Inventory Part 2 Portion And Getting Errors

Apr 30, 2014

for my assignment I am to only add the sort and total inventory methods in the inventory class. And not create an array in the inventory class at all. My inventory class should contain all the variables needed to use with the two new methods: sort and calculate total inventory.By not creating any array in the inventory class and not touching the variables at all.For the inventoryTest class, I only need to declare an array of the inventory class by making an instance of the inventory.

public class inventory

private int prodNumber; // product number
private String prodName; // product name
private int unitsTotal; // total units in stock
private double unitPrice; // price per unit
private double totalInventory; // amount of total inventory


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Adding Sort And Total Inventory Methods In Inventory Class

Apr 30, 2014

for my assignment I am to only add the sort and total inventory methods in the inventory class. And not create an array in the inventory class at all. My inventory class should contain all the variables needed to use with the two new methods: sort and calculate total inventory.By not creating any array in the inventory class and not touching the variables at all.

What I have came up with is:

public class inventory
private int prodNumber; // product number
private String prodName; // product name
private int unitsTotal; // total units in stock
private double unitPrice; // price per unit
private double totalInventory; // amount of total inventory
// initialize four-argument constructor

[Code] ....

The error message I get is:

F:Java error: cannot find symbol
return prodName.compareTo ( s. getprodName() );
symbol: method getprodName()
location: variable s of type inventory
1 error

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Shade Portion Of Circle Based On Area Given?

Sep 23, 2014

I am able to draw this image using filloaval() but afterwards when i am calculating some area i have to shade that in the figure in some different color

R is fixed to 100 and d lies between 0 to R

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Add A Zero For Decimal Part

Apr 19, 2015

Add the following method to the BankAccount class: public String toString()Your method should return a string that contains the account's name and balance separated by a comma and space. For example, if an account object named benben has the name "Benson" and a balance of 17.25, the call of benben.toString() should return:

Benson, $17.25

There are some special cases you should handle. If the balance is negative, put the - sign before the dollar sign. Also, always display the cents as a two-digit number. For example, if the same object had a balance of -17.5, your method should return:

Benson, -$17.50

Here is my code:

public String toString() {
String result = name + ", ";
if (balance < 0) {
result += "-";
return result += "$" + Math.abs(balance);

My code only works in case there are full two numbers for the cents part, not for the case when there's only one number. So I wonder how I can add an extra zero when needed.I can get only the decimal part and add a zero if it's less than 10, but I don't know how I can extract just the decimal part from the number. (The balance is just a double and it doesn't have any separate field for dollars and cents).

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Extracting Part Of A String?

Oct 13, 2014

Okay So I am creating an application but I'm not sure how to get certain parts of the string. I have read In a file as such:


I need to read the lines beggining with *2* so I done:

s = new Scanner(new BufferedReader(new FileReader("example.dat")));
while (s.hasNext()) {
String str1 = s.nextLine ();

So this will read the whole line I'm fine with that, Now my issue is I need to extract the 2nd line beggining with numbers the 4th with numbers the 5th with success and the 7th(DPSRN). I was thinking about using a String dilemeter with | how to extract them once i've used the dilemeter.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Extend And Retract Part Of GUI

Jul 18, 2014

I have a GUI that I've been working on for a while now. What I am trying to figure out, is a way to have the user push a button, and when they do have the GUI extend out to the right with another table to use for Filter Data. Once They are done, I want them to push that button again, and the panel with the query data retracts and is hidden again, all without changing the size of the current GUI in question. I've tried a bunch of different things with setting preferred and Minimal values to my GUI, and I've played around with different Layouts (Border Layout.East, etc), but I can't seem to find a good working solution.

Ideally it would be slick if I could make my panel SLIDE out and SLIDE back in, which would look really cool, but I'd settle for something that just worked.

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JSF :: Printing Only Part Of Prime-faces Page?

Jan 15, 2014

I have a print button as below

<p:commandButton id="printit" value="Print" type="button" icon="icn-print">
<p:printer target=":topForm:data" />

when i click print button only top half of the page is getting printed and bottom half is pushed to next page. How do i fix this issue.

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How To Remove Object From Jframe As Part Of ActionPerformed

Mar 11, 2014

I currently have a program written that outputs a canvas object and adds a picture of 5 taxis to it.I have now added a jtextfield so that a user can add an interger. Ideally if the user was to enter the number 8, there would be 8 taxis added to the canvas.I am having trouble with the final part i mentioned. how to delete the old canvas and output a new one with the amount that the user wrote in the jtextfield.

