Iterate Through Multimap By Compare

Mar 22, 2014

I've a contents in multimap like this,

key, value

{Name=[Amit, Akash, Amulya, Aparna, Angle],
Gender=[male, male, Female, female, female],
Age=[14, 15, 16, 17, 18]

Now, I want to display it like this,

Name = Amit

Name = Akash

Name = Amulya

Name = Aparna

Name = Angle

I mean, Each first element matches to first element of the next key. How to do this?

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Iterate Through Objects

Feb 27, 2015

I would like to know how I can iterate through objects . I have a manually created linked list (without using the built-in method one). So in the memory my object looks like this(attachment).I would like to do a for loop or while loop to get each element under the test3.head.

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How To Iterate Two Lists At A Time

Mar 25, 2015

List list1 = query1.list();
List list2 = query2.list();
for (Iterator itr = list1.iterator(); itr.hasNext();) {
Object[] row = (Object[]);

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How To Iterate Through Linked Lists And Add Them To A Map

Mar 10, 2014

I have an XML sheet and my project is top retrieve the required elements from XML sheet. So my format of XML was like follows:

<ENum> Abc123</ENum>
<Ename> John<?Ename>

[Code] ....

I have used unmarshalling concept to retrieve the data elements... I have to check whether the elements satisfy few regulations when compared with data in Database. So, i thought of grouping the employees depending on EType. I have created a Map with linkedlist of employees. Say Map<String, LinkedList<Employe>>EmpMap=new Map<String, LinkedList<Employe>>();

I have already created a class named Employee which has all the setter and getter methods for employee.

Here am going to take Etype(Employee type) as key and linkedlist(list of employees of certain type) as value. How to iterate these linked lists and place them in my Map.

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JSP :: How To Iterate Over Supplied Items

Mar 11, 2014

I facing issue with nested <c:forEach in my jsp page.I am using jstl.jar..Here is my code

in JAVA I have -->
List<ProductDefViewBean> productList = new ArrayList<ProductDefViewBean>();
request.setAttribute("ProductList", productList);
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>


javax.servlet.jsp.JspTagException: Don't know how to iterate over supplied "items" in <forEach>

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I/O / Streams :: How To Iterate Over Files In A Directory One By One

Oct 5, 2014

Requirements - Use only standard Java API and no apache file utils for this.

Most of the answers I found on the internet either dont meet this requirement or load all file names into an array which can consume too much memory when no. of files = 20,000+. how I can do this. Is there also a way to keep track of new files that were added during the execution of the loop in this code ?

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Breadth First Search - How To Iterate Through ArrayList

Aug 18, 2014

I have done this before in C++ but now I want to do it in Java. I am not sure how to iterate through a ArrayList, I have look several places because lets be honest the first stop is normally google. I tried the examples but with no luck.
for(auto it= foo.begin(); it!= foo.end(); foo++) {
*it //do something.

Here is the program:
import java.util.Queue;
public class BFS extends Graph {
private Queue<Integer> q;
BFS(int s) {
//mark all the vertices as not visited.

Also the below is giving me a Type safety: The expression of type ArrayList[] needs unchecked conversation to conform to ArrayList<Integer>[]

adj = new ArrayList[V];

What does this mean?

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Iterate Over List And Get Values From Object?

Jan 22, 2015

first i looked at this example and understand this fine:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
public class Main {


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JSP :: Code To Iterate Excel File?

May 6, 2014

I have a JSP code which will open the contents of a excel file.

Now i need this contents of the excel file to be added dynamically to a table in the sameJSP. How to proceed.At the maximum 10 rows can be added dynamically.

Assuming i have a table in JSP which has heading first name,last name,DOB and Gender. After opening the excel through JSP the contents needs to be iterated and added to the columns mentioned.

