IWAB0014E Unexpected Exception Occurred In Web Service Sample Program

Apr 8, 2014

I first time tried Java web service sample example using eclipse with axis2. First i wrote the provider class. Then by clicking create Web Service from the provider class It will show the following error "IWAB0014E Unexpected exception occurred." I have attached the screenshot for reference.

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Virtual Machine Launcher - Java Exception Has Occurred

Apr 29, 2014

I developed a Java application and it works fine on my computer, but when i tried it on another computers, I have the following errors :

A window named Java Virtual Machine Launcher appears and it says "A Java Exception has occured".

My application don't even launch.

Here is the error lines, but I don't know what to do :

C:UsersAdministrateur_localserveurtimet>java -jar ServeurTimeT.jar
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: TimeTracking/
ServeurTimeT : Unsupported major.minor version 52.0
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)

[Code] ....

Java is up to date.

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Java Servlet :: Set Global Error Page For Every Exception Occurred At Server Side

Aug 16, 2013

I am very much new to jsp and servlet. I want to set global error page for every exception occured at server side. I am trying with following code , but something is going wrong and I am not able to c error page.
package com.web;
import java.io.IOException;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

[Code] ....

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Blackjack Program - Error Occurred During Initialization Of VM

May 21, 2014

I've been trying to finish this blackjack program I have been making for my programming class, however, there are a few bugs I can't seem to iron out. It's a pretty short program, it's just that I'm an idiot and can't figure basic stuff like this out. Specifically, when I try and run it, I get this error:

Error occurred during initialization of VM
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread

Java Code:

import static java.lang.System.*;
import java.applet.Applet;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Date;

[Code] .....

So, obviously I'm doing something horribly wrong.

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Web Services :: Exception From OLB Service - Content Is Not Allowed In Prolog

Jan 14, 2015

I am trying to hit the service which has been generated using apache cxf 3.0, I have generated the client using axis2 wsdl2java and whenever I tried to hit the service am getting as

"exception from OLB Service:org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Content is not allowed in prolog."

Not sure about the cause of the issue. We have made interceptors on the server side to verify whether there is any special characters associated, but there are no such characters from provider.

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Write Program For Diamond Shape In JAVA For Given Sample Pattern?

Oct 5, 2014

My son want to create a java program (Diamond shape) that can plot graph for with the following data.

Pattern type is:

* *

* *


* *

* *


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Program For Converting Positive Binary Inputs Into Hex - Unexpected Output Java

Sep 30, 2014

I am trying to write a program for converting positive binary inputs into hex. in the hex output the point (".")is missing.

Suppose my expected output is e7.6 , but i am getting e76.

Only the "." is missing.

Here is my BinToHex class..

import java.io.*;
public class BinToHex {
double tempDec,fractionpart;
long longofintpart,templongDec;
String inpu ="11100111.011";
String hexOutput=null,tempDecString,hex = null;
[Code] .....

Here is how decimal fraction is converted into hex or here too...

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Web Services :: Difference Between Web-service And Service Operation?

Feb 24, 2015

difference between webservice and service operation.

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Program That Post Request XML Message To Web Service

Aug 6, 2014

I want to come up with a java program that posts a request xml message to a wsdl. how to proceed.

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Cannot Find Symbol Error Occurred

Jul 4, 2014

In my project..while running a main program "cannot find symbol" error occurred.. I've attached error page,char1.java and BarRenderer.java files...

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An Error Occurred While Shelling Out To Javac - Matlab

Jan 26, 2015

I am trying to extract a jar file from Matlab code using javac from Library Compiler (java package).

I have set JAVA_HOME to:

Java Code:

C:Program FilesJavajdk1.7.0_11 mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

and added to PATH:

Java Code:

C:Program FilesJavajdk1.7.0_11bin. mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

When I enter java -version in my console, I get java version jdk1.7.0_11 and running javac -version shows jdk1.7.0_11.