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.util.Random;
import javax.swing.*;


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How To Extract Specific Part Of A String In Java

Mar 1, 2014

consider this statement from a jsp file(there are many more statements like this in jsp file..) Statement -

<h:dataGrid something styleclass="styleclass1" something1
onClick="event" something2
<% this is a scriplet tag %>

<h:output text>hello i am text</h:output text>

What I want is to extract(and store it somewhere) the part from "<" to ">" where:

< - is the one in "<h:dataGrid"
> - is the one in "style1>" and not the('>') one that appears in the end
of "</h:dataGrid>" or "<h:output text>" or "</h:output text>"

Problem is the text b/w && is in multi-line...&& there are scriplet tags in between them.. so i don't know how to extract this particular string.. i tried using using some regular expressions but couldn't find the exact one..

(this was just an example && instead of this "" tag it can be anything like again in this line :

<h:output text>hello i am text</h:output text>

I want to extract the string from "<" till ">" where :

< - is the one in starting of "<h:output text>"
> - is the one in ending of "<h:output text>" and not the one in "</h:output text>"

However the difference b/w this example and the above mentioned one is that this one is not multi-line and doesn't contains any scriptlet tags)....

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JSF :: Loading Part Of Page Using AJAX - How To Handle CommandButtons

Jun 25, 2014

I have a page which lists items using a ui:repeat. The repeat is surrounded by my h:form tag.

Now I have made it so that when click an item, then I load some item details - render them in their own xhtml file and inject the result into the dom tree.

This is causing some problems.

* My injected content has commandButtons and commandLinks which do not work because I don't have a form in my injected page - since this would cause nested forms :-(
* tried to replace commandButtons and commandLinks and instead create unique url's that I can call to get my work done - but how to I then re-render a panelGroup on then page? tried using jsf.ajax.request but I'm not able to get part of the page (a shoppingcart) to update

Basic outline

<ui:repeat ...>
<tr><td onclick="...">Click here to load item details</td></tr><tr><td id="itemDetailPlaceholder"></td></tr>

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Java API - Truncate Float Part Of Double Variable

Jan 13, 2015

Is there a method in Java API that truncate the float part of a double variable after a given number of digits?

Example: if the number of digits to be truncated is 2, so the method truncate (6.9872) to (6.98) ,

I tried to write a method that do that but it was very difficult.

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Making Home Inventory

Jan 22, 2014

I'm going to make Dekstop Based Home Inventory, do you have a tutorial for it ?

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Part Of Panel Missing - No Code Error (tried Changing Size)

Apr 20, 2014

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.text.*;

public class aaa extends JFrame
private JPanel combinationp, np, ap, dp, surgeryp, medicationp, infop; // input = name, address, days
private JLabel namelabel, addresslabel, dayslabel, infolabel;
private JTextField nametf, addresstf, daystf, selectedsurgerytf;
private JButton calcButton;

[Code] .....

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Inventory Program - CompareTo Not Working

Jul 16, 2014

My instructor gave me this code to use as my Array sort. I can not get this to work. I do not get any compile errors, the code just does not do anything.

Java Code:

package inventoryprogram4;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Inventoryprogram4
static GUI mainGUI = new GUI();
static String outText = "";

[Code] .....

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Inventory Program - Display Information To GUI

Feb 28, 2015

I am trying to create a GUI with already existing code. My assignment is: Modify the Inventory Program to use a GUI. The GUI should display the information one product at a time, including the item number, the name of the product, the number of units in stock, the price of each unit, and the value of the inventory of that product. In addition, the GUI should display the value of the entire inventory, the additional attribute, and the restocking fee.

Where to start. The text book does not cover a GUI that displays this type of information rather it just displays graphics. I would like to create a separate class that holds the GUI information just to make everything flow better. I have provided my current code below:

Java Code:

// by JakeB
public class ProductTest {
// main method begins
public static void main(String[] args) // begin main {
myGUI display = new myGUI();

[Code] .....

This is all I have for the GUI. I am at a total loss and I am behind 2 weeks now. I cannot move forward until I am able to get this done and the class ends next week.

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Inventory Program - Taking Input For ArrayList

Feb 3, 2014

I am stumped on a coding project I am working on. I am making an inventory program with predefined values for the items. I am not sure how to iterate through my arrayList, and allow the user to input the "number sold."

I have made an arrayList and populated it using the add(), but I am not sure if it is working correctly. This is my inventoryItem class :

package inventory;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
public class inventoryItm {
String itemName;
double unitPrice;
int numberSold;

[Code] .....

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Inventory And InventoryItem Class - Cannot Find Symbol

Oct 13, 2014

I created a Test main method to test my Inventory and InventoryItem class to see if they are functioning properly. I am currently trying to read a text .dat file, but I keep getting "...cannot find symbol" for descripIn when I try to compile it.

