JRE :: Windows 7 SSVAgent Prompts For Credentials

Nov 25, 2014

After installing jre 1.7update 51 on a system where a restricted user is logged on I'm getting constant prompts in IE10 from ssvagent.exe -old - high.
I have found that disabling the IE addon SSV Helper  solves this issue but it's unclear why this issue comes in the first place. A bug in jre or something else?
I have googled and the only solution that I have found is just disabling the addon manually or disabling it through gpo's
Disabling the addon is probably not the real fix but just a workaround.
I am afraid that this problem can come back again after updating IE in the future or if the addon will get active.

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Skipping Further Prompts When Certain Conditions Are Met

May 1, 2014

Is there any way to skip the 2nd and 3rd questions in this instance if I input "exit" or make an error in the 1st input. Essentially skip over the "enter 1st number / enter second number" prompts and go straight to the switch statement? In the case of "exit" exit the program immediately without the prompts. If an error, loop around to the beginning without the further prompts.

import java.util.Scanenr;
public class Meddle {
public static void main (String args []) {
double n1,n2,answer;
Boolean check = true;


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Program Prompts For A Line Of Text

Jun 2, 2014

Write a program that reads in a line of text and then outputs that line of text first in all uppercase letters and then in all lowercase letters.

INPUT and PROMPTS. The program prompts for a line of text as follows: "Enter the text: " and then reads in an entire line of text as a String .

OUTPUT . There are four lines of output . The first line is "The text in all upper case is: ". The second line is the line that was read in, displayed in all uppercase. The third line is "The text in all lower case is: " and the fourth line is the original line that was read in, displayed in all lowercase.

CLASS NAMES. Your program class should be called ShoutAndWhisper.

[import java.util.Scanner;
public class ShoutAndWhisper
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner scannerObject = new Scanner(System.in);


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ProductCatalog That Prompts User To Enter Number Of Products

Feb 11, 2015

Write a program called ProductCatalog that prompts the user to enter the number of products in the product catalog. The program should then prompt the user for the name and the price of each product in the product catalog. Once all of the products have been entered, the program should output the product information (name and price) of the most expensive product in the catalog. Your solution must use a for loop repetition structure and should use the Product class included in labfiles05.zip to keep track of the product with the highest price. Here is sample output:

Enter the number of products: 3
Enter the name of product 1: iPod
Enter the price of product 1: 158.99Enter the name of product 2: iPad
Enter the price of product 2: 518.99
Enter the name of product 3: iPadMini
Enter the price of product 3: 304.49
Most Expensive: Product [name=iPad, price=518.99]

Your solution should not use an array to keep track of all the product information entered.

I am having trouble with my code, with the For loop and then calling the methods from the Product class into the ProductCatalog. How should I approach this program.

Here is the Product program.

public class Product
private String name;
private double price;
public Product(String theName, double thePrice) {
name = theName;
price = thePrice;


Here is the ProductCatalog class where I call the methods from Product class. The For loop is what I am having trouble with as well.
import java.util.Scanner;
public class ProductCatalog
public static void main(String[] args) {
double number;
String product = " ";
double productCount = 0;


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Application That Prompts User To Enter Personal Details

Feb 18, 2014

Create a Java application that prompts the user to enter their personal details: First name, last name, gender, address, suburb, postcode, and phone number. Then the program displays all of your personal details to the screen as illustrated. Name the file PersonDetails.jav

package exe
import java.util.*;
public class Review2 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("Enter your full name: ");
String name = scanner.next();


If you cant tell straight away how i have stuffed up, what is happening is this;

When i am promoted to enter my name, 'John Smith'. The word 'John' would be stored in the name variable, while 'Smith' is stored under gender, so the next prompt is then 'Whats your address?'

So its only assigning one word per variable, now as far i understand, a string should not work that way. So where is my mistake?

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Write A Program Which Prompts User To Enter 4 Grades Between 0 And 100

Sep 2, 2014

I'm using Jgrasp and my prompt is asking me to write a program where the program prompts the user to enter 4 grades between 0 and 100. And you have to display the grades, and the program has to calculate the minimum grade, the maximum grade and the average.I'm just having problems with the max?

// Import Java Scanner.
import java.util.Scanner;
// Name Class.
public class Practice_4_1


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Write A Program That Prompts User For 3 Double Numbers

Feb 15, 2015

So i need to write a program that prompts the user for 3 double numbers x, y, z that outputs 2x^3 + 3y^5 + 3x^3y^2 +xyz with

(1) 4 digits precision
(2) with a ',' to separate thousands
(3) all digits of the result including the precision are put to 20 positions (from right to left)

I am not really sure what it is suppose to look like or how to start it.how to mix Math.pow with multivariable and printf.

