JDBC :: Disconnected Rowset From Select Inside Stored Procedure?

Apr 21, 2015

I am using CachedRowSet returning it from a parameterised select statement and it works fine.
If I put the same select statement into a simple read-only stored procedure then I get this exception: "A result set was generated for update".

I am not trying to update the rowset in my code.
I tried to make the CachedRowSet to be read-only but it does not work, same error.
Question 1 : can a stored procedure returning a single result-set be called to populate a read-only CachedRowSet? (in a similar fashion to a CallableStatement prepareCall method with input/output parameters).
Question 2: in general is using CachedRowSet, WebRowSet, FilteredRowSet (disconnected) and JDBCRowSet (connected) something to be encouraged for future develpment or are they deprecated, or replaced by something else/better??

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JDBC :: How To Call Parameterized Stored Procedure In Jdbc

May 17, 2014

calling a parameterized stored procedure in java jdbc from sql server.The stored procedure goes like this in sql

create proc patientreg
@id int
select [patient_id],[Psurname], [pFirstname], [pMiddlename], [reg_date], [DOB], [Sex], [Phone_num], [Addr],[Email],[dbo].[fncomputeage](DOB) from [dbo].[Patient_registration] where [patient_id] = @id
please note dbo.fncompute(DOB) is a function

To call it in jdbc it goes like this

String str = "{call patientreg(?)}";
con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbcdbc:GeneralHospit al");
cstmt = con.prepareCall(str);
cstmt.setInt(1, Integer.parseInt(t.getText()));


after doing it this way it throwing an exception: Error:java.sql.SQLException: Parameter 1 is not an OUTPUT parameter.

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JDBC :: CallableStatement Stored Procedure Call Cancellation?

Feb 19, 2015

I have a very complex oracle stored procedure that searches and retrieves some data. The procedure returns an output parameter - an oracle cursor. I execute the procedure by JDBC:

CallableStatement stmt = conn.prepareCall("{call myprocedure(?,?,?,?}");

The problem is, the queries can sometimes take quite long (few minutes) and i would like user to be able to cancel the query anytime by clicking button. I have reference to stmt object, but unfortunatelly calling stmt.cancel() (from other thread) has NO EFFECT.

On the other hand when i change the CallableStatement sql to some query like:

CallableStatement stmt = conn.prepareCall("select * from all_objects");

I get
"java.sql.SQLTimeoutException: ORA-01013: user requested cancel of current operation" after calling stmt.cancel()

- so thats the right reaction.

Does that mean than i cannot cancel stored procedure call via jdbc, but only simple select statements? I guess i could cancel the query by oracle kill session, but i use connection pooling (jboss) and i have plenty of sessions for the same user existing.

Database Product Version is Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production JDBC Driver Version is

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Call SQL Server Stored Procedure Using JDBC In Java

Mar 23, 2015

I'm new to Java. I need to run a SQL server stored procedure(that creates a unique job number) from Oracle SQL Developer (JDBC) in Java. The same Java code will be used in Applescript to run the SP. I found a code snippet online with the similar requirement. How to embed my SP in below code snippet?  Below is the Stored Procedure and Code Snippet:
EXEC Int.dbo.GetNewJobNumber '6852', 'Test Job', 'Manual SQL Query'
6852- CustomerCode,
Test Job - Job Title,
Manual SQL query - Shows how new job number was created.
Code Snippet:

import java.sql.CallableStatement;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
public class Main {
  public static void main(String[] argv) throws Exception {
[Code] ....

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Write Java Class Inside Oracle Stored Procedure?

Jun 21, 2013

Can we write java class or code inside Oracle Stored procedure.

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JSP :: How To Call Stored Procedure Through Code

May 29, 2014

I have a .csv file ,and I have written a jsp code which uploads csv file to a local folder . Now I want to upload that csv file to database using stored procedure. Below I have included the code which uploads the csv to database.

<%@page import="org.apache.commons.fileupload.*,java.util.*,java.io.*"%>
<%@page import="java.sql.*"%>
<img border="1" src="img/tss.JPG" alt="portal" />


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Java Stored Procedure - Connecting To 8i Database

Sep 17, 2014

I am new to Java Stored Procedures. There is a PL/SQL package in our legacy application(Oracle 9i) which pulls data from Oracle 8i source database through a DB link. Now we have upgraded our databas to Oracle 11g R2 from 9i. So the DB lint to Oracle 8i will no longer work in 11g. Hence I have created a Java stored procedure that establishes JDBC thin connection to the source 8i database. I have loaded the java stored procedure in the database using loadjava and have created a call specifaction.