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.ArrayList;


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Display Inventory In Console - Retail Items

Apr 7, 2014

Why does it keep giving me the error saying that RetailItem[] inventory not found(from the parameter) if its stated above?

RetailItem[] inventory = {jacket, jeans, shirt};
//Display the inventory in the console
//Process a series of RetailItem sales

//Display the updated inventory of Retailitems

[Code] .....

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Inventory Program - Displaying Information (Input From Array)

Sep 13, 2014

I'm working a an assignment for my IT/215 class and I'm having a little trouble with my arrays. My code compiles just fine but when it comes to displaying the information I've input into my array it doesn't seem to want to and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here. On line 136 originally I had [DVDs [count] = count+1]] but it wouldn't compile. I then put line 136 to [ DVDs[count] = new Inventory();] and I think that's were my issue is but I'm not sure....

// Purpose:the purpose of this software is to display inputs as wells as the stocks and price of inputs.

class Inventory
private double ItemNumber; //to store Item number
private String ItemName; //to store Item name
private double UnitsInStock; //to store number of units in stock
private double UnitPrice; //to store Unit price
private double InventoryValue; //to store Inventory value
private double TotalInventory; //to store Total Inventory value

[Code] .....

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Keeping Track Of Inventory For A Company - How To Update Variables

Feb 11, 2015

My program is supposed to be used to keep track of inventory for a company. The user is prompted with a menu that asks them which item they want to update and then gives them another menu that allows them to buy, sell, or change the price of the items. For this, I need to have the variable values to change (based on the input of the user), because they are initially set to specific numbers. How would I do this?

Here's the part of my code that is relevant to this question:

balance = 4000.00;
lampQuantity = 400;
lampPrice = 10;
chairQuantity = 250;
chairPrice = 20.00;
deskQuantity = 300;
deskPrice = 100.00;
System.out.println("Current Balance: $" + balance);
System.out.print("1. Lamps " + lampQuantity);
System.out.println(" at $" + lampPrice);
System.out.print("2. Chairs " + chairQuantity);
System.out.println(" at $" + chairPrice);

[Code] .....

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Inventory Program - Add / Delete / Modify / Search And Save

Feb 15, 2015

The goal was to add a few buttons an add delete modify search and save. I feel like I have the entire need satisfied. I'm having a few symbol problems which I'm not quite sure how to fix.

My full code is:

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Graphics;

[Code] ....

which is directing me towards Prodname on the far right of the if statement. I'm not sure what the problem is. I've double checked my spellings several time for each spot and I cant quite get it.

Everyone has told me but I am aware that I made some bad decisions with the variables being capitalized this was my first go at a program and my instructor didn't let me know that thats the normal way to do it.

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Inventory Form Program - User Update Data In The Table

Apr 30, 2015

I'm getting ready to code a program that takes record of items loaned and return in a table. I want more than one user to access the program to be able to update the data in the table. For instance, if one user added 5 new items to the table, all other users would be able open the program to see a modified table with 5 new items. Was looking for some advice and was wondering if implementing a database would work best.

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Creating Inventory File As Random Access File

Oct 26, 2014

I need to write a program that will create an inventory file as a random access file. The problem that I am having is that among the things I need to add to the random access file is a "car name". Since random access files are byte based I don't know how I could possibly write and then read a string value.

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Errors When Compiling

Nov 19, 2014

why my program doesn't work. Here's the code :

public test5 {
public boolean test(int grille[][]){
for (int i = 0 || i < grille.length || i++){
int max = grille[i][0];
for (int e = 1 || e < grille[i].length || j++){
if (grille[i][e]== max && max !=0){
solution = false;


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Errors Compiling BeerSong

Feb 9, 2014

I get quite a few errors while trying to compile the BeerSong from the Head First Java book. I copied the text from another person that did the beer song on this forum and it worked as expected. What I can't figure out is why mine is not working when it looks like the text is exactly the same between the two versions. His works, but mine doesn't.

Here is the text and errors that I get:

public class BeerSong
public static void main (String[] args)
int beerNum = 99;
String word = "bottles";


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Conversion From Int To Byte Errors

Jun 11, 2014

It's probably really obvious, like it usually is, but I can't figure out why I am getting these errors on multiple functions.

if (!client.lowMem) {
for (int l = this.onDemandFetcher.getVersionCount(2), i2 = 1; i2 < l; ++i2) {
if (this.onDemandFetcher.method569(i2)) {
this.onDemandFetcher.method563(1, 2, i2); //Error

[Code] ....

The error I get on this line of code is 'Custom may not have been initialized', but no matter what I do, the error sticks.

Custom.cacheIndex = (Custom.cacheIndex + 1) % 10;
final Custom Custom = Custom.cache[Custom.cacheIndex];

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