How To Make Java Read SQL File And Execute It In Phpmyadmin

Feb 8, 2015

I'm trying to make the program read the "Entity.sql" File and then execute it to make it run in phpmyadmin. I did used a mysql connector to link netbeans to mysql and then it should used the Connection for phpmyadmin to execute the Statement (Entity.sql).The Entity.sql file contains as sql Statement:


The problem is that it's not working and it's giving me this error:

com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1

here is my entire code:

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.*;


I want the program to first

1- Read the Entity.sql file

2- Execute the file into phpmyadmin

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How To Make Java Read SQL File And Execute It In PHPMyAdmin

Feb 8, 2015

I'm trying to make the program read the "Entity.sql" File and then execute it to make it run in phpmyadmin. I did used a mysql connector to link netbeans to mysql and then it should used the Connection for phpmyadmin to execute the Statement (Entity.sql)..The Entity.sql file contains as sql Statement:CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS Student

The problem is that it's not working and it's giving me this error:

com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorEx ception: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1

here is my entire code:

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.*;


I want the program to first

1- Read the Entity.sql file

2- Execute the file into phpmyadmin

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Make Library That Will Read Some Input Files From A File?

Apr 23, 2015

I am trying to make a Library that will read some Input Files from a File . Like When We Enter Nuber from a



and then store these values in int[] array

What I want is I Save all these values in a File and at Run time pass path of that file to command line arguments and then int[] array will be initialize using that

something like this [URL]

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How To Execute Jar File

Apr 3, 2007

How can I execute a jar file ?

how can I make such file ?

Will it be executed as an exe file in windows ?

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Servlets :: How To Execute Batch And Exe File

Jun 23, 2014

Question : How to execute batch file & .exe file using jsp servlet?I am giving input for blast in the FASTA format. After that i wants to make the sequence.FASTA file in my project folder. And I wants to execute batch file with parameters as blastp.exe file, sequence. FASTA file, database files, output file.

There is no problem in the file creation of sequence.FASTA

ERROR IN: the batch file is not execute, So the I am not able to get the output file for display.

ERROR is : D:vaibhav_workspace.metadata.pluginsorg.eclipse.wst.server.core mp4wtpwebapps oxin-dataoutputprotein.txt (The system cannot find the file specified)

Technologies Used :JSP,Servlet,Process-builder

I have the following code as :

protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
PrintWriter out=response.getWriter();
String values=request.getParameter("t1");
ServletContext servletContext = request.getSession().getServletContext();
servletContext = request.getSession().getServletContext();
String path="//sequence.FASTA"; /*file is created in getRealPath()*/


Here the getRealpath() is:

D:workspace.metadata.pluginsorg.eclipse.wst.server.core mp4wtpwebapps oxin-data

My all files in the project folder as toxin-data

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Execute Data From Multiple CSV File

Jan 19, 2015

There are multiple .CSV files (each file has multiple rows and columns). I need to fetch data from all the files and find MEDIAN of the values for each column and do further calculations. Suppose there are 3 files, i need to find the MEDIAN of column 1 in file1, MEDIAN of column 1 in file2, MEDIAN of column 1 in file3. Below code just fetch data from one file.

package testdatapkg;

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How To Read Audio File In Java

Mar 20, 2015

How to read an audio file in java?

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How To Read Text File In Java

Aug 23, 2014

How to read a text file in Java?

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How To Read Excel File With Java

Mar 9, 2009

i don't have good grip in java, basically i am a software Tester and rightnow i am automating my application with Selenium (Testing Tool) so i need to write a script in java, so far i Worked with QTP for the same but in that its really easy to Data Driven test with Excel but here i am facing lots of problem. how to read/Write data from excel with java. how can i create input dialog box (like prompt in jscript) ?

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How To Read Plist File In Java

Jan 15, 2015

How can i read a .plist file.

file like---
<plist version="1.0">
<key>Build Version</key>
<key>Device Name</key>
<key>Display Name</key>

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How To Make Java Project A WAR File In NetBeans

May 10, 2014

I am suppose to submit my project as a WAR file but not sure how to do it.

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Java Read CSV File And Construct A Table

Apr 13, 2014

I am trying to write a program that read from a csv file called matches.csv ... A single football match can end with a win or a draw: in first case the winner team get 3 points and the loser none, in the second case of draw each of the two teams get 1 point.

In the file it contains the following data.

17/08/2013 Arsenal Aston Villa 1 3
24/08/2013 Aston Villa Liverpool 0 1

This means that a match has been played on the 17/08/2013 where Arsenal scored 1 goal while Aston Villa 3 goals: thus Arsenal got 0 points while Aston Villa 3 points.

How can I structure my output to make it make it read

Position Team Played Points
1 Aston Villa 2 3
2 Liverpool 1 3
3 Arsenal 1 0

My code so far:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Teams {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String fileName = "matches.csv";

[Code] ....

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Read Binary Unix File With Java?

Jan 24, 2014

I have a unix program that simulates an accident evolving as a function of time and produces two files. I will focus on the first file before getting to the second. This first file has five output variables/vectors (velocity vs time, pressure vs time, etc), which are selected as part of the simulation input. These are the variables I have to put into Excel if I want to view the transient graphically. Where it gets tedious is that, if I want to view a different set of five variables, I have to rerun, extract, put these in Excel to plot. There can be lots of variables needed to properly characterize the accident.

The second file produced is a really large binary file. This file contains all the information that I'd need, precluding the need to rerun to view a different set of output variables. This is the file that seems tailor-made for a Java or something to be able to extract the information. That is, it seems like Java could be used to do this work: extract variable information from the large binary file. Eventually, I would like to plot it too and I know I could use Java there.

