How To Make Picture Appear In Same Window As The Rest Of Drawings

Feb 12, 2014

I am trying to learn Java and while i was playing a bit with the basic knowledge that i have i encountered a problem. When i run the program, the lines and the picture appear in two separate windows when i compile the program. how can i make them appear in the same? The code is this:

public class Game

private int x;
private Picture pic;


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Paint Window Moving Picture From Bottom To Top Diagonally

Sep 30, 2014

PaintWindow pw = new PaintWindow();
Random rand = new Random();
ImageIcon image = new ImageIcon("C:/Users/Ghostkilla/Desktop/gubbe.jpg");
int height = pw.getBackgroundHeight();

[Code] ....

If you run this code it will move a picture from right to left and hit the left wall and then go to right again leaving the window (It stops there). I want to make so it hits left and then right wall continuously till someones close the window. So basically I am using a for loop to make it go left right all the time.

How to make so the picture moves from bottomleftcorner to toprightcorner diagonally without leaving the window.

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Guess Picture Game - How To Sort Picture Random Every Time

May 3, 2014

I will write guess the picture game. I didn't find for example 4*4 picture how to sort picture random everytime ?

For example , when game start random various are 2734856127348561 two times same picture...

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Make GUI Window Bigger

Apr 21, 2015

I have the following problem:I have 4 components in my GUI that goes like this in the CENTER of the BORDERLAYOUT:

1. JLabel

2. JTextArea

3. Jlabel

4. JTextArea

Everytime i make the GUI window bigger, all these elements spread out. How can i get these elements to have a BREAK line (i.e. a break line after 1. Jlabel) so that no matter how i stretch the window, it will stay in-tact and the other elements will follow underneath.

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How To Make 2 Rectangles In Same Window

Oct 2, 2014

My goal is to make 2 rectangles in the same window. so far I have this.

import javax.swing.JComponent;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
public class BoxComponent extends JComponent

[Code] ....

After running the program I get one rectangle, the red one. If I take the code out for the red rectangle, I only get 1 blue one. What am I missing?

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How To Make Image Background For A Window

Jun 17, 2014

I would like to learn how to add an image background to a window in java that I can put controls like buttons, textboxes, and checkboxes in front of. I already tried using a JLabel with an ImageIcon but I cannot overlay controls over the JLabel. From what I understand there are multiple ways to do this. What is the best way and how can I do it?

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How To Make JCreator Output In Command Window

Aug 30, 2014

I set these up, but the command console comes up, I don't see the "Hello World" in the window and it closes.

How can I get the output "Hello World!" to appear in a "cmd" window and stay there till i close it?

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How To Make Jar File Compatible For All Window Machines

May 5, 2014

I made the program below in java and compiled with javac command in Window7 (64bit machine). It simply post my machine IP and Mac address to my server application.

When i run this script with java as >java Macregister

I get what is expected, the program runs well on my machine.

When I try to run it on other machines (Win8 - 32 Bit) I get error message and nothing works.

My problem is 1) to make it compatible for all machines 2) to convert it into JAR application so that it is self executable on different machines.

I am a new to Java and am struct,

public class Macregister{
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
InetAddress add=InetAddress.getLocalHost();
NetworkInterface network = NetworkInterface.getByInetAddress(add);
byte[] mac = network.getHardwareAddress();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();


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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Drawings In JPanel Disappears After Scrolling Scrollpane

Jan 15, 2014

I am having problems trying to get my jPanel to display my drawings properly after scrolling. (My drawings is done using by overriding the paint() method as the paintComponent() method does not work in my case.) My jPanel is component of my JScrollpane, and my JScrollpane is part of my jFrame.

The organization of components is: JFrame <-- JScrollPane <-- JPanel ( <-- means added to).

Situation: My drawings did appear when the frame becomes start, but when I start scrolling the scrollbar in any direction, it starts to eat up my drawing leaving only part of drawing which is not affected by scrolling.

I want my jpanel to display the drawing properly even after scrolling in both vertical and horizontal directions. I did use revalidate and repaint methods in my method for start of the JFrame.

Some Ways which I have tried:

1) I have tried adding this.revalidate() and this.repaint() method to the paint() method which did retains the image, but the jPanel keeps blinking on my screen which is trying attempt to update the drawing in a recursive manner.

