If Condition Matches Multiple Times

Feb 16, 2015

I'm working on a problem that requires me to generator all possible word combinations based on a 7-digit number as input. Many of the generated "words" will be nonsense, but some with be "NEWCARS", "TAKEOUT", etc... This problem mimics the phone number a company would use to support clients remember that number.

I completed the exercise, but I would like to explore more elegant solutions. Specifically, I've used an IF-THEN-ELSE condition inside of a FOR loop. Here is my working code:

package com.johnny_v.exercises.telephone;
public class WordGenerator {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int numOfTimes = 2187;
String two = "ABC";
String three = "DEF";
String four = "GHI";


I receive StringIndexOutOfBoundsException exceptions. I it's because multiple conditions are matched. For example, the indexSix is reset to 0 when row is a multiple of 9. Because row is also a multiple of 3, this condition also executes and then increments "indexSix".

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How To Make A Program Run Multiple Times

May 18, 2014

I have made a basic math game that asks you questions and tells you if you have answered them correctly or incorrectly. The game runs great! The thing is that it asks you a question one time and after you answer you have to run the program again. I want to get the program to ask ten questions. After that I want to figure out a scoring system for it but the first step is to get it to ask my ten questions. Here is my code.

package pkgnew;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Random;
public class New {
public static void main(String args[]) {

[Code] .....

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Calling Single Class Multiple Times

Apr 14, 2014

how we can call one class in multiple programs to reduce code redundancy

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String Characters Display First Three Multiple Times

Sep 26, 2014

I am trying below challenge to display first three characters three times if the size of the string is greater than 3.

Say if i send hello i should get helhelhel

if i send xyz i should get xyzxyzxyz

I wrote as below

public String front3(String str) {
return str+str+str;
String str2=new String(new char[]{str.charAt(0),str.charAt(1),str.charAt(2)});
return str2;

I am getting error as below

Error:public String front3(String str) {
This method must return a result of type String

Possible problem: the if-statement structure may theoretically allow a run to reach the end of the method without calling return. Consider adding a last line in the method return some_value; so a value is always returned.

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Java Statement Getting Executed Multiple Times Outside For / While Loop

Aug 14, 2014

I am trying to execute the following method: This method takes a delivery date as one of the arguments and a list of calendar holidays as another argument. If the delivery date is present in the holiday list, I will add 1 day more to the delivery date and check again if the new delivery date is part of holiday list.

Issue is that the last 3 statements before 'return' are getting executed multiple times though there is no for or while loop. Why they are getting invoked multiple times.

private String fetchNextWorkingDay(String sDeliveryDate, Element eleCalendarDayExceptions, SimpleDateFormat sdf, Format formatter) throws Exception {
System.out.println("Inside fetchNextWorkingDay method");
System.out.println("Del Date to compare is "+sDeliveryDate);
Boolean isDateSet = true;

[Code] .....

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Unable To Set Text To A Label Multiple Times In Same Program

Aug 5, 2014

I am developing a java swing application. In which i want to set a different text to a label in same program ( in single JFrame). I dont want to use another JFrame instead i want to use setText method of java and set different text to a label at different intervals of time according to my need.

I am using java 1.7 sdk and pupy linux as OS. Below i am giving source code.

What i am doing is in constructor of class i am setting an image to JFrame and setting text "Welcom...". And when user clicks on this JFrame a method is called which will clear the text "Welcome.." and sets new text to another label "Enter...." and from there another method is called and it clears label "Enter..." and sets a text "Plzz wait..". and yet there are more methods, i havnt provided here.

But what is happening is it shows welcome text and then directly Plzz wait..

Its not showing text Enter... because control is finished after last method gets executed.

My concern is i want to show all the setText (my messages) in a sequence. Without using another JFrame. There is no any user input other than user will click on first welcome page.

public class BackgroundFrame extends javax.swing.JFrame {

JLabel setTitle1;
JLabel setTitle2;
JLabel setTitle3;
JLabel setTitle4;

[Code] ....

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JSF :: Data Table Displaying Same Item Multiple Times

Nov 25, 2014

I currently have a datatable on the bookingList.xhtml which is supposed to list all bookings made, if first booking petName is spot it displays the booking details perfect but if another booking is made (for example one with petName fluffy) then it displays 2 lines with fluffys details and spots details are not displayed, it carries on that if a third booking is made then the 3rd bookings details are displayed 3 times and neither spot or fluffys booking details are displayed,

bookingList.xhtml code
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"


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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Listener Called Multiple Times On Single Click?

Jan 30, 2015

I have the following listener on a tableset of names:

ListSelectionListener singleListener=new ListSelectionListener() {
public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) {
int row=e.getFirstIndex();
if (row==previousRow) {

[Code] .....

