How To Create Object For Multiple Class Inside Single Class

Apr 22, 2015

How to create object for "class B" and call the "function_B" from other different class D where class D has no connection with class A? Here is my program.

public class A(){
void print(){}
class B{
void function_B(){}
class C{
void function_C(){}

Here, A, B, C are in the same package. But class D is in different package.

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Multiple Runnable In A Single Class

Aug 1, 2014

I want to have two threads running in my class, one will be downloading info from a website then putting the thread to sleep for a little bit, then repeating. The other will be sending information to a website then putting the thread to sleep for a little bit, then repeating. Is it possible to do this in my main class? I already have one thread using run() for downloading the info and sleeping can i make another?

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Calling Single Class Multiple Times

Apr 14, 2014

how we can call one class in multiple programs to reduce code redundancy

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Creating / Using Object Class To Create Another Field In Another Class?

Jun 10, 2014

Design a class named Person and its two subclasses named Student and Employee. Make Faculty and Staff subclasses of Employee. There is also a MyDate class as explained below. A person has a name, address, phone number, and email address. A student has a status (freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior). Define the status as an integer which can have the value 0 (for "Freshman"),

1 (for "Sophomore"),
2 (for "Junior"), and
3 (for "Senior"),

but don't allow the status to be set to any other values. An employee has an office, salary, and dateHired. The dateHired is a MyDate field, which contains the fields: year, month, and day. The MyDate class does not explicitly inherit from any class, and it should have a no-arg constructor that sets the year, month, and day to the current year, month, and day. The MyDate class should also have a three-argument constructor that gets three int arguments for the year, month and day to set the year, month and day.

A faculty member has office hours and a rank. Define the rank as a String (for values like "Professor" or "Instructor"). A staff member has a title, which is also a String. Use data types for the fields as specified, or where one is not specified, use a data type that is appropriate for the particular field. Write a test program called that creates a Person, Student, Employee, Faculty, and Staff object, and invoke their toString() method (you don't need to call the objects' toString() method explicitly).

Note: Your class is the object class that your dateHired field is created from in the class.

Do not use the Person, Employee or Faculty classes defined on pages 383 and 384 of the book. Create new ones.Here is the code I have so far concerning the employee and MyDate.

public class Employee extends Person {
private String office;
private double salary;
//private MyDate dateHired;
//7 argument constructor for employee
public Employee(String name, String phoneNumber, String email, String address, String office, double salary /*MyDate dateHired*/) {
super(name, phoneNumber, email, address);


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How To Break A Single Long String Into Multiple Lines In Java Class

Jan 1, 2015

I have created an application using hibernate and struts.In which a form is created where the user will enter all its personal details(for e.g name ,phone no. and address).

Here for address I have used textarea and whenever user enters the address, sometimes it can be a long string also.

So the problem is if a long string is entered then while displaying that ,address comes on single line and the page is stretched.

how to break this single string into mutiple lines in java class?

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Create A Class Called Dice To Represent SINGLE Cube

Apr 15, 2014

I need to work on this "Dice" program. I've done it twice already. I've also been pouring over examples on here and elsewhere online, but none of them exactly match what I'm doing, as they all say "Pair of Dice".Mine says: "Create a class called Dice to represent a SINGLE cube". It should have a method called roll() that randomly selects a number from 1-6 for the value of the dice."

It has to use java.util.random, not, and it has to have numberShowing:int, roll():int, and main() all in it.The last part reads "Create a test main method for the Dice class that creates a dice and rolls it many times. Can you keep track of how many times a number comes up? Describe how or implement it in the program." I have started at this computer for hours, and read as much info as I can.

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Why Can't Create Object Of Abstract Class

Jul 18, 2014

Why we can't create object of abstract class ,when we can create its constructor?

