How To Create Different Levels

Apr 6, 2014

I am trying to write a code for a game HiLo, where i want to add 3 different levels:

easy (1-10)
medium (1-100)

Where the user can choose before the game starts. After that the game is finished i want even to write how many guesses the player used on the screen.

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JRE :: Changing Default Security Levels

Dec 21, 2014

I have several Windows 7 Enterprise machines that have already been deployed via image and need to lower the security settings for use on internal web based applications.
Is there an easy way to manipulate the configuration (a file) so that I may simply make the changes by overwriting the current configuration settings instead of, having to go to each device, opening the Java console, and changing the security settings that way?
I have attempted to login as the machine administration, make the changes on the Java console with the hopes this configuration would have migrated to all user profiles that log into the PC. Is there a "public profile" configuration file I can change and if so, what should I do.

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How To Make XML - Game To Hold High Scores Of Three Different Levels

May 22, 2015

I am a beginning programmer and was learning how to make an XML. It was for a simple game and only needs to hold the highscores of three different levels. Here is what I coded:

try {
OutputStream fout= new FileOutputStream("highScores.xml");
OutputStream bout= new BufferedOutputStream(fout);
OutputStreamWriter out = new OutputStreamWriter(bout, "8859_1");


My issue is that I run this code every time I create the program and the scores are reset to 0. How can I make a small change so that I only run this block of code and create the XML the first time the program is run?

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HiLo Game In Java - User Can Choose Up To 3 Different Levels With 3 Methods

Apr 25, 2014

I will try to explain what i want to code , a HiLo game where the user can choose up to 3 different levels(1-10, 1-100, 1-1000) with these 3 methods

public static void main(String[] args) {...}
public static int playGame(int maxNumber) {...}
public static void giveResponse(int answer, int guess) {...}

with no Random , i will use the:

int number = (int)(Math.random() * max) +1; to generate numbers

I have tried so many times , but i don't get it ....

My code so far :

import java.util.Scanner;
public class HL{
public static void main(String[] args ){
Scanner s = new Scanner(;

[Code] ....

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Create A Class That Will Accept Dates In Various Formats And Create A Range

Feb 1, 2014

In the class below I'm trying to create a class that will accept dates in various formats and create a range. The first constructor is easy because I send it the begin date and end date as Date objects. Now I want to send a month(and year) in a constructor and derive the begin and end dates from it. In my constructor that accepts the month/year I need to put the this(startDate, endDate) at the top to be allowed, but the parameters are not built yet.

package com.scg.athrowaway;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
public class DateRange {
private Date startDate;
private Date endDate;


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Create A Menu Where The User Can Create A New Account?

Oct 5, 2014

I'm having some difficulty with my bank account project. I'm supposed to create a menu where the user can create a new account, withdraw, deposit, view their balance, and exit. There's issues with the account creation.

Here's my necessitated class below: BankAccount, TestBankAccount, SavingsAccount, CurrentAccount, and Bank

Plagiarism Statement
I certify that this assignment is my own work and that I have not copied in part or whole or otherwise plagiarized the work of other students and/or persons.

package BankAccount;
 import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Random;
 //Project 3
public class BankAccount {
protected static int accountID;


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Create A Sphere Class That Will Allow To Create Sphere Objects

May 9, 2015

I'm new to Java and I have an assignment to create a Sphere class that will allow you to create Sphere objects using the code below. Then create a program called SphereTester that prompts the user for the radii of two spheres in meters. The program should display which sphere is larger and by how many cubic meters and display only four digits after the decimal point. I have the sphere class given to us for the assignment which is this:

Java Code: public class Sphere {
// instance variable (i.e., a field)
private double radius;
// constructor for the Sphere class
public Sphere(double r) {
radius = r;


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Need To Create A GUI

Jun 5, 2015

I hava little bit of knowlodge in VBA.. I hava a small project related to processing large data.. I need to create a GUI.. I have installed Eclipse software

My progest requie

1.Creating a GUI

2.I need show data folder(consisting 100s of files) from GUI and all files in folder should be moved to each folder with same name as of file name.

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How To Create API In Java

Aug 9, 2014

i need to develop a API in java. that API will be communicate with the some site. Need to import and export the contacts into that site databases.

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How To Create A PIE Chart

Jan 14, 2014

Here is the application that does this; test your coding of class PieChartWriter with it.

import java.awt.*;
public class TestPieChart
{ public static void main(String[] args)
{ PieChartWriter p = new PieChartWriter();
p.setTitle("How I spend my day");
p.setSlice1("Sleep: 7 hours", 7,;
p.setSlice4("Recreation: 9 hours", 9, Color.gray);
p.setSlice2("In class: 3 hours", 3,;
p.setSlice3("Homework: 5 hours", 5,;

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How To Create GIF File

Feb 2, 2015

is it possible to make a .gif file with jave?

if it is, how is it done?

do i just create a bufferedGif object, or somemthing like that?

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JSP :: How To Create Page 1 / 2 / 3

May 24, 2014

i have jsp file and inside i have list that i get from my servlet . i want to create in the bottom of the page the option to move from one page to another like this " page: 1,2,3,4,5"i try to use the tag <a href=.. and onclick() event ,and i understand that javascript will not work , how can i create the " page: 1,2,3,4,5" ?

