How To Read Employee Thumb Impression From Biometric Instrument Using Java

Mar 13, 2014

How to read the thumb impressions by using bio-metric instrument using a java code and comparing the thumb impressions in java.

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How To Store And Retrieve Thumb Impression In DB Using Java

Jul 16, 2014

i want to store and retrieve thumb impression from a database using i am learning java so i want to do the coding using java.i want to know which database is used to store thumb impressions ?

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C# DLL To Read In Java (Biometric Finger Print)

Jul 19, 2014

My Personal Researches on this topic was ::

1) Use socket programming (i was able to connect to that ip and port but of no use? how to get data ??)

2) A lot of forums suggest the JNI or JNA way.. which i tried out and accomplished a connection to the port.

But the problem was the appoarch i used in JNA which only supports the loading of C/C++ dll files... not C# dll.... the BioMetric Finger Print device is coded in C#...

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Create Class Employee Which Contains A String Variable Employee Number

Jul 13, 2014

I have searched for totalPay is always 0 and the responses are not related to my problem (that I can tell).This is a class assignment and I have other questions besides why the method is not working.

Here are the instructions: Create class Employee which contains a String variable Employee Number, a String variable Employee Name, an integer Hours Worked, and a double Pay Rate. Create get and set methods for each variable. Provide method "totalPay" which calculates and returns the total pay by multiplying the hours worked by pay rate. Use figure 8.12 as an example of an object with get and set methods.

Unlike other examples of this type question online this one has Employee Number as a String variable. The book is How to Program Early Objects by Deitel 9th edition.We have instructions to do only what she has told us too. At this point it is objects and getter and setter methods. It is only the beginning of week 2.


package test11;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Test11 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner input = new Scanner(;


Essentially I cannot figure out how to get the method getTotalPay to be called by the Scanner and do the math. I also have this random bracket problem that showed up about an hour ago.

The concept I don't get is that if I omit this.employeeNumber =id; etc. I error all over the place. If I change it to this.employeeeNumber = employee Number Netbeans tells me it is assigning itself to itself, which I know. When I try to use id instead of employeeNumber I get errors all over. If i remove "this" from it the same happens. why in public class employee I have to change to those values (id, name, etc) in the construct and set them again? I don't see where or how they can be used, so why do i have to do it?

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Basic Console Java Program - Generate Employee ID

Feb 27, 2014

Basic console java program. I need to generate an employee id. I have an employee class that I will paste here so you can see my fields and constructors.

public class Employee {
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private int id;
public int nextUniqueId = 0;
public Scanner sc = new Scanner(;

[Code] ....

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Write A Java Program To Store Employee Information In A Linked List

May 12, 2015

Write a java program to store employee information in a linked list, the program should implement the following functions:

The program should display the list of functions, and ask the user to enter the number of function that he/she wants to do, then perform the function as it is required in the previous table.

import java.util.*;
public class Employee {
Scanner in = new Scanner(;
String Name;
String Address;
String Department;
int ID;
int Salary;


this is my out put

Please choose a number:
1-Add a new employee
2-Update employee's info
3-Remove employee's info
Enter name:
Enter address:
Enter department:
Enter ID:
Enter salary:


1- why are not my adding coming out in the output only the Enter name & Enter address ??

2- how can I add names and ID's and information to test that program

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Why Logarithms Jslider Vertical Knob / Thumb Not Moving

May 5, 2014

why logarithms jslider vertical knob/thumb is not moving?

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How To Connect J2ee Application To Biometric Fingerprint Device

Mar 27, 2015

How can I connect my j2ee application to a fingerprint reader...

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Sorting Lists In Employee Class

Feb 5, 2014

A Employee Class where i want to sort there lists one by there salary and one by there name individually as per the requirement ? How we do it?

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How To Increase Hours Of Employee At Given Index

Oct 7, 2014

Basically I need to increase the hours of an employee at the given index. Index is the position of the employee in the array, and amount is how many hours you will be increasing by.

