How To Set Size For Panel With Graphics2D Object

Oct 1, 2014

I am writing a program to solve Sudoku puzzles. I create the user interface using AWT/Swing.One panel of the main window (JFrame object) contains a Graphics2D component only (a grid for the sudoku puzzle). The problem is that this panel is too small for its contents when it is created. I have tried many things to make it bigger (like the setSize method of the panel), but to no avail. Who can tell me how I can make the panel with a single Graphics2D object larger?

Below is the code for the main window, which is a JFrame object. I set its size to 400 x 400 to have ample room for all panels. I then create two panels: a sudoku panel that contains the sudoku grid and a button panel that contains two buttons. The button panel has a flow layout.

I then create the main panel. This has a vertical BoxLayout. Finally I add the sudoku panel and the button panel to the main panel and the main panel to the frame.

public class ViewController_Graphics extends JFrame {
JButton solveButton = new JButton("Solve");
JButton nakedSinglesButton = new JButton("Naked Singles");

public ViewController_Graphics(SudokuModel model) {
// create sudoku panel


When I run the program, the following Window shows up:the button panel is exactly in the middle (and it remains in the middle, no matter how I resize the window). And there is not enough room for the sudoku panel. How can I make enough room for the sudoku panel when the window is created?

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Part Of Panel Missing - No Code Error (tried Changing Size)

Apr 20, 2014

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.text.*;

public class aaa extends JFrame
private JPanel combinationp, np, ap, dp, surgeryp, medicationp, infop; // input = name, address, days
private JLabel namelabel, addresslabel, dayslabel, infolabel;
private JTextField nametf, addresstf, daystf, selectedsurgerytf;
private JButton calcButton;

[Code] .....

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How To Get Object From Panel Back Across To GUI

Jul 6, 2014

I've been putting together an addressbook and try to work on some idea but I have hit a bit of a wal early on, and Im sure the problem is easy to resolve, I just can't get the old brain to do it.At present I have 5 classes


I have taken EnterDetailsPanel out of the main GUI code, as I plan, or had planned on using additional JPanels for the other options of the application until I got stuck. What I want the EnterDetails panel to do, which it does so far is to have the user enter all of their information and when the button is pressed it will then create a PersonDetails object and here is where my problem is. how to get the object from the panel back across to the GUI which initalises the AddressBook class in the constructor and add it to the List via an addDetails() method.

If I create a quick method in the AddressBookGUI class I can add the object to the List fine, I'm guessing this is because I have created a new instance of the AddressBook in here already via the constructor, however if I add an AddressBook reference in the EnterDetailsPanel I get a nullpointerexception for the opposite because it's not been created in there.These are what most of the classes do so far.

PersonDetails has a reference to the AddressDetails and holds all information for that person.AddressBook contains a List that accepts PersonDetails and has methods to add/remove the person.AddressBookGUI creates a new instance of the AddressBook class along with the general gui things. EnterDetailsPanel is added to JTabbedPane in the GUI class and allows the user to enter their details and submit those via a button which will then create a new PersonDetails object that I am trying to get added to the AddressBook class List

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Want To Know Size Of Object In Java

Mar 11, 2015

class Father
public int a=5;
private int b=10;


what is the size of obj from above code?

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Printing A Functioning JTextField On Graphics2D

Sep 10, 2014

I recently started making some Java games, and now I'm having some troubles,

It seems like I can't place a functioning JTextField on my Graphics2D object, I can place images, even the image of the component itself:

Java Code: Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) this.getGraphics();
JTextField jtf = new JTextField();
jtf.setSize(150, 70);
jtf.setLocation(220, 220);
jtf.print(g2d); mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

How can I make it work? I really need it for character name creation, chat, etc... so making a JDialog isn't an option for me.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: When Click On Button From Bottom Panel Top Panel Need To Be Redrawn

Apr 1, 2014

When i click on the button from bottom panel, top panel need to be redrawn. But redrawing is not happening. It happens only when resizing the applet.

public class Graphics_Chart(){
public init(){
JScrollPane topPane = new JScrollPane(new ImagePanel2());


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Rotating A Shape - Graphics2D Rotate (theta) Method

Jun 14, 2014

I am having a problem rotating a shape I am using the transformation rotation matrix and don't seem to be getting the results I expected. Now I know a lot of programmers will just tell me to use the Graphics2D rotate(theta) Method.But I would like to create this ability through writing the code.

package com.trigonometry;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.Timer;

[Code] ....

