How To Link Netbeans To Netlogo

Mar 9, 2015

I want to connect netbeans to netlogo. I have a class: NetLogoConnection I want to call the class when I click on OK btn in my GUI. The codes are as following:

XML Code: import;
public class NetLogoConnection {
public static void main(String[] argv) {
try {
new Runnable() {
public void run() {


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How To Create And Link Two Classes

Apr 16, 2014

i have tried moving the

//create line
Point beginOfLine = new Point(point1, point2);
//ask user for second pair of coordinates
System.out.print("Enter the coordinates for X2 or <Random> or <Exit>:");

code part to another class but nothing..this is what a second class should be doing

1 - Write a java class called Point to represent a 2-D point (With x and y)

- The constructor should take the x & y as double

- The class should have accessor / mutator methods for all coordinates

2 - Write a java class called Line to represent a line (with a starting point and an ending point)

- The constructor arguments are the start and end points

//import utilities to be used in the program
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Random;
public class Point {
//declare variables
private double pointX, difX;
private double pointY, difY;


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Link Not Working In Jtable

May 26, 2014

The JTable that I'm using in my program fetches its value from the database. Now one of the fields contain the link item. I basically want it to be clickable so that once the user clicks on this link then he is directed to the desired webpage. I've tried to implement this in my code but somehow nothing seems to work.

Java Code:

public class JTableButtonMouseListener extends MouseAdapter
private final JTable table;
public JTableButtonMouseListener(JTable table) {
this.table = table;

[Code] .....

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JSP :: Change The Status Of Link

Sep 19, 2014

In my jsp page , functionality is their to change the status of the employee, so i want that if i click on activate it should change the link to the deactivate and when i click on deactivate it should change to activate. How can i do that?

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JSP :: Display The Data On Edit Link?

Feb 10, 2014

I want to display the data on edit link according to Id no .For Ex I have data on the table below

IDName Emp ID Dept Edit
1xyz 3425 abcd Edit

On Edit link display the data according to ID number. How can i write the code.

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JSP :: Unable To Send Parameters In A Link

Dec 17, 2014

What's wrong ? I'm trying to send parameters in a link so I can get this parameter (an id) and get all the forum-threads that are relatives to this parameter. Because I can't set attributes in a link. Or can I ?

<c:out value='<a href="<c:url value="threads.jsp">
<c:param name="idSub" value="${subforum.idsubforum }"/>
<c:param name="subName" value="${ }"/>
</c:url>">${}</a>' escapeXml=""/>

does not work but I read it's not used in html. I'm really lost on this one.

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Copy Target Of Link In Windows

Dec 8, 2014

How to copy the target of a link? I am using Apache's FileUtils class. I have tried the following and it only copies the link, not the target:

public class Copier {
public static void main(String[] args) {
File sourceFile = new File("C:/Demo/sourceDir/a_link.lnk");
File destinationDirectory = new File("C:/Demo/destinationDirectory");
FileUtils.copyFileToDirectory(sourceFile, destinationDirectory);

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Javadoc Link To External Resource

Mar 17, 2014

In our product, we have many different of "roles". Some of these roles are defined in our dataload JSON and others are defined in our bootstrap SQL.

Throughout our code, we refer to specific roles by name. We want to provide some sort of documentation for these roles when we mention them in documentation, but we don't want to maintain multiple definitions/descriptions for these roles (ie: we don't want one for documentation and a separate one for execution).

Any way we can "expose" the role definitions to the documentation? The best thing I've got is adding some sort of "export script" to each generation of the javadocs, but I don't have a clue how, or if, that can even be done...

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How To Just Copy A Link To Results Page

Dec 17, 2014

I'm working on a simple site for my friend, and he asked me to link to his other site. I need to have the link to a specific search. For example, if I search for "Heathrow," I need to be able to link a button on the other site so that it can be clicked and directed to the search results on this page. Problem is that this is apparently all Java (which I know nothing of) and how to just copy a link to the results page.

