I/O / Streams :: Reading A File Line By Line And Deleting It

Oct 15, 2014

If I want to read my file line by line and when it hits a certain value from that point it should start deleting the lines until the tag ends.Just curious will my code actually work at the moment or not because it goes through so many times then goes straight back to the variable declarations at the start of the method and never hits the console print line.

public void removeEnvironment(){
//declare variable to environment id
String environmentID = "Environment id";
String lines = null;
boolean lineFound = false;
boolean end = false;


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I/O / Streams :: Find Line Number In A File Using Multi Line String

May 5, 2014

My requirement is to find the line number using multiline string. Here I need to extract the string between FROM and where clause(from the below string) and need to find the line number in the file



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I/O / Streams :: Reading Up To The First Delimiter And Then Moving On To Next Line?

Mar 22, 2014

I have a text file that has contents as follows:


I am trying to read only the first item in each list using a comma as a delimiter using the following code.

public String[] pList() {
ArrayList<String> names = new ArrayList<String>();
String word;
try {
String path = P_FOLDER + P_FILE;


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Deleting First Line From A Text File

Feb 14, 2015

I am want to delete the first line of text file using RandomAccessFile class. My Input file "bulkwfids.txt" has the data as below:


Expected output needs to be(first line deleted):


But the actual ouput I am getting is as follows:


Here is the code snippet I have written:

import java.io.*;
class DeleteLine {
public static void main(String [] args) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
  RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile("C://Users/hp/Desktop/bulkwfids.txt", "rw");
[Code] .....

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Reading TXT File As Command Line Argument?

Apr 23, 2015

I'm having trouble with how to read a text file into my program so the words can be sorted alphabetically. Should I use something like a FileReader?

An example of what I'm trying to do is a .txt file that holds the statement "java is a simple object oriented and distributed and interpreted and robust and secure and dynamic."

The output should organize the words like so: and and and and distributed dynamic interpreted is java object oriented robust secure simple

Here's what I have:

public static void main(String[] args) {
if (args.length != 1) {
System.out.println("Usage: java AscendingAlphabet"


I can never get it to read the file correctly, it just prints the "usage: java..." statement.

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Scanner Only Reading First Line Of Text File?

Feb 6, 2015

I have a code that imports a text file [URL] .... and has a variety of methods for sorting through it. The file is structured differently when loaded into the environment, as each line begins with a movie and lists all of its actors. Each line has a movie title, then its release date in parentheses, and then the actors in the movie all listed and separated by slashes (Ex: /lastname 1, firstname 1/lastname 2, firstname 2/etc.....

Well I tried to create a method to search all the actors in the file for an inputted word and return the ones that have that word somewhere in their names. I managed to get it to work, but the code only runs for one line of it. How should I get this to do what its doing, but for EVERY line?

Code is here: [URL] ....

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How To Make File Reader Object Move To Next Line If There Is No More Input On Line

Feb 18, 2015

How do I make the file reader object move to the next line if there is no more input on the line. Here is my text and output file as you can see that my text file column cuts off on the 2nd line after 70. I want to read that next line which is 100 into my labs variable however its reading it into my final exams variable. I'll also post the code but I didn't think it was necessary.


Labs Projects Tests Final Exams

[import java.util.Scanner;
import java.io.*;
public class MyGrades
public static void main (String[] args) throws IOException
int lab, project, test;
int finalExam;//Par and Player values


not sure if I code wrapped it correctly

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Reading Different Types Of Data From A Single Line Of A File?

Oct 12, 2014

I have to read data from a text file and print it in a new text file. An example of one line is like this:
Johnson 85 98 75 89 82

I then have to take the average of all the numbers and assign a "grade" to the numbers for each line of the text file and make a new file so it looks like this for 10 lines:

Name 1 2 3 4 5 Average Grade

Johnson 85 98 75 89 82 85.80 B

My problem is extracting the data from the file so I can use it.

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Reading A Text File And Inserting Line Into String?

Dec 6, 2014

I am having issues insert each line of the simple textfile into a specific varible I want it to go to. For example my text file is ordered like this

78 F
North, 15 mph
29 F
South, 10 mph

and I want Dallas in city variable, 78f in temperature variable, and so on until text ends, at the moment is all goes into city variable, it all prints from there! I tried inserting it into an array but it would read all the lines previous to it in addition to reusing readline and all failed.

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.IOException;
public class Textreader {
public static void main(String[] args) {


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Read File Line By Line

Dec 8, 2014

how to read file line by line ? Namely my input file I want to read look as follow:

AAA 1, 1
12 222 12
AAA 2, 2
11 122 11
My output file should look as follow:

1, 1, 12
1, 1 222
1, 1, 12
2, 2, 11
2, 2, 122
2, 2, 11
I think the lines need to be stored in ArrayList, then I would like those lines to write to csv file, but how on read I can construct such output file? This is my code for reading file
public ArrayList readFile(String filename)


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Pickup Selected Text File And Read Line By Line And Output Text Into Visual Text Pane

Dec 12, 2014

I am checking how to do following task.

