How To Make Print Employee Button To Print Info Of Other Class

Apr 12, 2014

Basically the class is supposed to have a static variable that keeps track of the number of companies (numberOfCompanies) that have been created and a static method that returns the value of this variable. I need to have a constructor and a method to addEmployee, a method to printCompany, and a toString method. The addEmployee method will check that there is only 1 salesperson, 2 designers, and 4 manufacturing persons at a time and will check that there are no more than 7 employees of the company.

The addEmployee method will return a String indicating what the error is (i.e. "There is already a sales person in this company") or a null if the employee was added. If attempting to name a third company, an error message will be shown. what i have so far but my print company mmethod returns null company class :in which i am obliged to use inputdialog because it says that it cannot return void when i use the showmeassage diaolog.

company class:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public class Company {
private ArrayList<Employees> list ;
private static int numberOfCompanies;

[Code] ....

error message when print button is clicked:

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.RuntimeException: JOptionPane: parentComponent does not have a valid parent
at javax.swing.JOptionPane.createInternalFrame(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.JOptionPane.showInternalOptionDialog(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.JOptionPane.showInternalMessageDialog(Unknown Source)

[Code] ......

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Invoke Some Methods In For Loop In Order To Print Some Info Stored In A List

Apr 28, 2014

I am trying to invoke some methods in a for loop in order to print some info stored in a List. But for some reason, compiler pops a message saying "cannot find symbol - method getEmpID(). You are using a symbol here (a name for a variable, method or class) that has not been declared in any visible scope." But I am pretty sure that method getEmpID (as also getName(), getAfm(), and payment() ) have been declared as public.

Note: My List contains objects of different type (SalariedEmployee, HourlyEmployee). I hope this is not the factor causing this problem.

Java Code:

import java.util.*;
abstract class Employee{
private String name = "";
private String afm = "";
private long EmpID;
static long count=0;


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Type In A Name And It Will Search Through Each Object And Print Back Corresponding Object Info

Nov 19, 2014

I am trying to get this to where I can type in a name and it will search through each object and print back the corresponding object info.

Java Code:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class MyPeople {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Person[] p = new Person[] {
new Person("Chris", 26, "Male", "NJ", "Single"),
new Person("JoAnna", 23, "Female", "NJ", "Single"),
new Person("Dana", 24, "Female", "NJ", "Single"),
new Person("Dan", 25, "Male", "NJ", "Single"),
new Person("Mike", 31, "Male", "NJ", "Married") };


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Create Class Employee Which Contains A String Variable Employee Number

Jul 13, 2014

I have searched for totalPay is always 0 and the responses are not related to my problem (that I can tell).This is a class assignment and I have other questions besides why the method is not working.

Here are the instructions: Create class Employee which contains a String variable Employee Number, a String variable Employee Name, an integer Hours Worked, and a double Pay Rate. Create get and set methods for each variable. Provide method "totalPay" which calculates and returns the total pay by multiplying the hours worked by pay rate. Use figure 8.12 as an example of an object with get and set methods.

Unlike other examples of this type question online this one has Employee Number as a String variable. The book is How to Program Early Objects by Deitel 9th edition.We have instructions to do only what she has told us too. At this point it is objects and getter and setter methods. It is only the beginning of week 2.


package test11;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Test11 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner input = new Scanner(;


Essentially I cannot figure out how to get the method getTotalPay to be called by the Scanner and do the math. I also have this random bracket problem that showed up about an hour ago.

The concept I don't get is that if I omit this.employeeNumber =id; etc. I error all over the place. If I change it to this.employeeeNumber = employee Number Netbeans tells me it is assigning itself to itself, which I know. When I try to use id instead of employeeNumber I get errors all over. If i remove "this" from it the same happens. why in public class employee I have to change to those values (id, name, etc) in the construct and set them again? I don't see where or how they can be used, so why do i have to do it?

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How To Make Robot Print Out Colons

May 1, 2014

I've tried making my robot print out colons but I just can't seem to. I tried doing

Java Code:
robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_COLON); mh_sh_highlight_all('java');


ava Code:
robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_SEMICOLON); mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

And neither seem to work, in fact I can't seem to get any symbols typed out (I don't want to copy to clipboard and paste out) (yes, I do keyRelease as well -> I've tried a bunch of stuff)...

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Two Threads - One Will Print Odd And Other Will Print Even Numbers In Sequence

Jul 25, 2014

I want to create two thread one thread will print odd number and another thread will print even number. but the number should be in a sequence like

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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Game Class - Nothing Will Print Into Console

May 7, 2014

I'm new to java, and i'm trying to make a gaming, but for some reason nothing will print into the console. I want it to have the system to print out the frames, and ticks, but nothing will happen.

import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Canvas;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
public class Game extends Canvas implements Runnable {
[Code] .....

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Using Nested Loops In A Class Called Print Patterns

Mar 7, 2014

Write a method to print each of the following patterns using nested loops in a class called PrintPatterns. The signature of the methods are:

public static void printPatternX(int size) //'X' from 'A' to....., size is a positive integer.


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Print Statement Not Printing In Order To Call A Method From Another Class

Mar 17, 2015

I have wrote the necessary program for the class which was : Modify the customer class to include changeStreet(), changeState(), and changeZip methods. Modify the account class to include a changeAddress() method that has street city and zip parameters. Modify the Bank application to test the changeAddress method.