I think my steps are:

1) understand the format of my binary file
2) reconfigure the binary file for use with java (is this demuxing?)
3) learn java programming for this application: extracting information to produce something like a .csv file with time on the leftmost column and variable information populating the rest of the columns.

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How To Set Starting Point To Read A Text File In Java

Jan 28, 2015

I want to read a text file from the starting point to end of the file.

BufferedReader read=new BufferedReader(new FileReader("C:/eGurkha/agent/sample/UptimeRecord.txt"));
String line=read.readLine();
while (line != null)
System.out.println("lines are :"+line)

By using the above code I can read all the line from the file, But I want to read from the some starting point.

For example : I have a file with 100 lines, from that file I want to read lines from 53 upto end of the file.

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Read Password Protected Excel File Using Java

Nov 26, 2009

How to read Password protected Excel file using java. Actually i read normal excel file(without password protection) successfully, using some standard codings with support POI jars. But i am unable to read password protected xls file.

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Read Encrypted TXT File (Outlook Item) In Java

Aug 4, 2014

I have an encrypted MSCONS.txt file as Outlook item. I also have a Digital Certificate file (Certificate.pfx) with a password.

How I can read the actual MSCONS.txt file in my java application? Any sample code snippet ...

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Read Property File From Command Line Argument In Java

May 8, 2015

I want to read property file in java from command line argument,i.e. if i have some parameters which i have to use separately , i comment the parameters which i don't have to use that time , then uncomment when i have to use.

Is there and way to read the required parameters through command line arguments in java.

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Java Servlet :: Read Data From Excel File To Table

Oct 19, 2014

If I want to load data in excel file into table. what is the best way to do it?

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Read In Java Source Code File As Command Line Argument

Oct 31, 2014

I am trying to complete this question. I understand the most of it but I haven't go a clue to read in the file name.

Full question: Implement a program that reads in a Java source code file and checks to see if it has balanced {}brackets. Your program should use a stack, implemented as a linked list, to check the brackets.

NOTE: you can use a reference called top which points to the head of the list. Your program should run as a command line program and should take a filename as an argument and print one of BALANCED or NOT BALANCED.

For example: c:> java checkBalanced "" BALANCED

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Hurricane Java Project - Read Information From Data File And Run It Through But Program

Dec 2, 2014

I am now stuck. I am writing a program that reads information from a data file and runs it through but program. However, I am almost finished with the program, but cannot figure out the last few parts.

public class Storm {
private final double KnotsToMPH = 1.15;
// global user-defined types:
private int beginDate;
private int duration;
private String name;

[Code] .....

I have not attached the data file because it contains a total of 360 lines of hurricane information.

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Create A Java Program That Can Read Specific Data Within Csv File To Work Out Averages

Aug 7, 2014

i am fairly new to java but have made a few projects so i do know most aspects that would allow me to complete the task its just i have been stuck at the same place now for 2 days.The project is to create a java program that can read specific data within a csv file to work out the averages etc. The csv file is a database of different weather stats . an example of the first 12 months of the csv file is below..


year ,month,average rainfall etc

1946 15.70.616108.131.5
1946 28.23.56111.871
1946 38.82932.9 102.9
1946 414.16.3029.2 150.5
1946 513.96060.7 143.6


I know that once the data is indexed i can than use a double to find the average of the 12 specific pieces of data and so on. once this is complete i should than be able to transfer the data to a simple graph.

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Execute Shell Command From Java

Nov 15, 2014

I need executing shell script from Java program. For example i have script in /tmp/  folder of unix server. I want to execute shell script from local java code.

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Java Program To Execute External Application

Oct 9, 2014

I want to create a java program to find the applications running in my computer. And then I want to select a particular application called 'Harvest Client.exec'. Bring the application to front. And Then find a textbox in it and paste the things from clipboard.

I am not sure how to do this. I started by using some Runtime methods. But I am not getting anywhere.

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Cannot Execute Java Code From Command Line In Notepad++

Jan 2, 2015

I have the program written correctly, but it won't execute.

public class Welcome {
public static void main(String[] args){
//Display message Welcome to Java! on the console
System.out.println("Welcome to Java");

I compiled the code as written below with "javac Welcome", and use the "Class" name "Welcome"

The file path is: C:Java Programs

Java Welcome

Below is the result of the above commands

javac Welcome

Create Process() failed with error code 2:

The system cannot find the file specified.

java Welcome

Process started >>>

Error: Could not find or load main class Welcome

<<< Process finished. (Exit code 1)

I am coding in notepad++

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Using Text Edit On Mac And Using Terminal To Execute Java Code

Aug 7, 2014

So when writing my first "Hello World" app everything seemed to work just fine. I wrote the code, compiled it, and then ran the class file and it worked, I got the return Hello World! But when I tried to write another app which is basically the exact same thing just a different sentence, I keep getting a bunch of error codes saying illegal character. I did everything the exact same. I am using Text Edit on a Mac and using Terminal to execute the Java code.

Here is what I wrote....

public class MyFirstApp
public static void main( String[] args )
System.out.println(“i rule the world!”);


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Can't Execute Shell Script Called From Java Class

Apr 7, 2014

My java class doesn't execute a shell sript, I had given the java io file permission read and execute  over the script shell to the user who execute the java class, also I executed the script shell  in the console each RAC server using oracle user session and the srcript shell works. My team DBA told me that " The user server process is oracle". My script shell resides in all RAC server file system the last result looks as follows:

No Funcionando!! /home/gi91591/reppostpago/bin/ not found


of course, the script file exist on my file system, it has the suitable permission as the test result i got each time I executed on the console. My Oracle version is on Rac ASM.

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