Implementing Probability Of Event Occurring In Java

Jun 7, 2014

You're given a number between 0 and 1 that corresponds to the probability of an event occurring.

0.7 is 70%, 0.235 is 23.5%, 0 is 0%, etc.

Someone tries to perform the event, but the event only has the given probability of occurring. Run the probability, and then if it's true, run the event. Otherwise don't run the event.

All I know how to do is generate random numbers (kind of), but if you have 0.2245 I really don't see how generating random numbers can efficiently perform that probability.....

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Implementing Multiple Event Handlers

May 3, 2014

I'm having difficulty implementing keyboard and mouse event handlers at the same time for a program designed to notify the user when a key has been pressed or a mouse button clicked.

I can make and understand a program that does one or the other, but when I try to combine them, either the keyboard only or the mouse only works.

here is the code:

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.event.KeyListener;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JTextArea;
import java.awt.event.MouseListener;

[Code] ....

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Install Java From Command Prompt With Parameters To Disable These Prompts From Occurring

Dec 23, 2014

We are using Kronos and when our staff trys to run reports -- they get three java prompts.The first one is asking if they would like to update java.The second one is do you want to run this application.The third one is allow access to the following application from this website

We are in a non persistent VDI environment so these prompts come up over and over and to edit the Windows 7 image to disable all three of these prompts.Is there a way to install java from the command prompt with the parameters to disable these prompts from ocurring? if so i will uninstall and re-install with those prompts.

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Using Loops For Dice Probability

Oct 5, 2014

The instructions are to "write a program to simulate tossing a pair of 11-sided dice and determine the percentage of times each possible combination of the dice is rolled... then ask the user to enter the number of sides on a die" The code is all provided here, I just have to put it in the right spots. (Side note, I cannot use arrays.) Here's the original file I was given to work with:

Java Code:

import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class DiceProbability
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Declare and initialize variables and objects
//Input: ask user for number of rolls and number of sides on a die
//Print heading for output table

[Code] ....

When I run it, I get something like this (just a part of my output):

Please enter the number of sides on a die: 6
Please enter the number of rolls: 2

Sum of dice Probability


Now I don't really understand the concept in the first place as the lesson was extremely uninformative, so I don't know what went wrong here.

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Accept List Of Integers As Parameter And Return Number Of Times Most Frequently Occurring Integer

Nov 20, 2014

Write a method maxOccurrences that accepts a list of integers as a parameter and returns the number of times the most frequently occurring integer (the “mode”) occurs in the list. Solve this problem using a map as auxiliary storage.

If the list is empty, return 0.

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Implementing Inheritance In Java

Apr 25, 2014

i was leaning inheritance and tried to implement it in Java.This is my base class

public class vehicle{
private int topSpeed;
private int cubicCap;
private String modelName;
private boolean hasAlloy;


I also have a derived class called i wanted to do in the derived class was that i wanted to override the constructor as well as the getInfo() method from the base class.I wanted to add an additional attribute to the car "numberSeats" and display tat too when the object to car class calls the getInfo() method .It showed an error "identifier required" when i tried to compile program.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class car extends vehicle{
//int numberSeats;
//System.out.println("Enter the number of Seats");
Scanner numberSeats=new Scanner(;


explain the errors that i get when i tried to compile without using super keyword or without defining the constructor from the Car class ?

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Implementing A Java Class Library?

Apr 18, 2014

i have been given a homework assignment where I have to get rid of a stack object I wrote for a program and replace it with the Stack<E> library java offers ie:

public class Stack<E> extends Vector<E> {
public Stack(); // constructor
public Boolean empty();
public E peek();
public E pop();
public E push(E item);

my question is do i have to actually write all these methods? Or can i just construct a stack and use the methods?

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Implementing Java Project With Android

Nov 19, 2014

I have a gameengine stil partially in the works for pc made in java, I am attempting a port over to java but certain classes and other fuctions are not available for android that there is in java. this means that my render engine, gameengine and a couple of other clases therefore don't work.

My question is, is there anyway of using the gameengine classes that work into the project so that all i have to do is declare within the engine what i want to export for wheather this is android or java. or importing packages from the game engine project and directly linking with the ability of re-writing the odd few classes that do not work.