The problem arose when I went to test it. For some reason when it asks "Would you like to modify your account information? (y/n)" it will not allow the user to input anything and thus test the class. Here is my code

Class Customer
import java.util.*;
public class Customer {
private String firstName, lastName, street, city,state, zip;

[Code] ....

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Get Access To Either Logger Or LogManager Class And Print Current Configuration

Oct 22, 2014

I want to know if I can get the entire file constructed in Java code. I am not talking about configuring the logger using Java code.I have a logger that is already configured using a file. I want to get access to either Logger or LogManager (any other?) class and print the current configuration that is in memory.

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Getting All Info From One Class To Another

Feb 11, 2014

I want to get info from one class to another LIKE ALL information.

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JSF :: How To Make Focus To Button During Onload If Button Is In TabbedPane

Feb 24, 2015

I am using JS, how we can make focus to a button during onload, the button need to get focus which is in tabbedPane tab Name : (Search Critera1) using javascript.

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Sorting Lists In Employee Class

Feb 5, 2014

A Employee Class where i want to sort there lists one by there salary and one by there name individually as per the requirement ? How we do it?

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Use Applet To Create Two Instances Of Employee Class

Jan 9, 2014

What I have to do: Use Applet to create two instances of the Employee class. Display the data on the Graphics object. Display in the applet the names and values of all of the instance variables in each instance of the class. Also display the value of any static variables.

What I'm doing:

import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.*;
public class EmployeeApplet extends Applet {
public static int topSalary = 195000;
int hoursPerWeek;
public static void setTopSalary (int s) {
if (s > topSalary)


I'm not able to display hours per week for e1 and e2.

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Create Class Called Factorial Algorithm Which Will Compute / Print Factorial Of Integer Number On Screen

Dec 27, 2014

1)A factorial of a number X is equal to X*(X-1)*(X-2)*...*1.For example,3! is equal 3*2*1=6.Create a class called Factorial Algorithm which will compute and print the factorial of an integer number on the screen

2)Write a Java program to accept eight integers and a search element from the user and display whether the element is found or not.(Hint:use bubble sorting and binary search)

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Make Panel Go Away If Button Is Clicked?

Jan 27, 2014

What are a couple of examples to code a button that if it's clicked the panel's visibility is set to false?

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How To Make A Button That Change The Label

Jan 29, 2014

How can i code this differently so that when i click one of the button it changes the image to the red.jpg or green.jpg?

Java Code:

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class GUI{
public static void main(String[] args){
JFrame window = new JFrame("Test");


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Swing/AWT/SWT :: How To Make Restart Button Work

Mar 19, 2014

how to make this restart button work. This is what I have so far. I have put the restart button code in red and bold...

package Game;
public class Buttons extends javax.swing.JPanel {
private GameWorld world;
private int restart;


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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Make Submit Button Smaller

Nov 12, 2014

make this button:

look more like this one:

I'm using GridLayout for my main JFrame.

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How To Make Button Clear The Data That User Entered

Mar 25, 2015

package com.example.imc;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.View.OnClickListener;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.EditText;
import android.widget.TextView;

[Code] ....

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How To Print First 5 Values

Nov 16, 2014

See the below:

public static void main() {
int i; // counter
  createDeck(); // this is a function call
  // Show the cards in the deck
System.out.println("The deck is as follows:");
for (i=0 ; i < CARDS_IN_DECK ; i++)


It is now printing out the value of myDeck[5] but I need to print out first 5 values.

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Unable To Print Sum Of First Row?

Dec 11, 2014

Java Code:

public class Lab12 {
public static int SumRow(int [][] a){
int row, column, sum=0;
for (row=0;row<2;row++ ) {
for (column=0;column<2;column++) {


my output is

The sum of row 1 is: 3
The sum of coloumn 0 is: 5
The sum of coloumn 1 is: 5
The max of row 0 is: 4
The max of row 1 is: 2

it is supposed to print the sum of row o first ?

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How To Print Before And After A Word

Nov 28, 2014

i have completed a code in java so that it can read spaces in a line but when i run it if i put Line 1 test test for example it will print : [ 3] spaces in Line1 test test what i want to print is [ 3] spaces in "Line1 test test" so the diferences is at " Is there any possible thing that i can do?

class Main
public static void main( String args[] )
System.out.print( "#Enter text : " );
String text = BIO.getString();
while ( ! text.equals( "END" ) )


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Can't Print Number

Oct 14, 2014

I can't print the number that is supposed to come out

public class Skateboard {
private int wheels = 4;
private int trucks = 2;
private int bearings = 8;
private int gripTape = 1;

How come sb1.assembly() doesn't return the values? :/

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JSP :: How To Print Alphabets

Feb 24, 2014

I am trying to print alphabets from A to F using <c:forEach>

<c:set var="ctr" value="${optListSize}"></c:set> //optListSize is the size of an arraylist
<c:forEach begin="65" end="${ctr}" varStatus="loop" step="1">
<c:out value="<%=String.fromCharCode(64+${ctr})%>"></c:out>

I tried the above code but it gives an error. How to go about printing A, B, C, D... incrementally

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How To Print Out First 6 Character Of Last Name

Feb 20, 2015

How to i print out the first 6 character of a last name even if the last name is and X like Malcolm X or Sung Li. X and Li being the last names

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