How To Cache Data Reading From Collection Of Text Files In A Directory Using TreeMap

May 4, 2015

How can I Cache the data I'm reading from a collection of text files in a directory using a TreeMap? Currently my program reads the data from several text files in a directory and the saves that information in a text file called output.txt. I would like to cache this data in order to use it later. How can I do this using the TreeMap Class? These are the keys,values: TreeMap The data I'd like to Cache is (date from the file, time of the file, current time).
public class CacheData {
  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
  String target_dir = "C:Files";
  String output = "C:Filesoutput.txt";
  File dir = new File(target_dir);
  File[] files = dir.listFiles();
 [Code] ....

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How To Read Only Text Files In A Directory

Apr 30, 2015

I've written a program to read files in a directory but I'd like for it to only read the text files of that directory.
public class Data {
  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
  String target_dir = "C:files";
  File dir = new File(target_dir);
  File[] files = dir.listFiles();
[Code] .....

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Searching For Any Entered Text In A Directory Of Multiple Scanned PDF Files

Mar 31, 2015

Within tomcat "webapps" directory, have lots of scanned PDF files (size in KB and MB).Using Java and JSP, I want to search for any user entered text in these scanned PDF files.The result must display the name of those PDF files which has that entered text.

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Reading Files From A Text File

May 26, 2014

So I have a text file, and I want my Java program to store names from the text file. How do I do that? This is what I have so far.

Java Code: import java.util.Scanner;
BingoCard[] cards = new BingoCard[n]; //Array of BingoCard objects, n being the length of the Array
Scanner sc = new Scanner(File("Names")); //Names is the name of the file
for(int c = 0; c < cards.length; c++)
cards[c] = new BingoCard(sc.nextLine); mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

Here's the constructor.

Java Code: private string myName;
public BingoCard(String name)
myName = name;
} mh_sh_highlight_all('java');
Whenever I compile, I get this error message.

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Reading Multiple Text Files From A Folder - Cannot Resolve Syntax Error

Apr 29, 2015

In the current program I am trying to read multiple text files from a folder. I keep getting the following syntax error

"Syntax error on token ";", { expected after this token".

I highlighted the line where im getting this error in red.
import java.util.*;
 public class CacheData {
  // Directory path here
    String path = "C:myfiles*.txt";
[Code] ....

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JavaWs - Importing Two JNLP Files Into System Cache

May 8, 2014

Have an issue with deploying our application, which comes in two parts, with javaws . In our installer (which is coded in NSIS) we call javaws twice, each time referencing a different jnlp file. It looks like this:

javaws -wait -shortcut -import -system[params]

javaws -wait -shortcut -import -system[slightly different params]

Whichever jnlp file is second gets imported into System Applications. My guess is that it is overwriting the first imported application.

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EJB / EE :: When Timer Data In Cache Is Updated On One Server / How To Make It Synchronize To Other Servers

Oct 31, 2014

Our company has a web based project which using the Jboss EAP 6.1 +EJB 3.1 + JSF2 and deployed it in a cluster environment(Server A,Server B and Server C).We have created some schedule tasks by using EJB timer service and the timer data file is stored in a central file system.And users can login and access to a task configuration page to customise his own tasks by create,update,delete actions etc.But we find that the timers don't work correctly in the cluster environment.

For example.When we start the Servers(A,B,C),each server will load the timer file data into his own node cache from the central file system.But when one user go to the task configuration page to update or delete his own tasks from one of the Servers, it only update the change on its own node cache and don't replicate the timer data to other nodes' cache and which cause the problem.

I know there is one way to fix it is that we could shutdown the three Servers and re-boot them and the timer data file will be re-loaded into each server's cache. But we can't do that because the users want their own created/updated tasks take effect immediately once they change them.My question is that when the timer data in cache is updated on one server, how to make it synchronize to the other Servers'.

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Collection Of Files - Produce Sum Of Integers

Feb 18, 2014

Write a function (or functions) that given a collection of files will produce a sum of integers from each line of each file. Each file can have any number of lines from 1 to N. Each line can contain only one integer and no other alphanumeric characters. All of the numbers from all of the files should be added to the final result. The result is just one number.

