How To Save Output Of Java Program In Oracle Database

Sep 30, 2014

I have written java program which can extract online data from url and i want to store it in data base in new token row in table so than i can use in my application . how could it be done using type4 drive ..

These are my code ...

import javax.swing.text.html.parser.*;
import javax.swing.text.html.*;
import javax.swing.text.*;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
public class ParseTest extends HTMLEditorKit.ParserCallback {

[Code] ......

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Application Web Java To Insert Data Into Database Oracle From XML Files

Oct 27, 2014

I want to create an application wich can handle xml files ( display xml files's data on a html page) + insert those data into an oracle database.

I'm new to that, it a project for my internship. wich API is the most appropriate for that ( Jdom or Xstream or other), wich framework i can use ( there is only 3 IHM : connexion, upload file, display data, confirmation insertion data)?

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Java Servlet :: Unable To Send Data From JSP To Oracle Database

Jan 31, 2013

I'm creating a web applicaion. for that i want to create a registration page. and this registration details have to be stored in the database.

I'm getting the below error while trying to send the data ...

The requested resource (/cmd/InsertRegtodb) is not available.

Here cmd is project name and InsertRegtodb is servlet name.

Actually the servlet is present is the mentioned address. but it is not connecting to it

There is one more servlet in the same folder and which is accessible from another jsp. But this servlet is not accessible even though i have used same code as it is used for the servlet which worked for me previously...

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How To Read Excel Sheet And Validate Then Save Into Database Through Java

May 18, 2014

How to read the excel sheet data and validate that null values are inserted or columns data exceeded with respected to header.and these validated data should be stored into 3 different tables... My requirement is college data excel sheet with combination of all groups like mba,mca,and etc...then re ad the data and find the groups then

1. give entry in the UP_LOAD_DATA_HIST table with this excel data uploading with this user and this date,
2. find the group of the department and save data into CATAGIRY_TBL.
3. Finally save the All data into the students table.

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Java Servlet :: HTTP Status 404 Error - Program Does Not Connected To Oracle DB?

Oct 16, 2012

I am working wit netbean 7.2 ide,oracle 10g. the servlet program does not connected to the oracle db. i always recieve a

HTTP Status 404 -

type Status report


descriptionThe requested resource () is not available.

Oracle GlassFish Server

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Name And Address Matching From Oracle Database

Apr 26, 2015

I need a java program for getting name and address matching from oracle database. I need get all the customer name and address belonging to same person even if there is slight name and address changes are there.

James Smith
123 Broadway Av
Brownville, ME 04415

James S
123 Brodway Avenue
Brownville Junction, ME 04451

I am unable to get a best code for this and trying since long time.

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How To Pass Sysdate With Time In Oracle Database

Sep 2, 2013

I am passing LAST_MODIFIED_DATE through java in oracle database. My requirement is : I want to pass oracle  sysdate  with time.
Oracle date format is  mm/dd/yyyy

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Servlets :: Pagination Of Oracle Database Query Result

Jan 6, 2015

My query retrieves more than 5000 records from Oracle database. I want to display the records 100 per page. I know it is called pagination. Any detailed styp-by-guide or tutorial or example available?

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Error While Making Connection With Remote Oracle Database

May 21, 2014

I am trying to make connection with oracle database but when i run java file it's raise an error

"classnotfoundexception oracle.jdbc.driver.oracledriver"
  "jdbc:oracle:thin:@erp:1521:ORCL", "apps",

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Java Servlet :: How To Force Browser To Open / Save / Save As File From Server

Sep 25, 2012

How to force browser to open/save/save as the file from server instead of browser cache.

I am creating a csv file through a pl/sql procedure and forwarding the link to user once user clicks on link he downloads the file, however if the same thing is repeated then browser returns the old cached file instead of new file generated on server.

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JSP :: Store A File / Image Into Oracle Database And Display On Browser?

Nov 2, 2014

I want to store an image/file into oracle database using jsp.

I have written code to store data when am running in my machine it is working fine, but not working in server throwing an error saying that "The system cannot find the file specified."

I am attaching the code what am written.

