How To Call EAR File From Standalone Java Code

Apr 14, 2014

I have a EAR file which has a java class file and EAR file is deployed in weblogic.I have to call the java class of EAR file from a standalone java code which is present inside a JAR.While making the call to EAR i have to pass a parameter from JAR to one of the methods of class file which is present in EAR.

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How To Call Java Methods From Different Java File

Apr 14, 2015

I create 2 files: 

In, How can i call method in ?

Should I put everything in same folder ??Should i do something like "import"Should i do something like create a package ...

I use Eclipse software

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How To Call Java Class File From Press Of Button On Apex

Dec 23, 2013

I am newbie in java and little bit known to apex. I  write an java code and compile it to class file. Now i want to call that class file from an push of button on apex. When button is pushed i need some arguments to be password to java class files . For arguments i need to take the item value from the apex page.
But i stuck on how to call that java class file from apex. On command prompt when i ran java class file, its working.

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Servlets :: Java Standalone Program To JSP Communication

Aug 4, 2014

The following programs exist:

1. I have a java application which accepts bio potential data every second or two and stores it in the database. This is a socket server which accepts this data from multiple clients and spawns a new thread for processing it to store in the db.

2. I have a jsp page on tomcat server which reads historic client data from database (stored by application 1) and displays it on the page.

The socket server program in 1.) above is not running inside of tomcat server.The new requirement now is : Display all of the human data coming in live on the jsp page.Now the problem: I will now need to pass the live data from socket server (which is stand alone) to the jsp which is running on a tomcat server.

Possible solutions:

APPROACH 1: Run the socket server in the tomcat instead of stand alone and store the frequently incoming data in a java object so the jsp can access this object every second and display it on a graph.

PROBLEM : The stand alone java application does not need to be included in a tomcat server except for the fact that the jsp needs access to the live data. Also, I have read that this is not the best way.

APPROACH 2: Expose the stand alone java application as a web service and communicate with the jsp using REST architecture.

PROBLEM : The complication of using this method is that it will not have the flexibility offered by websockets or server sent events (SSE) of auto updating the latest data. The jsp will have to keep polling for new data every one second which is also not a very good option.

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EJB / EE :: Invoking From Standalone Java Client In JBoss7?

Apr 24, 2014

ejb. Using Eclipse and Jboss server. I've deployed an EJB and now want to invoke it using a standalone java program. I know that Eclipse and JBoss do some job to bind JNDI names. I just want to know that how to lookup EJB by which JNDI binding out of 6 options available (shown in deployment console) there.

Here I'm dropping all my java code and server/console logs...

package com.bhavesh.ejb;
import java.util.List;
import javax.ejb.Remote;


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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Embedded Browser In A Standalone Java App Running On Windows

Aug 24, 2014

I have an embedded browser in a standalone java app running on windows. The browser calls up web pages over the internet with no problem.

import org.eclipse.swt.browser.Browser;
final Browser browser = new Browser(group01, SWT.NONE);
browser.setBounds(0, 0, 1000, 400);

I have a C executable which captures and documents network traffic. I communicate with it by entering into any browser (it works with them all). It responds with a simple html form (three buttons, a tick box, a label, and one text box).However I cannot get it to work with the embedded SWT browser.

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Embed Existing JAVA Applet To New Standalone Swing Application

Oct 9, 2014

I want to embed an existing JAVA applet in to my swing application which is a standalone application. The applet is used in some other application which is not developed by me or my company. The application is open source application (So I have the source code). The entire existing application is basically one of the parts of my new application.

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JSP :: How To Call Stored Procedure Through Code

May 29, 2014

I have a .csv file ,and I have written a jsp code which uploads csv file to a local folder . Now I want to upload that csv file to database using stored procedure. Below I have included the code which uploads the csv to database.

<%@page import="org.apache.commons.fileupload.*,java.util.*,*"%>
<%@page import="java.sql.*"%>
<img border="1" src="img/tss.JPG" alt="portal" />


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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Build Code To Call Class As JTree?

Sep 28, 2014

I am trying to make a JTree. I have used this guide :[URL]

Now when I call my Class with

TreeMainMenu tree = new TreeMainMenu();
JScrollPane MainMenu = new JScrollPane(tree);

I get only the default JTree..

I need to understand how I should build my code to call the class as JTree.

