How To Restart Math In The Program Without Getting Out Of Program

Feb 15, 2014

I'm working in a GUI program, but I'm not going to put the code because there is a lot of code and files. Instead, I will try to put it an example.

Let say:

I'm working in a GUI program that ask form the user to enter two number's. When the user press at the calculate button. It will show up the output. However, the program won't exit unless the user press at red (X).

int x = user_Input1;
int y = user_Input2;
int total = x + y; //  
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, total);

I know that there will be a (total) now, so my question is here how can I reset all the calculation and have a new total that will show up when the user enter two number's again.

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How To Restart Program Once Answer Has Been Found

Oct 29, 2014

I am creating a body mass index calculator and i was wondering how i could make its so that the program resets itself once the BMI has been found....

My code is below...

package bmiCalculatorSource;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class BMICalculator {
public static void main(String[] args) {
final double KilogramsPerPound = 0.453;
final double MetersPerInch = 0.026;

[Code] ....

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Save JTable Contents So Table Data Remains After Program Restart?

May 22, 2014

how I would achieve the concept of saving the contents of a JTable, so even after program restarts, the table would retain the data. I am developing a utility that will be a password storage book. The user enters passwords and they are stored in a JTable. Currently, the table resets whenever the program is restarted, however I would like it to keep it's data. URL....

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Program Ask For Operator And Two Numbers And Do Math

Feb 17, 2015

This program is supposed to ask for the operator (+ or -) then ask you for two numbers and do the math. When I run it it comes up- Enter operator. When I say add or sub nothing happens. Here it is:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Echo1{
public static void main(String args[]){
Scanner userInput = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Enter Operator");
String operator =;

[Code] ....

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Create Little Program Which Enter Number / Program Says Triangle Exist Or Not

Mar 16, 2014

i want create little program which enter the number, ant program says triangle exist or not. So code :

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;


So when i put first num like 1, next num like 2 and next num like 100 , program says Triangle exist.

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Program To Open Excel Sheet From Java Program

Apr 16, 2014

Have written a program to open Excel sheet from java program.Below line works fine.

Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[]{""C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft OfficeOffice12Excel.EXE"","C:UsersRASHPA~ 1.ORAAppDataLocalTempExport_xl420314062726 9379706.xls"});

But below code gives error i.e. Executable name has embedded quote, split the arguments

String path = "C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft OfficeOffice12Excel.EXE";
String file = "C:UsersRASHPA~1.ORAAppDataLocalTempEx port_xl4203140627269379706.xls";

Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[]{"""+path+""" + ","+file});

I am using java 1.6.

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Program That Links Several GUI As Menu Based Program

Dec 17, 2014

In a project for school. I have a program that links several GUI's as a menu based program. What I am trying to accomplish is when one of the previous GUI's is closed that it doesn't terminate the entire program. There is a lot of classes in the entire project so I'd prefer not to paste all the code here, but if it is necessary I will do so.

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Creating A Program That Will Compile And Run Another Java Program

Feb 20, 2014

I'm creating a program that will compile and run another java program:Lets say I have a program in directory

and compiled program will be in
inside src and bin is a folder hello (that's a package)

package hello;
public class HelloWorld {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello World");
System.out.println("Hello World");

This program will be run by another program (that's the program that I am creating).Here is the code of my program:

package runnercompiler;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
public final class RunnerCompiler {

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How To Restart A Loop At A Certain Point

Jun 8, 2014

I made a blackjack code in java and I need to find a way to replace the place where I added a system.exit with a way to ask the user if they'd like to play again and restart the loop, keep in mind that I don't need the program to restart as I'd like to keep the value of their chips considering if they've won or lost.

Secondly, because it is a blackjack code, when it deals the cards, I would like for it to also print out K, Q or J but still consider it the number 11. Can I make an Ace count as 1 and 11?

One last question, is there anyway to add the suits of the cards such as (clubs, spades etc.) but the actual signs and if the signs aren't possible at all then the letter ('C', 'S', 'H', 'J') will have to do I guess.

import java.util.Scanner;
class Blackjack {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scan = new Scanner (;
Scanner num = new Scanner (;
System.out.println("Welcome to Blackjack!");


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Swing/AWT/SWT :: How To Make Restart Button Work

Mar 19, 2014

how to make this restart button work. This is what I have so far. I have put the restart button code in red and bold...

package Game;
public class Buttons extends javax.swing.JPanel {
private GameWorld world;
private int restart;


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Calculating Sin(x) Without Using Math

Sep 14, 2014

I'm trying to calculate sin(x) without using Math.sin(x). The formula for sin(x) is: x - x^3/3! + x^5/5! ... I can't seem to get the coding for the alternating +/- right. Here's my program:

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.lang.Math;
class Sin
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner kb = new Scanner(;
int n, c, fact = 1, count = 1;
double x, sum = 0, sum_sin = 0, result;

[Code] ....

