I/O / Streams :: Unable To Read File Using Google Guava Resource Library In JBehave Project

Jun 25, 2014

I'm getting an IllegalArgumentException returned when I try to get a file using guava library.

I previously had the function working when the file was in a different location, before I switched to running JBehave, my steps run but it fails to find the resource, even after I've moved it.

The code being executed is (this worked previously before using JBehave):

String xMLTemplateFileName = "OBOE-confirmation"
public static void setXMLTemplateFile(String xMLTemplateFileName) throws IOException {
URL url = Resources.getResource(xMLTemplateFileName+".xml");

The file I'm looking for is in the root folder for src/main/resources and also src/test/resources, previously I had it within a completely different location before I switched over to JBehave. I've tried it within a subdirectory in the same locations too.

I've recently updated the pom.xml to try to include the location required.

Extract from pom is below:

<!-- JBehave Build Details -->


[Code] ....

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I/O / Streams :: Unable To Create A Print Writer To Write To File

Apr 25, 2014

I am completing a USACO online problem and am trying to create a print writer to write to my file(ride.out). I did this:

PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedReader(new FileWriter("ride.out")));

However, a load of undefined constructor errors come up for PrintWriter(BufferedWriter) and BufferedWriter(FileWriter). I have imported java.io.* so I don't know what the issue is. This has worked before.

edit: bufferedreader? i give up(not literally)

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I/O / Streams :: Read € Symbol In A File

Aug 25, 2014

I have a problem with € symbol ... an application write a String content on the file system with following code:

out = new FileOutputStream(strPath + "import.xml");

It's correctly wrote on the file system:

TT;Pierre-H€enri;;Orange Grove;zefezfezfez, Directeur Juridique;TT;;azdaz;01 53 33 56 87;ezfezfez;01 53 33 51 59;.....&ée&ée;;;;;;132;CORDIAL;aaa

But when the application try to read the previous file with following code:

BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inStream,"ISO-8859-1"));
String line = in.readLine();

The application isn't able to properly read the symbol ... and return following line, without "€":

TT;Pierre-Henri;;Orange Grove;zefezfezfez, Directeur Juridique;TT;;azdaz;01 53 33 56 87;ezfezfez;01 53 33 51 59;.....&ée&ée;;;;;;132;CORDIAL;aaa

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I/O / Streams :: API To Read Metadata From MP4 File

May 13, 2012

I am looking for a pure java api that can read metadata from an mp4 file, I have looked online but all apis I found are wrappers to native code. How to read mp4 with java .....

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Make Library That Will Read Some Input Files From A File?

Apr 23, 2015

I am trying to make a Library that will read some Input Files from a File . Like When We Enter Nuber from a System.in



and then store these values in int[] array

What I want is I Save all these values in a File and at Run time pass path of that file to command line arguments and then int[] array will be initialize using that

something like this [URL]

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Strategy To Change File Extension And Read Library

Sep 19, 2014

I need to be able to select a file (compressed), change its file extension (to zip) and load all its content, preferably as objects. If it makes things easier one can assume all these files to be of the same type.

The content of the zip file are placed in folders, known Beforehand which might make things easier.

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I/O / Streams :: Unable To Write Sample Data Into Newly Created File

Nov 29, 2014

My code below creates the 2 files successfully, but it is not able to write the sample data into the newly created file. I can't figure out the reason why.

Another strange thing is that when I tried inserting System.out.println calls for debugging, nothing prints out.

// stuff here
catch(FileNotFoundException fileNF){
String dirString = System.getProperty("user.dir");
String defaultFile = "config";
String currentFile = "currentconfig";
Path filePath = Paths.get(dirString, defaultFile);
Path filePath2 = Paths.get(dirString, currentFile);


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I/O / Streams :: How To Read In A Binary File Correctly

Nov 8, 2014

I have a binary file that has identifiers for the start of each record

You can see here that the record starts with 00 00 and the next record starts with 00 00 etc...

How do I read between these two points throughout the file?