The println shows that getValueIsAdjusting is called 4 times when I click a single selection from the list. Is this normal behavior? If so how do I determine which call to really use. If not, where can I look to see why it is being called 4 times on a single click?

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Calling Method Several Times And Trying To Write Multiple Records To A File?

Oct 27, 2014

So I am calling this method several times and trying to write multiple records to a file. Problem is that every time I call the method it overwrites the file from before and doesn't add it.

public void fileWriterMethod() throws IOException{
RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(filename, "rw");
raf.writeBytes(carName + "
//Closing the stream

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Pattern Matches In Java

Jul 3, 2014

I have code which validate code enter by user

the requirement say the maxlength=2 and minlength=1 and is a string

the user can enter code as follows


I have this Java Code:

public boolean isValidPattern(String s_value, String s_pattern) {
boolean flag = false;
if (Pattern.matches(s_pattern, s_value)) {
flag = true;
return flag;

[Code] ....

My problem is when user put

A1 AM geting error

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Calculate If Code Matches

Jan 19, 2015

I have for example a letter code "EECC"...Now i want to have a good loop that checkes if the code typed in by the player matches or not? For example if player types CECE it should say it matches because C occurs 2 times and E occurs 2 times. This function must return than 4.If player types CEEE, it must return 3, because the code has 2 C en 2 E, player input is 1 C and 3 E, the last E is wrong.I've tried some loops with breaks but they all fail..

for example:

String test = "EFCC";
String test3 = "ECEC";
for(int i = 0; i < test.length(); i++){
matchFound = false;

[Code] .....

This returns 2 instead of 3.

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Pattern Matches In Java

Jul 3, 2014

I have code which validate code enter by user. The requirement say the maxlength=2 and minlength=1 and is a string, the user can enter code as follows :

I have this code

public boolean isValidPattern(String s_value, String s_pattern)  {
        boolean flag = false;
        if (Pattern.matches(s_pattern, s_value)) {
            flag = true;
[Code] .....

my problem is when i put

A1 is still giving error

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Checking For Regex Matches At The End Of A String

Jan 31, 2014

I have a regular expression that I created and tested on some regex site, [URL] .... It worked on the test site but I can't get it to work in Java.

The code is:

String s = "MyString.ext_CAL3";
assertTrue("Didn't Match", s.matches("_CAL[0-9]+$"));

This test always fails. I cannot figure out what is wrong with it. In fact, I can't get any match no matter what regex I use.

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Return Given Char That Matches Input String

Apr 17, 2015

Processing a string. How would I only return a given char that matches the input string e.g. v and/or n and/or m.

Everything else that does not match will return a '*' - e.g. user input = t result = *

I assume I need to also iterate through this input string using charAt() ?

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Checking If User Input Matches Any Number In Same Column

Feb 14, 2014

* To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
* and open the template in the editor.

package firstgui;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class TicTacToe {

[Code] ......

Program is 10x10 board, I need to check if the user's input is a duplicate of any number in that same column, but I can't figure it out. When I tried it, it always check the same box. For example, if I entered 4 in [1][1] (going by 10x10 grid), it automatically checks right after I entered that [1][1] is the same as my input and erases it. My professor wants me to check it with the "CheckWinner" method.

I tried the following when someone told me to pass the reference of the JButton being clicked to ignore it.

private boolean CheckWinner(JButton source, String inplayer) {
if (EventBoard[i][j] != source &&
EventBoard[i][j].getText().equals( inplayer )){
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "copy");

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Retrieving Values From Property File That Matches Key

Aug 22, 2014

I have a properties file with a set of commands and their meanings (Command = the meaning). I Populated a jtree with the keys from the properties file, now when I click a node in the jtree (key) I want the value of that selected key to go in the panel that sits in my app next to the jtree.

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Check If Letter Entered By User Matches The One In Array

Jun 10, 2014

* Auto Generated Java Class.
import java.util.*;
public class Hangman {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner input = new Scanner (System.in);
int guess;
boolean revealed[] = {false, false, false, false, false};
String word [] = {"c", "a", "n", "a", "d", "a"};

[Code] ....

I am not sure how to make the program check if the letter entered by the user matches the one in the array. also i am not sure how to make the program run again with a new word.

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Ending The Run After If A Condition Is Not Met?

May 24, 2014

For an assignment

-I am too write a program that checks if 3 numbers (scannerinputted) are three sides of a triangle if not just ignore it.

-If they are the 3 sides to a triangle tell what kinda triangle it is Right/scalene/equilateral etc.

-ignore the 3 numbers if they are <=0

if(side1+side2>side3 && side1+side3>side2 && side2+side3>side1)
System.out.println("This is a Triangle.");
System.out.println("Not a Triangle.");

How can I make the program stop immediately if the else statement is checked. I have more "if statements afterward.

so it would say.

