How To Modify And Delete Data From Array List In Netbeans

May 22, 2014

How to modify and delete data from a array list in net-beans?

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Modify And Delete Functions

Apr 4, 2014

I am writing a program for my Java class and I have every function of the program working aside from the modify and delete button. I'm not sure how to make them work. The course material doesn't cover these functions at all.

Here is what I have so far.. which is practically nothing. If I need to post any other code I will, I just don't want to post more than needed because going through unnecessary code can waste time.

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
//add button functions
if (e.getActionCommand() == "First")//if first button is clicked
ArrayIndex = 0;//set array index to the first element in the array
setFieldValues(); // display dvd info on the form

[Code] .....

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Inventory Program - Add / Delete / Modify / Search And Save

Feb 15, 2015

The goal was to add a few buttons an add delete modify search and save. I feel like I have the entire need satisfied. I'm having a few symbol problems which I'm not quite sure how to fix.

My full code is:

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Graphics;

[Code] ....

which is directing me towards Prodname on the far right of the if statement. I'm not sure what the problem is. I've double checked my spellings several time for each spot and I cant quite get it.

Everyone has told me but I am aware that I made some bad decisions with the variables being capitalized this was my first go at a program and my instructor didn't let me know that thats the normal way to do it.

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How To Modify Property Of Object Stored In List

Jul 31, 2014

I'm facing a problem in below scenario:

List lst = tDAO.executeReport();

lst contains list of objects and one of the objects contains the property bDate(Timestamp) which has the value 28-2-1989 00:00:00.0, now I just wants to change the value into 28-2-1989 and store it back into the List as a Timestamp. how can I do that.

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How To Modify Site Exception List In Java Control Panel

Apr 2, 2014

When I am watching scjp mock test, I am getting error about security.

I am trying to add to site exception list in java control panel. I can see security tab in java control panel, there I find field for Site Exception List. When I am add [URL] .... to this site exception list, list is not getting populated.

Why is that ? Why am I unable to add this site to list ?

I am using 64-bit system and have downloaded and installed 64 bit update patch 51.

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Nodes Contain Array Data Sets In A Linked List?

Mar 9, 2014

TL,DR: observe the nodes just below, that is the data each node in the link list contains. How do I iterate through the entire list to reach the last element (H), so I can add an element right after it?

So I have 4 nodes doubly linked with two dummy nodes for head and tail:

node1 = {A}
node2 = {null, B}
node3 = {C, null, D, E}
node4 = {null, F, null, G, null, null, H, null}

Ok, so since the list only contains 8 elements that are not null, its size is actually 8 correct? So now lets say I have an add method that has

add(E item) and inserts the item at the end of the list. So I can get to the last node with tail.previous(), but then how do I iterate to the end so I can add the item after the last item in the list (H). I guess I don't know how you only access one nodes data when that data is an array with empty spaces.

Here is the entire Node code:

Also, I can't just iterate through the whole thing because I am not supposed to. I am supposed to just find the right node and iterate through that to maneuver around a linked list containing nodes where each node contains an array.

* Node class that makes up a DoublingList. Feel free to add methods /
* constructors / variables you might find useful in here.
public class Node<E> {
* The node that comes after this one in the list


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How To Delete Element In The Middle Of Linked List

Jan 7, 2014

package test2;
import java.util.LinkedList;
public class Q {
public static void main(String[] args) {
LinkedList link = new LinkedList();

[Code] ....

So how to delete an element in the middle of the linked list?

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JSP :: How To Delete And Insert Data Into Two Different Tables

Jun 2, 2014

I am creating a portal using JSP and MySQL with eclipse IDE. I have a scenario where data is stored on draft table and is retrieved then stored on another table. I need the entry in the draft table to be deleted after the insertion. When I tried to run the code it redirects to success page but makes no impact on database(neither inserts not gets deleted).

<%@ page import="java.sql.*" %>
<%@ page import = "java.util.Date,java.text.SimpleDateFormat,java.text.ParseException"%>
<title>JSP Processing</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">


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JSP :: How To Delete Previous Data After Refresh

Nov 6, 2014

If I am refreshing JSP page the old data is remaining as it is with new data.what can be done to remove previous data from that JSP?

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Which Collection Framework Class Will Delete Data

Jun 19, 2014

I got a question , which collection framework class will delete data if we call "get".

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JSP :: How To Delete Data From Database Through Check Box Using Html Table On Page

Jan 22, 2014

Problem code:

JSP 1:

<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
<%@page import="java.sql.*;" %>
<%!Connection con;%>
<%!Statement stmt = null;%>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "[URL]...">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">


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Sort Linked List Through The Nodes Of List - Data Of Calling Object

Feb 14, 2014

I have some class called sorted to sort the linked list through the nodes of the list. and other class to test this ability, i made object of the sort class called "list1" and insert the values to the linked list.

If i make other object called "list2" and want to merge those two lists by using method merge in sort class. And wrote code of


How can the merge method in sort class know the values of list1 that called it as this object is created in other class.

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Netbeans - Application To Send And Receive Data Via RS 232 Standard

Mar 2, 2014

I'm using netbeans to develop an application to send and receive data via RS 232 standard. I can send data but I can't read it.what can I do? I have this message in the console: Underlying input stream returned zero bytes. (I must use also threads to have application in real time but I don't understand very well....