2) I have tried panel.repaint() and panel.revalidate() in my paint() method, but it did not display my drawing.

3) I have read from other sources that I needed a listener to do it, but I am not sure how it works.

// Code Use for Listener
jScrollPane1.getViewport().addChangeListener(new ListenAdditionsScrolled());
public class ListenAdditionsScrolled implements ChangeListener {
public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) {

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Manipulating Several Windows (Window Inside Window)

Apr 6, 2015

I am new to javafx I start using it instead of swing i used the scene builder for my forms the problem i faced i don't know how to have main screen with menu bar at top and depending the select from the menu it will open other windows and those window must be inside my window just like for example netbeans.

I don't need to open new window in separate i need all windows inside my main window and controlling over them minimize maximize perhaps.

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Web Services :: How To Implement Rest API

Mar 26, 2015

how to implement the Rest API which is like "URL...". And how to implement in Java where the class extends ServerResource.

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Difference Between REST GET And Httpget?

Dec 2, 2014

But while searching i came across 2 different implementation.. One is this and other is this , where httpget is used..

So are these same ? When we talk about Restful, is the 2nd implementation valid ?

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Rest Assured JsonPath Counting

Aug 7, 2014

How can i count using JsonPath? See this json -

"total": 4414,
"userName": "Tom",
"total": 6608,
"userName": "Jerry",
"total": 5,
"userName": "Tom",

I want to count userName "Tom" so the answer will be 2 and counting "Jerry" will produce 1

Running the following says i have the value inside but how much of it.

assertThat(jsonPath.getList("userName", String.class), hasItem("Tom"));

Running this says the size of the list but the list may contain other values than "Tom", Like "Jerry"

assertThat(jsonPath.getInt("size()"), equalTo(3));

is this can be answered within JsonPath or i must use FOR, LOOPS, else ?

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Web Services :: Rest Modify Resource

Jan 20, 2015

"citizen":{"name":"John", "gender":"M","age":32}

Now, I only want to change age to 35, which method should I use and how should the payload/URL look like to be RESTful?

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Applets :: Display A Picture By Clicking On Checkbox?

Jan 22, 2014

ItemListener: checkbox component

I want to display a picture by clicking on the checkbox.

Here is my code:

public class Dukes {
String action;
String friend;
public String getActionImage() {
return action;

[Code] .....

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Picture Draw (Roses) Using Polar Functions

Feb 23, 2015

I'm trying to make a code that will draw "roses" using polar functions. The code below is what I have, but when I run it nothing happens. What's missing?

package rose;
import edu.princeton.cs.StdDraw;
public class Rose {
public static void main(String [] args) {
int N = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
StdDraw.setCanvasSize(512, 512);

[Code] .....

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JSF :: Take Picture Using Webcam From Web Browser And Store It In Folder?

Sep 20, 2014

I am working in jsf application, in that one requirement is present. If we click "Take picture" button using webcam from web browser, image has to be captured and displayed in the screen. Finally by clicking save button picture has to be stored either in Database or in File Folder.

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Web Services :: How To Use Special Character In URL Using REST Web Service

Mar 19, 2015 file name can contain special characters but when I passing this file name as a parameter in URL using REST.I am getting exception.

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Breakout Game - Adding Background Picture

Nov 16, 2014

I've been trying to post background picture for a long time in java. I've just finished writing breakout game and I want it to be more special and full of interesting things. I want to upload picture in java. I write

GImage image= new GImage("LEONARDO.JPG");

The size of the whole screen is 400,600.

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Web Services :: WebDav HTTP Extensions And REST

Nov 26, 2014

Are the WebDAV extensions related to REST principles? What I mean by that is, REST is an abstraction of the WWW architecture and the WebDAV is just an extension to the HTTP. So can we say that when I speak in terms of REST API's, I can restrict myself to HTTP and not HTTP extensions like WebDAV?

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Generating Picture - Black And White Sketch

Nov 19, 2014

I'm stuck with a problem. The code below generates a coloured image.

//Setting the size of the graphics window
final int WINDOW_DIMENSION = 200;
final int SIZE_FACTOR = 3;
//Constructing the arrays
char[][] firstArray = new char[WINDOW_DIMENSION][WINDOW_DIMENSION];
char[] secondArray = scan.toCharArray();
[Code] ...

