How To Write Mini Sudoku In 4x4 Puzzle Using Java

Oct 31, 2014

How to write a mini sudoku in 4x4 puzzle using java The entries of each grid are 1,2,3 or 4 only.

No number will be the on a row.

No number will be the same in a column.

There are 4 regions in the puzzle and no number will be the same in a region.

I want to ask how to finish the below code, because I don't know how to extend using the below code

import java.util.*; 
public class MiniSudoku {
 final static int SIZE=4;


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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Mini Paint Program - Changing Size Of Shapes

Jun 4, 2014

I am currently writing a small drawing program and I am having trouble with changing the size of the shapes. To do this, I have to access the arraylist shapes, check whether pressedX/pressedY is on any of the shapes in the arraylist using the findShape() method and then when released, uses moveBy() in the Rectangle/Oval/Line class and moveShape() in the miniDraw class to move the shape and draw it in the newreleasedX/releasedY position.

So far I think I have pin pointed the problem to being the method in all the shapes classes, that checks whether the pressedX/pressedY which is the on() method, and the findShape() method in the miniDraw class.

This is the minidraw class

import ecs100.*;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.util.*;
import javax.swing.JColorChooser;

[Code] .....

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Simulation On Assembly Code Level By Writing A Mini-compiler

Sep 28, 2014

I need to do a simulation on the assembly code level by writing a mini-compiler for each ISA, i.e., 4, 3, 2-Address Architecture, Accumulator Architecture, Stack Architecture, and Load-Store Architecture.The input to the simulator is a segment of C program:The basic sample segments of C code are:

1. A = (B + C) * D - E;

2. F = (G + H) - (I + J);

3. G = H + A[I];

4. If (I == J) F = G + H;

Else F = G - H;

5. Loop: G = G + A[I];

I = I + J;

If (I != H) Goto Loop;

6. If (G < H) Goto Less;

7. While (save[I] == K)

I = I + J;

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How To Start A Puzzle Game

Nov 25, 2014

I am trying to make a puzzle game in java.I have made it successfully.But the problem is,when it starts its already solved.I want it to start unsolved so the user can solve it.My code is:

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.image.*;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
class Puzzle extends JFrame implements ActionListener


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Client-Server Mini Program Is Not Communicating Right - Blocking Read Line Does Not Block?

Feb 3, 2014

Me and my brother decided to make a relatively simple client/server program where clients get into a simple chat lobby and can invite others to play small games(like pong). The basic server code has been written, and we have made a special client that is used for debugging.

We use a self-defined protocol of Strings where a message looks like "4-|user,pass". The number before the delimiter "-|" is the operation code, that tells the server what kind of message this client sends. Based on that number, the server dispatches the message to the appropriate handler method. 4 is authentication for example, and the handler looks the user and pass up in a file and if found, returns true, otherwise, false. Then the server responds to the clinet with 2-|"any message" where the client will recognize opcode 2 as a "authentication accepted" and proceed with the next part of client code. In a similar way, we plan to write all message types(both in the game, in the lobby and in a game setup room).

While testing we ran into a problem where the BufferedReader .readLine() does not seem to be a blocking call like it should be, so the client keeps spamming 'null' in the output field that we made to see the server response to the message we send. When we try to debug the server code and set breakpoints at the suspicious locations, it strangely skips both while(true) loops without activating either breakpoint and executes the finally{} code, even though the client did not close the connection and the second while loop was never entered. The first while loop IS entered though, because the test client gets a "0" on its output, which is the server message indicating "please authenticate yourself".

We decided to use messages in a string format and decode it at both sides as it seemed easier than transmitting java objects and making sure they are of the same type, also for reducing overhead as much of possible.URL....

package Chatroom;
import java.util.HashSet;


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Sudoku Is Not Working For Few Inputs

Apr 22, 2015

The thing my coding for sudoku is not working for few inputs... it works fine with all its value initially at 0, but when i place numbers more than 4 at random places it stops responding (it doesn't show any value). My assignment is to get a solved sudoku for these values:

//Sample Input:

My current code

public class Sudoku {
static int userGrid[][]=new int[][]
static int grid[][]=new int[9][9];//the grid that the program experiments on

[Code] .....

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Word Puzzle Game - Add Extra No Occurrences

Oct 20, 2014

I have a simple Word Program here called It works perfectly but I wanted to add some bells and whistles to it. So I want to be able that if the user selects the same letter more than once a message comes up letting the user know that "That letter has already been selected, try another letter."

I am certain that if would go in the 'else' of the 'if( )' that I am providing.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class PuzzleGame {
public static void main(String[] args){
String secretPhrase = "BIG JAVA";
String guesses = " ";

[Code] .....

