How To Call A Constructor In Main

Jul 3, 2014

I am trying to call a constructor from PrepaidCard class in my main method, but I am not sure how to proceed.

As seen below, both the PrepaidCard constructor and the setCardID method have the ability to set the card ID.

public class PrepaidCard
public PrepaidCard(String id, int token) {
cardID = id;
tokenBalance = token;
public void setCardID(String id, int token) {
cardID = id;
tokenBalance = token;

Now in this block of code, I can successfully pass the id and token value by calling the setCardID method from the PrepaidCard class. Now I would like to call the PrepaidCard constructor from the PrepaidCard class to pass the id and token value, instead of using the setCardID method.

public class PrepaidCardTest
public static void main(String[] args) {
PrepaidCard card2 = new PrepaidCard(id, token);
System.out.print("Enter Card2 cardID: ");
id = input.nextLine();
card2.setCardID(id, token);

How to call the PrepaidCard constructor from the PrepaidCard class, to successfully pass the id and token value, in my main method?Specifically how to modify or replace this line of code so that it can correctly call the PrepaidCard constructor?

card2.setCardID(id, token);

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Prepaid Card - How To Call A Constructor In Main

Jul 3, 2014

I am trying to call a constructor from PrepaidCard class in my main method, but I am not sure how to proceed.

As seen below, both the PrepaidCard constructor and the setCardID method have the ability to set the card ID.

Java Code:

public class PrepaidCard {
public PrepaidCard(String id, int token) {
cardID = id;
tokenBalance = token;
} public void setCardID(String id, int token) {
cardID = id;
tokenBalance = token;
} mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

Now in this block of code, I can successfully pass the id and token value by calling the setCardID method from the PrepaidCard class.

Now I would like to call the PrepaidCard constructor from the PrepaidCard class to pass the id and token value, instead of using the setCardID method.

Java Code:

public class PrepaidCardTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
PrepaidCard card2 = new PrepaidCard(id, token);
System.out.print("Enter Card2 cardID: ");
id = input.nextLine();
card2.setCardID(id, token);
} mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

How to call the PrepaidCard constructor from the PrepaidCard class, to successfully pass the id and token value, in my main method?

Specifically how to modify or replace this line of code so that it can correctly call the PrepaidCard constructor?

Java Code: card2.setCardID(id, token); mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

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Can Call One Constructor From Two Different Constructors?

Nov 19, 2014

I am getting error in second constructor that I have created, it gives an error: cannot find symbol variable

package Objects;

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public class Constructor {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Piggybank1 pg1 = new Piggybank1("Abhinav", 500);

[Code] ....

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Super Constructor Call - Creating Object

Sep 18, 2014

Its written that every constructor calls its super class constructor. And we know, constructors are called to create an object. Does it mean that if I am creating an object of a class, I am actually creating objects of all its super class???

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Servlets :: Call Constructor / Method Upon Redirecting To Another Page?

Aug 13, 2014

I have login.jsp and home.jsp.

Each have its own servlets.

When I click Login button from login.jsp, it will navigate to home.jsp.

But before displaying home.jsp from he user, I want to call's constructor/method.

This is because I want to populate a dropdown from home.jsp from a database.

I'm using MVC2 Servlet/JSP/Bean framework and AMAP, I do not want to execute javascripts/jquery for populating dropdowns.

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How To Call A Class Within The Main

Apr 17, 2014

How do I call a class within the main. For example, this is what i have in my code right now. I am trying to call the class BlackJackGame.

package blackjack;
public class BlackJack {
public BlackJack() {

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Cannot Call Child Method From Main

May 7, 2015

I can call a child method from a main method. If I have a parent called "Assessment", a child called "Quiz", and another child called "test". Can I instinate an object like Assessment a = new test(); and call a method in test.I know the method can be called if I instinate the test t = new test() but that defeats the purpose of inheritance which I'm learning in class.

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Add New Field And Call The Display Method In Main

Nov 27, 2014

So I have been given this code, below:

public class Person{ 
public String format(){
return String.format( "Name: %s", name );

[Code] ....

And I have been asked to add a new field called name, and call the display method in the main. I need to use an appropriate type and privacy for the name field, and once the code is finished, I should see 'Harry Potter' appear on the command line. However I don't know what it means by field. I've tried googling it and one search result said it is a field parameter, and another search result said it was something completely different, and I don't know which one it is. I've created a parameter 'Private String name;' but it only prints out 'name: null'

This is the code I wrote but it obviously doesn't work?

package Practical8;
public class Person{
Private String name;
public String format(){
return String.format( "Name: %s", name );

[Code] ....

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How To Call String From Main Method In Different Class

Dec 9, 2014

The following code is located in my main class called InjectionFix. I have another class where I need to call or initiate the string in the code below. How can I achieve this. I tried to create an Object of the class but I cant do this because my other class doesnt contain a main method.How can I get the other class to initiate the code below which is loacted in my main class.
public static String escapeDN(String name) {
  StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
  // space or # character at the beginning of a string
  if ((name.length() > 0) &&
        ((name.charAt(0) == ' ') ||
             (name.charAt(0) == '#'))) {

[Code] .....