This is what I have so far,

public void increaseHours(int index, double amount){
for(Employee e: employees){
if(e instanceof HourlyEmployee){
HourlyEmployee he = (HourlyEmployee)e

I'm not sure how to use the index to do this correctly, all it's doing right now is adding hours to every hourly employee

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How To Increase Hours Of Employee At Given Index

Oct 7, 2014

Basically I need to increase the hours of an employee at the given index.Index is the position of the employee in the array, and amount is how many hours you will be increasing by.

This is what I have so far,

public void increaseHours(int index, double amount){
for(Employee e: employees){
if(e instanceof HourlyEmployee){
HourlyEmployee he = (HourlyEmployee)e

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Use Applet To Create Two Instances Of Employee Class

Jan 9, 2014

What I have to do: Use Applet to create two instances of the Employee class. Display the data on the Graphics object. Display in the applet the names and values of all of the instance variables in each instance of the class. Also display the value of any static variables.

What I'm doing:

import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.*;
public class EmployeeApplet extends Applet {
public static int topSalary = 195000;
int hoursPerWeek;
public static void setTopSalary (int s) {
if (s > topSalary)


I'm not able to display hours per week for e1 and e2.

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Add New Employee And Enter A String / Data Does Not Appear In File

Mar 23, 2015

I'm just trying to append new employee information to a previously created file. When I type yes to add new employee and enter a string, the data does not appear in the file.

Java Code:

public class Records {
public static void main(String [] args) throws IOException {
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
FileWriter fw = new FileWriter("", true);
BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(fw);
PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(bw);


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Building Calendar With Automated Employee Vacation Planner?

Apr 4, 2014

Every year, she has to plan when her employee's can go on vacation for the summer holidays - MANUALLY. It takes weeks to solve the puzzle, because she has several kinds of employee's hired, with different skills. And at all days there must be X amount of employees with skill1 at work, plus Y amount of employees with skill2 etc, and they also need special "off-days" in comparison to when they last worked and so on. It's quite the math puzzle.

I've worked a little with C#, and built a prototype of a Support System (Ticket based), so I got the basics down of programming, and I know Java and C# are quite alike, so I don't think making the switch will bother me that much.

The program should be easy to use for her, so it needs a visual calender that can be interacted with, and it should also be easy to see which employee is at work at that date and so on.

Will it be hard for me to build this kind of Calender, that allows the interaction I want?

Any open-sourced projects, or libraries that will make my task easier?

I plan on using NetBeans IDE for this project.

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Report Employee Time Clock Cannot Find Corresponding Dates In And Out

Mar 8, 2014

I have this assignment to build an employee time clock. By using a menu you can enter an employee, enter punch in and out, and report.When I created the punch screen I wrote the in and out records to a file. Because there can be several employees punching in or out the file wrote each occurrence on different lines. Now I am attempting to write the report which you enter an employee Id and loop through the file to find the in and out date and then calculate the time (hours worked). I loaded the file into an Arraylist but now I cannot figure out how to loop through find the In and Out date - calculate the hours worked and then move on to the next day. here is the format of the file - employee id, place holder I or O, date, time, day. and sample

111221111i3/2/145:10 PMSunday
111221111o3/2/145:10 PMSunday
111331111i3/2/145:25 PMSunday
111331111o3/3/1412:47 PMMonday
111221111i3/3/1412:48 PMMonday
111221111o3/3/142:23 PMMonday
111441111i3/4/141:30 PMTuesday


here is my code from the main screen.

public static void displayPunches()
throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, ParseException {
boolean isValid = false;
String choice = "y";
String emp = Validator.getLine(sc, "Enter I -Individual or A -All ");
if (emp.equalsIgnoreCase("A"))


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Adding A Phone Object Into Student / Employee Objects

Jun 1, 2014

I have to read in a file that that has Student, Employee, Faculty....such as name, last name, salary...etc