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Can't Create Object Of PrintStream Class

Dec 11, 2012

I know that System is a final class and it cannot be instantiated, out is a static final variable of type PrintStream in System class and println is a method in PrintStream class.Still I don't understand why we use System.out to call println() method.To my knowledge a method can be called using an object reference, in case of static behaviors we use classname. Then why here we are using System.out.println? Can't we just create an object of PrintStream class and call the println() method as PrintStream class can be instantiated.Are there any ways of calling a method apart from those I know(I have mentioned above what I know)?

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Can Create Object For Abstract Class

Oct 5, 2014

Animal ob1=new Lion();

Here we create ob1 for Animal class or Lion class.

public abstract class Animal {
public abstract void eat();
public void breathe(){

[Code] ....

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Why ACM Isn't Letting To Create Object From Different Class

Apr 16, 2014

I'm curious why ACM isn't letting me create an object from a different class, maybe I am missing something?

my main class:

import java.awt.Color;
import acm.program.*;
public class MyClass extends GraphicsProgram {
private static final int WINDOW_W = 500;
private static final int WINDOW_H = 500;

I have also noticed when trying to extend 'ConsoleProgram' it does the same thing with line printing (except when using system.out).

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Create Method In Main Class And Use It On Object

Feb 26, 2015

I've been writing classes over and over for school. So I create a class outside of my main class. I create a new constructor and then create objects from my main class. I hope that makes sense. So i use methods in that class to work with the object. So I have an object name I've created <dot> method name. So I can create objects and then use methods from the class, but I'm wondering can I create a method in my main class and use it on that object? I don't understand how to do that.

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How To Create Object To Be Null If Class Constructor Parameter Is Int

Mar 8, 2015

I have a class of Date with a constructor with 3 parameters in it. Those 3 parameters are int data type just to enter month, year, day.

I have another class called Author which has a constructor of Date diedDate; as a parameter passing to the Author constructor.

I was asked to call the Date parameter is null, call the default constructor but I thought for the Date parameter I could only enter something like 0,0,0 instead of typing in null, null, null because null is for String data type isn't it?

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Passing Parameter From Object Of Class B To Object Of Class C By Use Of Class A?

Dec 13, 2014

Assuming that we have two classes B and C which inherit from class A. What is the best way to pass a parameter from an object of class B to an object of class C by the use of class A without using static variable and without defining a get function in B?

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Structs In Java - Can Put Class Inside A Class?

Mar 17, 2014

I will give an example below of what I am talking about. in C++ I know I would need a copy constructor because I would be pointing blindly in the heap if I deleted a object in the struct.

We have a Class/struct animal and three animals in that class/struct, a dog, a cat and a cow. Each animal has a baby and then I will give the animal a name in main. But if I delete one of the dogs puppies because I sold him wouldn't I being pointing off in the heap and have a leak?

Also since Java doesn't have structs can I put a class inside a class?

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Accessing Parent Class Method Using Child Class Object?

Feb 4, 2015

I want to know is there any way we can call parent class method using child class object without using super keyword in class B in the following program like we can do in c++ by using scoop resolution operator

class A{
public void hello(){
class B extends A{
public void hello(){


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Pass Private Final Class Object To Another Class Constructor

Aug 28, 2014

can we pass private final class object to another class constructor?

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Interface Class And Object Class Is Compiling Symbol Errors

Nov 16, 2014

I am a beginner here at JAVA and I am trying to program a Gratuity Calculator using both interface class and object class but it keeps on compiling with errors saying "cannot find symbol".I tried everything to fix it but it just keeps on stating symbol.

public class GratuityCalculator extends JFrame
/* declarations */
// color objects
Color black = new Color(0, 0, 0);
Color white = new Color(255, 255, 255);
Color light_gray = new Color(192, 192, 192);

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Creating Object Of Class And Calling Its Method In Different Class

May 20, 2015

In the process of creating a new class, I need to move my main method from the class SaveDate to the class DynamicTest. Below I have listed the code of both classes.The objective is to be able to run my program from the DynamicTest Class. I need understanding the process of moving my main method to a different class and creating an Object of a class and calling its method.
public class SaveData { 
  private static final Map<String, Object> myCachedTreeMap = new TreeMap<String, Object>();
   public static final List<String> getLines(final String resourceParam, final Charset charset) throws IOException{
  System.out.println("Please get: "+resourceParam);
  if (myCachedTreeMap.containsKey(resourceParam) ) {
  // Use the cached file, to prevent an additional read.