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Implementing A Card Game In JAVA

Apr 19, 2015

I am facing with a JAVA code needed for my assignment.We are implementing a Card Game.. There is a Card Class which i have not included in the code below .We have a Dec class that has various arrays..

privateCard[] masterPack >> Is a master Pack that is initialized once and has all the 52 cards.

private Card[] cards >> Is the array that has the card values from masterPack array.

My problem is :

After I called the Deck object D1, it goes to the Deck COnstrucutor OK.It then populates the values of masterPack as per the allowmasterPack method.Then it stores the values of masterPack into cards array in the init method..I get an exception when line below is executed..

cards[pack * 52 + k]= masterPack[k];

I get a java.lang.NullPointerException error..

public class debug
public static void main(String[] args)
int pack = 1;
Dec D1;
D1 = new Dec(pack);


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Java 2D Game - Implementing Simultaneous Keystrokes

Jan 1, 2014

In my Java 2D game, two tanks are controlled as follows:

Tank 1

- Move forward: UP arrow
- Adjust angle of movement: LEFT and RIGHT arrows

Tank 2

- Move forward: W key
- Adjust angle of movement: A and D keys

It is possible to adjust the angle of a tank while it's moving forward (e.g., striking the left arrow or the right arrow while striking the up arrow). It's also possible to move both tanks forward simultaneously.

However, while one tank is moving forward and changing its angle (e.g., striking the up and the left/right key at the same time), the other tank is only able to move forward. That is to say, it cannot adjust its angle (e.g., striking W and A at the same time won't work, while the other tank is doing the same thing; the A key is ignored).

Why is that? Here's the relevant code:

In the Board class, that has most of the game logic:

Java Code:
while( game_is_running ) {
keysPressed1 = tank1.getKeys();
keysPressed2 = tank2.getKeys();

[Code] .....

You will probably suggest I use Key Bindings, but is there a way to still use KeyListener and have all buttons work at the same time without errors?

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Implementing Back End Code To Front In GUI - Java Swing

Jun 8, 2014

I am messing around with a Swing application and am a bit stuck as to how to join the front and back ends.This is the code for the DataManager class which is responsible for loading and saving objects and interfacing with rest of the system. The data I need displayed comes from a .txt file in the applications directory. I need to show certain aspects of the data in the JComboBoxes in the GUI class.

Java Code:

package programdataapplication;
import java.util.*;
public class DataManager {


how I can join back-end and GUI classes.

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How To Use Event Listeners In Java

May 6, 2014

How the event Listeners work in java,To get the data based on the event occurs in outside the application. I have this method in one of my API class I am not understanding how this methods are going to work.
public interface SBXPCXMLEventListener {  
public void OnReceiveEventXML(String eventXML);
private static List<SBXPCXMLEventListener> listenerList = new ArrayList<SBXPCXMLEventListener>();  
protected static void fireXMLEvent(String xml) {  

[Code] ....

I have done like this.This is used to capture the events from the fingerprint machine when run this class I am not getting any data from the machine when i did thumb impression in the machine.

public class EventListnere implements SBXPCXMLEventListener {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        boolean flag = SBXPCProxy.ConnectTcpip(1, "", 5005, 1234);
        System.out.println("flag = " + flag);

[Code] .....

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Java Servlet :: Implementing JPA Hibernate Simple Application Using One To Many Relationship

May 8, 2012

I am implementing JPA hibernate simple application using one to many relationship.

Relation ship is Comapny (1)----------- Department(*) is as follow :

package com.web.pojo;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.FetchType;
import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;

[Code] .....     

What I am doing is , I am adding new department to existing company. After execution above code

Table created are :

1. Company table with id and name
2. Department table with deptId , deptName , compId.

so at the time adding department , it does not threw any exception but updates records in department as

1(Id),Development(DeptName),null(compId) .

I am not getting why it is not updating compId column.

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How To Create Event Scheduler In Java

Dec 17, 2014

How would you begin a program that schedules events? I've found codes that are similar like Calendars, but I need something that will still import the real day, month, year. But I want to have columns that show Room numbers, and rows that shows time slots. How to get started such as which GUI components to use, what packages to import, etc.?