01. pickup the selected text file and read the line by line and output the text in to visual text pane.

what i did:.

01. I wrote code that read the text file and output in to jave console/ also some of the interface.

the code read txt file:

Java Code:

String fileName = "C:/Users/lakshan/Desktop/lawyer.txt";
File textFile = new File(fileName);
Scanner in = new Scanner (textFile);


so it will read any text file dynamically and output to the text pane in interface. I think scanner code must be execute after the select the file from the browser and set the scanned result in to variable. then later out put the var as string in some jswing component?

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JUnit Test - Read From Text Line By Line And Save Words In FileOnTable

Nov 21, 2014

I have wrote this class who read from text line by line and save the words in fileOnTable.. Now i don't know what to read in ReadOffer to save the words in object offers and return this.. One more question.. What JUnit test can write for this code..?

package com.example.crazysellout.UserSide;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;

[Code] ....

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Floyd Triangle - Accept Line Number From User And Print Only That Particular Line

Sep 10, 2014

Write a program that accepts the line number from the user and prints only that particular line from the Floyd triangle.

Input: 2
Output: 2 3

Input: 3
Output: 4 5 6

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Find A String And Display Line Number And Line Itself?

Oct 20, 2014

I'm creating a program that searches a txt file for a given string, then return the number line and the line itself. However, my testFile class isn't detecting my searchWord methods.

The searchWord and recursiveSearch is written in a java class called BasicFile

public List<String> searchWord(String key) throws Exception {
LineNumberReader lnr = new LineNumberReader(new FileReader(f));
return recursiveSearch(lnr.readLine(), key, lnr);
public List<String> recursiveSearch(String currentLineText, String key, LineNumberReader lnr)


Is it because I'm using a list instead of a string?

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Scanning Next Line Of Input Without Advancing Past Line

Apr 12, 2014

I'm doing an assignment for uni and have come across a small hiccup. What I'm trying to do is scan in a text file and read "commands" for it line by line, E.g:

Student Mary 12345 19
Student Joe 12346 19
Change Joe 19 20
Change Mary 19 20

So that lines that begin with the word "Student" indicate that I should create a new student file with that name, student ID, and age.

"Change" indicates that I should be changing the specified student's current age to the new age etc.

What I'm currently doing is something along the lines of this:

Scanner input = new Scanner(new FileReader(args[0]));
String[] line;
while (input.nextLine().startsWith("Student")) {
line = input.nextLine().split("s+");

[Code] ....

The problem I'm having is that every second line seems to be getting skipped (because I'm calling nextLine() so much?) but I can't think of a way to "peek" at the first word of each line without advancing past it. Is there any way of doing this?

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I/O / Streams :: Escaping Double Quotes Be Applied To Reading From A File?

Sep 26, 2014

If I'm using an xml file and the piece of data I want from the file looks like Staff id ="Test";

Is it something like this? Only seen two examples of it but I'm not sure they were reading from a file like myself.

Staff id = """ + Test + """;

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I/O / Streams :: Reading From And Writing To A File Then Read Again Including Data Written

Oct 11, 2014

I'm having a bit of trouble with using the Scanner and the Printwriter. I start with a file like this (1 = amount of Houses in the file)

Emmalaan 23
3051JC Rotterdam
7 rooms
buyprice 300000
energylevel C

The user gets (let's say for simplicity) 3 options:

1. Add a House to the file,
2. Get all Houses which fullfil requirements (price, FOR SALE / SOLD etc.) and
3. Close the application.

This is how I start:

Scanner sc = new Scanner (System.in);
while (!endLoop) {
System.out.println("Make a choice);
System.out.println("1) Add House");
System.out.println("2) Show Houses");
System.out.println("3) Exit");
int choice = sc.nextInt();

Then I have a switch for all of the three cases. I keep the scanner open, so Java can get the user input (house = for sale or sold, price = ... etc). If the user chose option 1, and all information needed is inputted and scanned, the House will be written to the file (which looks like what I typed above).

For this, I use try (PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("Makelaar.txt", false)))). This works perfectly (at least so it seems.)

If the user chose option 1, and all requirements are inputted and scanned, the Houses will be read (scanner) from the file and outputted. For this I use the same Scanner sc. This also works perfectly (so it seems atleast).

My problem is as follows: If a House has been added, I can only read the House(s) which were already in the file. Let's say I have added 2 houses, and there were from the start 3 houses. If option 2 is chosen, the first 3 houses will be scanned perfectly. An exception will be caught for the remaining 2 (just added) Houses. How can I solve this? I tried to close the Scanner, and reopening it, but apparently Java doesn't agree with this

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JSP :: How To Append Line In CSV File

Mar 29, 2014

I have a csv file and I want to insert the csv file into the database columns consist of date, description1, description2, amount1, amount2, narration.. but the problem is the narration is coming in second line in csv file due to which the data is not getting inserted into the database. So how to append the narration into the first line,I have enclosed the demo format of csv file and a code to read the csv file..

myFile.csv file:

20-5-2013,"Cash Rec. From abc","pymt",-500.00,,
"Cash rec. from abc office",

20-5-2013,"Cash Rec. From xyz","rcpt",-5100.00,,
"Cash rec. from xyz office",

[Code] .....

