Initializing Variables In Two Connected Classes

Nov 3, 2014

I am writing a program with different screens. At first you have to log in to access the program. So I have a problem with the variables username and password. I can't seem to get theme from the DbConnection class. I suppose it is a basic problem?

In the DbConnection class i have a problem with the returns.

In the Login class i have a problem with the connection.getUsername(); and connection.getPassword();

Here is some code:

class DbConnection
package kim.contracts.database;
import java.sql.*;
public class DbConnection {
private Connection conn;
private Statement st;
private ResultSet rs;

[Code] .....

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Transferring Variables Across Classes

Aug 30, 2014

Class 1:

view sourceprint?

1 public class one {
2 public static void main(String[] args){
3 int num = 0;
4 System.out.println(num);
5 two.change(num);

[Code] .....

This should print 0, then 1, but it prints 0, then 0. How do I make it print 0 then 1 with the same format?

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ArrayList Connected To Checkboxes

Nov 28, 2014

So I have to create an arraylist that is connected to check boxes. Here are my current codes that I am working with. I am just focusing on making the GUI before I get into making the price calculator and everything along with that.

I need to apply the check boxes that are in the listener to the arraylist that is in the original class

Java Code:

PizzOrderPA3 toppings2 = new PizzaOrderPA3
JCheckBox toppings2 = new JCheckBox();
toppings2.add("Extra cheese"); mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

That is the code that I am working with but how to go along with this.

Java Code:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.JMenu;
import javax.swing.JMenuBar;
import javax.swing.JMenuItem;

[Code] .....

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Start Client Actions Only Once All Clients Connected

Aug 30, 2014

I was tasked to do a 2-4 player network card game. Before I jumped into doing the card game. I decided to try out an a simple program which is the clients taking turns to type in their textfield.

I have a server that listens to 3 incoming client connections. once all 3 clients is being connected,


1) The first client will send the message first while the second and third client will wait for the first client to finish sending.

2) After the first client finished sending the message, it will be second client turn to send the message and the third client will wait for the second client to send finish.

3) After the third client finished sending the message, it will be third client turn to send the message and the first client will wait for the third client to send finish and (go back to step 1))

**The first client can only start typing once all 3 clients is being connected**

In my server class,I spawn a new Thread once a client is connected, I do a wait() on each time the client is being connected, I stored the thread in a arraylist as well. I have an id to keep track how many clients is currently connected. once the id reaches 3, I used notifyall() to notify all the threads and set the first position of my arraylist as my currentThread so that I can keep track which is the currentThread running.

I started 3 clients. and I typed the textfield of the first client but my server isn't receiving any messages.

class Server implements Runnable {
private List<SpawnNewThread> sntList = new ArrayList<SpawnNewThread>();
private SpawnNewThread currentThread;
private int id = 0;


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JRE :: Storing Images To Remote System Connected Through LAN

Dec 16, 2013

How to store the images captured from a system using web cam(from where the web application accessed) to a folder of system(where the web application is deployed) connected through lan......?
I have used applets to connect to web cam.
import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Button;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.FlowLayout;
import java.awt.Frame;
import java.awt.Graphics;

[Code] ....

Through this applet I am capturing the image and saving in the application deployed directory and accessing this image through a servlet. Every thing works fine in my system but when i try to capture from other systems connected through lan the image not saving in my system.

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Create A Server Which Sends Clients Connected To It Its Local Time

Apr 5, 2015

I'm trying to create a server which sends the clients connected to it its local time. Looking at a few tutorials I've managed to connect the clients to the server, but can't send data to the clients. I've successfully done easier examples, without threading. I guess the problem might be im me not knowing what exceptions are for.

Client: When running the code "AAAAAAA" does execute but "BBBB" doesn't, so I guess the problem should be in fraseRecibida = entradaDesdeServidor.readLine();

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Client {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
String fraseRecibida;


I don't understand the exceptions, maybe I should give them a look before continuing with sockets. Being frank I'm not really sure why the while(true) is there.

import java.util.Calendar;
public class ServerThread extends Thread{
Socket socket;
ServerThread(Socket socket){
this.socket = socket;


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Java Servlet :: HTTP Status 404 Error - Program Does Not Connected To Oracle DB?

Oct 16, 2012

I am working wit netbean 7.2 ide,oracle 10g. the servlet program does not connected to the oracle db. i always recieve a

HTTP Status 404 -

type Status report


descriptionThe requested resource () is not available.

