JDBC :: Double Value Infinity Causes IllegalArgumentException
Feb 23, 2015
Trying to bind the value Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY in a prepared statement causes an IllegalArgumentException using ojdbc6 but it works fine in version
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Overflow
at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.setDoubleInternal(OraclePreparedStatement.java:7605)
at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.setDouble(OraclePreparedStatement.java:7513)
The database used is 'Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production'. I don't see any mention regarding changes to this in the change log. Is this a bug in the driver or is there some other explanation?
calling a parameterized stored procedure in java jdbc from sql server.The stored procedure goes like this in sql
create proc patientreg @id int as begin select [patient_id],[Psurname], [pFirstname], [pMiddlename], [reg_date], [DOB], [Sex], [Phone_num], [Addr],[Email],[dbo].[fncomputeage](DOB) from [dbo].[Patient_registration] where [patient_id] = @id end please note dbo.fncompute(DOB) is a function
public class StudentJDBCTemplate implements StudentDao
above class giving error as
The type StudentJDBCTemplate must implement the inherited abstract method
Interface is as below
import java.util.List; import javax.sql.DataSource; public interface StudentDao { public void setDataSource(DataSource ds); public void Create(String Name,Integer age); public void getStudent(Integer id); public List<Student>listStudents(); public void delete(Integer id); public void update(Integer id,Integer age); }
I'm trying to understand the relationship between JAAS and JDBC..In WebSphere, when setting up a Dynamic cluster I have to first define the JAAS..Then, the datasource..The JAAS has one account/password and the datasource another..I'm not getting the relationship between needing both JAAS and JDBC docs.oracle.com/cd/E19225-01/820-5594/ahteo/index.html
@Transactional public long getSequenceSedeB(Long id) { BigDecimal seqValue = nu String sql = "SELECT MAX(ID) FROM SEDE_B_ALLEGATI_A WHERE ID_SEDE=:id"; SQLQuery query = getSession().createSQLQuery(sql);
[Code] ....
But it do not works; this is the log.
type.NullableType (NullableType.java:182) - could not read column value from result set: ID; Invalid column name
So, first i search the id from table and all the fields are filled as in the screenshot. then i modify in the text boxes and click on button modify but exception comes-too few parameters. expected 6.
here is the code:
try { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Record succefully modified! ID is "+id.getText()+" Password is "+lname.getText()); Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection("Jdbc:Odbc:Employe eDB"); String str0=id.getText();
I have a batch process which does Bulk UPDATE statement.
After implementing batch support using Spring JDBC 4.1.6 and Oracle Jdbc Driver (ojdbc7 and ucp), the number of records affected for individual update requests (in the batch) are always retrieved as -2 (Statement.SUCCESS_NO_INFO).
Is there any way to know the rows affected for individual cases, as I have to retry the same argument with an INSERT statement after this. Technically trying to develop this as an UPSERT implementation
I tried this batch update in Three Different Ways, and in all three methods the results are same -- (It just tells me Statement.SUCCESS_NO_INFO (-2) )
Method 1 -- Direct UCP Connection and PreparedStatement connectionPoolMgr.startConnectionPool("mgr_pool"); Connection connection = pds.getConnection();
I am trying to get RJDBC to work so I can connect to Oracle from R doing some data analysis..
This connection string works for my local db which I have it running in my Virtual Box
con <- dbConnect(drv, "jdbc:oracle:thin:@//localhost:1521/orcl", "demo", "demo")
However, it does not work when I do it for the remote db that I really need to pull data from...
> con <- dbConnect(drv, "jdbc:oracle:thin:@//ymsdbppr-scan:1522/YMQCTPRD", "user_read", "user_read")
Error in .jcall(drv@jdrv, "Ljava/sql/Connection;", "connect", as.character(url)[1], : java.sql.SQLException: Listener refused the connection with the following error: ORA-12514, TNS: listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor
I am using a static initialization block to register the driver and a static synchronized method to get a connection. The problem is I need to run 15 threads but always only two threads get the connection. I want to know if there is a default maximum number of concurrent connections a DriverManager can provide or is it my threading logic that may be faulty.
I created a database in mysql, but I have problems communicating with the DB in java.
Here is the error :
java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/books at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(DriverManager.java:604) at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(DriverManager.java:221) at displayauthors.DisplayAuthors.main(DisplayAuthors.java:30) java.lang.NullPointerException
[Code] ....
public class DisplayAuthors { // database URL static final String DATABASE_URL = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/books"; // launch the application public static void main( String args[] )
This question is not about syntax but a best way to handle something. What is the best way to store a image into a database? For example converting it into binary etc. I just wanted to get some opinions.
