Is It Necessary To Capitalize When Writing The Code

Mar 30, 2015

I realized I wasn't capitalizing certain things, and when I did it i was able to run the compiler. is there a utility or tool that auto formats the capitalization and such? I read kathy mentioning about eclipse I installed I don't know where that feature is.

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Writing Gauss Elimination In Java Code

May 2, 2014

I have a big problem with writing Gauss Elimination in Java code. This is my homework, it's true. But I want to learn this, and I don't know how to bite this. I must realise some points:

1) Create new class - Gauss Elimination with two attributes (table A (nxn) and table B with vector (n));

2) Add new method "eliminate" which transform matrix A and parametr vectors B ;

3) Add new method "solve" which calculate inverse substitution.

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Simulation On Assembly Code Level By Writing A Mini-compiler

Sep 28, 2014

I need to do a simulation on the assembly code level by writing a mini-compiler for each ISA, i.e., 4, 3, 2-Address Architecture, Accumulator Architecture, Stack Architecture, and Load-Store Architecture.The input to the simulator is a segment of C program:The basic sample segments of C code are:

1. A = (B + C) * D - E;

2. F = (G + H) - (I + J);

3. G = H + A[I];

4. If (I == J) F = G + H;

Else F = G - H;

5. Loop: G = G + A[I];

I = I + J;

If (I != H) Goto Loop;

6. If (G < H) Goto Less;

7. While (save[I] == K)

I = I + J;

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Capitalize Second Word Of A String

Feb 16, 2014

So the exercise I'm working on says to have the user enter their name and the program will output their name with the last name in all caps. i made it work BUT the only way i could figure it out was to ask for the first and last names separately creating two strings rather than one.

Of course I want to make it work how it's supposed to (with one string) so that I'm learning. I'm just having trouble conceptualizing how exactly (with varying lengths of names) to tell the program to only capitalize the second word... at first I thought create a substring beginning with the first letter of the last name and ending with the last...but again, therein lies the issue of varying name lengths.

is there a way to create a substring that beginIndex's at the first "space"? then i could just leave the endIndex parameter empty and it would take the whole word into a new string. and from there utilize toUpperCase to the new string?

Here's my code asking for the first and last names separately.

import java.util.Scanner;
class nameEcho {
public static void main ( String [] args ) {
Scanner scan = new Scanner( );
String first;
String last;

[Code] .....

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Capitalize Method - Return String With First Letter In Uppercase And All Other In Lowercase

May 19, 2015

I'm trying to create a private method called capitalize() which takes String nameModel in any uppercase/lowercase combination and returns it with the first letter uppercased and all other lowercased. E.g. "stePHeN" returns "Stephen" . This is what I've written so far:

private String makePrettyString(String modelName) {
if (modelName ==null) {
return null;
}else if (modelName =="") {
return "";
} else{
return modelName.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + modelName.substring(1).toLowerCase();

Unfortunately it doesn't work and it still returning me the String modelName in its original uppercase/lowercase combination.

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Web Services :: Code Implementation Generated By Axis2 Code Generator?

Aug 23, 2010

I was a bit confused of the code generated by the Axis2 Code Gen.

I have created a logIn(String username, String password) method in my service and used Axis2 Code Gen to generate the Stub.

I try to access the logIn method from my Client using the Stub like below:

TestServiceStub stub = new TestServiceStub("http://localhost:8080/axis2/services/TestService");
String test = stub.logIn("user","pass").

but instead of UserName and password as the parameters, the Stub created a Login object as the parameter for the logIn method. like the one below:

stub.logIn(Login login1);

I wanted to try the logIn method by providing a static userName and password but it seems impossible because the Stub changed the parameter for the logIn method.

how to test the logIn method.

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Modify Code That Converts Binary Code To Decimal Numbers

Aug 29, 2014

The code here I have works fine if I just want to ask the user to enter four digits: //java application that asks user to input binary numbers(1 or 0) and convert them to decimal numbers import java.util.Scanner; //program uses class scanner public class binarynumber{
//main method that executes the java application
public static void main(String args[]){
//declares variables
int digit;
int base=2;
int degree;
double decimal;
int binary_zero=0;
int binary_one=1;
//create scanner for object input


The thing is, I want the java application to input more than four digits for the user and I want it to loop it manytimes f until the user ask it to stop.

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Input Color Code In HSV And Output Equivalent RGB Code

Oct 9, 2014

I need to create a Java program that takes an input a color code in HSV and outputs the equivalent RGB code and Vice versa.