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How To Find All Symbolic Link In A Directory In Windows

Sep 30, 2014

I need to design a gui that will find out all the dead symbolic link from the directories. And I used the logic and syntax I find out in java orcle docs. And If I will give the direct path name of the symbolic file then it is running fine with the output and enable to find the smbolic link is active or not. Now the real problem is that , I want that logic of detection should run out through the complete files and subdirectories of the directory. So Then I used the tree walk concept to transver through the complete file system of the directory and embed the logic of the detection inside it for detection of the dead symbolic link. But now it showing erroe which is not approacable for me.

import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
public class To_Transver {


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JSF :: Click Link Tooltip Box Gets Stuck On Next Page

Jan 31, 2014

I have a tooltip implemented on a main page, but when you click the link tooltip box gets stuck on next page

<h:outputText value="#{it.get(newItem.strCampoNombre)}" rendered="#{newItem.strCampoTipo == '1' or newItem.strCampoTipo == '5' or newItem.strCampoTipo == '4' or newItem.strCampoTipo == '9' or newItem.strCampoTipo == '10' or newItem.strCampoTipo == '11'}" />
<h:outputText value="#{it.get((newItem.strCampoToolTip))}" rendered="#{newItem.strCampoTipo == '8'}" />
<rich:tooltip styleClass="tooltip" layout="block" rendered="#{newItem.strCampoTipo == '8'}" showDelay="500" onhide="false" hideEvent="mouseleave">
<span class="wrap"> <h:outputText value="#{it.get(newItem.strCampoNombre)}" /> </span>


I tried to change the tooltip parameter but didnt find the solution.

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JSP :: Dynamic Menu Duplicates Every Time A Link Is Clicked

Jan 2, 2015

I have following code to populate a dynamic menu from categories retrieved from database

<jsp:useBean id="category" class="category.CatBean" scope="application"></jsp:useBean>

<c:if test="${applicationScope.cartList == null}">
<c:set var="catList" value="${category.categoryList}" scope="application"/>
<div id="categoryBrowse"><label>Browse by Category</label></div>
<div id="cssmenu">

[Code] ....

It works fine. But every time I click on a link on the menu, it duplicates the whole menu.

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Link Objects And Calling A Variable Object Method

Jun 14, 2014

Say I have two classes, Author and Book, and I have 2 author objects and 10 book objects. I would like to know how to do two things:

1) Make some sort of connection that makes clear that author X wrote books A, B and F.
2) Call a method from a book object that is connected to an author.

Seeing as I don't know which books will be connected to an author, is there some way to call a method of an object bases on a variable object name? Something like call the getFirstPage() method for every book that is linked to author X?

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Slick2D Runnable Jar Not Running (Unsatisfied Link Error)

May 3, 2014

When I try to run my runnable jar file, it wont do anything. And when I try to run it from the console, it says

"java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no LWJGL in java.library.path..."

How do I fix this?

I've specified the path by properties > Libraries > lwjgl.jar > Native Library Location > .... And I chose the right paths. But I still get that java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError.

It says I'm getting an error on line 34 which is:

appgc = new AppGameContainer(new Game(gamename));

My whole main class is:

package net.battleboy;
import org.newdawn.slick.*;
import org.newdawn.slick.state.*;
 public class Game extends StateBasedGame {
 public static final String gamename = "Battle Boy 1.0 ALPHA";
public static final int menu = 0;
public static final int play = 1;
public static final int settings = 2;
[Code] .....

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Hide Login Link When User Gets Logged In From Same Page

May 15, 2014

I put link using JQuery on Home Page,

<div class="list_block1" >
script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.leanModal.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/postoffer.css" media="all"/>
<div class="container">
<a id="modal_trigger" href="#modal" class="btn">Click here to Login or register</a>

[Code] ....

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Expire Sending Link To A Mail After Particular Period Of Time

Feb 5, 2011

How to Expire the sending link to a mail after particular period of time

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JSF :: Navigating From Link In Primefaces Tree Menu To Specific Page

Jul 7, 2014

i have a problem with navigating from a link in a primefaces tree menu to a specific page. The explanation is the following: I have a template with the following code :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns=""


i had to put a "*" in the from-view-id tag to be able to navigate to the pages specified with the navigation cases. If i put /templates/leftMenu.xhtml insted of * then the navigation doesn't work and i get the error "WARNING: JSF1064: Unable to find or serve resource, /deleteDepartment-page.xhtml."

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Adding Complicated Selections To Eclipse Link Criteria Builder?

Jan 21, 2015

How to add select case

when to_char(trunc(TO_DATE ('03-APR-2015','DD-MM-YYYY'), 'mm'), 'FMDAY') = 'SUNDAY'
then to_number(to_char(TO_DATE ('03-APR-2015','DD-MM-YYYY'), 'W'))+1
             else ceil((to_char(TO_DATE ('03-APR-2015','DD-MM-YYYY'), 'dd') + 1 - to_char(next_day(trunc(TO_DATE ('03-APR-2015','DD-MM-YYYY'), 'mm'), 'SUNDAY'), 'dd'))/7)+1
        end week_no
from dual
query to Eclipse Link CriteriaBuilder

I am able to add distinct(to_char(sum(datecolumn,number),'W-MM-YYYY')) like
                       Expression sum = cb.sum(CriteriaQueryUtils.getPath(rt, breakupFields), cb.literal(miliSecToAdd));
                        Expression<String> literal = cb.literal("W-MM-YYYY");
                        Expression<String> functionselectclause = cb.function("TO_CHAR", String.class, sum,literal);
                        return ).distinct(true).where(p).orderBy(orders);

But need to know how to add case when else to CriteriaBuilder...