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Reading DICOM Image From Another Directory

May 5, 2014

I am trying to crate an interface for the following file (code). The interface that I am trying to create will display a open dialog box where the user chooses which image (.dcm) it would like to open and then it should open it in a frame. The code below shows opening the image. The image opens when the image is in the same folder as the source code but I need it to open from a given path and I am really confused on how to do that. I have tried a lot of methods but still doesn't seem work. How to make it work.
This is the code (assuming the parameter that you are passing in image.dcm, I have tried a full path name on mac computer which is like /Users/Documents/image.dcm, where this path name never works):
* This class displays the first frame of a file from any format
* supported by ImageIO.
* In the case of DICOM files, stored values are displayed as
* is, without using Value of Interest or Presentation LUTs.
class Read1 {
  public static void main(String[] s) {

[Code] .....

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How To Find Files In Given Directory

Aug 1, 2007

In my program I have to get directory name&address, in this directory is none, one, or more *.txt(maybe not *.txt files) and I have to read info from all of them.

On C++ is very easy to do that with "findnext, find last, findfirst", so how can I do this in Java?

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I/O / Streams :: How To Iterate Over Files In A Directory One By One

Oct 5, 2014

Requirements - Use only standard Java API and no apache file utils for this.

Most of the answers I found on the internet either dont meet this requirement or load all file names into an array which can consume too much memory when no. of files = 20,000+. how I can do this. Is there also a way to keep track of new files that were added during the execution of the loop in this code ?

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File Is Not Visible Because It Is At Almost End Of Files In Directory

Jan 8, 2015

ensureFileIsVisible not working.

JFileChooser fileChooser = new JFileChooser();
fileChooser.setCurrentDirectory(new File(currentDirectory));
File f = new File(currentDirectory);
ArrayList<String> names = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(f.list()));
for (String s : names)
if (s.startsWith(yearofIssueTXT.getText())) {
fileChooser.setSelectedFile(new File(s));
int result = fileChooser.showOpenDialog(addNewCoinBody);

The file is not visible because it is at almost the end of the files in the directory. I want the filechooser to automatically scroll so that the file is seen in the list.

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Finding Source Files In Other Directory With Class Path Option

Apr 23, 2015

I'm having another issue. I have 2 java source files(see below). They are place in the same directory. How do I compile them using classpath?

I have already tried 1st attempt :

javac -cp [did not work!]
2nd attempt: javac -cp [again, did not work!]
package com.companyname.interview;
public class DuplicateReplace { /* code */}

[Code] ....

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Get List / Map Or Array Of A Specific File Type Files In A Directory?

Sep 18, 2014

If I specify the directory in file type or path string type how can I get a list of files that are file type .yml in that folder, so I can loop through and do something with each single file.yml in that specified directory.

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Populate Data In JSP Page - Collection Framework

Feb 20, 2015

I have one table in DB i.e. emp. I want to perform all CRUD (insertion,selection,deletion,updation) in DB. Now i want to populate that data in jsp page. Which Collection framework?

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Which Collection Framework Class Will Delete Data

Jun 19, 2014

I got a question , which collection framework class will delete data if we call "get".

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Collection Sort When Getting Array Values From Text File?

Nov 27, 2014

I working on a bank program that gets a user id, name and balance from a text file. I need to be able to sort based on each field. I'm using Collection.sort and Comparator. I'm using String[] array = file.toFile().list(); to get the values for the array from the text file. I can't figure out how to make this into an arraylist. I understand the concept when hardcoding the data but having trouble doing it from a text file.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Reading From HTMLEditorKit Doesn't Display Text While In Text / HTML Content Type?

Apr 24, 2015

I'm working on a simple text editor, and I'm currently saving the contents of my JTextPane in a file using an HTMLEditorKit (text is a JTextPane):

private void save() throws IOException {
int returnVal = fc.showSaveDialog(window);
if (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
StyledDocument doc = (StyledDocument)text.getDocument();
HTMLEditorKit kit = new HTMLEditorKit();
BufferedOutputStream out;

[Code] ....

The problem I'm having is that after opening a file that I saved, it does not display (if I disable text/html, it displays the entire html code, but when I re-enable it, nothing displays at all.) Am I loading it wrong, or am I setting the JTextPane's text incorrectly? Or is it, perhaps, another error that I didn't catch?

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Saving Text File As HTML In Target Directory

Jun 7, 2014

JFrame parentFrame = new JFrame();
File f12=new File("E:
JFileChooser fileChooser = new JFileChooser();
fileChooser.setDialogTitle("Specify a file to save");
int userSelection = fileChooser.showSaveDialog(parentFrame);


I want to save selected text file as html file in target directory....

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Reading Data From A File And Putting That Data In Arrays

Feb 8, 2015

I am creating a program where it reads the data inside a file and then places this data into arrays. The file I created has numbers 1-30 in it, file named, testing1.txt .

