JRE :: Deployment Rule Set Seems To Be Ignored For Particular App

Nov 19, 2014

I have implemented a deployment rule set for our JRE enterprise deployments and it is working fine. We are currently deploying JRE version 1.8.0_25. I have stumbled upon a Java App (a webcam) on an internet site that I cannot get to run with the deployment rule set.
The rule set works with other java apps, but it’s as though it is ignored for this one. The rule set section in the ruleset.xml with the intention of allowing the webcam to work is as follows:

    <id location="IP Address of I assume the webcam, address specified in error when launching app" />
    <action permission="run" />
    <id location="URL of website hosting the webcam" />
    <action permission="run" />
I pulled it out of the deployment rule set and added it to the exception list without any luck getting it to work that way. How I can get this app to work with my Deployment Rule Set?

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JRE :: How To Create Proper Deployment Rule Set

Dec 2, 2014

I have a signed certificate from Entrust which I used to sign a DeploymentRuleSet.xml file.  I placed the DeploymentRuleSet.jar in the proper location C:WindowsSunJavaDeployment, afterward the java control panel's security tab shows a link to "show the active deployment rule set" which did not exist prior to coping the file to the directory.  When I click on the link a new window opens and says "Rule Set not found" ....

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Password Rule Using Wrapper Class

Oct 26, 2014

I have to use wrapper class for this assignment. I need to know if my code is more like object oriented or not and am I using the wrapper class properly here? Let me know if I can make this code better.

I also need to know if I can mask this password input (STRING) using NetBeans/Eclipse IDE?

Password rule is as followed : Length of Password 8-12, with no special characters, including minimum one uppercase letter, and only one numeric value.

Java Code:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Assignment1
private static String password=null;
private static void password_input()

[Code] .....

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Trapezoidal Rule - Numerical Methods

Dec 2, 2014

I tried running the code for trapezoidal rule. It's my project in Numerical Methods, here's the code:

static double trapezoidRule (int size, double[] x, double[] y)
{ double sum = 0.0,
for ( int k = 1; k < size; k++ )
{//Trapezoid rule: 1/2 h * (f0 + f1)
increment = 0.5 * (x[k]-x[k-1]) * (y[k]+y[k-1]);
sum += increment;

[Code] ....

It cannot be compiled and I always get FileNotFoundException. I found on Javadocs that this will be thrown when a file with the pathname does not exist.

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EJB / EE :: Client App Deployment Error

Jan 29, 2015

I am trying to deploy a really simple EJB app-client jar to glassfish but keep seeing the following error in regard to my jar file:

The following extensions or libraries are referenced from the manifest of


but were not found where indicated:

libRemoteInterfaces-1.0.jar libjavaee-api-7.0.jar ;

ignoring and continuing. My jar is set up as follows:

Client-1.0.jar ->

[Code] ....

I've tried to indent the jar contents correctly but not sure how to do it!

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Classpath With Ant Deployment Not Working

Sep 6, 2013

I am having an issue that I cannot seem to resolve with Ant deployments and my Classpath.
I have a module that is needed to run with Open Wonderland but for some reason when I run this particular module deployment it doesn't recognize part of the classpath.
On my server I have a class called JadeRunner.class and it is included in my classpath.  I can verify but running the following code:

public class testClassPath{
     public static void main(String args[]){
          String classArg = args[0];
             Class testClass = Class.forName(classArg);
          }catch(ClassNotFoundException e){

I just enter the name of the class as an argument and if I get no errors that it can find the class.  This works if I enter it directly from the command line.  However with my ant deployment I get a ClassNotFoundException for this class.
I run my ant deployment as root but I use the -E switch so it picks up my environment variables.  The ant deployment finds all my other environment variables except this one. 

I have some sample outputs:

$ java testClassPath org.jdesktop.wonderland.modules.mas.jade.weblib.JadeRunner  (this give no output, so it finds the class)
$ sudo -E java testClassPath org.jdesktop.wonderland.modules.mas.jade.weblib.JadeRunner  (again no output, so it finds the class)
$ sudo -E ant deploy

This gives ClassNotFoundException: org.jdesktop.wonderland.modules.mas.jade.weblib.JadeRunner

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Upcasting And Downcasting Rule For Object And Generics?

Dec 15, 2014

is the Java upcating and downcasting rules are same for general object type or generics types?

1) Dog dog = new Animal();

Type mismatch can't covert Dog to Animal - complie time error

2) Animal animal = new Animal();
Dog dog = (Dog) animal;

java.lang.ClassCastException: Animal cannot be cast to Dog at runtime.

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Checking Password Rule Using Wrapper Class

Oct 26, 2014

I have to use wrapper class for this assignment. I need to know if my code is more like object oriented or not and am I using the wrapper class properly here? Let me know if I can make this code better.