RandomAccessFile database = new RandomAccessFile(databasePath, "r");
int start = 0;
int end = 0;

The first start would be the start of the file, the next start would be the end of the first start and so on..

I'm just not sure how to put that into a loop.

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I/O / Streams :: Reading From And Writing To A File Then Read Again Including Data Written

Oct 11, 2014

I'm having a bit of trouble with using the Scanner and the Printwriter. I start with a file like this (1 = amount of Houses in the file)

Emmalaan 23
3051JC Rotterdam
7 rooms
buyprice 300000
energylevel C

The user gets (let's say for simplicity) 3 options:

1. Add a House to the file,
2. Get all Houses which fullfil requirements (price, FOR SALE / SOLD etc.) and
3. Close the application.

This is how I start:

Scanner sc = new Scanner (System.in);
while (!endLoop) {
System.out.println("Make a choice);
System.out.println("1) Add House");
System.out.println("2) Show Houses");
System.out.println("3) Exit");
int choice = sc.nextInt();

Then I have a switch for all of the three cases. I keep the scanner open, so Java can get the user input (house = for sale or sold, price = ... etc). If the user chose option 1, and all information needed is inputted and scanned, the House will be written to the file (which looks like what I typed above).

For this, I use try (PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("Makelaar.txt", false)))). This works perfectly (at least so it seems.)

If the user chose option 1, and all requirements are inputted and scanned, the Houses will be read (scanner) from the file and outputted. For this I use the same Scanner sc. This also works perfectly (so it seems atleast).

My problem is as follows: If a House has been added, I can only read the House(s) which were already in the file. Let's say I have added 2 houses, and there were from the start 3 houses. If option 2 is chosen, the first 3 houses will be scanned perfectly. An exception will be caught for the remaining 2 (just added) Houses. How can I solve this? I tried to close the Scanner, and reopening it, but apparently Java doesn't agree with this

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Hurricane Java Project - Read Information From Data File And Run It Through But Program

Dec 2, 2014

I am now stuck. I am writing a program that reads information from a data file and runs it through but program. However, I am almost finished with the program, but cannot figure out the last few parts.

public class Storm {
private final double KnotsToMPH = 1.15;
// global user-defined types:
private int beginDate;
private int duration;
private String name;

[Code] .....

I have not attached the data file because it contains a total of 360 lines of hurricane information.

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Unable To Read File

Nov 27, 2014

You are given a text. Write a program which outputs its lines according to the following rules:

If line length is ≤ 55 characters, print it without any changes.
If the line length is > 55 characters, change it as follows:
Trim the line to 40 characters.
If there are spaces in the resulting string, trim it once again to the last space (the space should be trimmed too).
Add a string... <Read More> to the end of the resulting string and print it.

I felt as if I did do what they were asking, but for some reason, I'm getting "Sorry, Unable to read file!"."Instead of using file, I did use the location of the file name".Also, I've attached a image of the input looks like and the output.


import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileReader;
public class Main {
public static void main (String[]args)


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Unable To Read Input File When Adding Pictures To A JFrame

Aug 25, 2014

i've tried changing the path 10000 times. idk if its wrong in the code.

Java Code: import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;


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I/O / Streams :: 3D Project - How To Activate Key Repeating With Action Listener

Dec 8, 2014

I am working on a 3D-Projekt, but that's not the point. I wanted to call a function to turn the camera and want, that the function ist called while the key is pressed. I tried following:

private ActionListener actionListener = new ActionListener() {
public void onAction(String name, boolean pressed, float tpf)
if (name.equals("Camera Left") && pressed) {

I think, I have to change the ActionListener "onAction", but I can't remember in which way. In the actual code the programm only once perform the action when the key is pressed.

I already tried :

while(pressed) {setViewAngle(-1)}

But that didn't work, but get the whole programm to halt.

So I thought of key repeating.

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JSF :: AJAX Integration - Unable To Find Or Serve Resource

Jan 21, 2015

While usiing JSF f:ajax tag, I am getting the following error for not being able to load jsf.js file.

Looking for resolving this error?