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New Line In Text File

Jun 9, 2014

I'm trying to print the information entered into my TimeClockApp to a text file named timeclock.txt. Everything is writing to the text file, except instead of adding each part of the run through the app to one line, it is saving each part on a separate line like this:

2014/06/08 15:32:29

To ensure that each run through the time clock is recorded on a different line in the text file, I want it to add each item like this instead:

i 3 2014/06/08 15:32:29

I have tried to execute the

out.println(timeClock.get(i)); line as out.println(timeClock.get(i) + " "); and out.println(timeClock.get(i) + "

but have had no luck in fixing this problem. My current code that writes the information to the text file is as follows:

// write items to timeclock.txt file
try {
// open an output stream for overwriting a text file
PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(
new BufferedWriter(
new FileWriter(fileName))); // (filename, true) when

[Code] ....

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TxT File - Write In Next Line

Mar 5, 2014

i start work with TxT files. And i need know how to write text in the next line if file exist. My code just last text replace new.. Here code :

Main :
package YoYo;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Main {
static String atsakymas;
static String FileName;

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Create A New Line On TXT File Between 2 Lines

Feb 6, 2015

Lets say this txt file contains 2 lines.


What would i have to do to insert a a piece of text in between hello and bye? I would like for the it to search for "hello", then add a line after it so it would look like :


I have these 2 methods that work as intended, but i just cannot seem to do what i've stated above.

Java Code: /**
* @param location
* Location of the .txt file.
* @param text
* The String to search for in the .txt file.

[Code] ....

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Read A File And Then Output Back To Same File On New Line

Jan 24, 2015

I am trying to write to a file but everything I have tried doesn't seem to work. What I want to do is read a file and then output back to the same file on a new line. The text file contains the sentence "Java is a programming language".

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.io.*;
class HW1B {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner fileIn = null;
try {
fileIn = new Scanner (new FileInputStream("text.txt"));

[Code] ....

These are the errors :

HW1B.java:19: error: no suitable constructor found for Scanner(FileOutputStream)
fileOut = new Scanner (new FileOutputStream("text.txt"));
constructor Scanner.Scanner(Readable) is not applicable
(argument mismatch; FileOutputStream cannot be converted to Readable)
constructor Scanner.Scanner(InputStream) is not applicable

[Code] ....

Note: Some messages have been simplified; recompile with -Xdiags:verbose to get full output
2 errors

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Read File And Input Each Line Of File Into Array

Mar 21, 2015

I am trying to read a file and input each line of the file into an array. I have not set the array size as I was hoping to fill the array using a while loop. Unfortunately the scope of the array does to work inside the while loop so I am being told that the array 'students' has not been initialised even though it has just outside of the while loop. Is it possible to do what I am trying to without having the array initialised in the while loop as surely the array will be reset every time if it was in the while loop? Here is my code:

public static void students(String file) throws FileNotFoundException {
try {
File studentInfo = new File(file);
Scanner input = new Scanner(studentInfo);
String[] students;

[Code] ....

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Writing Text To File - How To Append New Line

Jan 11, 2015

How to output text to a file, so I had to do my own research on google, but the results I found were confusing. I finally got my code to write to a file, but I cannot figure out how to append a new line. I know what part of the code is incorrect, but I don't know how to fix it. here is what I have right now:

import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.Scanner;
 public class highscore {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

[Code] ....

I can see the last two lines are telling the program to overwrite the first input with the second. Of course if I pick a different file name for the second output, I get another file with the second input, but I need to learn how to append as well.

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Adding String Line To Existent TXT File

Feb 7, 2015

i'm trying to add new value (string type) in an existent file.say that we have a .txt file which contain "mario"...i ask to the user a new name, and he write for expample "tony", now i want append the word "tony" in the existent file in this way: Iwrote this code:

Java Code:

import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;


first is saved next to the value existing. why? maybe because the program does not check if there is a string in the file?but I do not think. because otherwise it would happen with any name that is not entered in an odd position.

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Audit File - How To Add Certain Number Of Spaces For Each Line

Feb 7, 2014

I create a Audit file within my Java program, which gets all the System.out.println lines from the code.

For example, the System.out.println lines in my code are as follows:-

Records initially inserted into edited: 70144

Bad license number records removed: 5

Total records in edited: 70139

Records initially inserted into tabedited:7463

I want all my values aligned after the statement, when they are printed to the Audit File.

Instead of just giving spaces by counting the number of charaters in the line, is there any other way to align them.

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