[Code] ......

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Create SmartString Class That Implements SmartStringInterface Class

Jun 3, 2014

The assignment is to create a SmartString class that implements a SmartStringInterface class (created by professor) and implements a few methods. We are basically taking a string and then taking various substrings and inserting, deleting them and undoing changes as well. Here are the methods in the interface to use along with the parameters.

public interface SmartStringInterface {
public void insert(int pos, String sstring);
public void delete(int pos, int count);
public void undo();
public String toString();

The Undo is supposed to be able to be called multiple times (to be tested using a driver program that we must create) but the part that's got me is that the changes are only supposed to be stored. Currently, I am storing the "new" string after each change onto a stack, so that undo can just pop off the stack and it will revert to the previous string. Professor said that was wrong, so I don't know how to do it. Here is what I have so far (some of the code we have is using default StackADT stuff from our book, so if you need that I can post as well. You can see in the undo method where I currently save the string. We can use multiple stacks if needed, but the less the better. Must use at least 1. The exception code is already coded for us in another file also. I am only having to code these methods and the driver to test.

import java.util.Arrays;
public class ArrayStack<T> implements StackADT<T>
private final static int DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 100
private int top;
private T[] stack;


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Declaring Object Using Interface Implemented By Its Class Vs Declaring Object Using Class

Apr 8, 2014

Suppose you have a generic Dog class of the pet type that implements a DogInterface of the pet type. What is the difference between;

DogInterface<pet> Rex = new Dog<pet>();


Dog<pet> Tye = new Dog<pet>();

In what situations might you want to use Rex instead of Tye?

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What Is A Class Object Not Class Named Object

Mar 24, 2014

"You might wonder what happens when a static synchronized method is invoked, since a static method is associated with a class, not an object. In this case, the thread acquires the intrinsic lock for the Class object associated with the class. "What is a Class object associated with a class. Google search rather finds material about the Object class.

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How To Separate Single Calculator Class (OOP Style)

Sep 5, 2014

I've been into java for about 4 months now, No complaints so far, it's pretty awesome! So I understand Polymophism pretty good, I did some Animal classes and it worked out neatly.

However. I just can't seem to find my way in OOP when trying to implement in on a Calculator Class I wrote. As you mind know, a calculator can be separated into many classes. But I actually just want it to be separated into some OO like: | Calculator | CalcGUI | CalculatorFunctions | CalcRun.

I tried separating the single Calculator class, however, my calculator Buttons didn't work after that, anymore..

here is my code:

import java.awt.GridLayout;
import java.awt.Panel;
import java.awt.TextField;
import java.awt.Button;
import java.awt.Menu;

[Code] ....

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Using Data From One Class In Another In Single Java File?

Apr 20, 2015

I am trying to create a second class in a single java file (first time trying this) and want to use data from the first class in the second class but I am not able to do it. What am I missing :

package simplecommissioncalculation;
import java.util.Scanner; // import java.util.Scanner
public class SimpleCommissionCalculation {
public static void main(String[] args) {

[Code] .....

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How To Modify Class File Inside JAR

Oct 28, 2014

I have to modify my inside a .jar file. My modification is in here: [URL] but I do not know how can I modify it

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Objects Inside Class Declaration

Apr 13, 2014

Ok say you have

public class MyClass {
private int x = 5;
Object myObject = new Object();
public MyClass(){

When would the myObject be created? Before or after the constructor? And does this mean you can't pass
this into the parameters of that object?

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Creating Class Inside A Interface

Jun 22, 2014

I am not able to understand how we are able to create an object of static inner class defined inside an interface .

interface outer {
class inner {
void disp() {
System.out.println("inside disp");

[Code] ....


inside disp

How am i able to create a new object for static class?

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