I have called this java stored procedure inside the PL/SQL package. Now while executing the PL/SQL package, it takes the default driver ojdbc6.jar to establish JDBC connection and fails to connect to the 8i database giving ArrayIndexOutOfBounds Exception. While running the code in the linux application server with classes12.jar the code succeeds. But when the same is called in the database it fails.
1.  How can I make my PL/SQL call use classes12.jar while calling the Java Stored Procedure?
2. How can I load the jar file(which includes my classes and the classes12.jar) into the datase as one object? (When I tried to load the whole jar, in database the classes and dependent jar loaded separately)
3. Is there a way to use classpath while calling the Java Stored Procedure like how we do from Unix?

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Java Based Stored Procedure - Invalid Column Index

Jul 3, 2013

I am getting " Invalid column index" in java based stored procedure

    String resString;
     String resString  = ("ABCEDFG");
     byte[] splitLenArray = {1,1,1,1,1,1,1};
  int startIndex = 0;

[Code] ....

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JSF :: Some RowSet Info Not Being Displayed?

Apr 22, 2015

I am reading from a database(SQL Server 2012) and storing that information in a ResultSet. I am then trying to display that information using a DataTable.

Here is my managed bean

* To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties.
* To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates
* and open the template in the editor.
package clientspage;
import java.io.Serializable;


The ID and the commandLinks are being displayed but the Client is not.

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Insert Cached Rowset Into MS Access?

Feb 10, 2015

I am new to java and attempting to write a method that will insert data from a cachedrowset into an MS Access 2010 database table. My goal is to use this code that will accept any kind of Oracle SQL table size with different kinds of values and insert them into MS Access.

After I ran the code I get an error message below. By process of elimination i was able to find the issue is coming from the method called "insertAccessTable" somewhere in the while loop area "while (CRS_insertAccess.next())", but I am stumped on how to resolve this issue.

java.sql.SQLException: Parameter-Set has missing values.

Below is my Oracle SQL test table that I used for this exercise.

create table book (


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Passing A Null Argument To Overload Procedure

May 24, 2015

I am trying to create a class to read data from the JOptionPane. I am trying to create a general procedure and then be able to overload it using the rest. Basically I just want to call the procedure readString with options and without options while verifying that the user entered the correct information.

Java Code:
public class BankIO {
public static final Object[] mainMenu = {"1. Create Account", "2. Delete Account", "3. Update Account", "4. Display Information", "5. Quit"};
public static final String APPLICATION_NAME = "Banking Pro";


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How To Call PL / SQL Procedure From Event Handler In NetBeans IDE

May 31, 2015

I want to call a procedure from a button click event handler in NetBeans and also pass a parameter to the procedure. How can I a here this?

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Store Procedure To Insert Records Into Deliveries Table

May 27, 2014

question: A stored procedure to insert records into deliveries table HINT create stored procedure with parameters for each field in the deliveries table for ex customer address, phone, email and receivers’s address etc this is my answer, this store procedure right or wrong. if wrong, can you share with me
create or replace PROCEDURE ADD_ORIENT
) AS

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Procedure For Detecting A Unique Hardware ID Of Any Computer Using Java

Apr 8, 2014

I need to know the procedure for detecting a Unique Hardware ID of any computer using Java. All I want to do is once the software application is installed should not get installed using the same key...In short I want to do license for my application.

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Numeric Or Value Error In Procedure When It Is Called In Callable Statement In Java?

Jun 3, 2014

I have a problem about this numeric or value error on my java class. Whenever I am calling for the procedure in callable statement it says that error. I don't know what is the problem with my sql code because I;ve tried running it on database alone and it runs perfectly. The results that I need came out fine. But when I'm already calling it in java that error appears. But I tried on finding the line that the said error is coming from and here is the code...
create or replace

[Code] ...

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Can't Select The Very Last Row In A Jtable

Mar 26, 2015

I have encountered a very tricky spot in a project that i am working on. I must have a JTable to programmatically select the very last row in an AbstractTableModel. I have tried every thing but nothing works so far.

The problem is is that the JTable only scrolls down to the second last table row in the model? What am i missing?

//Show the very last row in a tablemodel object using the method updateTableRows
//after an "insert action event" occurred
public void updateViewMode(String name,
java.util.List<NetworkSwitch> list,
boolean flag) {
CableTableModel model = cableTable.getCableModel();


What happens is that the only row that gets selected is the second last row of the total rows iny AbstractTableModel object, "CableTableModel"

What am i missing?

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JSP :: Manipulate Select Tag String?

Sep 24, 2014

I build a select tag string and use JSTL to display this string on the JSP page.

Is there an easy way to manipulate this string to remove one of the option pairs?