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Graphics2D / Drawing Double Rounded Corners Border?

Mar 26, 2014

I am struggling to make a double border which has rounded corners. The border should be 2 parallel lines.

I made something which looks almost good, but if you look closer there are a few wrong things.To achieve this, I made 2 paths, then painted them in 2 different colours.

The main problem is painting with AA, because the colours overlap and are affected.

I think it would be smoother to paint a single path using 2 colours.

For the first problem, I think some kind of a stroke would be enough. But, if I build a stroke, it's almost same thing like drawing the path twice, like I did before. Anyway i think that would fix AA problem. But still, maybe I can achieve a smoother effect for the corners.

Question:Maybe something with a 2x1 Texture ? It's possible to achieve this ? I know I tried this before and when a curve was encountered the direction of the texture was wrong and looked messy.

PS: Ignore the blueish thing, it's a dragged component to activate the highlight border.

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How To Switch From One Panel To Another Panel

Apr 5, 2014

I have two(panel1 and panel2) panels in a jframe,all three of them are different classes .

In jframe there is a display panel on which the panel1 and panel2 are called and displayed.

now i have a button in panel1 .i want that when i will click on that button panel2 will be displayed or added to the dispalypanel of jframe.

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Equals Method - Take Object Reference And Return True If Given Object Equals This Object

Mar 28, 2014

Create an equals method that takes an object reference and returns true if the given object equals this object.

Hint: You'll need 'instanceof' and cast to a (Geocache)

So far I have:

public boolean equals(Object O){
if(O instanceof Geocache){
Geocache j=(Geocache) O;
if (this.equals(j)) //I know this is wrong... but I can't figure it out
return true;

else return false;

I think I have it correct up to the casting but I don't understand what I'm suppose to do with the this.equals(). Also I'm getting an error that I'm not returning a boolean... I get this all the time in other problems. I don't get why since I have to instances of returning booleans in this. "returns true if the given object equals this object" makes no sense to me. I assume the given object, in my case, is 'O'. What is 'this' object referring to?

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When Add Second Panel The Result Is All White

May 11, 2014

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
public class PRJ04 extends JFrame {
public static void main (String [] args) {
PRJ04 frmApp = new PRJ04();
PanelChart pnlChart = new PanelChart();

[Code] .....

When I comment out the adding and setting of the pnlChart on my main driver, the pnlPopulationInputs shows up fine, and it runs ok. When I add the pnlChart I get errors like crazy and a white screen. My errors:

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
at PanelChart.drawChart(
at PanelChart.paintComponent(
at javax.swing.JComponent.paint(

[Code] ....

Once more with this one, I refer back to our in class example. Our programs are set up the same, yet he has no issues with the "/ by zero" exception.

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Scrolling In Panel Won't Work

Oct 9, 2014

I've got a panel which an arbitrary number of text fields may be added to at run time. I've got it set up so that the window's height, and the height of the panel in which the fields appear will never exceed the height of the screen.What I don't have is a way to make the panel scroll to access the fields that are being visually truncated. I'm setting the autoscrolls on the panel to true, but when I run the program, the fields are simply truncated.


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Which Listener To Use On Video Panel

Jun 4, 2014

I have panel = window(new frame) and its used to render a video image on, i need to pickup a touchscreen press change of event but not sure which event listener to use and on which component. Is it a panel, window or frame event? and which listener would detect a focus change or a mouse press

I know mouse listener and focus listener and window listeners are available but not sure they would be able to detect the screen press on the video rendered image...