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Code That Prompts For And Reads In The Number Of Coins In One Of The Piles

Oct 26, 2014

I'm very new to writing code (college freshman) and I need a code that prompts for and reads in the number of coins in one of the piles, as well as a String containing a single letter to indicate the type of coin in that pile: "P" for pennies, "N" for nickels, "D" for dimes, and "Q" for quarters. The program then computes the value of that pile of coins and prints it out. Here's what I have so far:

import java.util.Scanner;
This program reads a student's final class average,
and prints out the appropriate letter grade..
public class Coins
public static void main(String[] args)
// Define constants


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Program That Prompts The User To Enter Loan Amount And Years

Oct 21, 2014

so I had to make a program that prompts the user to enter a loan amount and the years for the loan and I have the conversions and everything my only issue is that when the chart pops up it just looks like a bunch of numbers and its missing the column headers

for example

Interest Rate Monthly Payment Total Payment

import java.util.Scanner; 
public class InterestRate { 
public static void main(String[] args) { 
double monthlypayment = 0; 
double totalpayment = 0; 
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("Enter Loan Amount");


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Write A Program That Prompts User To Enter Two Positive Integers And Prints Their Sum

Jan 9, 2015

Write a program (TwoIntegers.java) that prompts the user to enter two positive integers and prints their sum (by addition), product (by multiplication), difference (by subtraction), quotient (by division), and remainder (by modulation). When the user enters 5 and 3, the output from your program should look exactly like the following:

Enter two positive integers: 5 3
The sum is 8.
The product is 15.
The difference is 2.
The quotient is 1.
The remainder is 2.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class TwoIntegers {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Enter two positive integers: ");
Scanner userInput = new Scanner("System.in");
int integer1 = userInput.nextInt();
int integer2 = userInput.nextInt();


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Install Java From Command Prompt With Parameters To Disable These Prompts From Occurring

Dec 23, 2014

We are using Kronos and when our staff trys to run reports -- they get three java prompts.The first one is asking if they would like to update java.The second one is do you want to run this application.The third one is allow access to the following application from this website

We are in a non persistent VDI environment so these prompts come up over and over and over.how to edit the Windows 7 image to disable all three of these prompts.Is there a way to install java from the command prompt with the parameters to disable these prompts from ocurring? if so i will uninstall and re-install with those prompts.

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Prompts User To Enter 5 Test Scores And Their Names - Calculate And Display Average

Sep 24, 2014

Using Bluejay. Need code that prompts user to enter 5 test scores and their names. Calculate the average and display.

First initial and last name , 5 test scores, and average

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Java Program That Randomly Generates Five-digit Lottery Number And Prompts User For Input

Sep 25, 2014

Write a Java program that randomly generates a five-digit lottery number and prompts the user to enter a five-digit number. Each digit in the number is in the range between 0~9. The program should determine which prize the user wins according to the following rule:

• The user wins the first prize if the user input matches all five digits in the lottery number in exact order.
• The user wins the second prize if the user input matches any four digits in the lottery number in exact positions.
• The user wins the third prize if the user input matches any three digits in the lottery number in its exact position.
• The user wins the fourth prize if the user input matches any two digits in the lottery number in its exact position.
• The user wins the fifth prize if the user input matches any one digit in the lottery number in its exact position.

and here is my code. I cant get it to print the right statements.

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Random;
class Hw5 {
static int getPrize(int g1, int g2, int g3, int g4, int g5,
int u1, int u2, int u3, int u4, int u5) {
//code for determining the prize comparing (g1, g2, g3, g4, g5) to (u1, u2, u3, u4, u5)
if (u1 == g1 && u2 == g2 && u3 == g3 && u4 == g4 && u5 == g5)


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Write A Program That Prompts User To Enter A Password And Displays Valid Password

Dec 3, 2014

My homework is asking me to write a program that prompts the user to enter a password and displays "valid password" if the rule is followed or "invalid password"

enter a string for password: wewewx
valid password

It's being graded on
Design of my GUI
Dialog box
User friendliness

My current issues with the current code I have written is simply the password doesn't work unless it starts with 2 digits, the other order it displays as wrong. and I have no idea how to add a GUI.

import java.util.*;
import java.lang.String;
import java.lang.Character;


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Create Program That Prompts Input And Creates File With That Input As Name

Jul 14, 2014

So I was going to try to create a program that prompts input and creates a file (That didn't exist before) with that input as name.Then, the program prompts inputs after stating questions such as 1 + 1, then if the user inputs an answer, put "Question # = Correct "or" Wrong.Code SO Far:

Java Code:

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
public class File_Read {
public File_Read() {//File_Read is the Interactive object


So that it puts the Correct or Wrong into the file.