This is my code:

public class TreeMainMenu extends JTree {
private DefaultMutableTreeNode top = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("TOP");
JTree tree;
public JTree TreeMainMenu() {
tree = new JTree(top);
return tree;


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Java Code Removed Data From XML File

Jul 16, 2014

I tried working with XML today, since that's what my book teaches. First, I read some data about Product objects that are suppose to represent products with a code, description, and price. That worked fine. Then, I tried creating a writeProducts(ArrayList<Product> products) method, and man it did not go well.

How it works is that there is an ArrayList instance variable in the class that keeps track of all of my products after the readProducts method returns that ArrayList from the XML file. When I ran the method I had a lot of stack traces printed. I then checked the file on a web browser and an editor, and saw it was completely empty. Here's the code:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import*; // StAX API
public class XMLTesterApp {
private static String productsFilename = "products.xml";
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Products list:");

[Code] ....

Java Result: 1

BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 0 seconds) mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

On a side note, is it normal if almost everything I writer has to be debugged?

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How To Set Column Width In Csv File Using Java Code

May 25, 2013

how to set the columnwidth in csv file using javacode.

I used FileWriter class to upload data into the csv file but csv file is taking default width while showing content. Is there a way to set the fixed column width or set width dinamically based on value?

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Java Code - Multiple Execution Of Jar File With Different Inputs

Jan 4, 2014

I would like to ask you how can i execute the next code without errors.

I am trying to execute a jar (myFile.jar) file multiple times with different inputs from another jar file. More simple i have game with many players and i create a Round Robin scheduling for the tournament, i need to execute all the mach's of a round together.

When i run the next code it execute on the first game with the first players multiple times.

Java Code:

public class RunJARFile {
//10 player
//5 game per round
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
for (int Tour = 0; Tour < 9 ; Tour++) {
for (int Game = 0; Game < 5; Game++) {

[Code] ....

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EJB / EE :: Convert Standalone Java Thread Application Into Web Application In Tomcat

Nov 17, 2014

convert or move standalone java thread application into Tomcat server container for accessing its JNDI services? Also is it possible to schedule this thread application in Tomcat server? is it possible to keep this app in tomcat as web application and schedule in window's scheduler.

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Java Source Code File Naming With Access Modifiers

Feb 3, 2014

Why is this not valid in java:

Both uses public with the same class/interface name.
public class Test implements Test{
/// Some codes
public interface Test {
///Some methods

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Read In Java Source Code File As Command Line Argument

Oct 31, 2014

I am trying to complete this question. I understand the most of it but I haven't go a clue to read in the file name.

Full question: Implement a program that reads in a Java source code file and checks to see if it has balanced {}brackets. Your program should use a stack, implemented as a linked list, to check the brackets.

NOTE: you can use a reference called top which points to the head of the list. Your program should run as a command line program and should take a filename as an argument and print one of BALANCED or NOT BALANCED.

For example: c:> java checkBalanced "" BALANCED

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Created New Project At Eclipse With Code Pasted Inside DomApli Container In Java File

Aug 11, 2014

I created a new project at eclipse with this code pasted inside a domApli container in a java file, I tried to run it but it wont work,

package domApli;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class Prg2 extends JFrame implements ActionListener{
JLabel lblNom;
JLabel lblEdad;
JTextField txtNom;


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Servlets :: Reset URL To JSP File After Servlet Call

Feb 14, 2014

I am a JSP/Servlet newbie currently adding the first servlets to a web site that had been static all along. My local instance worked great but the servlets did not respond on the test instance. Apparently, my hosting service provider requires me to use an invoker servlet mapping.


Adding this to local web.xml broke the application but the servlets respond on test instance (when their calls are not preceded by another servlet call). A Servlet fails when it is called immediately after another servlet has been called.

What I saw happening on test is URL for first call is of the form:<app-name>/servlet/<servlet-name>?Id=1

And URL for the second call became:<app-name>/servlet/servlet/<servlet-name>?Id=1

The servlets are invoked using "href=servlet/<servlet-name>?Id="

How can I avoid the inclusion of 'servlet' in the URL and reset the URL to the JSP page it navigates to after processing of the servlet?

P.S.: I am also trying to enable the Invoker servlet on local so I can troubleshoot easier. I went through the changes to Tomcat's web.xml and context.xml. However, my local servlets did not respond even after calling them using "href=<servlet-name>?Id=". Is there a way I can check if my invoker is active?