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Iterate Enum Type Without Instance

Sep 16, 2014

Is there anyway to iterate an enum type without an instance. As some context, consider the following code:

Java Code: public interface GenericChecker
public bool isValid(String str);
} mh_sh_highlight_all('java'); Java Code: public class EnumChecker<T extends Enum<T> > extends GenericChecker
private Class<T> enumType; //No instance


toString method of the enum types has been overridden so that it returns the name assigned to the enum rather than the enum name itself. For example an enum might be SOME_ENUM("Assigned name"), therefore toString returns "Assigned name" rather than "SOME_ENUM". The idea is that a field from a table can be handed to the isValid(String) function on the GenericChecker base, and the derived class will then check to see if the field matches valid data as far as it is concerned.Thus, I can create a whole bunch of checkers easliy:

Java Code: GenericChecker checker1 = EnumChecker<EnumType1>();
GenericChecker checker2 = EnumChecker<EnumType2>();
GenericChecker checker3 = EnumChecker<EnumType3>();
GenericChecker checker4 = SomeOtherChecker(); mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

The problem is, if I use the EnumChecker then the expression "enumType.getEnumConstants()" in the isValid function blows up because enumType is null.

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Array - How To Iterate Through Only Values Greater Than 0

Feb 9, 2014

I have an 46x9 array. I only have 108 values in the array for which I need to perform preliminary computations. How do I get the read to only read the 108 values whose values are greater than 0 and skip the other 495 whose values are 0?

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Learning To Iterate A List And Search Through Another

May 5, 2015

I am learning iterating through lists. What I have so far is two Hash Sets and two Tree sets. Hash Set 1 and Tree set 1 include the words from Roughing it by Mark Twain. Hash set 2 and tree set 2 include the words from Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain. (Everything is read from a file I made).

I am stuck trying to find out how to "Iterate through the words in HashSet1 and search for these words in both TreeSet2 and in HashSet2".Here is my code:

public class UsingSets {
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {
String riHashIterator = null;
HashSet<String> riHash = new HashSet<>();
Scanner input = new Scanner(new File("roughingit.txt"));
String riHashWords =;
riHashWords = riHashWords.toLowerCase();


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Trying To Iterate Though Array To Display Value In Calculator

Apr 20, 2014

my getDisplayValue() method. I am trying to iterate though an Array to display a value in a calculator, but I doesn't work. I keep on getting these weird magical numbers at the end of the iteration. Note that this is done in BlueJ.

Calculator -> UserInterface -> CalcEngine and Calculator -> CalcEngine.
public class CalcEngine
//Instance variables used.
//These are all the instance variables I used to implement
//a complete calculator solution.

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Iterate Linked List And Map With Properties File Value

Jan 22, 2014

I have `` file which have values as follows:


and, have a response class file, which is setting a response from database to display it on `JSP` file. The value that I am getting from database is in the form of `code` or `integer`. I needed to have that value from the database and before setting the response I need to use `getProperty(code)` and save the String representation of that code into a new list and then pass that list to `setResponse`. For e.g: This is the value I am getting from database:

col1 | col2 | col3 |
1 helo done

I needed to show on my JSP page as:

col1 | col2 | col3 |
USA helo done

I was following this tutorial [URL].... but not able to exactly understand how to achieve the same.

This is my `DAOImpl` where I needed to `iterate` and save the `mapped key-value` in a new list and then pass to `JSP` page

public class CountDAOImpl implements IDataDAO {
private Connection conn = null;
private Statement statement = null;
private ResultSet rs = null;
private List<String> country_code = new LinkedList<String>();

[Code] ....

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Java Iterate Over Collection Not Working As Expected

Aug 6, 2014

I am currently working on a Java project, below are my attempts at coding so far:

public class MyZoo
// zoo identifier
private String zooId;
// a number used in generating a unique identifier for the next animal to be added to the zoo
private int nextAnimalIdNumber;
// zstorage for the Animal objects
private TreeMap<String, Animal> animals;

[Code] ....

I currently cannot get the printAllAnimals() method to work as it should.

When executing the method printAllAnimals(), it does not do anything, when it is supposed to use the Collection object c, so that animals stored in the zoo can easily be checked.

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JSP :: Iterate And Populate Values Of TXT File Into Text Area

May 15, 2014

How can I read a text file present in my local directory say (C://test.txt) , iterate and populate the values of test.txt into a text area of the JSP page?