"This not a triangle"

"This is scalene or isosceles"

how can I get this output.

"This is not a triangle" and stop there.

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Simplify If Condition

May 24, 2014

I m trying to simplify an if condition as much as possible and i m curious if it can be made more short then i managed to .The problem is simple , a integer number with 3 digits is generated and the user is asked to input another 3 digits integer number ... One of the conditions that need to be verified is if all the digits in each number match but not exactly ( aka 123 and 132 ) .Using only an if statement to verify this what is the most short condition that can be checked to identify when the digits in a 3 digits number match the digits of another 3 digits integer number (not interested if they match exactly) .

The simplest condition i managed to find is :

else if (guessDigit1 + guessDigit2 + guessDigit3
== lotteryDigit1 + lotteryDigit2 + lotteryDigit3
&& (guessDigit1 == lotteryDigit1 || guessDigit1
== lotteryDigit2 || guessDigit1 == lotteryDigit3)
&& (guessDigit2 == lotteryDigit1 || guessDigit2
== lotteryDigit2 || guessDigit2 == lotteryDigit3)) {
System.out.println("Match all digits: you win $3,000");}

Is there a better(shorter ) condition that can be used ?

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For Loop With Condition

May 11, 2014

[public static void PrintNum () {

int i;
int j = 0;
for (i =100; j<5; i=i)j=100-(i-=1);
} ]

I'm not following how it calculated to 95 since I'm confused with this

part i=i)j = 100-(i-=1);

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JSF :: How To Check Condition In Xhtml

Mar 26, 2014

I need to display button based on the condition in xhtml page.

using JSF2 & richface 4.0
<c:forEach items="#{empList}" var="emp">

How to check condition like empList.size > 0 in xhtml?

if list is having value, need to show buttons.

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Coding Own Classes - If Condition?

Jun 9, 2014

public int getIndexOfAMonster(String nameToGet){
int retValue = -1; //default is not found
for (int i = 0; i <= numberOfMonsters - 1; i++)
if (monsters[i].getName().equals(nameToGet))
retValue = i;
return retValue;

1.What does the if-condition do?If the name of a monster in the array is equal to the name stored in the variable, return the monster's assigned value.

2.What does the for loop do? The loop condition simply loops through the whole arraylists. (In other words, it simply checks each Monster contained in the lists).

3.Assuming that the driver code compiles, explain what it’s use is? If the name of the monster is the same as the variable passed unto this method, return the number assigned to that Monster.

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Why If Condition Not Working When Compare Two Strings

May 11, 2014

Is there a different logic in Java for if statements when it comes to conditions? I mean my attempt to compare a String variable and a String attribute of a class that is on an array of objects was frustrated someway. It will not enter the if block. The two strings are equal. I displayed the values of each strings before the if evaluation and they are equal. The simbol I used was the ==, and I also tried the string.equals(string variable) as well as the compareTo() == 0 option but none of those worked. I wish I knew what it is the way to compare two strings.

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Servlets :: How To Create Deadlock Condition

Mar 2, 2014

How can we create deadlock condition on our servlet? Does calling doGet() from doPost() and vice versa really cause a deadlock? Or, does it cause a StackOverflowException?

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While Getting Input From User Check A Second Condition

Apr 22, 2015

Is it possible to wait for an input for a user and check in the meantime if something else is true?

Now if the server in the meantime says: there is no input needed and tells it the client.

Could the client now somehow change from

input.readLine() to another Method say: quit() ?

I am stuck there because I know the server sends: quit to the client1 but the client2 cannot react because it still waits for an input for the user.

Maybe something with Thread.sleep ?

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Search Algorithm Not Reaching End Condition

Apr 29, 2015

I am using what is known as a Depth First Search to solve a maze using my own Stack created class for an assignment. The reason I believe I am getting this error is because my program is never meeting the `finishSpot` condition. I have used the debugger and it looks like it is infinitely stuck at the Point before the `finishSpot`. My logic seems to be mostly correct except until the point where my maze solver tries to finish the maze, so i just need meeting that last condition that is causing my program to crash.

This is a sample maze:

*s* *
* * *
* f*

Here is my Main which uses my created Stack class.

//Creates a Stack and determines the start and endpoints.
public static void solveDFS( char [][] maze ){
LinkedStack stack = new LinkedStack();
Point currentSpot = findPoint( maze,'s' );
Point finishSpot = findPoint( maze, 'f' );
findPath( maze,currentSpot, finishSpot,stack );

[Code] ....

I made a mistake it says my program is crashing which it is not, but simply not meeting the condition.

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