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Not Able To Call Java Method From Event

Mar 4, 2014

I used java and jsf. I created dynamic datatable in java file. Can i call java method from setOnchange() event?

I am able to call java script function from setOnchange() event. See the below code which is working fine for java script.

HtmlSelectOneMenu selectOneMenu = new HtmlSelectOneMenu();
selectOneMenu.setOnchange("openWin(this);IGNORE_UN LOAD=false");

I wrote openwin() function in java script. But i am not able to call java method change().

Code which is not working.

HtmlSelectOneMenu selectOneMenu = new HtmlSelectOneMenu();
selectOneMenu.setOnchange("myclass.change();IGNORE _UNLOAD=false");

myclass is the bean of class Test. If user select any value from dropdown i want to call change java method. This function will apply the same selected dropdown value to the other record also.

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Implementing A FPS Counter

Jan 17, 2014

Ok, so I'm making a game with a space ship that flies around the universe and discovering new planets. It works fine so far, but I'm looking to make it perform better and be better compatible with lesser-processors.So, I'm trying to put in an FPS counter and an entirely new game loop so that my game can decide for me what FPS I should use.

I have two classes. Heres the big, main one: [Java] package; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Font; impor - *I want to change the loop and put an FPS counter in around line 456, you can scroll past the rest if you'd like*And heres the init frame one, in case you'd like to see it for some reason.

Java Code:

import javax.swing.JFrame;
public class Start extends JFrame{
public static JFrame frame;
public static int WIDTH = 500;
public static int HEIGHT = 500;
public Start() {


how to make my game loop as quickly (or a bit slower) as it can, and my FPS is static.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Implementing JTabbedPane GUI?

Aug 21, 2014

I have been trying to learn how to use the TabbedPane GUI. I can get the tabs to show up, but the buttons I have placed in each tab do not show up. Why this is not working. I assume that, for some reason, the buttons are not linking with their respective panels, or the panels are not linking to the respective tabs.

import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.GridLayout;

import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JTabbedPane;

[Code] ....

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Implementing Comparator Interface?

Mar 7, 2014

overriding of the compare method.

Here's an example I found:

public class Someone {
String name;
int age;
ArrayList <Someone> listarr = new ArrayList <Someone>();
public Someone(String name1, int age1) {
name = name1;
age = age1;


1. In the compare method, what happens when it returns one of the 0, -1, or 1? How does returning such values contribute to the sorting process? How does it take in information (like I know it does through the parameters, but how exactly)?

2. Why do we use the class name for the generics?

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Implementing Two Stack In One Array?

Jan 5, 2015

is this program correct? for Implementing two Stack in one array. how can i solve it ?

public class Stackation11 {
int max = 10;
int [] array = new int[max];
int top;
int top1;


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Implementing Custom Map Interface

Nov 5, 2014

I am supposed to implement a custom Map interface and I'm having some trouble with this method:

// 1. From the interface
* Gives an iterator iterating over the key set from the smallest key that is not less than the key provided.
* @param key the key
* @return the iterator
* @throws NullPointerException if key == null

public Iterator<Key> tailIterator(Key key);

[Code] .....

My implementation is wrong according to a JUnit test. Also, to get a full score this method should have a worst case running time of O(log N), which obviously isn't the case now. (My Map implementation is currently based on binary search in an ordered array, keeping a prallel array for the values).

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Implementing Breadth First Search

Dec 13, 2014

I have always wanted to program A*, Breath First Search and Depth First Search ever since I took AI. I will only post BFS at the moment but it is only searching the row.

Java Code:

//Breath First Search. The first node passed to it is the start button
void bfs(Mybuttons button){
Queue<Mybuttons> q = new LinkedList<Mybuttons>();

[Code] ....


Java Code: In while loop
In get Child Node
In get Child Node
In get Child Node
In get Child Node
In while loop
In get Child Node
In get Child Node
In get Child Node
In while loop
In get Child Node
In get Child Node
In while loop
In get Child Node mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

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Implementing Deserialization Of Objects?

Jul 16, 2014

Say you have a bunch of animals, `Rat` `Cat` `Dog` and `Fish`, and you want to serialize/deserialize these animals. Each has its own `serialize()` method. That all works fine and good, if you want to save your Cat to a file, you call `Cat.serialize()` and then you write it to a file.