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Split A Math Expression?

Feb 27, 2015

I have a math expression in a String, that I want to split into 4 pieces as in the following example:

String math = "23+4=27"
int num1 = (23 STORES HERE)
int num2 = (4 STORES HERE)
String operator = (+ STORES HERE)
int answer = (27 STORES HERE)

Note that the operator can be either + - * /

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Using MATH Class For Assignment?

Sep 18, 2014

Here is the assignment:

Prompt the user to input two sides (a and b) of a right triangle. Calculate, using the

formulas below, the hypotenuse and the other two angles of the triangle. Calculate the

perimeter and the area.

Here are the formulas:

a^2 + b^2 = h^2

sinθ = a/h

A + B + C = 180 degrees

how to start this program out, i know which math classes i need to use.

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String To Math Operation

Sep 14, 2014

Given a string of numbers and operator. Compute as follows:

Consider, "000293000002030403+0400293059694" is the input.

a. Separate the two operands and one operator:
"000293000002030403" "+" "0400293059694"

b. On each string operand, take each digit. ADD them all.
(2+9+3+2+3+4+3) + (4+2+9+3+5+9+6+9+4)
The two string operands should now become two integers.

c. Lastly, perform the operation using the string operator specified on the original string.
26 + 51 = 77

I don't know why I get the sum of 52 when I use a for loop.

Here are my codes:

public class string2math {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String input = "000293000002030403+0400293059694";
String [] operand = input.split("+");
String firstOpera = operand[0];

[Code] ...

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Use Math Methods Without Import In IDE

Feb 22, 2014

package statics;
public class Test_main {
public static void main(String[] args) {

I am able to use a Math method without importing the java.lang.Math. Which makes me think

1) What is the use of the import statement in java?
2) Is my IDE taking care of the import automatically?

I am using Eclipse IDE and JDK 1.7.

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Outputs Not Displaying Correct Math

Oct 14, 2014

I'm having extreme troubles with my outputs not displaying the correct math. I have everything organized how I want it, it's just not giving me the correct answers.

The code is supposed prompt the user to enter an investment amount and an interest rate and display the future investment amount for years 1-30. The formula for this is:

futureInvestmentAmount = investmentAmount * (1 + monthlyInterestRate)^(numberOfYears*12)

Here is my code:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class InvestmentValue {
public static void main(String[] args) {
  // prompt user to enter data
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("The amount invested: ");

[Code] ....

And I have to use a method to do this as it is what we are learning in class right now. A sample output as of now is:

The amount invested:
Annual interest rate:
Years Future Value

[Code] .....

And obviously a future investment amount cannot equal infinity.

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Math Integration Across Multiple Arrays

Feb 14, 2014

I am trying to complete an assignment and I am stuck on a key point. I must print the total inventory value across each of these arrays, as it prints for each "list". To do this, I understand that I need some form of correlation between my variables "total" and "Price" between each array. My quandary lies in the way that I have designed this code to begin with. I am not sure where to add the math section of code that is needed, nor am I fluent enough with Java to know how to call all of the arrays as it prints. Listed below is my code, when you compile it the total inventory value is 0 for each "list".

package inventory;
public class Inventory {
public static void
main (String[] args) {
List[]list = new List[5];


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Building Multiple Math Games?

Nov 23, 2014

building a game. the game is all about the multiple times table with levels. easy medium and difficulty. I dont even know where to begin and what is the codes to use or even the platform. what websites can be access etc and what is the big deal with code tags.

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Converting Math Formula To Java?

Jan 20, 2015

I'm trying to convert a Formula to run in a java program.

This is the formula:

(you can ignore the modifier part)

This is my attempt. However it prints out 0.0

import java.util.Scanner;
public class DamageCalc{
public static void main(String[] args){
Scanner s = new Scanner(;


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Importing Math Formula To Java

Sep 1, 2014

i am trying to calculate the number of months it takes to pay off a set amount of credit card debt given the following information: principle amount, annual interest rate, and monthly payment. How to import the formula necessary to system.out.print the answer (number of months it takes to pay off debt) ???