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Enterprise JavaBeans :: Error When Deploying - Unable To Link Class

Mar 25, 2013

Trying to deploy the application with webService project fails with below error

weblogic.j2ee.dd.xml.AnnotationProcessException: [EJB:015001]Unable to link class oracle.apps.scm.productCollaboration.common.businessClasses.businessClassesService.applicationModule.
server.BusinessClassServiceImpl in Jar /scratch/software/mw_local/FMWTOOLS_11.

[Code] ....

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How To Link Compress Method To Return Statement Method GetPText

Oct 30, 2014

Alright, I don't understand how to link my compress method to my return statement method "getPText". Also in my compression I only want it to compress for 3 or more consecutive letters.

import java.util.Scanner;
class RunLengthCode {
String pText;
String cText; 
void setPText(String PText) {
pText = "";


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JSP :: Forward Invokes DoPost When Manual Link Invokes DoGet

Aug 17, 2014

I have a jsp page that has a url that looks like this

<p><a href="SubscriptionController?action=subscriptionlist">Administrator Subscription Maintenance List</a></p>

Now I want to essentially slide through that page by using jsp:forward instead of the link

<jsp:forward page="/SubscriptionController?action=subscriptionlist" />

Problem is, the link invokes the doGet method of my servlet and the jsp:forward invokes the doPost. Is it possible to use jsp:forward and specify doGet somehow?

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2D Array In NetBeans GUI

Aug 9, 2014

I am trying to create a program in NetBeans GUI builder and I am having trouble creating the 2D array. Here is what I have come up with so far:

private void enterButtonActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
// TODO add your handling code here:
double time = 0;
time = Double.parseDouble(timeText.getText());

[Code] ....

Right now it is printing what i need but I need to separate columns, not rows.

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End Is Not Working In Netbeans

Jun 2, 2014

Currently the while near the end is not working in netbeans. It is saying illegal start of type. This whole section was working before when it was within the public static void method. I moved it to a separate class to try and clear up a, static variable problem. My question is can i fix it to keep it structured this way. Or do I have to put it back into the main method and try to work out the static variable problem a different way.

public class InventoryProgram {
double[] dvdprice; // defines variables
int[] dvdnum;
int[] dvdstock;
String[] dvdnames;
int count;
double total;


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Other Classes Not Recognised By NetBeans GUI

Jan 21, 2014

I'm working on a University project creating a simple game using Netbeans but I'm totally stuck. I've created a number of classes to perform various methods, such as throwing back formatted text but I can't get them to work from within a Swing GUI created in Netbeans.

The Main method simply creates an instance of another class called Game which then itself creates instances of a number of other classes (textEngine, timer) and also a Swing GUI Class. The GUI appears on screen ok and I've been able to get methods working inside the GUI such as changing pictures and text when clicking a button. But I CANT get the GUI class to recognise the instances of the other classes or access their methods. I've created an instance of the TextEngine class called tEng. So I type this code in the GUI class:


getPhrase() returns a String based on the number passed in the argument. But Netbeans reports an error that tEng is not recognised as a symbol despit it being a member of the same package. Creating the instance of the class within the GUI class likewise fails:

TextEngine tEng = new TextEngine();

Again the class is not recognised.

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Difficult To Create JAR In NetBeans

May 5, 2014

I'm trying to create a JAR in NetBeans, but I get messages.:

C: Users Administrator Desktop Project nbproject build-impl.xml: 993: The Following error occurred while executing this line:

C: Users Administrator Desktop Project nbproject build-impl.xml: 837: copylibs does not support the "excludeFromCopy" attribute

NetBeans does not generate the. JAR because disses errors.

My specs

Version of OS = Windows 7 64 Bit
Java version = 1.7.0_55
Netbeans version = 7.0.1

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Stopwatch Program In Netbeans

Oct 18, 2014

This is a stopwatch program. Somehow, the run method in the displayUpdater does not get called. Overall, the program should have a start button and when the user clicks start, the button changes into a timer. My timer doesn't count here because the run method is not called.

import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
public class StopWatchNew extends javax.swing.JFrame {
* Creates new form StopWatchNew
public StopWatchNew() {

[Code] ....

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