But what about deserializing? Sure, you could save an extra bit of data that states the type of animal, then use reflection to get a static method (say, `deserialize(String serialized)`) and then invoke it. But that's not safe. What if someone creates a new animal 'Rabbit' and doesn't include a `deserialize(String serialized)` method? Sure, you could then just catch the error and ignore the issue, but that seems unclean and bad practice.

You could also create an enum. Each item in the enum must have a `deserialize(String serialized)` method, and the aforementioned piece of data that states the type references the name of its enum item. Problem is, not very adaptable. Enums don't allow for other animals to be added at runtime.

The way I have been solving this issue is mapping the name of the objects against a deserializer object. Basically each animal would have to 'register' itself by entering it's name and deserializer (implements `Deserializer` interface) object into a HashMap. The deserializer object can then be retrieved via the name of the animal at a later time.

My question is, what is the best method to go about implementing deserialization? Also, is the method I have been using good/bad practice?

Finally, if you are wondering why animals would be added at runtime, the reason is because animals might be added by other non accessible parts of the program, or by things such as plugins.

Example of the method I have been using is below.

Animal Interface

Java Code:

public class Animal{
public String serialize();
} mh_sh_highlight_all('java'); Deserializer Interface


And when you needed to deserialize:

Java Code:

Deserializer d=AnimalSpecies.getSpeciesDeserializer(serialized.split(AnimalSpecies.DELIMITER)[0]);
if (d!=null){
} mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

What I mean by this is that any serialized Animal must have a way of identifying which animal it is so that it's deserializer can be accessed. This can be worked around by implementing a wrapper that adds this information directly before it is written to a file, and removes it directly before deserialization.

Why not use built in serialization/deserialization? I would like the serialized data to be readable and easily editable.

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Implementing Heap From ArrayList

Nov 25, 2014

in my class is implement a heap and use some of the methods we were provided. The methods I was provided to code and use are "siftDown", "isEmpty" and "heapify". I'm pretty sure the code I have written for "heapify" and "isEmpty" is correct, where I think I am finding fault is the code for my "siftDown". Would you mind taking a look at my code and see why when adding integers to the heap object that I have created in the main code, that they are not being output correctly?

public class Tester {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Heap myHeap = new Heap();


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Implementing Collisions In Frogger

Oct 5, 2014

I am building a frogger game and am having some trouble implementing collisions. I've been going off of various different tutorials and it seems like my frogCollisions function should work based off them, but no matter where I place it collisions aren't registering. Here is the frogCollisions function I am trying to use. I don't think it is very efficient to be checking all of the items in my manager class every loop, but can't think of another way to do this with manager classes. You can see my full code on my github if you would like to see the whole project. It's at: URL....

public void frogCollisions() {
for(int i = 0; i < carManager.smSize(); i++) {


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Program For Implementing A Stack

Jan 3, 2015

I tried to write a program to implement a stack but it has a bug I am unable to solve.The bug is that whenever I choose an operation to perform, eg push, After performing the operation, the loop is executed once again and Invalid choice message appears, i.e. the default case. And then the loop again executes to choose further option. Here is my code

class Stack {
private char[] stck;
private int len;
private int top;


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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Implementing Listener Of GUI In A Different Class?

Jun 26, 2014

I have two different classes called Login (in the package View) and RegButtonListener (in the package Controller). I want to use the MVC pattern.

Login creates a GUI for login. I used NetBeans GUI Builder to create it.

In the class RegButtonListener there is the code for the click of the buttons, then various listeners of the GUI.

Now I want to close the login frame at the click of a button so I want to use the dispose() method.

If I had all the code (GUI code and code of the listener) in the same file, close the frame would be easy enough to do because this.dispose(). But in my case I have two different classes.

I also have a second problem.

In Login class (in the packege View) I have included the line :


However, Netbeans tells me an error "package regButton does not exist. <identifier> expected". Why does he consider regButton a package? How can I fix these two problems?

How do I do then?
Below is the code of the two classes.

Login class.
public class Login extends javax.swing.JFrame {
/** Creates new form Login */
public Login() {


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