Java Code:

public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
// Variables Declaration Section
BufferedReader br;
String sCurrentLine;
String str;

[Code] ....

My issue is that the 'str' value is not initialized, but if I initialize it, it ruins the code. I'm not sure what to do in the situation.

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Substrings And Reading In Files

Feb 6, 2015

I know that I need to use substrings, but I'm not sure how to implement them. All of the names are red in from the file "employees.txt".

Using the file Employees.txt

1) Scan the file and create user ids for each person according to the following scheme

a) Take the first and last character of the first name, convert them to upper case

b) Take the first and last character of the last name, convert them to upper case

c) Concatenate the results from a and b
i) Example: John Brown would yield => JNBN

d) Add the length of the first name to the length of the last name, disregarding spaces

e) Concatenate the result from step c to the result of step d
i) Example: John Brown would yield => JNBN9

f) Concatenate a four digit number to the end of this.
i) The numbers should begin with 0000 and increment by 1
ii) Example: If John Brown is the fifth name in the list the resulting UserID would be => JNBN90004

2) Display the user ids in four columns with a width of 14

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Reading And Writing Wav Files

May 17, 2014

I have copied a wav file as explained in [URL] ..... When trying to play my new file, it runs but no sound is hear. My reading and writing class is as explained in another post in the site:

This is the function that reads the file:

// read a wav file into this class
public boolean read(DataInputStream inFile) {
myData = null;
byte[] tmpInt = new byte[4];
byte[] tmpShort = new byte[2];

[Code] ....

I can't hear the copied wav file, but still the wav file is correctly copied...

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Reading And Writing Files

Nov 11, 2014

public class Tester
public static void main(String[] args)
Product p1 = new Product();
System.out.println("Actual: " + p1.toString());
System.out.println("Expected: Product [id=12345, name=Monitor, description=A freakin great monitor!]");

p1.setName("another product");
p1.setDescription("Description of another product!");


The expected output is what my program should be doing and the actual output is what it's doing instead. As you can see, my code works for the middle test. But I cannot understand why it won't load the first fileFor the second half, the id and the quantity are separated by a comma... I'm not really sure how to deal with that. As you can see, I tried using a delimiter, but it doesn't seem to be doing any good.

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Reading Variables And Their Values From Files?

Apr 13, 2014

So here is my code:

while (key != 3) {
if (key == 2) {
System.out.println("Input from a file");
// System.out.print("Enter file name: ");
// String str = expression.nextLine();
int i = 0;
File file = new File(


What I need to happen is the file gets read in, the file is in the form:

a * ( b + c ) / 2 + ( 8 * b )
a = 5
b = 10
c = 20
( x + y ) * z
x = 13
y = 21
z = 3

And so on. My code is supposed to start at the beginning and have output like:

Infix: a * b ( b + c ) / 2 + ( 8 * b )
variable values:
a = 5
b = 10
c = 20

**It then needs to store the variable names along with their values in a hash table**

postfix: a b c + * 2 / 8 b * +
value: 155

And it continues reading the file in the same fashion.

My issue is I am not properly extracting the variables and their values from the file. I have the variables in an array list actually, so I have those, but don't know how to efficiently navigate to the values, then store the character and value in a hash table, while protecting against possible blank lines within the file. Thus just calling nextLine()s and next()s wouldn't work to get to values because they would lead to an error.

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Recursively Reading Files Within Directories

Nov 1, 2014

I just can't seem to figure it out how to solve this inherently recursive assignment.The task is to check a directory path and read the files within that path; also, if there are more directories within it, we have to go deeper into those directories to read the files within them - if any. What you're looking at is my skeleton of the assignment:

public class SearchingForStrings {

public static void main(String[] args) {
String path = "."; // Default
File sf = new File(path);
String mainDirectory = args[0]; // These two are just
String keyString = args[1]; // command-line arguments

countLinesWithString(sf, mysteriesDirectory, keyString);


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Reading And Writing Files Into Java?

Apr 17, 2015

have to create a file named Lab13.txt. In the file I have 10 random numbers. I have to import the 10 numbers and have to Multiply all the numbers from Lab13.txt by 10 and save all the new numbers a new file named Lab13_scale.txt. so if the number 10 is in lab13.txt it prints 100 to Lab13_scale.txt. how do i get it to Multiply Here is what I have:

Java Code: import;
import java.util.Scanner;


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