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Call Variables From Main To Write To External File

Apr 27, 2015

I have this program, I am wondering if it is possible to call files from the main method and sort them into my saveOneRocord method? If so, how would that look?

my orderProcess Class

package stu.paston.finalprogram;
import java.util.Scanner;

[Code] .....

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Java Swing Frame Can't Call On Other Methods From Main

Mar 25, 2015

I am trying to make a 2d graphical animation using the java swing classes in order to make a frame. I had a basic version working when all of the code was under the main method, but when I moved some into another method it broke it. With y understanding of java my code should work as I create a variable of the method containing the code and then assign the size and exit button. However this causes many problems such as my BeaconFrame method informing me that it is unused when I have used it. Here is my code:

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
 public class BelishaBeacon {
  public void BeaconFrame() {
JFrame frame = new JFrame();
JPanel panel1 = new JPanel();


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Default Values Passed By JVM In Order To Call Main Method

Aug 27, 2014

For the below program what are the default values passed by the JVM in order to call main() method

class program
public static void main(String[] args)

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Unable To Call / Test All Of The 5 Sorting Methods At Same Time In Main Class

Dec 19, 2014

For reference I am programming Java in BlueJ. I am fairly new to the language and I am having trouble with sorting.

I am trying to call / test all of the 5 sorting methods (at the same time) in the main class. To be specific, the sorted list has to technically outputted 5 times.

I figured out how to call / test Quicksort:

Sorting.quickSort(friends, 0, friends.length-1);

But the others are not working correctly. Specifically these:

Sorting.mergeSort(friends, 0, friends.length-1);
Sorting.PbubbleSort(friends, 0, friends.length-1);
Sorting.PinsertionSort(friends, 0, friends.length-1);
Sorting.selectionSort(friends, 0, friends.length-1);

For reference, this is the output when it is not sorted:

Smith, John 610-555-7384
Barnes, Sarah215-555-3827
Riley, Mark 733-555-2969
Getz, Laura 663-555-3984
Smith, Larry464-555-3489
Phelps, Frank322-555-2284
Grant, Marsha243-555-2837

This is the output when it is sorted:

Barnes, Sarah215-555-3827
Getz, Laura 663-555-3984
Grant, Marsha243-555-2837
Phelps, Frank322-555-2284
Riley, Mark 733-555-2969
Smith, John 610-555-7384
Smith, Larry464-555-3489

This is the class Sorting, which I should note is all correct:

public class Sorting{
* Swaps to elements in an array. Used by various sorting algorithms.
* @param data the array in which the elements are swapped
* @param index1 the index of the first element to be swapped
* @param index2 the index of the second element to be swapped
private static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> void swap(T[] data,
int index1, int index2){
T temp = data[index1];
data[index1] = data[index2];


This is the Main class in which I am supposed to call the sorting methods, SortPhoneList:

public class SortPhoneList{
* Creates an array of Contact objects, sorts them, then prints
* them.
public static void main (String[] args){
Contact[] friends = new Contact[7];
friends[0] = new Contact ("John", "Smith", "610-555-7384");
friends[1] = new Contact ("Sarah", "Barnes", "215-555-3827");


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How To Call EnrolStudent Method On Unit Constructor In Another Class When Create A New Unit

Mar 29, 2014

public Unit(String code, String name)
this.unitCode = code;
this.unitName = name;
public void enrolStudent(Student newStudent){
students = new ArrayList<Student>();
newStudent = new Student(24662496, "Kingsley", " Iwunze");

how can I call this enrolStudent() method on this Unit constructor in another class when I create a new Unit. all I need is to enroll students in units when units are created. below is my create unit method.

public void createUnits( ){
units = new ArrayList<Unit>();
units.add(new Unit("FIT2034", "Java Programming 2"));
units.add(new Unit("FIT2024", "Software Engineering"));
units.add(new Unit("MAT1830","Discrete Maths"));
unit.enrolStudent(new Student(25486321, "Julia", "Garcia"));
unit.enrolStudent(new Student(44589736, "James", "Olivia"));
unit.enrolStudent(new Student(47852103, "Lucky", "Thyriod"));

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Declaring Class In Main Class - Constructor Cannot Applied To Given Types

Aug 1, 2014

So i declared a class in main class but it seems there's error when i compile:

constructor xx in class xx cannot applied to given types

This is my java class:

public class trainer extends person{
String classType;
public trainer(String name, String gender, String address, int id, String classType) {

[Code] ....