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Making Bunch Of Tree Trunks - How To Delete Entire Array Of Objects

Jul 30, 2014

I am trying to delete entire set of objects from my graphics program. Specifically I am trying to make a bunch of tree trunks, 10 in total, and then delete them all by pressing a button. I can manage to make the trunks but I can only delete one of them.

Below I can walk you through some of my code step by step to show you what I am trying to do:

Java Code:

public void drawTrunk(double width, double height, double xpos, double ypos) {
trunks = new ArrayList(10);
trunk = new GRect(width / 15.0, height / 3.0);

[Code] .....

So basically I just would like to know how to make this work?

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2D Array In NetBeans GUI

Aug 9, 2014

I am trying to create a program in NetBeans GUI builder and I am having trouble creating the 2D array. Here is what I have come up with so far:

private void enterButtonActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
// TODO add your handling code here:
double time = 0;
time = Double.parseDouble(timeText.getText());

[Code] ....

Right now it is printing what i need but I need to separate columns, not rows.

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Building Linked List Whose Nodes Data Is The Sum Of Nodes Of Other List

May 1, 2014

public void add(int d){
listNode l = new listNode (d, null); = first;
first= l;

public list Sum2List (list l1, list l2){
int sum;

[Code] .....

But I have a problem in my first listNode where it ll be pointing to null, thus in the sum2List method the program checks the while condition into false and doesn't go through the loop.

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Populating A List With Data

Jul 18, 2014

I have been given a task to do, which is to create a memberList and populate it with data. The constructor has been created with me, but I am required to add code to display the memberList. I am also required to creates a method to display members.This is the method I created:

* Populates the list of members.
* Displays the membership numbers and names of library members in ascending membership number order.
* The first member is selected by default.
public void displayMembers()
library = new LibraryCoord();
Collection<Member> Member = library.getMembers();


The code below TO DO is mine.What is meant to happen when I run the project is for a GUI form list to show the members of memberList. However, it does not.

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Add TextField Data To A List Using Swing?

Nov 14, 2014

Trying to make a swing box where you can type in string data to the text field and a button. I want the string data to be added to a list everytime you press the addbutton.

Here is the code:

PHP Code:

package GUI;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import javax.swing.JButton;


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Getting Primefaces Data List Working

Aug 31, 2014

I'm trying to get a primefaces data list working and not sure I'm doing this correctly, having a problem with getting this view to display. Here is my xhtml .

<p:scrollPanel id="cclist" header="CCList" styleClass="cc-log">
<p:dataList value="contactController.contacts" var="contact" type="ordered">
<f:facet name="header">
Call List
#{contact.firstName}, #{contact.lastName}


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EJB / EE :: Create Json From List Data

Dec 16, 2014

Create Json from a List's data

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Adding Any Type Of Data To A Generic List?

Aug 28, 2014

Is this the proper way to add to a generic list? My code works just fine, but I got this feeling that there might be some kind of flaw in it or something. Is this pretty much the basic way to add any type of data to a generic list?

import java.util.LinkedList;
public class ListOfGeneric<E> {
private LinkedList<E> myList;

myList = new LinkedList<E>();

[Code] ....

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Servlets :: How To Get Whole List Table / Dropdown Data From HTML / JSP

Sep 4, 2014

Is it possible to get the list/ values in html/jsp from servlet?

I have a table inside an html/jsp page and when the user clicks a button I need to refresh the whole page with some additional text message.

Currently what I am doing is that I am using a java bean for the jsp page that contains a list of values inside the table then store it in session but I think there is a better way without storing it in session.

I tried using request.getParameter() but it only returns string.

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Servlets :: How To Store List Of Data Of A Database In ServletContext

Feb 5, 2014

i am newbie to servlet and m working on a project like online shopping. I have list of data items in my database and i am able to fetch and display the data from database but i want to know that how can i store these data items in ServletContext so that i can use use it frequently in other pages.

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Sequential Search For Two Data Variables In Linked List

May 5, 2014

I just trying to find the most efficient way to do this. I read in a csv file into a linked list and then I split the linked list into sections based on category for each element. Of course I used an array to split each element of the list. However I can do the sequential search by either ID and Name by using hashmap and making the key = name + ID and then doing key.contains(charSequence);. However I feel like this is inefficient and I would like to use the linked list instead of a hashmap which could be done by splitting the user input and used for method overloading by passing an int in one and a string in another. I feel like this approach is a little more redundant and maybe their is a better approach for searching for id and name. Below is an example of the elements in a linked list.

note: their are more elements than this.

element 1

name: George
address: 4410 something dr.
phone number: 978-888-6666
id: 43

element 2

name: Karla
address: 339 something dr.
phone number: 334-338-6556
id: 23

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JSP :: How To Return List Of Data From Java Class To File

Jan 2, 2015

i'm using eclipse Kepler to create J2EE project.i created student class which return list of information. how to access list in JSP page??

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Null Is Being Shown When List Containing Data From Database Is Displayed Through JSP

Dec 11, 2014

I'am new to java, this question may have been asked earlier but I'm not getting the exact answer.I want to add data from database into at and display it through jsp. But empty or null values is shown i.e no data is being displayed and when I execute the same sql query which is used in code in sql server then required output is displayed. My java code is:

Java Code:

public List < Alarm_Bean > get_Count(String system_Name)
if (system_Name.equals("MPS"))
try {
con = getConnection();
stmt = con.createStatement();


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