Contents in the test.txt file:

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How To Compare Strings

Mar 13, 2014

Its supposed to notify the user if they have a palindrome, but keeps returning true even when I type, "hello".

import java.util.Scanner;
public class PalinDrome {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String line;
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
System.out.print("Please enter a word ");


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JSF :: How To Compare Two Variables

Feb 25, 2014

Having two values

<c:set var="var1" scope="view" value="#{ID1}"/>
<c:set var="var2" scope="view" value="${ID2}" />

I tried in <c:if test=${var1 == var2}>

and eq also

above condition is not working. Both are same object. How to check?

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Trying To Compare Two JComboBox

Jul 23, 2014

I'm trying to get the input of two jcomboBoxes for example if jcombobox 1 option 1 and jcombox box 2 option 1 is selected result = x

Here is my code:

comboDest1.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
// Get the source of the component, which is our combo box.
JComboBox comboDest1 = (JComboBox) event.getSource();

[Code] ....

How would i achieve this?

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How To Compare Date

Jun 17, 2014

how can i compare date with following request the value date transction must be within the Active date(>= greater than or equal) and inactive date(<= less than) date range

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How To Compare Double

Jun 17, 2014

how can i compare two double values is this correct

Java Code:

public boolean isEqualToD(double s_src, double s_compareTo)
boolean flag = false;
if(s_src == s_compareTo)
flag = true;


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How To Compare Objects With Another

Feb 3, 2014

I have the following method stubs to complete:

public class Item{
private int myId;
private int myInv;
public Item(int id, int inv){
myId = id;
myInv = inv;

[Code] .....

I do not understand how to complete the compareTo() method and the equals() method. I understand that the compareTo() to should return 1 if the argument is smaller -1 if its bigger and 0 if they are the same, but I do not understand how it's possible to compare the current object with the object passed in as the parameter.

This is what I tried for the compareTo():

public int compareTo(Item other){
return this.compareTo(other);

But my compiler tells me its a recursive call so I am not sure if I am doing this correctly.

Basically I am supposed to compare an object to another but I am not sure how to access the object that is not passed in as a parameter and compare it. Same goes for the equals(). This is what I tried for that (compiler also says its a recursive call):

public boolean equals(Item other){
return this.equals(other);

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How To Compare String In If Else

Feb 10, 2009

how do i compare string in if else ?

cos if i do these, it get an error of

Comparing string using == or !=

if(carModel == "Honda") {



car.setCarDescription("Powered by VVTi Engine");



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Compare Two Circles

Apr 26, 2015

Circle class:

public class Circle extends GeometricObject implements Comparable<Circle>
private int radius;
public Circle(int newRadius)

[Code] ....

When I run the driver class it tells me that all tests have passed(as it should be) except for Test 0. I have tried to play around with the code, but I cant figure it out and it is driving me crazy because in my head my code makes sense.

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How To Compare Two Date

Feb 18, 2014

how can i compare two date in between in java

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Compare All Objects In ArrayList To All Others But Not Self

Mar 15, 2015

I have a ArrayList of objects of class called HockeyPlayer (ArrayList<HockeyPlayer>). A HockeyPlayer has a String name and int number of goals.

This is my current work for comparing each object in the list to every other and printing them to screen:

Iterator<HockeyPlayer> it = hockeyPlayersList.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
HockeyPlayer singleHockeyPlayer =; //the first one encountered
// HockeyPlayer nextHockeyPlayer =; //the next one encountered


This of course produces some duplication in the print-out: These are the equal hockey players: Who Ever wears jersey. This type of employee is paid: true. This employee has post-secondary education: false. This employee's work is to play. This hockey player has scored 0 goals.

Jason Harrison wears jersey. This type of employee is paid: true. This employee has post-secondary education: false. This employee's work is to play. This hockey player has scored 0 goals.

These are the equal hockey players: Jason Harrison wears jersey. This type of employee is paid: true. This employee has post-secondary education: false. This employee's work is to play. This hockey player has scored 0 goals.

Who Ever wears jersey. This type of employee is paid: true. This employee has post-secondary education: false. This employee's work is to play. This hockey player has scored 0 goals.

How do I remove the duplication in the print-out?

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