Example of a file input
Java Code: Student, John, Doe, [email]johnDoe[At][/email], 123,Wonderland Ave, 21323,TX
Student, Jesus,Satan,[email]jesus[At][/email,666, HeavenHell Dr., 666666,CA
PhoneNumber,Work,111,333,5555 mh_sh_highlight_all('java'); Java Code: while(input.hasNext()){


There is more code, but it's repetitive. Now, I keep getting an error. Array of bounds. I believe i get the error because the phone number. The phone number is on the next line..I created a different arraylist for phonenumber, but I dont know how to match it with the correct person, student, employee...etc.

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Program That Displays Information For Employee Objects Of Different Types

Apr 29, 2014

I'm making a program that displays information for "employee" objects of different types. This works with a hierarchy that goes Person→ Employee→ Fulltime/Adjunct, and a driver that tests the inheritance. The Person class is given and only supplies the name, the employee class manages the year hired and the ID, and the types of employee classes manage the salaries.

One object (called staff[2]) is supposed to first be printed with default information and then later updated via set methods. I figured out how to update the name, but I don't know how to update the rest of the information because the employee's name is managed in the Person class and the reset of the information is managed in the less-general classes, and the objects are all in an array of Person.

How do I call the set methods necessary to update more of staff[2]?Output (scroll to see the updating section)

The current year is 2012

Name: Flintstone, Fred
ID Num: BR-1
Year Hired: 2005
Years Of Service: 7
Salary: 65000.12
Fulltime Type Employee


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How To Read XML Tag Without Encoding In Java

Nov 16, 2014

How to read xml tag <br/> without encoding in java. After encoding it becomes <br>. I dont want to encode it. I already tried CDATA[ and StringEscapeUtils.unescapeXml and StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml, but unable to change the decode it.

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How To Read A Name Which Has Spaces In Java

May 2, 2014

I do not know how to read a name which has spaces in Java and I wish to learn. The following is my code

import java.util.*;
public class Asking {
public static void main(String []args) {
Scanner reader = new Scanner(;
String [] names = new String[20];
int [] marks = new int[20];


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Read Or Write In USB Using Java

Sep 30, 2014

How can i use java for usb device? I want to read or write in a usb device in java. I've looked for in the web and i didn't find anything!

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How To Read Audio File In Java

Mar 20, 2015

How to read an audio file in java?

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Best Way To Read / Write Files In Java?

Mar 31, 2014

I have seen different methods of creating and reading files (specifically text files) in Java. The PrintWriter method or the Formatter with a Scanner to read the file, using a BufferedWriter with a BufferedReader, etc. They will all read/write text files, but from what I understand they do so in different ways. When would it be more beneficial to use a buffered writer than, say, PrintWriter, which is much simpler code-wise? Is there a "best" way to handle i/o in general in Java?

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How To Read Integer And Then String From Java

Feb 28, 2015

I am solving a problem in which first my program will ask a number N and then N numbers form the user

4 3 4 5 6

3 2 7 8 9 3

and I am using this code

inputValues=new LinkedHashMap<Integer, Integer>();
Scanner in=new Scanner(;
int N=in.nextInt();
String inputString=in.nextLine();

[Code] .....

But its not working as i want . Where is fault?

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How To Read Text File In Java

Aug 23, 2014

How to read a text file in Java?

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How To Read Excel File With Java

Mar 9, 2009

i don't have good grip in java, basically i am a software Tester and rightnow i am automating my application with Selenium (Testing Tool) so i need to write a script in java, so far i Worked with QTP for the same but in that its really easy to Data Driven test with Excel but here i am facing lots of problem. how to read/Write data from excel with java. how can i create input dialog box (like prompt in jscript) ?

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How To Read Plist File In Java

Jan 15, 2015

How can i read a .plist file.

file like---
<plist version="1.0">
<key>Build Version</key>
<key>Device Name</key>
<key>Display Name</key>

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