And this is the way i declared in main class:

trainer tr = new trainer();

And what i want to do is:


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How To Call A Method That Exist Within A Class Into Main Method

Feb 13, 2014

I am just trying to test this array, for a locker combination program that involves classes...but the array is printing out the whacky numbers for the location. When I try to call the method in the main, it does not work. How do I call a method that exist within a class into the main method?

public class locker { 
public static void main(String[] args) {


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Non-Parameter Constructor Calls Two Parameter Constructor

Apr 19, 2014

I was practicing my java skills and came across an exercise in which a non parameter constructor calls a two parameter constructor. I tried a few searches online but they all came back unsuccessful. This is the part I am working on:

public PairOfDice(int val1, int val2) {
// Constructor. Creates a pair of dice that
// are initially showing the values val1 and val2.
die1 = val1; // Assign specified values
die2 = val2; // to the instance variables.
public PairOfDice() {
// Constructor that calls two parameter constructor

I tried calling the two constructor using the line "this(val1, val2)" but I get an error because val1 and val2 are local variables.

Then I tried to use the same signature: "this(int val1, int val2)" but that didn't work either.

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What Is Different Between Void Main And Public Void Main

Sep 15, 2014

what is different between void main() and public void main()

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Constructor For Arrays

Apr 23, 2015

I'm wonder about the issue of constructor for arrays. Let say I have a class tablica, and one component int[] tab. If I get it right until now tab is nothing more than empty reference to some unexisting array?

import java.util.Random;
class tablica{
int[] tab;
tablica (){ // i wish it was constructor


Then, I'm trying to build the constructor for class tablica. What can be the parameter of such constructor? Is it fields of array? It is simple forf for basic variable

- I liken values defined in constructor with those global defined in class. But how to do it with array component tab.

If I create array object in main method then how can I use this constructor?

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Constructor With Parameters

Jan 31, 2015

public class TestClass {
public TestClass(String k){System.out.println(k);}
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
catch(Exception e){System.out.println(e);}

[Code] ....

Explain how to catch block act as constructor with parameter?

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Cannot Set Ints From Constructor

Aug 10, 2014

Java Code:

package ZooZ;

import java.util.Random;
public class Animal {
int playerOne; <------- Remains 0
int playerTwo; <------- Remains 0
Random random = new Random();

[Code] ....

If you look at the code, I set "playerOne" and "playerTwo", to set them as what was passed in from another class..

In the Animal constructor.

in that constructor the value is 2. But when I use it in the "Bash()" method it is 0 in the console.

Why doesnt the playerOne and playerTwo stay the value it is assigned in the constructor.??

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Why Constructor Cannot Be Final

Oct 27, 2014

"A constructor cannot be abstract, static, final, native, or synchronized."

I understand on why it can't be all of the above, except "final".

Why can't we have a final constructor, i understand constructors are not inherited, hence no chance/case of overriding etc. But why is it not allowed at all ?

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No Such Constructor Error

Oct 27, 2014

So I am working on a school project and I have 2 classes, class FakeGravity contains all the properites and class BouncyBall is my driver class. For some reason when I try writing

FakeGravity gravity = new FakeGravity( );

I get an error. I am attaching an image of the error, and also attaching the program just in case you need more information. Also I was using blueJ to write the program

dcasarrubias, on 27 October 2014 - 02:44 PM, said:

So I am working on a school project and I have 2 classes, class FakeGravity contains all the properites and class BouncyBall is my driver class. For some reason when I try writing

FakeGravity gravity = new FakeGravity( );

I get an error. I am attaching an image of the error, and also attaching the program just in case you need more information.

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No Default Constructor

Nov 2, 2014

The LocalStudent class inherits the Student class. The IDE states an error of "no default constructor in Student class".I understand that if a LocalStudent object is created, the default constructor of its superclass (aka Student class) will be called implicitly.there is no LocalStudent object being created, so why is the default constructor of Student being called ?

The default constructor of LocalStudent is also overloaded by the created no-arg constructor containining subjects = null; . So there is no call to the superclass default constructor from the default constructor of LocalStudent.

public class Student {
private char year1;
public Student(String name, char year){
year1 = year;
public char getYear(){
return year1;


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Radius Value Becoming Zero In Constructor

Jul 8, 2015

I am trying to create a user defined Exception. I am using a hard-coded value in the constructor of circle class at the time of object creation.But in the constructor this value becomes 0.

import java.lang.Exception;
import javax.swing.*;
class InvalidRadiusException extends Exception{
private double r;
public InvalidRadiusException(double radius){
r = radius;

[Code] ....
Due to this its always generating InvalidRadiusException even if i am supplying a non-zero non-negative value.

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Adding Validation To A Constructor?

Nov 17, 2014

I want to add validation to some of the elements in my constructor.

Person(String idIn, String nameIn, ) { = idIn; = nameIn;

I want to be able to check that the data for the ID is limited to a certain collection of characters formatted in a certain. For example, I may wish to limit it to 5 lowercase letters or numbers, or a combination of both. How could I do this?

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