I'm working on an application I made a few years ago. At that time I connected to a local database so my address was 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/'. That database is long gone so I recreated it on one of my hosted servers but I'm a little unsure of how to connect to it. At the moment I'm trying "jdbc:mysql://www.mydomain.com:3306/" but it is giving me an access denied error.
java.sql.SQLException: Access denied for user 'myusername'@'c-[my-ip].hsd1.pa.comcast.net' (using password: YES)Every result on Google seems to use localhost so I'm having a little difficulty figuring out the correct format.
This the output of java from my PC under linux platform (rhel 6.5).
[pentaho@vertica-srv1 Downloads]$ java -version java version "1.7.0_79" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_79-b15) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.79-b02, mixed mode)
[Code] ....
But the problem is while trying to open ETL program under linux platform [pentaho@vertica-srv1 data-integration]$ ./spoon.sh .... I received the following error messages.
Trying to add database driver (JDBC): RmiJdbc.RJDriver - Warning, not in CLASSPATH? Trying to add database driver (JDBC): jdbc.idbDriver - Warning, not in CLASSPATH? Trying to add database driver (JDBC): org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver - Warning, not in CLASSPATH? Trying to add database driver (JDBC): com.mckoi.JDBCDriver - Warning, not in CLASSPATH? [KnowledgeFlow] Loading properties and plugins...
I have installed and configured Oracle Business Intelligence Applications on top of one demo eBS instance as a source. Now I would like to change the OLTP to a different eBS instance but am not sure which steps to take. I don't know if I can add new EBS connection pool and a new DataWarehouse Connection Pool in the administration and have old ones preserved or I need to overwrite the old ones? Or (ideally) can I just change the OLTP and overwrite the old DWH?
Any document supporting the process of changing the eBS OLTP database without new installation of the OBIAPPS?
Suppose I issue a command such as "ALTER SESSION SET WORKAREA_SIZE_POLICY=MANUAL" inside a stored procedure called via JDBC and then release the connection back to the pool. When the connection is next reused by a completely independant Weblogic thread is there any chance that the non-default setting could be inherited by the new thread?
I realize that there is a conceptual difference between a process, a connection, and a session so theoretically the answer to my question should be "no."
I get an Sqlexecption with this message "com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: The statement did not return a result set."
When I execute this query :
... Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); stmt.executeUpdate("IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM master.sys.databases WHERE name = N'Repository') " + "PRINT 'Database exists'
[Code] .....
I want to create a database and a table in sql server if it doesn't exist. How can i prevent this error.
I am using a IN clause in Oracle DB to pass a collection of custId to retrieve the customer details. If it was 10 or 50 custId's as a collection in IN clause it works fine. But if the collection grows bigger to 500 or 1000 then it is pretty slow to load the JSP page with the customer details.
Here is the query:-
select CustName, CustAge, CustCity, CustPin from CUSTOMER where custId IN (....)
The list of custId that is passed through Hibernate query.setParameterList()
How to optimize this query to make sure it displays the customer details faster even if the collection of elements which we pass is huge?
We have a java application in our production enviroment using Spring framework which is configured with DBCP connection pool and the backend is Oracle database( version Recently we encountered an occasionally happened situation(about once every week) and can be described as below:
The application schedules a task that runs every 10 minutes. And during task execution, the application would issue a SQL query of which the result is expected to be got within 10 seconds. At 11:51 a.m Oct 13th, however, the application failed to get the result within expected time, and 2 hours later, at 13:51, the result was finally returned to application. Due to lack of information at that time, we were not able to reproduce the same problem in test environment. At 15:31 p.m, Oct 29th, it happend again and this time we grasped all the information including thread dump and Oracle diagnostic information. We could found that:
1. Through oracle v$sql view, we could find that the SQL query is executed twice, at 15:31 and 17:31 respectively.
2. By analyzing TCP packets provided by network monitoring tools, it can be concluded that the request TCP packet containing SQL statement had been sent to Oracle and get executed, but after that JDBC only fetched first 80000 records out of 90000 records in total and then it stopped, didn't send any more request to Oracle to fetch rows. 2 hours later, Oracle sent a TCP keep alive packet and JDBC driver resume fetching remaining rows using the same connection(which can be confirmed by comparing source port of packets).
3. We dumped the thread at which JDBC hangs at socket read of JDBC driver
By the way, the version of JDBC we use is and JDK version is 1.5.0_22.
I have an java connection pool using glassfish and mysql jdbc connector. All is fine, my datasource is working using JNDI, etc. But i need to know some info about of connection pool status (maxPoolSize, current active, etc..). I need it to monitoring the connection in the web app.
All work fine. But i need get de pool size and MysqlDataSource class don't have a method to get it. In tomcat, i use org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.DataSource with getMaxActive() and getActive(). And it work fine. How i can obtain it on glassfish server?