What I would like to do is generate a picture which is mostly white but the colour boundaries of the original picture are in black. I tried using the code below but it doesn't produce what I wanted.

for (int a = 1; a < WINDOW_DIMENSION; a++) {
for (int b = 1; b < WINDOW_DIMENSION; b++) {
if(firstArray[a][b]!=firstArray[a-1][b] || firstArray[a][b]!=firstArray[a][b-1])

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Web Services :: REST Interceptor Argument Pass Through

Mar 22, 2015

I hope this is the right forum. My question is about REST interceptors. I've got the code:

package edu.psu.swe.fortress.poc.interceptor;

import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;

import javax.enterprise.util.Nonbinding;


The output from the debug show that permissions values inside of the ResourceImpl contains the values I'd expect (foo,bar), but inside the interceptor, they're missing. Is there a way to get the arguments in ResourceImpl to pass through to the interceptor?

Log output looks like:

15:59:55,223 INFO [stdout] (default task-9) @edu.psu.swe.fortress.poc.interceptor.FortressProtected(permissions=[])
15:59:55,229 INFO [stdout] (default task-9) @edu.psu.swe.fortress.poc.interceptor.FortressProtected(permissions=[foo, bar])

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Saving Picture From Byte Arrays Using Random Access File

Jul 12, 2014

I'm trying to save a picture from byte arrays using RandomAccessFile. The file appears but doesn't open (like its corrupted).

I'm using the bittorent protocol which gives a SHA-1 hash that I compare all the bytes with to verify the data. All the bytes pass the hash check and all the hashes are checked. So I'm pretty sure I'm getting all the bytes correctly.

Is there anything I can do that could tell what's going wrong?

public RUBTClient(final TorrentInfo2 tInfo, final String outFileName) {
this.outFileName = outFileName;
File destined = new File(outFileName);
try {
destined_file = new RandomAccessFile(destined, "rw");
} catch (FileNotFoundException e1) {

[Code] .....

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Web Services :: Getting Connection Time Out - JSON Rest Client For POST Request

Mar 23, 2015

I want to write one REST client program for POST request ,request and response is in JSON Format.

public String getAck() {
HttpURLConnection httpConnection = null;
URL url=null;
try {
url = new URL("http://test:8080/ils/main");
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block


Line OutputStream os = httpConnection.getOutputStream();

I am getting connection time out problem

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Read Picture And Print Out Number Of Blocks - Counting In Multidimensional Array

Dec 19, 2014

I have to write a program that will read a picture and then print out the number of blocks inside it.

I have to read the picture as a binary matrix of the size r - c (number of rows times number of columns). The blocks are groups of one or more adjacent elements with the value 1.

- Blocks are built exclusively of elements with value 1
- Each element with value 1 is a part of some block
- Adjacent elements with value 1 belong to the same molecule.

We only take into account the horizontal and vertical adjacency but not diagonal.


In the first line of the input we have the integers r and c, separated with one space.
Then we have the r lines, where each contains s 0's and 1's.
The numbers inside the individual lines are NOT separated by spaces.

The OUTPUT only print the number of blocks in the picture.


7 5



import java.util.Scanner;
class Blocks{
public static void main(String[] args){
Scanner sc=new Scanner(;
char ch[][];
int rowNum=sc.nextInt();
int columnNum=sc.nextInt();

[Code] ....

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Web Services :: Rest Session Not Getting Invalidated After Invalidating UI Session?

Dec 17, 2014

I have 2 war in 1 EAR.

War A corresponds to UI

War B corresponds to Rest

1) From War A, I login to the application and then fetch some users that is a rest call. I get the response back from rest in json form that ui consumes and display the data on page.

2) Now I click on the logout link from ui jsp. This logs out the session from Ui. I use <form data-dojo-type="dijit/form/Form" based logout.

3) I then go to the proxy (using burp) and manually request the rest call which I made in step no 1), the rest gives the response back with the same json object returned in step no 1) This shows that the logout action on step 2) is invalidated the session from War A (ui war) but the session or cookie based from WAR B (rest war) is not invalidated.

Expected outcome:After I Logout from War A(ui war), the session must also get invalidated from war B (rest war) and manually request from proxy should not get the same response object as received in step 1)

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