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Complex Math Functions With A Simple Web Page?

Feb 4, 2015

I am a 3rd year electrical engineer and I am working on a project on solar cell design in the developing world.For my project I am looking to create a very simple web page which can be used by people in the developing world to determine whether a photo voltaic system is suitable to their needs.

For this I want to have simple boxes where a user can input numbers and I used complex calculations to return values (a lot of trigonometric functions etc.), the values then should have the opportunity to be altered to the users digression. This will create a solar model.

For the load aspect of it I am looking to have drop down boxes for a number of components which the user can select and will have a numerical value in Watts which will sum to give total load on system. Ideally I would like to show this graphically in a pie chart showing how much energy each component is taking to give the option to remove.

I am also creating a statistical model which determines the likelihood of having no sunlight on a given day which looks at the solar output, battery capacity and load on the system and will return reliability of the system - this has not been completed but should be shortly.

Aim is to keep web page as simple as possible as unskilled computer users may want to use it.

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Java Math - Find Imaginary Number

Nov 2, 2014

I am doing this math for my assignment where you have to find the imaginary number.

double dem = (b*b-4*a*c)*-1;
double dem2 = Math.sqrt(dem);
realPart = (-b/(2*a));
imagine = (dem2)/(2*a);
imagineneg = (dem2)/(2*a);

So basically I am trying to get it that the number inside the square root isnt negative. So lets say I enter a: 1, b: -1, c: 4.25. When you do the discriminant it would be -16 but I want that to be positive so I multiple it by -1 (thats the dem part). Then I sqaure root the whatever the answer is and then go to the imagine and imagineneg part where you find the imaginary number.

My problem is that instead of it being -16*-1 to get 16, some how I get 15.

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Calculator That Ranges From Simple Math To Trig

Nov 15, 2014

I am trying to make a calculator that ranges from simple math to trig. I am trying to start the j-frame for it and I already have most of the formulas programmed with the if-else statements and such. How do I go about starting the jFrame and marrying the 2 codes together to start it. (I have taken a bit of programming but relatively new to writing j-frames and using other classes and putting them together).

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Random Math Operators And Asking Ten Questions With A Loop?

May 18, 2014

So my little math game is working so far. I can only do addition though. I know how to fix it if I can find out how to generate random math operators. After that I want to use a loop (or a better technique) to ask ten different math questions before the game is over.

package pkgnew;
 import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Random; 
public class New {
  public static void main(String args[]) {
  //Declare and construct variables
Random randomnum = new Random();


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Math On Three Numbers - Get Average / Sum And Number Entered By User

Feb 25, 2015

Java program : For this assignment you are going to write code for the following class:


Here are the specifications of class MathOnThreeNumbers:

Methods of class MathOnThreeNumbers:

1. inputThreeNumbers
2. getAverage
3. getSum
4. getNumberOne
5. getNumberTwo
6. getNumberThree

Constructor of class MathOnThreeNumbers

write a constructor that initializes the first, second, and three numbers to 1, 2, and 3 respectively.

Specs for the methods methods:

name: inputThreeNumbers
accessibilty: public
arguments: none
what it does: asks the user for three numbers of type double

name: getAverage
accessibilty: public
arguments: none
what it does: returns average of the three numbers

name: getSum
accessibilty: public
arguments: none
what it does: returns sum of the three numbers

name: getNumberOne
accessibilty: public
arguments: none
what it does: returns the first number entered by the user

name: getNumberTwo
accessibilty: public
arguments: none
what it does: returns the second number entered by the user

name: getNumberThree
accessibilty: public
arguments: none
what it does: returns the third number entered by the user

Here is an example of how the class MathOnThreeNumbers works. The following code produces the output displayed after the code.

MathOnThreeNumbers mm = new MathOnThreeNumbers();
System.out.println("first: " + mm.getNumberOne());
System.out.println("second: " + mm.getNumberTwo());
System.out.println("third: " + mm.getNumberThree());

[Code] .....

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Math Equation Game - Making Answer As Question

Apr 26, 2014

I want make a math equation game. usually math game use equation for the question and we answer that equation. ex : what is the result of 2*5 / 2+2/ 2^2 etc. and we answering that. but i want to make it different so i want to make the equation answer as the question and the equation as the answer of the game. Ex : the question is 54 so we can answer it with 9*6 or 24+30. and this is my java code

package coba;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Coba {

public static void main(String[] args) {
double angka = Math.random()*70;

[Code] ....

but when i run it the error code show like this : Quote

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