Oracle GlassFish Server

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JSP :: Initializing Captcha From Session

Feb 26, 2015

I am new to JSP and I'm having a problem with captcha containing a value in the field when toggling from the first page to another and clicking submit on the second page before entering data to validate the fields and the code just falls through and returns the error "Please enter the correct code". The values returned are (captcha)96043 (code)null, captcha is not null because it is retrieved from session which is the last value captured from the page I'm assuming.

I've used request.getSession().removeAttribute( "captcha" ); before building the page to clear out the values, resetting captcha to null etc.; nothing is working.

Here's the code:

boolean isPostBack =false;
String captcha = (String) session.getAttribute("captcha");
String code = (String) request.getParameter("j_captcha_response");


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Initializing Variable Within Program

Mar 3, 2014

My objective is to write a program that calculates the bodyfat of people. The difficult thing is, that the calculations are different for males and females, so I tried to prompt the user to state whether they are male or female, then use and "if" statement to tether their response to the corresponding calculations.

Here's my algorithm:

Here's what I have:

package bodyweight;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Weightcalc {
static Scanner console = new Scanner(;
public static void main(String[] args){

[Code] ....

It keeps telling me that bodyweight is not initialized, but when I do, I get a hell of a lot more bugs on everything telling me they aren't initialized. I just want the program to transfer the user to select inputs, based on whether they are male or female.

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Scanner Array Initializing

Oct 12, 2014

Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
Question question = new Question();
Quiz quiz = new Quiz();
System.out.print("Enter the prompt: ");
question.prompt = sc.nextLine();

[Code] .....

Here is the example run that I am trying to achieve:

* 1. Enter the prompt: What is the capital of the USA?
* 2. Enter a possible answer: New York City, NY
* 2. Is New York City, NY the correct answer (y/n)? n
* 3. Enter a possible answer: Pittsburgh, PA
* 3. Is Pittsburgh, PA the correct answer (y/n)? n
* 4. Enter a possible answer: Washington, DC
* 4. Is Washington, DC the correct answer (y/n)? y
* 5. Enter a possible answer: Chicago, IL
* 5. Is Chicago, IL the correct answer (y/n)? n

The problem is that my for loop runs through correctly the first time, but doesn't seem to react to me initializing my choices array after that. It ends up looking like this:

Enter the prompt: What is the capitol of the USA?
Enter a possible answer: New York City, NY
Is New York City, NY the correct answer (y/n)?n
Enter a possible answer: Is the correct answer (y/n)?

But I cannot understand why it's doing that.

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Initializing Arrays Of Various Types

Sep 18, 2014

For basic arrays, we can directly combine declaration and initialization as E.g: int[] num= new int[2]

But can we do this do for forming class object arrays? like

class stu
stu[] s=new stu[2]

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C Struct - Initializing 3D Array?

Oct 23, 2014

I have a C struct as follows:

struct myHAI
int id;
char celcius[5];
char fahrenheit[5];
[Code] .....

I think the Java code is just a little to kludgey. I have to add 256 records to the 3D array which means I have to call the method 256 times. I'd really like to initialize the class all at once similar to the C struct. But I don't know if that is possible. Thus, any less kludgey way of initializing a 3D array?

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Initializing Constructor As Parameter For A Method?

Jan 2, 2014

So, I am learning Swing, and Swing Layouts. I just came across a really confusing (for me) line of code.

Java Code:

setLayout(new BorderLayout()); mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

So, this is weird for me because I don't really understand why the BorderLayout class constructor is being initialized as a parameter for the setLayout..

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Error Occurs Unless Initializing Variable?

Oct 12, 2014

I don't understand that the error occurs when I don't initialize the variable myPoint. Whereas, I initialize the variable myPoint after variable declaration and before place of error.
package enumeration;
import java.util.Random; 
public class Craps {


When I initialize the variable myPoint to zero in its decleration, the error disappear. But why? I have already initialized the variable myPoint in default case before the line of error occured..

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Initializing Array - Equal Sign?

Nov 15, 2014

i know that int [][] x = new int[2][2] will generate a 2x2 array but I'm looking at a certification mock question and I see double [][] da = new double [3][]. What is the empty [] on the right hand side of the equal sign trying to tell me? Is there some default value?

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Initializing Object Outputs Zeroes Instead Of Values Given To It

Oct 30, 2014

public class Check2
private int red;
private int green;
private int blue;

public Check2(){
red = 0;
green = 0;
blue = 0;

[Code] .....