If you test on the color RED in RGB:
Input: (255,0,0)
Output: (0,100%,100%)
If you test on the color RED in HSV:
Output: (255,0,0)

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Use IDE When Writing Programs

Mar 27, 2014

I was wondering if you use an IDE when writing programs?Can you use J frame when using command line or is it just used with an IDE and do you go into framing in the book?I have taken programming classes and I am still stuck.

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Writing In Different Columns With OpenCSV?

Mar 13, 2015

I'm using opencsv and I want to write two arrays into a csv file and each array should be in a column. For example:

Column1 Column2
2423542 2332332
5242324 4343434
4242352 7565656
4343434 6565656
public class Writer {

[Code] ....

With my code the arrays are all in one column. What do I have to change that my output will be in two columns?

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FileOutputStream Not Writing To A File?

Jul 10, 2014

I am using a FileOutputStream to write a file but it is not writing data to destination file from source

Here is my code

package org.kishor.outputStream;
public class WriteToaFile {
public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException
FileOutputStream fout = null;


find a bug where i am wrong why data is not on output file?

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Reading And Writing Wav Files

May 17, 2014

I have copied a wav file as explained in [URL] ..... When trying to play my new file, it runs but no sound is hear. My reading and writing class is as explained in another post in the site:

This is the function that reads the file:

// read a wav file into this class
public boolean read(DataInputStream inFile) {
myData = null;
byte[] tmpInt = new byte[4];
byte[] tmpShort = new byte[2];

[Code] ....

I can't hear the copied wav file, but still the wav file is correctly copied...

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Writing A Calculation For A Program?

Sep 8, 2014

I am writing a program in Java where a user adds 1 stamp on a letter for every five sheets of paper in it (or fraction thereof)For example, I if I have 11 sheets of paper, I add 3 stamps. If the total number of stamps is more than 3, they don't send it.

I need to ask the user how many sheets of paper they have, and then calculate the appropriate number of stamps based on the formula above. I just don't know how to write the math formula to calculate this, i'm stuck. So far I have:

package test;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class LetterMailing {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner stdIn = new Scanner(;
int numSheets;

[Code] .....

What should I do next?

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File Reading / Writing

Sep 9, 2014

I've looked at multiple sources and everyone is saying different stuff. Which one should I be using? FileWriter/FileReader, other people was saying PrintWriter, and one even said : "Formatter" which is the one I'm doubting mostly. My purposes for writing files is for like saving maps, saving high scores, etc.

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Writing If Statement With Combobox

Apr 11, 2014

I'm working on assignment for a class where I'm creating a home utility auditor. Basically the user has to pick from a list of appliances and then input various fields to calculate a total cost. When the user chooses "washer" from the list of appliances, they must enter in values for 2 separate fields, and will then click calculate to get total cost. I've been trying to implement this through an if, else statement, but it's not wanting to calculate a total cost and I'm running into errors. I've put the code below.

private void jButton1ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
// The calculate button will multiply the 3 fields that the user inputs:
//cost*Kw used*hours used=total cost of operation
float num1,num2, num3, result;
//now, parse the text to a type float
num1= Float.parseFloat (costField.getText ());

[Code] ......

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Reading And Writing To A File

Jan 10, 2014

I have accountsData.txt file in my default package, this is the file it should be writing to and reading from.

There is an ATM class, which has the main in it. From here the program is supposed to work like an atm, you type in your account number and can withdraw or deposit. It is supposed to then write the changes to the file.

//Read from a file.
public void loadAccounts(String inputFileName) throws IOException
Scanner fin = new Scanner(new File(inputFileName));
// Variables to store the values.[/color]
int account = 0;
double balance = 0.0;

[Code] .....

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Writing A Method To Add Fractions

Apr 4, 2014

Okay so I have to write a method to compute the following series: m(i)= 1/3 + 2/5 +....+ (i / 2i+1) and write a test program that displays a table " i = m(i)" 1=0.3333 2=0.7333....all the way down to 20 which is 9.2480. I have written something and cannot seem to get the sum of the fractions to display .

public class ExtraCredit1
public static void main(String[] args)
double num;
double sum = 1;
[Code] ....

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Reading And Writing Files

Nov 11, 2014

public class Tester
public static void main(String[] args)
Product p1 = new Product();
System.out.println("Actual: " + p1.toString());
System.out.println("Expected: Product [id=12345, name=Monitor, description=A freakin great monitor!]");

p1.setName("another product");
p1.setDescription("Description of another product!");


The expected output is what my program should be doing and the actual output is what it's doing instead. As you can see, my code works for the middle test. But I cannot understand why it won't load the first fileFor the second half, the id and the quantity are separated by a comma... I'm not really sure how to deal with that. As you can see, I tried using a delimiter, but it doesn't seem to be doing any good.

