

[Code] .....

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Cannot Get First / Last And Previous Button To Work

Dec 14, 2014

Okay so I have this part done and I cannot get all the JButtons to work. This is my first GUI!

import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.FlowLayout;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.util.Arrays;
import javax.swing.BoxLayout;

[Code] ....

BTW the error is on 310, 311, and 312 and the error is cannot find symbol ....

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JSP :: JQuery Datepicker - Next And Previous Button

Nov 14, 2014

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>JQuery Demo</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />

[Code] ....

The above code works great and displays date picker with next and previous button but when I use same code on a jsp page the buttons to go back to previous and next month does not show up.

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JSP :: How To Persist User Previous Selection Of Radio Button

Sep 28, 2014

I am making a quiz app and stuck with this problem. User is presented with question with options he select one radio button and move on to next question by clicking next button.

Now when user clicks on the previous button to change the previous selction , I want his previous selection to be shown selected. How can I do that.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Database Scrolling Button To Display Next And Previous Record

Apr 19, 2014

I have jFrame where I have to display data from database on button click. There are 4 buttons, first to display the first record in database, last to display the last record in database, next to display the next record and previous to display the previous record. I have done first and last record but what should I do to display the next and previous record.

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How To Resize Array With Keeping Previous Value

Jan 29, 2014

Suppose i have a book class and bookArray book class contains four fields name,id ,publisher and author. in bookArray class: book bookArray=new book[20]; i have to save those four fields in the array but after completed the array i should have re-size the array with contains the previous data. How?? I have pass those values from the main class..

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JSP :: How To Delete Previous Data After Refresh

Nov 6, 2014

If I am refreshing JSP page the old data is remaining as it is with new data.what can be done to remove previous data from that JSP?

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Servlets :: ArrayList With Previous Values

Jun 12, 2014

I declared an arraylist in doPost method and i passed it to the another jsp. The problem is arraylist contains old values for every new request.

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Trying To Get Data From Previous Assignment To Be Displayed In New One Using GUI

Apr 26, 2014

I am trying to get items to display that would display in a command prompt now into a GUI. I am freaking lost at the moment, probably because I've been staring at this code for over a week now. I have included all the files that are necessary to run the program as an attachment for your own testing purposes. Should I be using a TextField to display the data from the CSV files? How do I get the data to be displayed? How would I get it to be displayed based on the different files Staples (newSTPL.csv), Apple (newAPPL.csv), and Microsoft (newMSFT.csv)?

Java Code:

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
* DataAnalyzer Class
* This class instantiates the methods from the ReadFiles Class and Calculations Class.


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Load Some Information From Previous Object Files And Add New Objects To Them Afterwards

Dec 17, 2014

I have a project in java that asks me to load some information from previous object files and add new objects to them afterwards. I created the files, but when I close the program and search for the previous information that should've been saved in the object file , it return nothing.

Here is the code.

Add method:

public boolean addUser (User u){
return true;

The save method:

public void saveUser (){
FileOutputStream FOS = new FileOutputStream("User.txt", true);
ObjectOutputStream OOS = new ObjectOutputStream (FOS);

[Code] ....

The read method:

public void readUser (){
FileInputStream FIS = new FileInputStream ("User.txt");
ObjectInputStream OIS = new ObjectInputStream (FIS);
for (int i=0;i<Ucount;i++){

[Code] ....

*Note: When I open the object file I could see that the information are actually there, so I think there's a problem with the read method I'm not sure what it is.

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Getting Mouse Click Method To Change Previous Object Properties?

May 19, 2014

I am having trouble with a mouse click method. In short I have a hexagon grid, and every time I want to click on one particular hexagon I want the color of the hexagon to change to blue(by default the color is grey). This part works, but when I go to click on another hexagon I want the color of the previous hexagon to change back to grey while at the same time changing the color of the current hexagon clicked to blue. So in other words, I only want one hexagon blue at a time. How might I do this?

I have a hexagon class for one particular hexagon, and a hexmap class for multiple hexagons. I know I should probably be handling mouse clicks in the hexmap since it deals with the whole thing. But I cannot say something like hexagon.setColor within a mouselistener in that class(it gives me a lot of issues). Here is some of my code :

public class Hexagons()
public Hexagons(HexMap theMap, int mapRow, int mapCol, int width, int height) { = theMap;
this.row = mapRow;
this.col = mapCol;
this.width = width;
this.height = height;

[Code] ....

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Taking Inputs Based On Previous User Input

Jun 7, 2014

I'm developing a Swing application for the first time. To test my application, I have currently hardcoded some text labels and fields in a JPanel, so that a user can enter input details for a maximum of 3 segments. But this limits the maximum number of segments to 3. However, the requirement is that when the user enters the number of segments (could be greater than 3 as well), corresponding number of input sets need to be taken.

Screenshot attached, with values entered.