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Graphing Using Drawing Panel

May 1, 2014

import java.awt.*;
 public class Program5 {
 public static void main(String[] args) {
DrawingPanel panel = new DrawingPanel(300,500);
Graphics g = panel.getGraphics();
g.setFont(new Font("Helvetica", Font.PLAIN, 12));
double ball = 10;


I'm fairly new to Java and am having a hard time with this particular assignment. The program runs and shows up on the drawing panel fine but I can't get the lines quite right.Capture.jpg

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Fill A Panel With Seats

Jun 13, 2014

We get a database and some DAO classes. We had to fill a ShowPanel with different shows being given in a theatre, and then when you choose from this you get several dates. Then when you click a date, the seatings appear in the SeatPanel. I got the first part with the shows and dates. But Im stuck at getting the seatings.We have a controller class which calls the shows+dates (this happens in one method). But i always get a nullpointerexception for the seatings. (this happens in a different method). I think i just don't know how to link the chosen show+date with the seatings.For the moment i have

public ArrayList<Seats> getSeating() throws SeatingException{
Show s = shows.getName();
ArrayList<Showdate> showdate = s.getDates();
ArrayList<Place> seating = new ArrayList<Place>();
for (Showdate sd : showdate ){


The given class PlaceDao has a static getInstance() method and an ArrayList<model.Place> getSeating(model.Showdate showdate) method.In the next stage i have to try and fill the panel with the seatings, but first i need to be able to call them.

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Button Not Showing On Panel?

Jan 27, 2014

I have three classes.. 1. panel class 2. frame class and 3. tester class...I am creating the objects like so but when I add button to panel then panel to frame I am not seeing the button. here is my code

import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
public class Panel extends JPanel{
private JPanel p;
private JButton b;


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Centering A Panel In JFrame

Nov 19, 2014

Okay so I have the codes all written but I didn't really look at that I had to color the center of the frame. I have base code for it but it just doesn't want t ocolor the cnter frame for me for some reason. I have been looking around and still am having problem with it only coloring the center of the frame.

Java Code:

import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.JMenu;
import javax.swing.JMenuBar;
import javax.swing.JMenuItem;
public class MenuColors {

[Code] ....

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Transparent Panel Drawing

Apr 23, 2015

solve my problems regarding drawings on my JPanel(Transparent panel).My Jframe & other components are created by netbeans GUI builder & the transparent panel is created manually but one problem is that i can't impose this Transparent panel into JFrame like it is attached to the JFrame.Another problem is that,i want that transparent panel size should be counted in inch like my attached picture(TOTAL SIze 36 inch) & also when i clicked on that panel those mouse points highest distance should be measured in Inch.How can i do all of these three task??

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Get Object Strings To Print In List So That User Can Select That Object To Manipulate Its Attributes

Oct 7, 2014

I am new to Java and have read books, the Java docs, and searched the Internet for my problem to no avail. I have an Array of objects that contains strings. How can I get the object's strings to print in a list so that the user can select that object to manipulate its attributes? For example, the user can select "Guitar 1" from a list and manipulate its attributes like tuning it, playing it, etc. I have a class called Instruments and created 10 guitar objects.Here is the code:

Instrument [] guitar = new Instrument[10];
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
guitar[0] = new Instrument("Guitar 1");
guitar[1] = new Instrument("Guitar 2");
guitar[2] = new Instrument("Guitar 3");
guitar[3] = new Instrument("Guitar 4");
guitar[4] = new Instrument("Guitar 5");
guitar[5] = new Instrument("Guitar 6");


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How To Change Background Color Of Panel

Oct 23, 2014

I have a Jpanel with JButtons on the panel is it possible to change the background color of the pannel but leave the JButtons thr default color

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GUI - Calling Int And Double Values From One Panel To Another

May 10, 2014

So I am making a panel project that calls three panels. Panel one holds all information and the other two panels are panels that open up when I press a button. How it works is I call the first panel, press a button, second panel opens. Then in the second panel I plug in a password. If it is correct, a third panel will open. I need to call values from the first panel into the third panel and those values act as sort of like counters. In the third panel it will display all the counters that were added as well as the complete sub total, tax, and total that the program accumulated during its run time duration. I know how to use constructors, accessors and mutators, but the values I need are generated in an event when I press a button. I am trying to figure out how to call those values from the event into the third panel. Here is my code :

Main Class:
import javax.swing.*;
public class AppleRegister {
public static void main(String[] args) {
double subTotalp2 = 0, taxP2 = 0, realTotalp2 = 0;
JFrame frame = new JFrame("Apple Crazy Cola Cash (Apple IIC) Register");

[Code] .....