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JavaFX 2.0 :: FX Preloader In Standalone App

Jun 30, 2014

At the end I just copy and paste the code from section 9.3.4 (the long startup task example) and it still won't work. After starting the application I only see some black screen flickering at the upper left screen and then the main app shows up.
What I have done:
Using Netbeans 8.0 under Linux(Fedora20 64bit), JDK 1.8u5 ...
Here are the two classes - the main app :
import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.application.Platform;
import javafx.application.Preloader.ProgressNotification;

On my machine I see only a little black flickering on the left upper screen and then immediately the app is shown...
The only way I can get this to run is to set the custom preloader property in the Netbeans-project properties. If you use a maven based project in Netbeans you did not got this option ...

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Call Variables From Main To Write To External File

Apr 27, 2015

I have this program, I am wondering if it is possible to call files from the main method and sort them into my saveOneRocord method? If so, how would that look?

my orderProcess Class

package stu.paston.finalprogram;
import java.util.Scanner;

[Code] .....

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Standalone Taking So Much Time Than Web Application

Oct 29, 2014

I am working on a web-application where i have a functionality which generates reports based on the data from DB. for small amount of data its working nice if the data is huge its taking more time. to avoid this problem i developed a standalone batch where i generated the jar file for the sources in web-application and made a call to the appropriate methods.

But my problem is if web-application takes 10 secs to generate the report but in the case of standalone its taking nearly 3-5 mins to generate the same report. i didn't do much of the changes in code just using the same code as web-application

I am using tomcat 6 application server to run the web-application for standalone using batch commands.....

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Call DTS From Java

Jul 21, 2014

whether we can call DTS directly from Java.Solution which we got as below:-

1. Create dts

2. Create job in which we have to call dts

3. Call job from stored procedure

It pretty lengthy process and we are not sure how error handling can be done in this scenario.

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Call DTS From Java

Jul 22, 2014

We are using MS SQL server 2000, in which we have explored calling dtsrun.exe from Runtime class in java. But it is not suggested way to call dts, as error handling will be difficult.

whether we can call DTS directly from Java.

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Servlets :: How To Convert Webapp Into Desktop / Standalone Application

Nov 20, 2014

I have a web app using spring MVC + hibernate on the server side and jquery, ajax, javascript on the client side.

What I wish to do is to convert it into an exe file to make it standalone app.

Is there a software out there that can accomplish it? I don't want to recreate it from the scratch and I only know how to do web apps.

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To Call Java Method In JSP

Apr 28, 2014

I am trying to call a java method in jsp. The main idea is to hide menu based on the user who logs in. The java class flows like this :

public class UserVerification {
public static void main(String[] args) {
UserVerification obj = new UserVerification();

[Code] ......

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Image Redraws Faster Inside Eclipse Than Standalone

Jan 31, 2014

I don't know if this is appropriate to Swing/AWT, or even if this is a Java issue, but I had quite a shock recently. I have been working on a kind of drawing program in which the user can select tiny control rectangles and drag them around, causing the shape of a polygon to change. (They are not implemented as Java Polygons or Shapes because some are one-dimensional). I have gotten it into pretty good shape, so I exported it from Eclipse, my development platform, into a standalone Java application. In the standalone application, each time I drag the mouse, the redrawing shows nasty flickering, as if it's running too slowly. While I was developing the application inside Eclipse, it ran perfectly, with no flickering whatsoever.

What gives? I'd expect that the in-Eclipse runs would be slower, because they're burdened with extra debugging baggage, while the exported standalone version should run faster. But the reverse is the case.

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Not Able To Call Java Method From Event

Mar 4, 2014

I used java and jsf. I created dynamic datatable in java file. Can i call java method from setOnchange() event?

I am able to call java script function from setOnchange() event. See the below code which is working fine for java script.

HtmlSelectOneMenu selectOneMenu = new HtmlSelectOneMenu();
selectOneMenu.setOnchange("openWin(this);IGNORE_UN LOAD=false");

I wrote openwin() function in java script. But i am not able to call java method change().

Code which is not working.

HtmlSelectOneMenu selectOneMenu = new HtmlSelectOneMenu();
selectOneMenu.setOnchange("myclass.change();IGNORE _UNLOAD=false");

myclass is the bean of class Test. If user select any value from dropdown i want to call change java method. This function will apply the same selected dropdown value to the other record also.

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