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How To Create A Menu

May 12, 2014

I'm trying to create a GUI java application.

I want a menu with buttons that looks like this:

Button 1: Start
Button 2: Help
Button 3: About Me

If you press one of the buttons you will get to another frame with new buttons, new labels and so on.

Next step for instance if you press button 1, I'd like my program to get this frame:

Different alternatives, and a text field with a button. One commando leads to one new JFrame with new buttons, text fields and so on.

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Can't Create A New File

Jul 17, 2014


class FileWrite
public static void main(String args[])


error :

d:jpro>javac error: constructor File in class File cannot be applied to given types;
File f=new File(filename);


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Trying To Create A Hash Map

May 5, 2014

I am trying to create a class (DVD) with an instance variable that references a map, the constructor for this class must create an empty map and assign it to the instance variable map. I want to populate this map with instances of a different class called tv series, I am using blueJ, I am not sure why this doesn't work

Java Code:

import java.util.*;
public class DVD
public static Map<String, TvSeries>DVD;
public TvSeries program;

[Code] .....

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Can't Create New Die Objects?

Apr 2, 2015

I'm having trouble creating two new die objects for the PairofDie class. I'm trying to run two separate die and print the face value and then add both numbers up and print those values as well.
public class Die {
private final int MAX = 6;
private int faceValue;
//private int faceValue2;
public Die(){
faceValue = 1;
[Code] .....

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problems:

The method Die() is undefined for the type PairofDice
The method Die() is undefined for the type PairofDice
at PairofDice.main(

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JSP :: How To Create A Custom Tag

Apr 22, 2015

I would like to create a custom tag which works similar to <c:forEach/> tag i.e

<c:forEach var = "movie" items = "${collection}>

I would want to create the similar behaviour(as above) in my own custom Tag.Morever I would like to use the doStartTag() and doEndTag() and doAfterBody() methods while creating custom Tag.

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Create Jar File

Nov 9, 2014

create a jar file.Currently I have next files in my directory:

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Created-By: 1.7.0_60-ea (Oracle Corporation)
Main-Class: connectURL

it compiled fine, can be executed as:
java connectURL

it does not have 'Package' specified


This is jdbc 4 jar file which is used by to make db. connection.

I am running:
C:j>jar cvfm connectURL.jar Manifest.txt *.class sqljdbc4.jar
added manifest
adding: connectURL.class(in = 2427) (out= 1358)(deflated 44%)
adding: sqljdbc4.jar(in = 584207) (out= 549364)(deflated 5%)

Then trying to execute and get error message

C:j>java -jar connectURL E520 1433
Error: Unable to access jarfile connectURL

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How To Create A JAR File

Jan 30, 2014

how to create a JAR File I have been watching you tube and it seems like the manifest needs to be remade. I go to the CMD and find my project folder class. I think I need to use do the same for all the classes correct. Well I type jar -cf TictacToeGUIGame.jar *java then I get no such directory. I can see the it worked thought. So do i do this to all my classes and then I will have my JAR program?

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Can't Create Jar File

Apr 2, 2014

text file:

Permissions: sandbox
Application-Name: Dynamic Tree Demo

error message from command line:

onentArch_DynamicTreeDemouildclasses>jar -cvfm DynamicTreeDemo.jar mymanifest
.txt appletComponentArch invalid header field name: ?≫?Codebase
at java.util.jar.Manifest.<init>(
encoding in UTF-8 and have newline at end

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Create Only One Instance

Sep 18, 2014

.I was reading head first java book and saw a barbell question on page no. 280,question-"what if you want to write a class in such a way that only one instance of it can be created,and anyone who wants to use an instance of the class will always use that one,single instance?"

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Trying To Create A Calculator

Sep 16, 2014

I'm new to java and have been coding for a few hours. I tried to create a calculator (Which has no GUI, just text inputs)which will let you select how to process the two integer (Add, minus, times etc.) I cant seem to get it to work. I will put in the process way such as times and have entered two integers and every time it doesn't work. Here is my code:

import java.util.*;
public class Calculator
public static void main (String args[])
int input1 = 0;
int input2 = 0;
int answer = 0;


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Create A Well-encapsulated Class?

Oct 3, 2014

How can one create a well-encapsulated class?What are the principles to be followed?

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How To Create A Coins Program

Feb 16, 2015

Ive been trying to create a program to say how many 5cent,10 cent and 50 cent coins there are if you put a number in example 20. I used the init method because thats what the teacher told me to use but i have no clue on what to do.

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Trying To Create Pyramid Using For Loop

Jan 30, 2014


Write a for loop for creating a pyramid starting on the platform with the bottom line consisting of 10 boxes then 8 then 6 and so on. I have attempted making the first row but when i run the program the boxes all split up and fall over.

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How To Create A Text File

May 10, 2014

File f=new File("c:/FilePractice/text.txt");

and it creates only the folder text.txt.i am trying to create a blank txt file int this folder?what is the easiest way to do it? i try this one also:


PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter("test.txt");


and its work but the test.txt file created in sort of default folder in my project can i make it in a folder that i want?

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