Basically I want to know how I should go about taking the inputs from the user.

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What Happens To Connection Request When Server Is Busy Processing Previous Requests

Jan 31, 2015

I have written the following code to handle multiple Client Request. Lets Assume that it takes server 300 nano seconds(ns) to process one connection request. It recieves two connection requests at time t1 and t1+200ns. Since server is busy handling request 1 at time t1+200ns. what will happen to request 2.if yes what is the max size of that buffer?Maximum number of request that a server process per unit time depends on the java code.Is there also a limit to how many request a server can recieve per unit time?

public class EchoServer
public static void main(String args[])
ServerSocket serverSocket = null;
BufferedReader readSocket = null;
PrintStream writeSocket = null;
serverSocket = new ServerSocket(9998);


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JSP / JSTL :: Session Does Not Work - Previous Page Can Be Seen Even After User Logs Out

Feb 1, 2013

Previous page can be seen even after user logs out from the JSP page.

My code is:


<%@page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
<title>JSP Page</title>

[Code] ....

how to resolve this?

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When Click On New Button / All Icons Except Button Just Clicked Don't Display

Oct 16, 2014

The gist of it is to create a very basic memory game. There are 12 buttons, each associated with an icon. Every button that you click will display the icon and will stay there until clicked again. I got the bulk of it taken care of, but my issue lies with switching the icons back and forth. I can get them to display one at a time, but when I click on a new button, all the icons except the button I just clicked don't display. Essentially, only one shows up at a time.

import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.EventQueue;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder;
import javax.swing.SwingConstants;


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JSF :: How To Make Focus To Button During Onload If Button Is In TabbedPane

Feb 24, 2015

I am using JS, how we can make focus to a button during onload, the button need to get focus which is in tabbedPane tab Name : (Search Critera1) using javascript.

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How To Get Which Button Clicked In Through GetActionCommand When Button Have No Label

Sep 16, 2014

I have a JButton with a .PNG icon on it. I want to get that button click in actionPerformed Method but Jbutton have no Label... How i will know that which button clicked?

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Swing Button That Creates A New Button

Nov 29, 2014

I am creating a mad libs type program. This section of code is for the user to be able to make their own mad lib template (that people will be able to fill out later). The normal blanks in a mad lib are for verb, noun, adjective, adverb, etc. I cam up with 13 or so of these buttons, but it would be nice that if the user wants to add a button that they think we missed, such as 'Person in the Room' or 'Silly Location'...that the user would be able to do this. I sort of pictured there being a button that says 'add button' or something like that. Is there a ways to do this with the way I've set things up?

public class MadLibs {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
//Set up a JTextPane object : The JTextPane is a specialized form of the JEditorPane
//designed especially for the editing (and display) of styled text.
final JTextPane pane = new JTextPane();

[Code] ....

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JSP :: Extracting Information About Previous Page From Where Current Page Came

Jan 31, 2015

I have to implement a system where I have to do almost same processing on a jsp page. The slight differences on the present page is based on whether the current page came from page 1 or page 2. So how can I do this?

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How To Use Previous String Compare To Current String

Mar 2, 2014

I'm having trouble to compare two string from my LinkedList. I took me 2 days now trying figure out how to compare the current string to previous string in the linkedlist. Here is my code.

public int compareTo(LinkedListNode n){
//Compare two string
String myHead = data.toLowerCase();
String comparableHead = data.toLowerCase();
return (myHead.compareTo(comparableHead));

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JSP :: How To Get Value Of Button On Button Click

Apr 22, 2014

i want value of button on button click..and value should be display on next page?? how to do that???

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Get New String Value To Appear On Button?

Sep 22, 2014

I dont know why this does not work. A string called naam is empty in the beginning. Thats why its NULL on the button. But if I give it the value "karel", it still states null on the button, how can I update this?

Java Code: import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class Probeer {
private JFrame frame;
private JMenuBar hetMenu;
private JButton knop;


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Use Num As Text On Button

May 29, 2014

Im trying to use num as the text on the button..... (Im trying to make it count when i press the button.)I need to make a listener for the button, and an event that adds 1. (num++)

import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class ClickIt {
public static void Practice()


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How To Add All The Button Values

Mar 19, 2014

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae){
float A=0; 
int a = Integer.parseInt(tf1.getText());
if(ae.getSource()==b2) {
A=(((30*a*14) / 100)+(30*a));

[Code] .....

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How To Get The Submit Button Working

Feb 26, 2015

The class gets complied but when I run the program the submit button doesn't work, how do i get that to work?
* Orchestration class for Account
import java.awt.*; //Importing the java.awt.* class


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Loop Ending With ESC Button?

Jun 10, 2014

end the loop with the ESC button.

import java.util.Scanner; 
class Sum {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int sum = 0;
System.out.println("Please write a number, end with ESC button");
Scanner in = new Scanner(;

[Code] ....

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