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JDBC :: No Suitable Driver Found For Oracle Database Connection

Jul 10, 2015

I have small Java code, which execute every day and checks for data in database using Cronj Schedular and everything works fine, but recently I have observed that, it is failing due to
    java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for
At the same time, when I run my test code to check Database connectivity that works fine without above exception. I'm unable to figure it out. Although, there was just slight code change, but that was nowhere related to Database or Database connection.
    public class dbconf {
    private Connection connect;
    private String connstr;
    public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException {
    connstr = "";

[Code] .... 
Application Log file
    Wed Jul 01 09:25:17 IST 2015:------- Initializing -------------------
    Wed Jul 01 09:25:17 IST 2015:------- Scheduling Jobs ----------------
    Wed Jul 01 09:25:17 IST 2015:------- Job Started Running ----------------
    Thu Jul 02 06:00:00 IST 2015 : Job Executed..!! Bschedularv2.2
    java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for
    Sat Jul 04 06:00:00 IST 2015 : Job Executed..!! Bschedularv2.2
    Sun Jul 05 06:00:00 IST 2015 : Job Executed..!! Bschedularv2.2
    java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for
So, you can see, It failed on 3rd of July and 5th July as well. But, in between it ran fine.

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Servlets :: Save HTML Table Data To Database

Nov 17, 2014

I have a HTML table whose rows are getting generated through javascript function. I want to save this data in the table rows.

**HTML Code**

<div style="width:100%;height:100%;border:1px solid black; overflow-x:scroll; overflow-y:scroll; padding:0">
<table border=0>
<input type="button" name="add_details" id="add_details" value="Add" onclick="AddDetails()">
<input type="button" name="delete_details" id="delete_details" value="Delete" onclick="DeleteDetails()">

[Code] .....

When i press submit button in my form of JSP, how can i access table data?

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Java Input / Output Program Using Threads

Feb 24, 2014

I am trying to write a program in Java that uses threads.Below is the program requirements:The goal of this assignment is to create a routine which creates multiple threads, has them do work in parallel, and terminates when the last thread has finished.

The Scenario: There are several groups of people in a bar watching the Olympics cheering for their country. Each group will cheer for their country some given number of times, with a random pause (between 2 and 5 seconds) between each cheer. There is enough room at the bar for up to ten different groups to sit (each would be cheering for a different country).

The Program: The task is to write a program that will simulate these cheers using threads. The program should be called cheer.X (X being the language of choice). You may use any language that supports threading. When the program is run it should ask for the number of countries and then the name and how many times it will be cheered for. The main function will then create a thread for each team and each thread is responsible for cheering the specified number of times for the correct team at the random interval. You will submit the proper source code file for me to open and compile myself, not an executable.

An example run would look something like this: How many countries are supported at the bar? 3 Enter the first: China How many cheers? 2 Enter the second: USA How many cheers? 4 Enter the third: Russia

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Program For Converting Positive Binary Inputs Into Hex - Unexpected Output Java

Sep 30, 2014

I am trying to write a program for converting positive binary inputs into hex. in the hex output the point (".")is missing.

Suppose my expected output is e7.6 , but i am getting e76.

Only the "." is missing.

Here is my BinToHex class..

public class BinToHex {
double tempDec,fractionpart;
long longofintpart,templongDec;
String inpu ="11100111.011";
String hexOutput=null,tempDecString,hex = null;
[Code] .....

Here is how decimal fraction is converted into hex or here too...

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Writing Output Of Two Different Java Class Files To One Txt File While Program Runs

Jul 20, 2013

So I am trying to write the output of two different java class files to one txt file while the program runs.  The file name is determined before the program is ran, through the command prompt as arguments.  How can I get the second class file to edit the same txt file without running into compile errors.
For right now I'm just going to send everything that the second file outputs to a message String variable, so that the Main class outputs to the the text file.  I still want to learn how to write to the same text file directly from the second class file.
public class Test{
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{
        int x;
        //create a new file internally called doc.  But externally labelled the user input
        File doc = new File(args[0]);
        if (doc.exists()){

[Code] .....

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Java Program To Search Data From Database On Website - IE Cannot Load URL

Jun 23, 2014

I am writing a java program which searchs data from a database on a website , my problem is that the url does not works on IE but works fine in other browsers..

private URL getURL(String selection) {
URL exampleURL = null;
String url = "";
if (selection.equals("mfcCode")) {
url += getURLcriteria(EditList.get(CurrentListIndex)

[Code] .....