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How To Select Each Word From String

Oct 1, 2014

What I need to do is ask the user to input some text and then turn it into pig latin. I am confused on how to select each word from the string to determine if it ends in a way or ay. I am to assume that the letters are all lowercase and the text ends with a period.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Trial
public static void main(String [ ] args)
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);


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JSP :: JSTL Tag To Select Dropdown Value

Mar 14, 2014

I have for values in drop down:

<SELECT name = "productCodeDefault" id="productCodeDefault" value="<c:out value ='${ProductDefBean.productCodeDefault}'/>" >
<OPTION value="" ></OPTION>
<OPTION value="a" >A1</OPTION>
<OPTION value="b" >B1</OPTION>
<OPTION value="c" >C1</OPTION>
<OPTION value="d" >D1</OPTION>

When I am getting value = "a" from ProductDefBean, In the dropdown 'A1' should get selected. This is not happening. What I need to modify?

Note** When I am doing view Source of my JSP, I am getting value='a'

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Values In Array Not Stored?

Oct 6, 2014

I just forgot to increment n while trying to store the humidity... I do this every time and I suddenly realize what I did wrong ...

My problem is that after printing humidity[n] in the "Humidity(%)" row, it seems that humidity[n] becomes 0. I checked like this:

System.out.println(humidity[5] + " " + humidity[6]);

In the "Humidity(%)" row, they come out fine, but when I do this, they come out as 0, which I think would explain why my heat indices are consistently lower than the temperature when the temperature is over 80.

My code:

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
public class HeatIndex {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
System.out.printf("%70s", "Heat Index: Key West, Florida");

[Code] ......

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Calculator Is Not Working When Select Option C And E

Nov 19, 2014

This code works perfectly except for option C and E. Why it just returns me to the main menu?

public class BasicStatisticsCalculator {
static final int NUMBER_OF_ELEMENTS=6;
static int[] numbers=new int[NUMBER_OF_ELEMENTS];


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How To Print Out All Keys Currently Stored In A HashMap

Jul 4, 2014

I want to write a method to print the all the names of a phone book. phoneBook is a HashMap<String, String> , that has names as keys and phone numbers as values.

Reading the documentation for both HashMap and Set, I have more or less an idea of how it could be done but I cant put it on code..
public String getName()
  String[] keys = phoneBook.keySet().toArray();
return keys[0];

This is wrong. It doesnt compile saying incompatible types. I was thinking first to manage to succeed to get a key from my phone book and then I change it to print all the keys.

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Get The Value Of A Variable Stored In Another Class Of Another Package?

Nov 12, 2014

Source packages

1.First package : CarDealer.java (JFrame form)

2. Second package : Vehicle.java (JFrame form)

- The user runs CarDealer JFrame in which appears a JTexField in which he types in some characters (pretending he types some data about selling licence).
- The user clicks on the JButton "Save" that stores the characters typed in inside a String variable called strLicence.
- The user clicks on the JButton "Open 'Vehicle Form'" that opens the Vehicle JFrame.
- Finally, in the Vehicle JFrame I want to write a code that can see/use the value of the String variable called strLicence.

In other words, for example, I want to store the value of strLicence in a new variable declared in the Vehicle class.

(Actually I'm working with a long and elaborate project for the dissertation of my bachelor's degree, so, for cutting to the chase, I simplified it by creating an essential JFrame project.)

I used netbeans

1. CarDealer.java

package Firstpackage;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.JFrame;


I also attach the netbeans project in a zip file ....

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Java Object Stored In Array?

Apr 8, 2014

I have been having trouble with a recent hw assignment requiring us to sort user defined data types in an array. so far, i have implemented the sorting algorithms correctly but i cant seem to store a string and an integer together. I have an employee class

[public class employee {
private String Name;
private int IdNumber;
public employee(int IdNumber,String Name){

[Code] .....

And in my app, i create a employee object-----> employee john=new employee(1020, "John");

How can I prompt my insert method to take in employee id and string name together?

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How To Print Stored Content When Using ArrayList

Oct 5, 2014

I have a main class AddressBook where I use ArrayList<Contact> addressBook = new ArrayList<>(); to add information such as name and phone numbers in my Contact class. How do I go about accessing all the information (names, and phone numbers) that is stored in my Contact class? What happens when I print it out is it only prints out the last input of name and phone number and not the entire collection of names and phone numbers. How do I print out the contents of ArrayList?

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Where Are All Keywords Like Final And This Stored In Java

Jan 23, 2014

Which package or class i can find all the predefined keywords in java like "this" etc...

actually i want to know if this operator is itself final in nature or not from its syntax?

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