I am thinking maybe after the else in this if statement.

if(guesses.indexOf(secretLetter)== -1) {
notDone = true;
} else {
//something here. I am not sure how to go about it.

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Implementing Search Algorithm To Solve 8 Puzzle

Oct 4, 2014

I have been working on a program that takes in a 2d array (there is a method to convert to 1d as necessary) and uses it as an 8 puzzle, which the program then solves (if it is solvable) using the A* Search algorithm, outputting each solution move. It needs error checkers/traps/exception handlers, and be able to create an 8 puzzle from user input, create an 8 puzzle from file input, and create an 8 puzzle from file input and then output to another file the solution move sequence. I have gotten nearly everything done except for implement the algorithm itself and the methods for handling input from files or output to files (the input/output file methods are a minor problem that I can probably solve fairly easily, I just want to be able to test the a* with the puzzle created from user input first.

I have taken several cracks at it, but I am not really good with Java in this type of situation and this is hurting me a lot. I have put in a method to determine if a puzzle is solvable, but the A* algorithm still eludes me. I understand the concept of the algorithm, you have a heuristic function, a cost function (each move equals 1 in this case), and you add the two together to get f(n), choosing the move that will get you the closest to your goal (best first search basically). here is what I have so far that works:

import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Puzzle {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

[Code] ....

I have it outputting things to make sure all that works already, I have all the error handlers, but I think that before I can even implement the A*search algorithm, there may be something else I need. Conceptually, I understand I need Nodes, States and Stacks, and Queues (I think, I am not sure about this), but with the way my code has been made so far, I am not sure how to implement those and then implement them with the A* algorithm. What I should do next? I have looked at the code of other uses of A* algorithm(that is how I found out I might need Java data structures like queue and stack and list), but I am not sure exactly where to go to from where I am.

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Sudoku Solver Backtracking Algorithm

Dec 5, 2014

It's about a backtracking algorithm trying to solve a sudoku, represented by an array of integer arrays. For testing matters, the start field is empty.

static boolean solve(int[][] field, int i, int j) {
if (filled(field)) {
return legal(field);
} else {
for (int k = 1; k <= 9; k++) {
field[i][j] = k;

[Code] ....

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Rush Hour Puzzle - Adding Multiple Vehicles

Jun 8, 2014

When I add the first car only, it puts it in the correct spot and I can move it correctly. However when I attempt to add another car, the image of the second car repaint itself onto the first one, and the second car is not functioning at all (not moving)...


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Sudoku Checker Program - Cannot Find Symbol

Jul 9, 2014

I can't get the code to compile for the driver every time i get an error message saying error: cannot find symbol
symbol: variable grid
location: class SudokuCheckerTest error: cannot find symbol

[Code] .....

4 errors

Java Code :

import java.util.Scanner;
public class SudokuChecker{
public SudokuChecker(){
// displays intro code and initializes the array grid as well as using method calls.
Scanner in = new Scanner(;
int [][] grid = new int [4][4];

[Code] ....

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Sudoku Solver - Scanner Isn't Functioning Properly

Nov 19, 2014

I am working on a program that should take an input file as a command line argument and check if that file contains a valid sudoku solution. Right now the main error I am getting is my scanner isn't functioning properly and is throwing inputMismatchexceptions, but Im also not sure about the validity of my functions, and i cannot test them because my scanner isn't working.

import java.util.Scanner;
//This class will read in a possible sudoku solution and test it for validity. If it is invalid, return at least one reason why.

public class SudokuVerifier {
//this function checks a row to see if it contains the numbers 1-9
public static boolean checkRow(int sudoku[][], int i) {
boolean contains=false; // keeps track if the line contains a certain number
for(int k=1; k<=9; k++) { //goes through every number from 1 to 9
for(int j=1; j<sudoku[i].length; j++) { //checks every element in the row to see if it is equal to k


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Comparing Characters Of A Word To Puzzle Board - Diagonal Search Algorithm

Feb 7, 2015

Coding (must follow pseudocode algorithm provided) for comparing characters of a word to a puzzle board char[][].

I've gotten the horizontal and vertical searches to work, but I'm having a difficult time figuring out how to search diagonally.

Here's the search algorithm format I have to use:

for each guess word
for each letter of the puzzle
for each letter of the guess word
check for diagonal match
if found, add word to list, break to next guess

I'm assuming there should be a +1 horizontal offset after I find the first letter, but every index I've bumped has caused me to screw up my array bounds. I'm missing something.

Here's the algorithm I'm using for diagonal search. This same algorithm worked for vertical search (minus the offset of course)

//diagonal search
for(String word : guessWords) {//for each guess word
 int letterCount = 0;
int index = 0;
for(int j=0; j<grid[index].length; j++) {//for each puzzle letter
[Code] ....