However, it seems that matlab could not find javac, thus, I am not able to compile my .m code into a .jar file. When I tried to compile .m code I got the following:

Java Code:

Error: An error occurred while shelling out to javac (error code = -1).
Unable to build executable.
Executing command: ""C:Program FilesJavajdk1.7.0_11binjavac" mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

This is the directory of my java bin folder and javac.exe exists : CProgram FilesJavajdk1.7.0_11binjavac.exe? What should I check in order to correctly link Matlab to Java?

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Activating Inverse Button On Sample Java Applet

Dec 10, 2014

Nearly all of hte sample Java Applet is pre-made by the teacher. I'm running into the issue where, if I use the string arithmetic inverse method provided by the textbook, it refuses to recognize variables such as s1, s2, and i. So I'm now trying to use stringbuilder, and running into a similar issue. It doesn't recognize hte symbol "buffer". Under the "else if ( e.getSource() == inverseStr ) {" is where my code starts. The "Your Code Here" was put there by the teacher, and I'm just using it as an easy way to create blank lines if I delete a method that isn't working for me in the above section.

import javax.swing. * ;
import java.awt. * ;
import java.awt.event. * ;
public class HW07 extends JApplet
public void init() {
setSize( 400, 300 );
add( new MyGUI() );


When I launch the applet in TextPad, there will be an Inverse button, and when I click that, it should reverse the word provided in the applet window, and show it in the inverse there. I had the StringBuilder working once, but it showed its result in a separate command prompt.

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Enterprise JavaBeans :: Deploy Sample Application To WebLogic Server

Jul 5, 2014

Deploy sample J2EE app to WebLogic server

A getting started app is fine, need to understand of deploying a sample application to WebLogic server. Any particular configuration during WLS install?

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Increment Array And Got Unexpected Result

Aug 16, 2014

Java Code:

char array[] = new char[10];
int i = 0;
array[i++] = (char)('A' + i);
System.out.println("char for array is: " + array[0]); mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

However, the result for array[0] is B. Not A. from my understanding, the array[0] should be 'A'.

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Unexpected OpenGL Simple Movement

May 28, 2014

I am new to DreamInCode! I was creating a game using OpenGL (and slick for textures).

Using Vector3f, I make coordinates to where my camera is camera'ing (and rotation).

It was working... until I modified something. I only added shaders. When I took the shaders off I think I might of accidentally deleted something. Nonetheless the code looks perfect to me.

On the method "input()" everything runs. No errors are thrown anywhere. I have syso'd the hell outa my code. It shows no signs of breaks. I can, however, move elements I put into my program. I am 100% sure that no other class is breaking my game (soon to be).

What you should look out for: I am not really sure about the glLoadIdentity()'s and glMatrixMode(). I am, knowing a good part of, thinking it could be gluViewPort....

My problem: Can't move my camera even tho it was working before.

package com.Hydroque.OpenGlTest;
import static org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11.*;
import static org.lwjgl.util.glu.GLU.gluPerspective;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.FloatBuffer;

[Code] ....

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Creating A Thread - Unexpected Output

Mar 18, 2014

Java Code:

package Threads;
public class Threads1 implements Runnable {
public void run(){
* * * * *
public static void main(String[] args) {


Java Code:

new Thread(new Threads1()).start(); mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

should execute the thread associated with the run() and then the control should return to the next statement in the calling thread (the thread from which the other thread (associated with run()) was called); isn't it?

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Increment Array And Got Unexpected Result

Aug 16, 2014

char array[] = new char[10];
int i = 0;
array[i++] = (char)('A' + i);
System.out.println("char for array is: " + array[0]);

However, the result for array[0] is B. Not A. from my understanding, the array[0] should be 'A'.

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I/O / Streams :: Unable To Write Sample Data Into Newly Created File

Nov 29, 2014

My code below creates the 2 files successfully, but it is not able to write the sample data into the newly created file. I can't figure out the reason why.

Another strange thing is that when I tried inserting System.out.println calls for debugging, nothing prints out.