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Writing Java From Pseudocode

Nov 26, 2014

for x = 0 to 9
set stars = "*"
set count = 0
while count < x
stars = stars + "*"
count = count + 1
display stars

I need to change this pseudocode to Java, but I'm new, been trying for ages but can't get it right.

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Writing To Database (concurrency)

Feb 11, 2014

Recently I discovered power of Java, I'm coming from Perl, Python world so I'm at very beginning. I have firm understanding of OOP and I'm ready for new challenges. I have question regarding writing to database performance and theory.

Basically as my personal project I'm trying to write some small program or addon which will enable me to write concurrently to database. Let's say that I have some software and that has FIFO output to database in single stream, but since the output interface is not fast enough congestion can occur if the input to the system is high.

I would like to extend that software with addon which will take that one output stream and create 2,3,4 concurrent input streams towards database. API from that software is provided so I can redirect output to third-party extensions and apps.

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Writing To Console With PrintWriter

May 1, 2015

I thought you can use PrintWriter to write to the console but when I run the following code I only get "abc" printed to the console.

class Class1{
public static void main( throws Exception{
PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(System.out);

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Writing A Java Program To PRINT?

Oct 19, 2014

how to print from bluej onto actual paper? how to do the formatting and configuration etc.

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Writing A Sequential Data File?

Dec 15, 2014

I need to write a program that, when a button is pressed, will add the user input to a table AND write it to a sequential data file. I have everything done accept for how to write the data sequentially(all input data on the same line in the file). The following is part of the code:
private void submitButtonActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
DefaultTableModel dtm = (DefaultTableModel)jTable1.getModel();
dtm.addRow(new Object[]{donorName.getText(),charityName.getText(),donationAmmount.getText()});
//Adds user input to the table 
FileWriter writer = new FileWriter("FundraisingInformation.txt",true);//Creates file or adds to it
  BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(writer);


I would need the file output to be in the following format:

donorName charityName donationAmmount

As I said, using the .write(bw) i know how to make it look like:


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Writing Own Custom Comparator In Java

Jul 27, 2014

I have a java code that should sort an array of names based on the last name. e.g jane a, jane b, jane z, jane d should be jane a, jane b, jane d, jane z. I have the following code but for some reasons, the s1 in the comparator method is always null.
public class ShuffleName {
public static void sortNames(String[] names){
 Arrays.sort( names, new Comparator<String>() {
 public int compare( String s1, String s2 ) { 
String s1last = s1.split("s+")[1];
String s2last = s2.split("s+")[1];
return s1last.compareTo(s2last);


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Writing A Large Symbol In The Console

Sep 3, 2014

What I'm tasked to do, is to make a simple Java class that forms a "V" based on whatever height the user would desire, made out of stars "*", and spaces " ".

For example, if a user desires a "V" with a height of 3, it would look print out something like;

* *
* *

Where a "V" with a height of 5 would look something like:

* *
* *
* *
* *

(That one didn't look too good, but you get the point, it's suppose to be 5 "high" and shaped like a "V"). The problem I have, is that I don't see what loops within loops within loops I would need to build something like this.

All the easy stuff like asking the user what height they want and such, I can handle, but I don't see how this thing is suppose to be coded, to print out a decent-looking and right-sized "V" in the console.

public static void main(String[] args) {
int height = 3;
for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 2/(height+1)+1; j++) {
if(j == i) {

[Code] ....

Looked like something of a good start, and it drew me half (!) of the "V" in the size I wanted. Am I on to it here, or am I on the moon in terms of progress? I need the entire "V", not just a nice "".

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Applet Writing To HTTP Server?

Jul 6, 2014

I am trying to write to an http server, but nothing happens. I can read from the file, I just cannot write to it and no errors are thrown. I do not know how to proceed.

Specifically, I have a text file on my server, and I can read from it (the text file already has content), but I cannot write to it. And, no exceptions are thrown.
url = new URL("");
urlConn = url.openConnection();
BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(urlConn.getOutputStream()));
String s = "TEST Successfull!";


The second code, I got from some random website, and I was desperate so I tried it. I am not sure what the

urlConn.setRequestProperty (String, String);

method does, so I removed it and it reads fine it just cannot write.

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