Here is the main panel holding the information. The counters counterp21 through p24, subTotalp2, taxP2, and realTotalp2 are the values that need to be carried over to the third panel and displayed in the textfields. I will post half of the panel, at least the important parts. Notice that I made my constructor initialize double variables which are the subTotalp2, taxP2, and realTotalp2. In this instance, I am not calling the counters just yet due for the sake of testing purposes. TempListener2 is the event that holds the variables that I am trying to call into the third panel.

Main Panel:
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
public class AppleRegisterPanel extends JPanel {
private JButton button1, button2, button3, button4, button5, button6;

[Code] ......

And here is how I am trying to call those values into the third panel. If you notice, the class is actually called AppleRegisterPanel2; this is because I made this before the second panel that is now implemented. This panel now acts as the third panel.

Third Panel:
public class AppleRegisterPanel2 extends JPanel {
private JButton b1;
private JTextField t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7;
private JPanel panel, panel2, panel3;
private JLabel l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, l6, l7, l8, l9;
private double subTotalp2, realTotalp2, taxP2;

[Code] ....

So my question is; is what I am trying to do even possible? I know the information that is being stored is inside a void that is acting as an event. As it stands the code that is called in the third panel is 0.0. I know this code seems sloppy but I've been trying different things with no result. How I can do this if at all?

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How To Hide A Panel But Preserve The Space

Mar 27, 2014

I have eight panels that are one above the other and are the full width of the frame.

I would like to hide some of them some of the time and then "bring them back".

If I use panel1.setVisible(false) panel1 will disappear but then all the panels below it move up to take panel1's place.

I don't want that to happen. I want just a blank area where panel1 was.

Is there a way to do that?

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JSF :: PrimeFaces Accordion Panel Information

Aug 13, 2014

I have an JSF that uses primefaces accordion snippet. However I want to populate the information from each tab from a seperate webpage that would also have accordion snippet in it. I can do this on a single page no problem, but the length of the program (webpage) is getting to the point that it is unmanageable.

The code I have:

<p:layoutUnit position="center">
<p:accordionPanel activeIndex="null">
<p:tab title="Burglar">
<h:outputText value= "Burglar"/>
<p:accordionPanel activeIndex="null">
<p:tab title="Skills">
<h:outputText value= "Skills"/>

[Code] ....

What I am after:

<p:layoutUnit position="center">
<p:accordionPanel activeIndex="null">
<p:tab title="Burglar">
<h:outputText value= "Burglar"/>
<p:accordionPanel activeIndex="null" url="burglar.xhtml">

[Code] ....

How to get this to work... I am sure that it has something to do with my url but not sure how to fix it and I can not find anything on the web on how to do this.

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Function That Returns The Panel Of The Graph

Jun 9, 2014

Before I created the data file are the points of x and y I created a model class that represents the graph. I have a problem with making a function that returns the panel of the graph.

Attached File(s)

 data.cvs.txt (726bytes)
Number of downloads: 12
 chart.txt (3.72K)
Number of downloads: 10

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Enable / Disable All Textboxes In Panel

May 31, 2014

I am learning Java but have a strong C# background. I am trying to figure out the syntax to do this in Java. In C# I would do the following to enable all text boxes in a panel

private void EnableAll() {
foreach (Control ctrl in Panel1.Controls) {
if (ctrl is Textbox)
((Textbox)ctrl.Enabled = true;

Is there something similar I can do in Java to do the same thing.

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Collapse / Expand Panel In Java

Nov 13, 2014

If I wish to create a toolbox that looks like the toolbox as in photoshop tat some can collapse or expand, which type of button or function should I use?

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