JSF1064: Unable to find or serve resource, jsf.js.xhtml

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JSP :: Unable To Get Rid Of Message - Cannot Find Tag Library Descriptor

Nov 6, 2014

I get this message in eclispe: Cannot find tag library descriptor for 'http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core"'

<%@page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core"%>
<!DOCTYPE html>

In another thread I saw the suggestion that including jstl.jar in classpath would resolve this issue.It tried that but the issue still exists.

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Assembling Database Project From A Downloaded Project Zip File?

Apr 12, 2014

i downloaded a sample database code of an online payroll system. How can i assemble it to know how it works.
the files include php and mysql files. it is to build an online payroll system

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I/O / Streams :: Read Calling Number From Modem?

Jun 6, 2014

I am creating an application with having a callerID module. This module is to read calling phone number from modem. I have googled and reference many SerialPort related stuff but could not find a concrete solution. I am able to detect phone ring using serialEvent with javax.comm jar.

I am wondering if AT commands can be used to read/get calling phone number. I also referred following AT commands:


1. Is it possible to read calling phone number using AT commands or any other alternative

2. Which AT command can be used and how to send from java application..

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How To Create File In Google Cloud Storage Using Java

Feb 26, 2015

I am Using NetBeans to develop a Desktop application in Java. I am strong some project related data files in text

format in my local folder(eg: E:securestorage) . I plan to store the same in google cloud . How it can done ..

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I/O Streams :: Read Certificate In Token Usb - Utilizing Java?

Oct 14, 2014

I am developing a program that reads a digital certificate in a USB token, but can not cause the program to access the token.

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Servlets :: How To Upload File To Google Drive With Java Web Application

Dec 4, 2014

How to upload file to google drive using java. my java code is.

HttpTransport httpTransport = new NetHttpTransport();
JsonFactory jsonFactory = new JacksonFactory();
GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow flow = new GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow.Builder(
httpTransport, jsonFactory, CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, Arrays.asList(DriveScopes.DRIVE))

[Code] ....

So in that file object(java.io.File fileContent = new java.io.File("document.txt");) asking complete file path. But in file upload we can get only file name not path.

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JSP :: Resource File Parameter Value?

Mar 11, 2015

I have a entry in application.properties file

caption_bubble_value.title={0} is a caption for the element box

JSP File

<fmt:message key="caption_bubble_value.title" />

in the java file I am setting a parameter to session

request.getSession().setAttribute("replaceVal", "Value headline");

How can I get the text "Value headline is a caption for the element box" on the page?

The replacement should happen on an event.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Reading TXT File As Resource

Nov 29, 2014

Should I read a .txt file saved as a resource but JavaFX 2.2 doesn' t find the resource " myfile.txt " with the following statement:

new BufferedReader(new FileReader(ReadTextFile.class.getResource("prova.css").toExternalForm()));
How can I solve it?

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Executing Perl File From Resource Folder

May 27, 2014

I need to execute a perl file from a resource folder, So that i can able to run the perl file after changing the project to a jar file. And also i need to pass an argument also.

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Give A Complete Resource Of File I/O Serialization

Aug 15, 2014

Can you tell me or give a complete resource of file I/O, serialization!

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I/O / Streams :: Generate File Tree Structure Of Mounted Unix File System

Apr 22, 2014

I am creating a web application that runs on server X(unix) and it has another unix system mounted on it. I want to generate the file tree structure of this mounted unix file system and show it on to a web application so that users can select a file and move it onto this current unix machine.

I know this sounds stupid and you may want to say why cant we directly copy the file, I am doing a proof of concept and using this as a basis.

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Servlets :: File Is Located In Root Directory Of Project But System Cannot Find File Specified

Jan 10, 2015

I need to make some operations with a file. I struggle to understand why Apache is throwing this error:

(The system cannot find the file specified)

My file is located in the root directory of the project.

And here is how I indicate the path to it:

String filePath = "default.jpg";
InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(new File(filePath));

If I put the file in the Eclipse folder, it works... But I need it to work if I put it in my project's root folder.

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