How To Modify Site Exception List In Java Control Panel

Apr 2, 2014

When I am watching scjp mock test, I am getting error about security.

I am trying to add to site exception list in java control panel. I can see security tab in java control panel, there I find field for Site Exception List. When I am add [URL] .... to this site exception list, list is not getting populated.

Why is that ? Why am I unable to add this site to list ?

I am using 64-bit system and have downloaded and installed 64 bit update patch 51.

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JSF :: IllegalState Exception From Backing Bean Redirect To External Site

Dec 11, 2014

I am using a command button to post a form to backing bean method. At the end of that method I am attempting to redirect to an external site after setting various options in the response. I get an IllegalState Exception because of the redirect.

at com.sun.faces.context.ExternalContextImpl.redirect(
at com.sun.faces.application.NavigationHandlerImpl.handleNavigation(

here is the problem code from the backing bean method:

if ( redirectPage != null ) {
logger.debug("attempting redirect: " +

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Exception Handling - Block Cannot Modify Primitive Values

Sep 23, 2014

class MultipleReturn {
int getInt() {
int returnVal = 10;
try {
String[] students = {"Harry", "Paul"};
//System.out.println(students[5]); //if i remove comment

[Code] .....

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How To Modify Property Of Object Stored In List

Jul 31, 2014

I'm facing a problem in below scenario:

List lst = tDAO.executeReport();

lst contains list of objects and one of the objects contains the property bDate(Timestamp) which has the value 28-2-1989 00:00:00.0, now I just wants to change the value into 28-2-1989 and store it back into the List as a Timestamp. how can I do that.

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Online Ticket - How Booking From One Site Reflect In Other Site

Sep 22, 2014

Whenever i see online ticket booking site one question arise, How ticket booked in one site reflect in other site.

If i book 2 ticket from PVR online portal that two ticket will be showed as booked in, which technology is used for this and how.

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How To Modify And Delete Data From Array List In Netbeans

May 22, 2014

How to modify and delete data from a array list in net-beans?

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Java 8u40 Application Blocked Even After Adding To Exception List

Mar 30, 2015

Have a user who cannot access a file on website for work he needs to do. He gets these errors:

His Java is the latest and I have already added the site to the exceptions list in, Java and the browser, but I can't get through.

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Applets :: Accessing Java Application Without Adding Site To Java Security

Sep 12, 2014

I have tried running the java application without adding the site to site list in java security tab. But I get a sand box message as APPLICATION BLOCKED BY SECURITY SETTINGS. How to run the java application without adding the site to site list in java security tab.

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Java EE SDK :: Any Way To Find How Many Users Are Logging On To Site

Dec 25, 2011

Is there a way to find how many users are logging on to my site at a specific time?

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IE11 Keep Redirecting To Oracle Java Download Site

Feb 10, 2014

I am running a page that launches a Java Webstart app and a Java Applet. I don't have problem launching this page in Firefox, but I have to run it in IE11. The thing is IE11 keep redirecting me to oracle java download site. I have install Java RE like 3 times from IE already. What am I missing?

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Java Servlet :: Prevent Cross Site Script In URL

Jan 12, 2015

If some one add script in my URL, I want the script not pop up, we have tomcat 6 [URL] .....

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Java Music Player - Volume Control

Dec 5, 2014

I am currently building a java music player and need getting the volume control to work. I want to be able to set the computers volume directly using an integer. I've created a slider and put the value into an integer. The part that I am having trouble with is getting the volume to work.

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Modify Values In Fields In Serializable Object Using Objects Set Methods Java

Dec 10, 2014

This program is basically complete. It compiles and runs. It is a college course assignment that I pretty much completed but for the last part in which I'm suppose to change the values of all fields and display the modified values using a toString method. Modifying the values of the fields is where I am stuck. I don't think I need to create a new text data file to do this. The instructor only asked that all the values of fields be changed and this was the last part of the assignment so I don't think it involves creating additional ObjectOutputStream and ObjectInputStream objects. I'm getting a NullPointerException error on line 161.Here is the code. I'm also including the input data file.

//create program so that objects of class can be serialized, implements interface Serialiable
//create constructor with 4 parameters with accompanying get and set methods, Override toString method
//create text file with 5 records, create Scanner object,ObjectOutputStream, and ObjectInputStream
//create new ItemRecord object, change values of all fields in ItemRecord object using object's set methods
//modify ItemRecord object using toString method

[hightlight =Java]import;
public class ItemRecord implements Serializable

[Code] .....

This is the error message:

----jGRASP exec: java ItemRecordReport

Item Cost Quantity Description
A100 $ 99.99 10 Canon PowerShot-135
A200 $149.99 50 Panasonic-Lumix T55
A300 $349.99 20 Nikon- D3200 DSRL
A400 $280.99 30 Sony- DSC-W800
A500 $ 97.99 20 Samsung- WB35F
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at ItemRecordReport.main(

----jGRASP wedge2: exit code for process is 1.
----jGRASP: operation complete.