And when i uses it in another class named "Check" it returns zeroes :

public class Check
public static void main(String[] args) {
Check2 obj = new Check2(125,254,12); // the toString method should return the values i gave it here . but it shows me zeroes instead.
System.out.println("the colors are " + obj.toString());

Output : the colors are (0,0,0)

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Pass User Input - Initializing Array In Method

Feb 7, 2015

I need to pass user input from the main method, which is then validated using another method that is returned as a valid score, and then I pass the valid input to another method that stores the data in an array. The array is initialized within the method. I tried to use an if-else statement to initialize the array, because I originally did this at the beginning of the method. I soon learned that I was creating a new array everything I accessed the method. Needless to say, this isn't working either.

public static void main(String[] args) {
int judges = 7;
float[] validScores = new float[judges];
for (int i = 0; i < judges; i++) {
float score = -1;

[Code] ....

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How To Call Classes Within Other Classes

Apr 18, 2014

How do you call classes within other classes? Or can you only call classes through the main?

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Passing Values To Two Classes And Retrieving Values From Those Classes

Feb 14, 2015

I'm doing an aggregation exercise that's suppose to find the volume and surface area of a cylinder. What I'm trying to do is pass values from one class, to a second class, and that second class passes values to a third class.

This may be a clearer explanation: The first class is the main program which sends values to the second and third class. The second class is used do calculations for a circle (a pre-existing class from another assignment). The third class grabs the values that the second class calculated and calculates those values with the one that was passed from the first class to the third class. The first class then prints the outcome.

Problem is when the program gets to the third class, it just calculates the value from the first class with the default constructor from the second class. It's like the second class never received the values from the first class. I think I'm missing a step, but I don't what it is.

First Class:

package circle;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class CylinderInput
static Scanner in = new Scanner(;
public static void main(String[] args)
//user defined variable


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Comparing Two Variables

Mar 30, 2014

Let's get it out of the way -- I'm stumped. On something that should be pretty simple to solve. Code follows.

public class Sum {
public static void main(String [] args) {
Double nSum = 0.0;
Double aDouble = 100.0;
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++){
nSum += 0.1;

[Code] ....

The output:


Process finished with exit code 0

I wrote another simple program and hardcoded the values: aDouble = 100.0; bDouble= 100.0000

Using aDouble.equals(bDouble) returns true, just as one would expect.

So what am I overlooking?

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JSF :: How To Compare Two Variables

Feb 25, 2014

Having two values

<c:set var="var1" scope="view" value="#{ID1}"/>
<c:set var="var2" scope="view" value="${ID2}" />

I tried in <c:if test=${var1 == var2}>

and eq also

above condition is not working. Both are same object. How to check?

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Variables In While Construct

Apr 8, 2014

New to java/programming and i cant understand why the pen variable does not display the the correct value ... For example for input 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 both variables will display 10 and i dont understand why pen does not have the value 6 .

import acm.program.*;
public class Chap4_ex12 extends ConsoleProgram {
public void run () {
int pen = 0;
int r = 1;
int sum = 0;
while (r !=SANTINEL) {
r = readInt(" ? ");
pen=sum ;


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Variables In Interface

Jan 21, 2015

Variables defined in interface are public static and final so I was thinking that we should not be able to override the variables in a class thats implementing the interface. But when I am compiling the below class, it compiles fine and gives the correct values. but when I did disp.abhi = 35; it gives a compile error (cannot override final variable)

interface display{
int abhi = 10;
void displayName();


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C++ Passing By Value With Two Variables

Jun 24, 2014

This is my first time working with C++ and I have put together this program and came up with two errors and I am unsure what it is wanting me to do. The errors I got are:

1>c:usersownerdocumentsvisual studio 2010projectsweek5week5passing_by_value.cpp(30): error C2064: term does not evaluate to a function taking 1 arguments
1>c:usersownerdocumentsvisual studio 2010projectsweek5week5passing_by_value.cpp(38): error C2064: term does not evaluate to a function taking 1 arguments

using std::cin;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
//initialize arrays
int incr10(int* numa,int* numb);

[Code] ....

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How To Set Environment Variables

Apr 13, 2014

I am new in this programming language, java. I have a problem after I set my path ";C:Program Files (x86)Javajdk1.7.0_51in". I made a simple program but an error occurred. Here's the screenshot.....

Attached image(s)

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Variables Not Have Been Initialized

Sep 23, 2014

I continuously get an error for lines 34, 36, and 37 saying that the variables may not have been initialized.

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Random;
public class MathTutor {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Random r = new Random ();
Scanner input = new Scanner (;
/*int min=1;
int max=10;*/
int num1,num2,operation;
int n1= r.nextInt((9+1)+1);
int n2= r.nextInt((9+1)+1);
operation= r.nextInt(3);
int correctAnswer;
int userAnswer;


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