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Unix Commands From Windows

Feb 13, 2014

I'm using windows.. and our server is UNIX.. I knew that it's possible to create DOS commands in java programs, I have tried it already..

What I want to know is, is it possible to create a java program (from windows) that can execute UNIX command?

Something like: I have a java program in my windows, and it will create a directory in UNIX server /home/dir..

Based on my research, I can connect to our server in command prompt of my windows using ftp <domain> but the commands there is limited.

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Can't Find Java JDK 32-Bit Windows 7

Dec 4, 2014

Im looking for the Java JDK 32-Bit for Windows 7, all i can find is 64Bit.

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Dialog Is Not Disposed On Windows 8

May 13, 2014

i am using a frame over which i am loading a dialog. The singleton dialog holds a progress bar. I have created my own swing worker. i am controlling the construct method of swing worker(which functions like doInBackground method).I am trying to call hidedialog from an external file. The dialog gets stuck sometimes. How do i solve it . It works fine on win7 but fails on win8.

public class LoadingProgressDialogSingleton extends com.manu.scpoweb.common.ds.client.swing.dialog.Dia log {
protected static LoadingProgressDialogSingleton oneAndOnlyProgressDialog = null;
JProgressBar progressBar = null;
DFULoadStatusBean dfuLoadStatusBean = null;


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Class Path With Windows 7

May 28, 2010

I've just got a new computer and i tried to set the class path the way i did with windows xp but it's not working. This is what i have done. I added a Path variable to user variables and added C: Program Files (x86)Javajdk1.6.0_20/bin as the variable value. But when i got to command prompt and type javac HelloWorld.java it just tells me javac is not recognised as an internal or external command.

Also another problem is after trying this and it not working i tried to add a path to the system variables. I added a new path variable but i think once i did that it deleted the one that was already there. Is that going to mess up my computer? What the default path variable for windows 7 is?i've got the right destination as i typed cd to change directory and when i typed C: Program Files (x86)Javajdk1.6.0_20/bin it changed to that. And i noticed if i typed in the destination wrong its just made an error.

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Cannot Reinstall Java On Windows XP

Nov 17, 2014

Cannot reinstall java on this windows xp. Get an error -1 and install didn't complete. There are no java versions installed and apparently no java control panel either.

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Two Windows Are Being Made Of Game

Jan 19, 2014

I have a game which is very simple: it is two images, and one needs to reach the other. Once it does, it resets. I have a class which holds the two images, and another which holds the game. My images class extends my game class. The problem I am having is that when I run the program, not one, but two frames appear. One is the perfect game, working perfectly, and the other is the game without images. I want the one that is the game without images to simply stop appearing. I believe it is appearing because my class that displays the image is extending the game class, but I can't not extend it because if I do I get a whole lot of bugs and errors.

Image class:
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import javax.swing.*;


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JSP :: Windows Schedule Task Dashboard

Jun 5, 2014

I want to create a Web page which can monitor and display the status of Schedule Tasks setup on different remote machine. This Dashboard should also has the capability to re-run the schedule task.

I know that I can achieve this via Runtime class by running schtasks /Query and get all the details. But I just wanted to know if we have any other better way to do this.

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Copy Target Of Link In Windows

Dec 8, 2014

How to copy the target of a link? I am using Apache's FileUtils class. I have tried the following and it only copies the link, not the target:

import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
import java.io.File;
public class Copier {
public static void main(String[] args) {
File sourceFile = new File("C:/Demo/sourceDir/a_link.lnk");
File destinationDirectory = new File("C:/Demo/destinationDirectory");
FileUtils.copyFileToDirectory(sourceFile, destinationDirectory);

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Untrackable Windows With Browser Plugin

May 5, 2015

I manage a small company through our bank's online system, that uses java, but I can't access it through any browser , they all give the same issue; after I choose the certificate file on my PC, nothing happens.

If i dual boot Ubuntu on my PC it works, so it's clearly something with the Windows installation.

Things tried :

- Reinstall Java, multiple times
- Clean anything Java and Oracle related in my PC (except registry, I don't know how to fuzz with that)
- Different browsers

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Editing Hosts File In Windows

Apr 11, 2014

Is it possible to edit hosts file in java program? I tried it but I'm getting "AccessDeniedException". I need to have permissions for it, but can i somehow set the permissions in java program for current user?

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Jar Files Not Executing / Running Under Windows 8.1

Dec 14, 2014

I've just installed the last Java kit JDK plus netbeans and I've done my first project in Java. It is running perfect from command line<but is is difficult to execute each time from there my tests> but I couldn't run the jar file from windows with double click he jar file even I've spent 3 hour on google to find different methods (registry modifying, control panel/program running in windows, a patch file etc, ) ....

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