I also need to know if I can mask this password input (STRING) using NetBeans/Eclipse IDE?

Password rule is as followed : Length of Password 8-12, with no special characters, including minimum one uppercase letter, and only one numeric value.

Here is the code :

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Assignment1
private static String password=null;
private static void password_input() {
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
password = input.nextLine();

[Code] .....

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Check Password Rule Using Wrapper Class

Oct 26, 2014

I have to use wrapper class for this assignment. I need to know if my code is more like object oriented or not and am I using the wrapper class properly here? Let me know if I can make this code better.

I also need to know if I can mask this password input (STRING) using NetBeans/Eclipse IDE? I did search, but I found the console method.

Password rule is as followed : Length of Password 8-12, with no special characters, including minimum one uppercase letter, and only one numeric value.

Here is the code :

import java.util.*;
import java.lang.String;
import java.lang.Character;

public class CheckingPassword {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("Please enter a Password: ");
String password = input.next();

[Code] .....

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Check Password Rule Using Wrapper Class

Oct 26, 2014

I have to use wrapper class for this assignment. I need to know if my code is more like object oriented or not and am I using the wrapper class properly here? Let me know if I can make this code better.

I also need to know if I can mask this password input (STRING) using NetBeans/Eclipse IDE?

Password rule is as followed : Length of Password 8-12, with no special characters, including minimum one uppercase letter, and only one numeric value.

Here is the code :

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Assignment1
private static String password=null;
private static void password_input()

[Code] ....

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Create Password Rule - Valid / Invalid

Oct 31, 2014

Make a password rule, and take input of the password from the user and compare the password with your rule, if the user had entered valid password then print the message, password valid, else the password is invalid for (the whatever) reason.

-Length 8-12
-Should have one numeric character
-No Special Character
-Atleast one UPPERCASE letter

PHP Code:

import java.util.*;
import java.lang.String;
import java.lang.Character;
public class PasswordSpence {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("Please enter a Password: ");
String password = input.next();
if (isValid(password)) {

[Code] ....

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Deployment Descriptor For Java Project

Dec 14, 2014

How can we create deployment descriptor for the java projects.

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JRE :: How To Read Deployment Config Properties

Mar 4, 2015

How do I get java to tell me what it thinks the current deployment configuration properties are? I'm aware of Deployment Configuration File and Properties and see it tells me what the values are,  how to set them, etc.  But what I want is a way to run java and have it cough up what it's currently using.  Something like 'java -display-config-properties' and have it spit out all current values it's using.

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Using Parameterized Constructor In Servlet - What Happens In Deployment Time

May 2, 2014

If i used parameterized constructor in servlet what happens in deployment time?

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Java Servlet :: EAR Deployment File Security

Jul 10, 2012

I have been trying to find all day long a way to secure my .ear file from modifications made by third parties... My product is packaged as an .ear file which i send for deployment to other administrators. What i am looking for is a way to "sign" my version of .ear versus the deployed version of .ear to be sure that no modification has been made to my code...

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Delete String From Text File Fails On Deployment

Apr 14, 2014

This is the code that i have used to delete particular String from text file. It works absolutely fine on eclipse and netbeans.. But on deployment(in tomcat) it fails to delete message/rename or delete original file even though all permissions for modifying the files in the folder has been given to all users.

This is my code:

package com.pro.model;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;

[Code] ....

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Servlets :: Quiz - Match Request URL To Correct URL Pattern In Deployment Descriptor

May 28, 2014

How to map a request URL to a url pattern in deployment descriptor. I got all the answers right, but I am not sure if the thought process is correct.


[Code] .....

1) [URL] ....
Container choice: DeployTestOne (matched the *.do extension pattern)

Exact match check: Is there a URL pattern in DD which is exactly = /MapTest/blue.do ? NO.
Directory match check: Is there any URL pattern in DD for directory /MapTest ? NO.
Extension match: Is there a pattern in DD for files with extension .do ? Yes !
Select DeployTestOne !

Question - When doing an Exact match check, does the container look for blue.do in DD or does it look for /MapTest/blue.do ?

2) [URL] ....
Container choice: DeployTestThree (matched the /fooStuff/* directory pattern)

Exact match check: Is there a URL pattern in DD which is exactly = /MapTest/fooStuff/bar/blue.do ? NO.
Directory match check: Is there any URL pattern in DD for directory /MapTest/fooStuff/bar ? Yes !
Go for the url pattern for longest pat, that is, /fooStuff/*

Question - When doing the directory match check, does the Container look for /MapTest/fooStuff/bar/ or just /fooStuff/bar ?

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