// stuff here
catch(FileNotFoundException fileNF){
String dirString = System.getProperty("user.dir");
String defaultFile = "config";
String currentFile = "currentconfig";
Path filePath = Paths.get(dirString, defaultFile);
Path filePath2 = Paths.get(dirString, currentFile);


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How To Create Sample Optical Mark Recognition To Extract Data In Java

Nov 10, 2014

my idea is auto recognize when i put image like survey and that survey has shape box and it random area location and some shape box also character and number and can generated data that recognize in csv file.

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Unexpected Type - A Returned Variable Required

Apr 2, 2014

I'm making a Hangman program for Java, here's my code:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Hangman {
* @param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {
String answerWord = WordList.getWord();

[Code] .....

The Compiler gives me this only error:

Hangman.java:39: error: unexpected type
required: variable
found: value

I understand that charAt returns i as a value and not a variable. What do I use to return a variable as I intended?

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Converting Positive Binary Inputs Into Hex - Unexpected Output Java

Sep 30, 2014

I am trying to write a program for converting positive binary inputs into hex. in the hex output the point (".")is missing.

Suppose my expected output is e7.6 , but i am getting e76

only the "." is missing.

here is my BinToHex class..

import java.io.*;
public class BinToHex {
double tempDec,fractionpart;
long longofintpart,templongDec;
String input ="11100111.011";
String hexOutput=null,tempDecString,hex = null;
static int i = 1;

[Code] ....

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Exception Errors In Simple Program?

Mar 26, 2015

I'm trying to read lines from a textfile and count all the words using String Tokenizer. However I keep getting an error "Unhandled exception type FileNotFoundException" on my IDE(Eclipse) referring to lines 13 and 8. When I let the IDE automatically, and I've even tried typing this manually, insert a try-catch block more errors show up concerning inputFile. When I insert the throws FileNotFoundException for each method it compiles but after running it gives me a FileNotFoundException for textfile.txt. What's even more interesting is that when I copy the .java file out of the IDE project folder, place it in a random empty folder on the Desktop with the textfile.txt, and try running it through command line, it gives a NoSuchElementException: No line found.

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.io.*;


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Catch Arithmetic Exception In Program

Jan 29, 2015

I want to catch the exception in my program is the below way:

class Temp
public static void main(String s[])
int x=10/s.length;

[Code] ....

I am expecting my program should give output as "java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero" but is giving

Temp.java:11: error: ')' expected
catch (ArithmeticException e | ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e)
Temp.java:11: error: ';' expected
catch (ArithmeticException e | ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e)
Temp.java:16: error: 'catch' without 'try'
catch (Exception e)
Temp.java:22: error: reached end of file while parsing
4 error

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Write Data For Three Products To Random Access File - Unexpected EOFException

Jul 11, 2014

I'm trying to write data for three products to a random access file, but I have a problem. Each product has a code and a price. After writing them to my file, I want to get to the second field or product. I do this by getting the length for each record, and multiplying it by the field number I want to go to. I use the result for the seek() method of the RandomAccessFile object. It is giving me an EOFException, but when I use 0 for the seek method i get the data for the first poduct or field.

Java Code:

public static void main(String[] args) {
final int RECORD_LENGTH = 16;
try(RandomAccessFile productsOutput = new RandomAccessFile("C:UsersalfonsoDesktopBinaryTestRandom.ran", "rw")) {
String[] codes = {"java", "jsps", "txtp"};
double[] prices = {49.5, 19.9, 29.9};
for(int i = 0; i < codes.length; i++) {

[Code] .....

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How Should Null Pointer Exception Be Avoided In A Program

Aug 6, 2014

How should null pointer exception be avoided in a program. Should each and every place of access of a variable be checked for null and if null is there own customized exception should be thrown. Is this approach correct for avoiding null pointer exception.

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Program Won't Compile / Input Mismatch Exception

Feb 11, 2015

I am trying to read contents from a file and display them to the user. However, when I enter the file into the program I get the following error: "exception in thread 'main' java.util.MismatchException. What am i doing wrong?

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.io.*;
public class Project1{
 public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {
double balance;
double item1Price;


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