Here is the data file:
A100 99.99 10 Canon PowerShot-135
A200 149.99 50 Panasonic-Lumix T55
A300 349.99 20 Nikon- D3200 DSRL
A400 280.99 30 Sony- DSC-W800
A500 97.99 20 Samsung- WB35F

Here is the data file for the modified field values.
B100 98.00 10 ABC1010
B200 97.00 15 DEF1020
B300 96.00 10 GHI1030
B400 95.00 05 JKL1040
B500 94.00 01 MNO1050

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: When Click On Button From Bottom Panel Top Panel Need To Be Redrawn

Apr 1, 2014

When i click on the button from bottom panel, top panel need to be redrawn. But redrawing is not happening. It happens only when resizing the applet.

public class Graphics_Chart(){
public init(){
JScrollPane topPane = new JScrollPane(new ImagePanel2());


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Collapse / Expand Panel In Java

Nov 13, 2014

If I wish to create a toolbox that looks like the toolbox as in photoshop tat some can collapse or expand, which type of button or function should I use?

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Connect Four Game With Java Swing / Make Multi D Panel Maker When Try To Run It

May 31, 2014

I am trying to make a Connect Four game with java swing, but I am getting an error with my attempt at making an multi D panel maker when I try to run it.

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;

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How To Load A Site Or URL

Jan 11, 2014

So the user is on a website and I want them to go to another site using the same browser and tab.Can this be done in java? And yes the java program is running on the browser .

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JSF :: How To Handle Images For ECommerce Site

Feb 25, 2015

I have an ecommerce site that has about 100000 SKUs. What is the best practice for handling all the product images as far as where to store them and how to display them on the pages? Should I have a separate HTTP server to serve the images?

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Cross-site Scripting (XSS) In Search Box

Aug 13, 2014

I need fixing an issue in the search textbox in one of the jsp's. I was informed that cross site scripting can be done in the textbox and I kept the below code in my jsp to fix the issue:

Java Code:

searchTerm = request.getParameter("search");
searchTerm = searchTerm.replaceAll("<", "<").replaceAll(">", ">");
searchTerm = searchTerm.replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9 ]", "");
searchTerm = searchTerm.replaceAll("eval((.*))", "");
searchTerm = searchTerm.replaceAll("["'][s]*((?i)javascript):(.*)["']", """");

[Code] ....

Now, after applying the above code, the cross site scripting can be done and the problem is that the search can't be done using the textbox and all the time will display none results.

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How To Switch From One Panel To Another Panel

Apr 5, 2014

I have two(panel1 and panel2) panels in a jframe,all three of them are different classes .

In jframe there is a display panel on which the panel1 and panel2 are called and displayed.

now i have a button in panel1 .i want that when i will click on that button panel2 will be displayed or added to the dispalypanel of jframe.

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Efficient Way To Gather Data From Site Page

Oct 22, 2014

I'm looking for a way to gather data from a site page. all data is shown in the same page... I am trying to get the content and parse it is a bit crazy as data seems to be not organized. Itried to get it as a document but still looks crazy.

As all data is shown very clearly in the page (I would like every row to be an object) I'm sure there is some way to collect this data easily. (the data is from this page: [URL] ....)

I'll attach a snapshot and the content I got from the website.


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Fixing Cross-site Scripting In Search Box

Aug 13, 2014

fixing an issue in the search textbox in one of the jsp's. I was informed that cross site scripting can be done in the textbox and I kept the below code in my jsp to fix the issue:

searchTerm = request.getParameter("search");
searchTerm = searchTerm.replaceAll("<", "<").replaceAll(">", ">");
searchTerm = searchTerm.replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9 ]", "");
searchTerm = searchTerm.replaceAll("eval((.*))", "");
searchTerm = searchTerm.replaceAll("["'][s]*((?i)javascript):(.*)["']", """");

Now, after applying the above code, the cross site scripting can be done and the problem is that the search can't be done using the textbox and all the time will display none results.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: TabPane - Having Separate Group Of Tabs On Opposite Site

Aug 29, 2014

I'm looking for a way to put a tabs on a TabPane starting from both sides on the same edge.
Imagine having 3 or 4 tabs at the top left as in the default behavior, and one at the top right for some "special" features.
Is there a way to do it? Or is something expected to exist in the future? (or not at all?)

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Can Control User Input

Oct 11, 2014

Is there a way you can control user input?

For example, is it possible to only allow the user to enter digits?

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How To Control Width Of Stroke

Nov 18, 2014

how am i supposed to make line1B with "1f" and line2B with width of "10f"?

PHP Code:

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.applet.Applet;


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Networking Flow Of Control

Sep 2, 2014

So I'm working on some networking code and I have the Server running as its own thread, then I have a PacketListener which is contained in the Server, that is running on its own thread too. As of right now, the PacketListener waits for packets via DatagramSocket.receive() and then adds them to a queue. The Server runs in a loop and it checks that queue for packets and then polls the most recent and process it before sleeping for 1 millisecond. Here is my question though, I'm considering changing the program to a more observer pattern structure in that when the PacketListener would receive a packet, rather than add it to the queue, it'd notify the server which would process it. However, wouldn't this cause additional time required within the PacketListener thread dedicated to processing the packets rather than listening for them?

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