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Sudoku - When Place Numbers More Than 4 At Random Places It Stops Responding

Apr 22, 2015

The thing my coding for sudoku is not working for few inputs... it works fine with all its value initially at 0, but when i place numbers more than 4 at random places it stops responding (it doesn't show any value).

My assignment is to get a solved sudoku for these values:

//Sample Input:

My Current code

public class Sudoku {
static int userGrid[][]=new int[][]
static int grid[][]=new int[9][9];//the grid that the program experiments on
public static void main(String[] args) {

[Code] ....

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Sudoku GUI - How To Make Some Textboxes JDialogs Displaying Uneditable Numbers

Apr 25, 2014

So here is what i have so far for my sudoku game. Now my grid only displays textboxes where a user can input numbers but nothing will happen yet. I want to know how to make it so that the user can only input one character and only numbers. i would also like to know how to make some textboxes jdialogs displaying uneditable numbers that im taking from a sudoku website for the puzzle.

Main Class

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;  
public class Game{
public static void main(String[] args) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Hello. Welcome to a game of Sudoku by Ezra Zike.");
Level select = new Level();

[Code] .....

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How To Write Java Lab Report

Jan 8, 2014

I would like to know how to write Java lab report. If you have links or sample.

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Read Or Write In USB Using Java

Sep 30, 2014

How can i use java for usb device? I want to read or write in a usb device in java. I've looked for in the web and i didn't find anything!

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Best Way To Read / Write Files In Java?

Mar 31, 2014

I have seen different methods of creating and reading files (specifically text files) in Java. The PrintWriter method or the Formatter with a Scanner to read the file, using a BufferedWriter with a BufferedReader, etc. They will all read/write text files, but from what I understand they do so in different ways. When would it be more beneficial to use a buffered writer than, say, PrintWriter, which is much simpler code-wise? Is there a "best" way to handle i/o in general in Java?

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How To Write Java Data To Pdf File

Apr 9, 2014

how to write java data to pdf file

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Write A Java Program That Uses A While Loop

Apr 9, 2014

Write a java program that uses a While loop and persistent output to count down from 33 to 0 by threes, and put each value on a separate line, also do this in for loop.

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How To Create And Write Files With Java

Jun 19, 2014

How come that nobody has a normal name? ... like:


or almost nobody.

Second question, this is the exercise I have to make:

write a program that reads a sentence and write it on a file separating each word on a diffrent line of the file

Java Code:

package vacanze_estive_8;

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

[Code] ....

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How To Write A Code In Java To Scan Documents

Nov 5, 2014

I want to write code in java to scan documents.

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How To Write A Dot File That Prints Graph In Java

Dec 6, 2014

Let's say if I want to create a dot file that print this graph in Java, how do i go about it?

I'm starting with this:

PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter("");

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Write A Java Program To Input 7 Integers?

Feb 21, 2015

Design, write a java program to input 7 integers and, for each integer, calculate and display its square and cube.

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Write A Java Program That Reads 5 Integers

Oct 9, 2014

Project is due before midnight eastern time (3 more hours). I have been working on this all day, we have not learned arrays or anything and just started 'for' loops. I don't really know how to implement that system yet. However, he wants us to check all the possible handwritten math ways of doing this. I have tried but I cannot return my numbers beside the program only prints the type and I still have more cases to add as well..

QUESTION: Write a Java program that reads 5 integers, each of which is in the range of 1 and 13 representing a simplified poker card with no suit. Your program should then print the ranking of the hand with card number(s) beside the ranking. The rankings to determine are Four of a Kind(4 of the 5 cards of the same rank), Full House(3 of the 5 cards of the same rank, and 2 cards of another rank), Straight(5 cards of sequential rank), Three of a Kind(only 3 cards of the same rank), Two Pair(2 cards of the same rank, 2 cards of another rank, and no card of either rank), One Pair(only 2 of 5 cards are of the same rank), and High Card(no two cards of the same rank). Some sample runs are:

input: 2, 3, 2, 2, 2; output: Four of a Kind(2)
input: 2, 3, 2, 3, 2; output: Full House(2, 3)
input: 2, 3, 4, 5, 1; output: Straight(5)
input: 1, 13, 11, 10, 12; output: Straight(1)


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Create And Write To A Excel File From A Java Program?

Jul 10, 2007

I want to create and write to a excel file from a java program. I found a tutorial online and wrote a java file as under:

Java Code: import;
import java.util.Date;
import jxl.*;
import jxl.write.*;
public class jExcel{
WriteableWorkbok workbook = Workbok.createWorkbook(new File("output.xls"));
public static void main(String args[]){
WriteableSheet sheet = workbook.createSheet("First Sheett",0);
Label label = new Label(0,2,"A label record");


But when I compile this file, I get errors telling that package jxl does not exists and so on. Do I need to download it ?

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