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Write A JAVA Program That Will Input 10 Scores And Output Highest And Lowest Score

Jan 9, 2015

1.Write a JAVA program that will input 10 scores and output the Highest and Lowest score.

2.Write a JAVA program that will input the base and power and display the result: Example: Base is 4 Power is 2 the answer is 16 (Note: Math.pow( ) method is not allowed)

3.Write a JAVA program that will input an integer number, and then will output the sum of all inputted numbers. The program will stop in accepting inputs if the user entered 0.

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Oracle Driver In Java App?

Jul 26, 2014

Where do I have to put the ojdbc6.jar file so that Java finally recognizes it?I'm trying to connect to a Oracle XE databse from a Java application, but


Will throw a ClassNotFoundException no matter where I put the driver. Stuff like this should be extremely simple but I am about to give up for good now.

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JDBC :: Java Oracle Rac Connection URL Using Scan

Dec 30, 2014

I am trying to connect to an oracle rac using jdbc thin . when i use the scan as the host, like this

String url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@//<scan>:port/servicename;

I get error 1153, connection refused

but when i use the ip of the rac instead of the scan

String url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@//<ip>:port/servicename;

The connection is successful
Is the issue at the application level? or is the problem with the server ....

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Use JAVA In Oracle To Send Blob To Printer?

Sep 18, 2014

I used the PLPDF software to generate a blob in PDF format in PL/SQL. I can open it in a browser but I would rather send it directly to a printer from PL/SQL.
I know I can use tools like BI and Jasper but I want this particular solution to be 100% database solution.
I was wondering of I can use JAVA in Oracle to send the blob to a printer.

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Inventory Program - Add / Delete / Modify / Search And Save

Feb 15, 2015

The goal was to add a few buttons an add delete modify search and save. I feel like I have the entire need satisfied. I'm having a few symbol problems which I'm not quite sure how to fix.

My full code is:

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Graphics;

[Code] ....

which is directing me towards Prodname on the far right of the if statement. I'm not sure what the problem is. I've double checked my spellings several time for each spot and I cant quite get it.

Everyone has told me but I am aware that I made some bad decisions with the variables being capitalized this was my first go at a program and my instructor didn't let me know that thats the normal way to do it.

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How To Get Desired Output Layout Database Query

Jan 15, 2015

My output of my app its outputting the correct data just no the format ...

code : :
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.*;
public class DatabaseQuery

[Code] ....

Current output:

Stock holdings by User

User ID User Name
Stock - Description
Default Admin
DELL Dell Computer Corp
Default Admin
MSFT Microsoft Computer Corp

[Code] ....

Desired Output :

Stock holdings by User

User ID User Name
Stock - Description
admin01 Default Admin
DELL Dell Computer Corp
MSFT Microsoft Computer Corp
ORCL Oracle Corp

[Code] .....

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Servlets :: How To Output Data From Database Into Table JSP

Mar 7, 2015

I am trying to output data but get empty table. What am I doing wrong? Here is my code:

Class Item:

public class Item {
private Long id;
private String name;
private String description;
private String category;
private Double price;


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GUI Database Output - League Of Legends Items

Jan 29, 2015

I'm making a small database GUI program in Java where the user is able to choose 1 out of 4 options they would want to know. i.e. They click the "League of Legends Items" button and will be prompted with an option pane for input. The files containing these items are already constructed but when input is entered into the option dialog box no output is received. I figured I would need some sort of while loop that gets a line from the text file and checks up to a substring in order to make sure it is the same as the input and then outputs what the user requested. I figured it would also have to be the same for the options except with pictures and other text to follow through. For example, the user clicks the "Champions"button where it runs through the file of champions till it finds the one requested and then displays the associated picture with it. As of now, no button displays an output after user enters an input

import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class LoLDatabase extends JFrame implements ActionListener{

JButton summoner;
JButton guides;

[Code] ....

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OpenJDK Java Command Running Instead Of Oracle Version

Dec 1, 2014

I've Installed oracle JDK version 1.8 on a debian machine that already has openjdk 1.6.i've set the path variable in etc/login.defs and java_home variable In etc/environment. When I echo $JAVA_HOME it points to the oracle version correctly and when I run javac It uses the oracle 1.8 version. The problem is when I run the java command , It runs the openjdk 1.6 version and I'm not sure why.If I type java -version It shows the openjdk version.

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